2016 EDA Meeting MinutesMinutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Annual Meeting January 5, 2016 President Peak called the annual organizational meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 6:52 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, Executive Director; John Sutter, Deputy Executive Director; and Mike Norton, City Attorney. The EDA considered officers for 2016. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Adams) to approve the following slate of officers for 2016: President: Casey Peak Vice President: Olga Parsons Secretary: Elizabeth Dahl Treasurer: Jeff Kolb Motion carried. President Peak requested EDA consideration of the 2016 meeting calendar as presented. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Parsons) to approve the 2016 meeting calendar as presented. Motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Deshler) to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2015, Special Meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Dahl) to adjourn the annual meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. ATTEST: ns, ice President Casey Peak, President Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting February 29, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 6:45 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Kim Therres, Acting Executive Director; Dan Olson, City Planner; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Kolb) to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2016 annual organizational meeting. Motion carried. Dan Olson presented a proposal from Novak -Fleck to purchase the lot at 3533 Lee Avenue North and build a new house. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Parsons) to tentatively accept the proposal from Novak -Fleck for 3533 Lee Avenue North. Motion carried. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Dahl) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Casey Peak, President, ATTEST: ga Pars Vice President Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Special Meeting March 15, 2016 President Peak called the special meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 7:31 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: John Sutter, Acting Executive Director; Gail Petschl, Acting City Clerk; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Adams) to approve the minutes of the February 29, 2016 regular meeting. Motion carried. The EDA held a public hearing to consider a resolution authorizing the sale of a lot at 3533 Lee Avenue North to Novak -Fleck for new house construction. Mr. Sutter presented the staff report. President Peak opened the public hearing. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Parsons) to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of 3533 Lee Avenue North to Novak -Fleck for new house construction. Motion carried. Other Business: Mr. Sutter discussed the status of the former Thriftway property at 5717 West Broadway. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Deshler) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Casey , President A Z Z/ lga Par , Viceresident Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development` Authority Regular Meeting May 3, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 6:45 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, Executive Director; Dan Olson, City Planner; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Adams) to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2016 special meeting and work session. Motion carried. Dan Olson presented a proposal from Yorway Custom Home Builders to purchase the lot at 4901 Vera Cruz Avenue North and build a new house. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Adams) to tentatively accept the proposal from Yorway Custom Home Builders for 4901 Vera Cruz Avenue North. Motion carried. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Dahl) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Peak, President ATTEST: O ons, Vice ent Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Special Meeting May 17, 2016 President Peak called the special meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 7:53 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Dan Olson, City Planner; Anne Norris, EDA Executive Director; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Dahl (Deshler) to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2016 regular meeting. Motion carried. The EDA considered a proposal to construct a new home at 3122 Douglas Drive from Tollberg Homes. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Kolb) to tentatively accept the proposal and authorize execution of an option agreement with Tollberg Homes for construction of a new home at 3122 Douglas Drive. Motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Dahl (Deshler) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Minutes of the CrystalEconomic Development Authority Regular Meeting June 7, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 6:50 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Kim Therres, Assistant City Manager; John Sutter, Community Development Director; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Parsons) to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2016 special meeting. Motion carried. The EDA held a public hearing to consider a resolution authorizing the sale of a lot at 4901 Vera Cruz Avenue North to Yorway Custom Home Builders for new house construction. Mr. Sutter presented the staff report and answered questions from the board. President Peak opened the public hearing. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Kolb) to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of 4901 Vera Cruz Avenue North to Yorway Custom Home Builders for new house construction. Motion carried. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Dahl) to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m. ATTEST Olga Parsons,is President Motion carried. Minutes of the r. . Special MeetingJune21, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 7:52 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, City Manager; John Sutter, Community Development Director; Dan Olson, City Planner; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Parsons) to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2016 regular meeting. Motion carried. The EDA held a public hearing to consider a resolution authorizing the sale of a lot at 3122 Douglas Drive North to Tollberg Homes. Mr. Olson presented the staff report. President Peak opened the public hearing. