WWNTKA3WINNETKA TERRACE THIRD ADDITION Po in f 4A,Z.77 rte/ Wks -i of A- NE car. 0/ Y5!6, S'z A¢ O Al /�r7e of.j% of Tec /9 T//B, .22/ Sec. /9, Tl,� N O S 8905/'4.O"f�Y 307. 9.7 O 0 .� � 32 ND AVE. N 0. S' 1!-"e Yves t 20.97, O 0 East 3 /2.00 i S /�i7e o/ NE! 01'J-e'r ofSec /9, 7'"//8,,eZ/ �h wesf-k' "- /Z. 049 ic) c -114 � Qj HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE I INCH = 100 FEET Know Q/l men by these presents : 7-hvl Norlhera Bui/d%ny Co., .� �liirrresatir Corpvraxtrar� Fee 0WJ7Vrr , arrrd=,lien' Fru/7.Er/in Savinys acrd ,Goarrrr Assnk� q Mii�nesol`Q Corporolio/% Morlgagees of the fo/%wiry described pro�oerfy situated ire the State oT /�!/rrnesola and County of Henrrep�n to 00177177er7c1/7y of 4 po%at 017 the Sou/h /%rye of the Northeast Qu4rler tlNg //4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE%4) of Section Nineteen(19) Township 017e Hai7dred Eiyhleea (//8), f2gnge Twenty 0/7e (Z/) distant Four h1ur7drsd Eiyhly- five (485. oo> fee/ west of the 6vxI /she of Section /9, Townsh%* 114 .PQn9e 2l - thence North 4 dist4ace of 0/7e Hundred 7'hl�-ty (470.00) feet- (hence o distance of Sixty -sir aao' ,"IZly-nine l7rse Hundred/hs (G6,s9) feet; thence N Z °.90'5'6" W a disfo•rrce of Three Hal7dred Eight a/lo' Two One 11aadred1hs (308, 02) feel; (hence /f/ / 030 'W Q d%slQace of Three Hundred Seventy-sever7 a ad Forty-three One Huadredfhs (-37743) feet; thence West a d1s1417ce of Twi e/ve (12.00) feel; thence N ,Z'/O' W a dislaace of One Hundred Fiftyy-five (/.S'S: oo� feet ; thence N /9 �,Z6' E :7 o'isfQnce seven and Fifty-e%9hl One Hundredths (67, -4-g) feel; /hence N -V 11 -T'34 -e a di.s•lance of Two #u/7a1,-eo( Four 4,11o,of Sixty- Eighly- se vea One Hun dr-&d1h-r (Z04.87) feet ; thence N 0 0 08',20"W a disloace of Thirty (30.00) feet to the Alarlh bae Of the South h'a/f (S1/2) of Section /911 Townshio //B, �Paaye2/, which poir7l is Four Ha17a'i-ed Forhy-te.✓o and seventy -sever One Hundredths (44Z.. 77) feet k/est of the Northeast corner of the Soufheas•t Quarter- (SE 14) of said Sect1017 /9; thence S B9' -5-1'40" W a distance of Three Hundred Severn orad /V/rrely-Three Dae /1a/70(/-edlhs (I30793) feel 71or7y so.s /Yotlh line of the Sorsl/r H4/f (S Vz) of Section /9 Township //8, Ranye 2/; thence South a dislol7ce of One Hundred Forty- fine (/4✓:OoJ feet; thence S 89 'S/'40"G✓ a alis/once of Tn </O, OO� dee% thence Soellh a dis�Qace of One Hundred /-"111ee,7 (1/X.00) feel; thence S20000'W a alisto17ce of s:xfy--three 4,17d Sigh/y-five One Hurfdredths (63.8j') feet; thence Soulh a distance of Oae Hundred Fifty 11.0-e 00) fear`; thence S 7' .72' E Q d1.rtorre-e of One Hundred Fifty -TWO (1.