RUSS4-q t: 0 .Q fuss h �bbi�iot� HENNiEpiw COUNTY, MINN. Sca�E:--1=100 FaAlv, F/ELO t��NON/gK ENG/NEERS ef SUR✓EYORS Imo♦ ," I ) ,�'� 1I � ( ri i �_I ( i /ii7e of S% o.IC- 50-m Avexve N. I 60 //3.93 6 0 60 60 60 60 60 60 6o 60 65.93 6 -0 h �s ^ h /r3.9B B� 7N .2 6 S -a 3 / Q /0 PAM 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 66.0.1 6 3 *4 A L G y `► `► LL E O 60 60.0.6Q 60 60 Awsp 60 0 60 60 666.OS Ig q 1¢ � /5 /6 17 , 1B °� /r4./i p Er .& � /3 °� /� /S N /6 °� /7 °� /B N /9 � 20 . ,4 N N \► N N� V ^ N \i N N N ,2a °� � /2 60 160 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 114,16 '41 60 k4 1 //4. /6 `0 60 1 60 1 60 1 Ao 1 60 1 60 60 60 60 66.16 6 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 //3.93 0 �>O ' 9 a � O 60 60 .2 h P. 60 60 60 60 6 60 60 60 //4.04 O Q Q 60 60 O 60 60 4? Sov�h /ire of S'a of S!•1// off' Nf% of Secn. B Knoyv all 1,Ve� by Aho -Se ,orese�hs �ho� �%i S, ,Qvss 017d G/noys /1/, .Qvss� /fis wino, v�nors nod ,orD,orie rs of �/ie //owli7l, described ,oroPer�y r� un�ed /n the Sin off' �i�neso �c� and Goun �y off ' Sov�hens� gvnr�i- �5,�%J of the iYorfiivns�` �uor�er �NE�J of Soc�io� 8, T�rsh�;o //9, .�A��c 2/ /yri�' west o><' � /�i7e dre7�.yr7 ron�c7//o/ with fhe Ensu /ii�e a><' sc�ia� �i�.x� .�roi» n ,oa�i�� O� �hc �Vor�iS sa/V fiz7c X30 fee 74 we s 0.7e the Nor�i�ens>< cori7ei- of said �rnc�• the Sou�i> �u�i-�r�S�s of the iral),hcVs.14 .lPp��e 2/,• hnve cc�vrc�d the i-alve >40 6e surveyc�dn�d o/n��eo� cis ':Quss Fa�i.QT�.9ogiTf�N "o�v' -i ase � f/ere6y vo�c/ n�7d dedicn�e fo fhe Pub/�c for fhc ,ov6/ic use�AS S/i3'o� o/7i7exed ,o% f /� 1-r�i�i7essf �-t�/>er-oo�' ,tee ���� /So�v��o sc� ver-- ho�►ds nod son/s o� fhis /r7 �resc�i7ce of:•-- �5,64Z) Al-)- S7,47120 LJ S7,4fe of /L�ini7eso7� ,5; S. Coup y o� f/en�7eoii7 Or7 phis doy off" A.D. /950, f7e�i-e m� A No%ry �u6/cam wiriiin oi7d foi~ said Cour�fy, ,oerso/�A//y noare�7rod c��i S. Russ And G/ndys /V. �4uss, his wife ¢v nye k/7OW17 ho be 71130 ,oers01,7s doscriAav /i7 0/70/ who e recuAed fho ,S ec vi y i�sfr-umenf and fhey oc,�now/edc ed , h-0, they 9 reCa1+V the sn�e c,�s �fieir- vwn fie act and deco'. A1,711,10/y Pah/ic, fi'en/7ooin Ccol9�'yf /1'inneso to My C0177177issio17 Expires S�n>�r of /1'i�i7esofn Cou/77�y of He�i7eoi�7 '£S Ido f7��by cerfi�y hhc7 f 1 finve surveyed nod Prooe��y described or7 phis ,o/n f as 'AQuss FauR Tf1 AoDi T/oN J 7`haf 7<hif ,o/7 >4 /s n correc f reores�/7�A�io/7 of saio' sur-vey� 7�ha71 0// dis><i7nces Are cor-r-�c�/y s/iowr� o� �hv ,o/n r� /i� . fee, and decima/s 0f a fv074 fhc7f Ahe /77017u177el-7fs for yuion�ce of ��r7`ui-e sUrvcys �fnve ,MeI7 comet"l/y �o/acod in fhe grou/1o' as shown on tMe ,o/n�J 7007' e outside 6o��dnry /ices ore co�recr�/y des%��n�eo' vn the ,o/a�� ��c�f fhe f000��nvhy off' the /A�d is corr'ccf/y shown v�7 ;4h& -0, nod 1hof fere n�-e �o we /nerds or ,ov6/ic hi, jhWvoys 40 6e desi 7167 on ,s�7id P/o>� a>`her �hA�7 cls showr7 >�hereoi7. _ h11 of S`l/% afSE% af/YE% of Secy. B Norfri A;gal of S% of sot x* of SE% of NE% off' Secn. e urveyor--/Yli�n ,4e'J, /Yo, 929 Above o/v,' sworn/ fo before me or phis dny of NoTory .ou6/�c, Hen/7eoii7 Cour77`y All., esa7`67 116o( CO/77/!'7isSio/7 2,Y -pines %f7is ,O/nr` N wax � ved c7rd a ccepfaol by 1`770 f/%/aye Covr7ci/ 0-' CIy5-7i�/ /l�i�r�esof� c7 c7 Y/LL,4GE COLING/L OF CRYST,4L, /Y//NNESOT.4 6y hfwyor 10 r �} a