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Deshler) to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of 3122 Douglas Drive North to Tollberg Homes. Motion carried. The EDA considered tentative' acceptance of a proposal from Timbercraft Enterprises for the lot at 4331 Vera Cruz Avenue North. l Ir. Olson presented the staff report. Peter Merlowski of Timbercraft Enterprises appeared before the board. Mr Olson and Mr. Sutter answered questions from the board. Motion by Commissioner rolb (Parsons) to tentatively accept the proposal from Timbercraft Enterprises for the lot at 4331 Vera Cruz Avenue North without the staff recommendation regarding the side entrance but directing staff to contact the adjacent homeowner and communicate their preference to the builder regarding same. Motion carried. Under Other Business, Mr. Sutter answered questions from the board regarding the status of the former Thriftway building at 5717 West Broadway and the potential to move EDA properties to market. Potential blighted property acquisitions will be discussed at a future work session. Motion by Commissioner Dahl (Parsons) to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ATTEST: Olga rsons, Vice President Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting July 19, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 6:46 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, Executive Director; Dan Olson, Planner; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Parsons) to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2016 special meeting. Motion carried. The EDA held a public hearing to consider a resolution authorizing the sale of a lot at 4331 Vera Cruz Avenue North to Timbercraft Enterprises for new house construction. Mr. Olson presented the staff report and answered questions from the board. President Peak opened the public hearing. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Kolb) to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of 4331 Vera Cruz Avenue North to Timbercraft Enterprises for new house construction. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Dahl) to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Motion carried. Motion carried. Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting September 6, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 6:45 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, Executive Director; John Sutter, Deputy Executive Director; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Dahl) to approve the minutes of the July 19, 2016 regular meeting. Motion carried. The EDA considered a resolution adopting a proposed HRA tax levy for 2017. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Kolb) to adopt a resolution adopting a proposed HRA tax levy for 2017 in the amount of $277,200. Motion carried. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Dahl) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Cas y eak, Presi ATTEST: Minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting October 5, 2016 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 7:53 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Laura Libby, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, Executive Director; John Sutter, Deputy Executive Director; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Kolb) to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2016 regular meeting. Motion carried. The EDA considered a resolution authorizing acquisition of the vacant, foreclosed house at 5442 Orchard Avenue North. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Deshler) to adopt a resolution authorizing acquisition of 5442 Orchard Avenue North for $50,000. Motion carried. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Dahl (Deshler) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. Casey Peak, ent Minutes of Regular Meeting December J' 6 President Peak called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority to order at 8:56 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following members were present: Jim Adams, Elizabeth Dahl, Julie Deshler, Jeff Kolb, Olga Parsons and Casey Peak. The following staff members were present: Anne Norris, Executive Director; John Sutter, Deputy Executive Director; Dan Olson, City Planner; and Troy Gilchrist, City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Deshler) to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2016 regular meeting. Motion carried. The EDA considered an option agreement with Joe Meyer Homes for a lot at 4724 Lakeland Avenue North. Motion by Commissioner Kolb (Dahl) to authorize an option agreement with Joe Meyer Homes for a lot at 4724 Lakeland Avenue North. Motion carried. The EDA considered an option agreement with Tollberg Homes for a lot at 5924 Elmhurst Avenue North. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Parsons) to authorize an option agreement with Tollberg Homes for a lot at 5924 Elmhurst Avenue North. Motion carried. The EDA considered a resolution authorizing acquisition of tax forfeited property at 5751 West Broadway. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Dahl) to adopt a resolution authorizing acquisition of tax forfeited property at 5751 West Broadway. Motion carried. The EDA considered a contract for the Home Improvement Incentive Rebate program in 2017. Motion by Commissioner Deshler (Adams) to authorize a contract for the Home Improvement Incentive Rebate program in 2017. Motion carried. Page 1 of 2 The EDA considered a contract for Housing Resource Center services in 2017. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Deshler) to authorize a contract for Housing Resource Center services in 2017. Motion carried. The EDA considered a resolution decertifying a TIF district at 5500 Lakeland Avenue North. Motion by Commissioner Parsons (Dahl) to adopt a resolution decertifying a TIF district at 5500 Lakeland Avenue North. Motion carried. In other business, there was discussion of the status of the EDA's scattered site lots, planned 2017 EDA projects and potential new areas of EDA focus in the future. Commissioners expressed their thanks to President Peak for his service on the board. There was no other business. Motion by Commissioner Adams (Dahl) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Casey Peak, President ATTEST: Page 2 of 2