-2,00) feet; thence South a distance of Four //vrrdred Three alyd 5everrtee/7 0/7e f/ur7a'1--so/ths (403. /7) feel; lherrce Wesl a dis'fa//ce of Twenty Qad Ninety -sever 0/7e f/u/7dredlh-r ('20.9V feel'; thence South a di;slarrce of Three Hundred Three (30.700) feel fo the south /rice of the Northeasl aaarle'r (NE %4) 0'A' /iie ,S94,14- easl Quarter (5-EV4) of Section /9, Towa rh/;o //8, ear7ye ,el; lhe�rce Easl Q/orry-rro•/o' foalh /lire of.foid /Yer i- egsl Quarter rN.6 vd) of ffic •-a4eIhe4.rf Quarter SSE %W a distance o� Three yur,dred Twelve (3/,Z,Oo) feel` to the poinr` of bey117,71n For purposes of j6his descrivfiorr (tie Souf/r /iiie orrthe Norl,ieosf Quorfer f/YF the Soulhegrl! QUQ/- Yen- (SE S of Section 19, Township MY, /2a17ye ,Z/ is asrc//rreo( to be oa Eas't-West />ne, Have caused the sane to he surveyed a,7d ,olalteolos WEST WIN/VET-KA 7TERR,4cE 7WI e..D 9DD/T101v and do hereby donate orrd dedicale fo the ,041b/ic {or Pub/ic v.re forever- the Avenues 7.r shown on the aang,reorp/of A/so subyecl /a utility and dr,747age eos•errrenls ax Showa oa the annexed �o/of for- use of rnu17ici 00%'fy o/- ofher-,oah/rc ali/ifies for 1nj-lalla7lOV7 and main/enQrrce of foci/lies in Ond ave.--- svid easements to serve addacBrf o/- offler ,0re/n1ses 1i7 the vicinity. In witness whereof /{/orfhero Bui/dirr,9 Co. acrd Bern /crony'//n fBder�a/ 5winys 4 Loon Ass -have causeq� 1`hese,vreseirfs to be s%yrred by fireir,oro/oer officers Q�d �freir COrPOr4fe .te4/s fo be herB��1`o - i _.,. ,427 In 'arereace of: /l/orlhArn !dui/d/ir9 G'o. des Ben )' nvhk/in )'iedera / Sov.,iifr 71ra' .LoerAua 1 I c r (C4 % Sec' S/,vf e of til nnesof4 SS i Comfy of �h'ealrep��} Orr AD /-9s'G, 'beA+ re /ne, v lila tory Puts/%c W-' fWIn a/70' for said Co 4✓/rty an0( Sfatfe, persoir4//y appeared C. q,7d A/f>erl 14/ Lewis, who e q ch being du/y sworn d�o'.rac� final they ore r-es- �ec li ve/y /he Pre sio�er�f 4'4,d .S'e cr efor-y of Norfher/r Bu i/a�i/�y Co, c7 /Yliirnesolo Cor�oorofio/�, fh e Co o -Ror4 1/o17 panned in the foreyoi/r,9 iarlrurnenf anal the Seo/ affi,red to (fie sa/rre /17slf-ulne-71 %r the coroorafe seq/ o/ sa%d coroorofion and that said irtsfi-umeat Alas si 1700'7170' sev/ed /h beho/f of s4,�o� C01,0401'17141;017 by 4uthori•ty of itS board of directors; and sgid Pre�sio4ers�o•/7d said Secrelory oc*&a v/edged Jaid /hrfia/nent to be,�hefree sect Orld O/eed Of s01d CD/'�oDr4f%O/7. l N4914ry Pub/ic, Henrrepii/ County, M�i7nesalo ---My 'CDlJ7/ri/ SS%O/7 efiP%res RONALD H. SWANSO ty Ml»� ,3't494e of Minnesota / SS J c My Commission Expir*s April 1E, 1963. County of �2amse Jj , On this '' doy IPA �' A. D. /.9S4, before we, 4 ,Notary P&.61/C with -1r/ and for -raid County Rad S/ate, ,,.: �oersono//y o�peored Qrd Coar soMe gr7o' K. 6. Gran f who each being du/y .rsvorr,► dlo' spry that they ore rex oecl- ive/y the President Qrrd .Secrefoi-y of A5 e& Froak1ln Fedelwl 1amys orad .Loon Assn., o Onif�SlatesCorooration, the CorPora'l%on /74,med /;7 the fore9oi�y insfrgment and the sea/ affireod to the some /i7strurnen4 is the co.-po/-ate sea/ of so/d Corooratior/ 7,7o' 1hf1 -gid insfrurrrent was si y/7eo' Rad Seo/ed in behalf of sg%d Corooraljoa ay aulhority of ifs board of directors; anal said ('res%deo/ crud spial Secretor oc/lnow/edged sa•/d instr�✓menl fo be the free acl 0,17470' of _sono' Cor�ooratior�. - , = i t�lot�ry P;;blic, t�.;�tse} Co�r,ty, Mi ��- No�c✓ry Public, �u�sB,yCounty, Miirnesota' -- My Cominissian expires I hereby certify 1h41 I have surveyed acrd/o/otted the Proroerty described in lh/s p/vt ccs WEST- lWNNETKA TERRACE THIRD (IDD/T/O/V; (fiat lhjs plvl /s Q correct reo,,exent4,1/o/7 of salol surveys (hof Q// d1sto17ce-s Qre correctly shown on thB /o/v/ 1,7 feel pnd decirna/s of o foot; thol the /nonu/77err/s for- the guio'aice of ,afore surveys /love ,beery e acre c t/y ro/vc ed i rr the g/-ound as shower 4117 the ,,0/41/ til4/ (fie fo caoQrorafly of the /ono rndicafes iroir rrronu/ne/rts is correct/y shows on Me ,o/Qf c//rd that (here are rro ave/ /cads or pzl�iIic highavays fo be des1y17ated017 sQid RAV/ other fhc7n as show/? fhereo� ,Oearrii79.r prrarned . - The Qnnexeo/ ,o/Qf was cifec*ed and voorQved this S'��' CIO u1/f y fyenrrePin County, A' i/7f7e 0141 Slate of /-7'I;' resolaSS County of Hennepin The above cerfificQte I -(el f h P Caswe// Ji:, Civil En91ireer Surveyor-,-/ylinrresot4 eg, /VO• ,f 959 was subscribed and rwor/7 to before ,we Phis iFDITH RENNIE a17�..�5ftm�reep#nr County, f�4�►r Notary Pub/ie, He/Jnep�n County, IWI;7aes0117 ---- Aly COa71T//ssi0/7 er'0/res _My Commission Expires Jan. 11, 1962.. This p/Qf WQ,f Q,A,orove'd d accepted by /he Yi//gye Council of Ci-ysta/, tlilii7/resofcr of 4 rayl✓/or- rneetil7y thereof he/d t/7is - day of_ _ X AV, /9-37;6 s By 7 _ . its MQyor VA ifs Clerk -114 � Qj Poli, f ¢8" 00 tae f West 0/ the Eos( O /ii�e of Sac/9 T//6 R Z/ HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE I INCH = 100 FEET Know Q/l men by these presents : 7-hvl Norlhera Bui/d%ny Co., .� �liirrresatir Corpvraxtrar� Fee 0WJ7Vrr , arrrd=,lien' Fru/7.Er/in Savinys acrd ,Goarrrr Assnk� q Mii�nesol`Q Corporolio/% Morlgagees of the fo/%wiry described pro�oerfy situated ire the State oT /�!/rrnesola and County of Henrrep�n to 00177177er7c1/7y of 4 po%at 017 the Sou/h /%rye of the Northeast Qu4rler tlNg //4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE%4) of Section Nineteen(19) Township 017e Hai7dred Eiyhleea (//8), f2gnge Twenty 0/7e (Z/) distant Four h1ur7drsd Eiyhly- five (485. oo> fee/ west of the 6vxI /she of Section /9, Townsh%* 114 .PQn9e 2l - thence North 4 dist4ace of 0/7e Hundred 7'hl�-ty (470.00) feet- (hence o distance of Sixty -sir aao' ,"IZly-nine l7rse Hundred/hs (G6,s9) feet; thence N Z °.90'5'6" W a disfo•rrce of Three Hal7dred Eight a/lo' Two One 11aadred1hs (308, 02) feel; (hence /f/ / 030 'W Q d%slQace of Three Hundred Seventy-sever7 a ad Forty-three One Huadredfhs (-37743) feet; thence West a d1s1417ce of Twi e/ve (12.00) feel; thence N ,Z'/O' W a dislaace of One Hundred Fiftyy-five (/.S'S: oo� feet ; thence N /9 �,Z6' E :7 o'isfQnce seven and Fifty-e%9hl One Hundredths (67, -4-g) feel; /hence N -V 11 -T'34 -e a di.s•lance of Two #u/7a1,-eo( Four 4,11o,of Sixty- Eighly- se vea One Hun dr-&d1h-r (Z04.87) feet ; thence N 0 0 08',20"W a disloace of Thirty (30.00) feet to the Alarlh bae Of the South h'a/f (S1/2) of Section /911 Townshio //B, �Paaye2/, which poir7l is Four Ha17a'i-ed Forhy-te.✓o and seventy -sever One Hundredths (44Z.. 77) feet k/est of the Northeast corner of the Soufheas•t Quarter- (SE 14) of said Sect1017 /9; thence S B9' -5-1'40" W a distance of Three Hundred Severn orad /V/rrely-Three Dae /1a/70(/-edlhs (I30793) feel 71or7y so.s /Yotlh line of the Sorsl/r H4/f (S Vz) of Section /9 Township //8, Ranye 2/; thence South a dislol7ce of One Hundred Forty- fine (/4✓:OoJ feet; thence S 89 'S/'40"G✓ a alis/once of Tn </O, OO� dee% thence Soellh a dis�Qace of One Hundred /-"111ee,7 (1/X.00) feel; thence S20000'W a alisto17ce of s:xfy--three 4,17d Sigh/y-five One Hurfdredths (63.8j') feet; thence Soulh a distance of Oae Hundred Fifty 11.0-e 00) fear`; thence S 7' .72' E Q d1.rtorre-e of One Hundred Fifty -TWO (1.-2,00) feet; thence South a distance of Four //vrrdred Three alyd 5everrtee/7 0/7e f/ur7a'1--so/ths (403. /7) feel; lherrce Wesl a dis'fa//ce of Twenty Qad Ninety -sever 0/7e f/u/7dredlh-r ('20.9V feel'; thence South a di;slarrce of Three Hundred Three (30.700) feel fo the south /rice of the Northeasl aaarle'r (NE %4) 0'A' /iie ,S94,14- easl Quarter (5-EV4) of Section /9, Towa rh/;o //8, ear7ye ,el; lhe�rce Easl Q/orry-rro•/o' foalh /lire of.foid /Yer i- egsl Quarter rN.6 vd) of ffic •-a4eIhe4.rf Quarter SSE %W a distance o� Three yur,dred Twelve (3/,Z,Oo) feel` to the poinr` of bey117,71n For purposes of j6his descrivfiorr (tie Souf/r /iiie orrthe Norl,ieosf Quorfer f/YF the Soulhegrl! QUQ/- Yen- (SE S of Section 19, Township MY, /2a17ye ,Z/ is asrc//rreo( to be oa Eas't-West />ne, Have caused the sane to he surveyed a,7d ,olalteolos WEST WIN/VET-KA 7TERR,4cE 7WI e..D 9DD/T101v and do hereby donate orrd dedicale fo the ,041b/ic {or Pub/ic v.re forever- the Avenues 7.r shown on the aang,reorp/of A/so subyecl /a utility and dr,747age eos•errrenls ax Showa oa the annexed �o/of for- use of rnu17ici 00%'fy o/- ofher-,oah/rc ali/ifies for 1nj-lalla7lOV7 and main/enQrrce of foci/lies in Ond ave.--- svid easements to serve addacBrf o/- offler ,0re/n1ses 1i7 the vicinity. In witness whereof /{/orfhero Bui/dirr,9 Co. acrd Bern /crony'//n fBder�a/ 5winys 4 Loon Ass -have causeq� 1`hese,vreseirfs to be s%yrred by fireir,oro/oer officers Q�d �freir COrPOr4fe .te4/s fo be herB��1`o - i _.,. ,427 In 'arereace of: /l/orlhArn !dui/d/ir9 G'o. des Ben )' nvhk/in )'iedera / Sov.,iifr 71ra' .LoerAua 1 I c r (C4 % Sec' S/,vf e of til nnesof4 SS i Comfy of �h'ealrep��} Orr AD /-9s'G, 'beA+ re /ne, v lila tory Puts/%c W-' fWIn a/70' for said Co 4✓/rty an0( Sfatfe, persoir4//y appeared C. q,7d A/f>erl 14/ Lewis, who e q ch being du/y sworn d�o'.rac� final they ore r-es- �ec li ve/y /he Pre sio�er�f 4'4,d .S'e cr efor-y of Norfher/r Bu i/a�i/�y Co, c7 /Yliirnesolo Cor�oorofio/�, fh e Co o -Ror4 1/o17 panned in the foreyoi/r,9 iarlrurnenf anal the Seo/ affi,red to (fie sa/rre /17slf-ulne-71 %r the coroorafe seq/ o/ sa%d coroorofion and that said irtsfi-umeat Alas si 1700'7170' sev/ed /h beho/f of s4,�o� C01,0401'17141;017 by 4uthori•ty of itS board of directors; and sgid Pre�sio4ers�o•/7d said Secrelory oc*&a v/edged Jaid /hrfia/nent to be,�hefree sect Orld O/eed Of s01d CD/'�oDr4f%O/7. l N4914ry Pub/ic, Henrrepii/ County, M�i7nesalo ---My 'CDlJ7/ri/ SS%O/7 efiP%res RONALD H. SWANSO ty Ml»� ,3't494e of Minnesota / SS J c My Commission Expir*s April 1E, 1963. County of �2amse Jj , On this '' doy IPA �' A. D. /.9S4, before we, 4 ,Notary P&.61/C with -1r/ and for -raid County Rad S/ate, ,,.: �oersono//y o�peored Qrd Coar soMe gr7o' K. 6. Gran f who each being du/y .rsvorr,► dlo' spry that they ore rex oecl- ive/y the President Qrrd .Secrefoi-y of A5 e& Froak1ln Fedelwl 1amys orad .Loon Assn., o Onif�SlatesCorooration, the CorPora'l%on /74,med /;7 the fore9oi�y insfrgment and the sea/ affireod to the some /i7strurnen4 is the co.-po/-ate sea/ of so/d Corooratior/ 7,7o' 1hf1 -gid insfrurrrent was si y/7eo' Rad Seo/ed in behalf of sg%d Corooraljoa ay aulhority of ifs board of directors; anal said ('res%deo/ crud spial Secretor oc/lnow/edged sa•/d instr�✓menl fo be the free acl 0,17470' of _sono' Cor�ooratior�. - , = i t�lot�ry P;;blic, t�.;�tse} Co�r,ty, Mi ��- No�c✓ry Public, �u�sB,yCounty, Miirnesota' -- My Cominissian expires I hereby certify 1h41 I have surveyed acrd/o/otted the Proroerty described in lh/s p/vt ccs WEST- lWNNETKA TERRACE THIRD (IDD/T/O/V; (fiat lhjs plvl /s Q correct reo,,exent4,1/o/7 of salol surveys (hof Q// d1sto17ce-s Qre correctly shown on thB /o/v/ 1,7 feel pnd decirna/s of o foot; thol the /nonu/77err/s for- the guio'aice of ,afore surveys /love ,beery e acre c t/y ro/vc ed i rr the g/-ound as shower 4117 the ,,0/41/ til4/ (fie fo caoQrorafly of the /ono rndicafes iroir rrronu/ne/rts is correct/y shows on Me ,o/Qf c//rd that (here are rro ave/ /cads or pzl�iIic highavays fo be des1y17ated017 sQid RAV/ other fhc7n as show/? fhereo� ,Oearrii79.r prrarned . - The Qnnexeo/ ,o/Qf was cifec*ed and voorQved this S'��' CIO u1/f y fyenrrePin County, A' i/7f7e 0141 Slate of /-7'I;' resolaSS County of Hennepin The above cerfificQte I -(el f h P Caswe// Ji:, Civil En91ireer Surveyor-,-/ylinrresot4 eg, /VO• ,f 959 was subscribed and rwor/7 to before ,we Phis iFDITH RENNIE a17�..�5ftm�reep#nr County, f�4�►r Notary Pub/ie, He/Jnep�n County, IWI;7aes0117 ---- Aly COa71T//ssi0/7 er'0/res _My Commission Expires Jan. 11, 1962.. This p/Qf WQ,f Q,A,orove'd d accepted by /he Yi//gye Council of Ci-ysta/, tlilii7/resofcr of 4 rayl✓/or- rneetil7y thereof he/d t/7is - day of_ _ X AV, /9-37;6 s By 7 _ . its MQyor VA ifs Clerk