RAICHLESM M G 0 " 29 a 4AD I'VZON Hewwet=im COUNTY, MwWeSoTA, Caswell E.n9ineer►n9 Co. En9inea,rs and Land Surva.yors NORTH LI►JE= 01` SECT IO►VTOWN g t++ I= l l 8, R q ►a Gc � 21 S 88� 48' 40" n1 1 n r. n1 I T` I I I � I I Lb --SouTH IL�w�rc qF NORTH 17S �E�7I p} LOTS Z ANO 3 88� 48t1 40" E — I X11.39—Y -I—N88,055'40"W I�1 • �f i'_ ^. A 11 r__ Seo.le 1 Inch= So.o fee: • Deno+¢s I rcon I�o�u vr�e r1� teczrings based on assumed d4+urn Th'ls plat was approved and acce,p�e.d b the C Jy Courlci I oCr si•at�, Minrte5o�OL � 4} OL rq- LA-Icir ma,e+ln9 +h(7,r¢.o� held +his data o 1 9 Af)Lj A.O.41. C i+Lf Counci 1 o� C rysi-a.l , M'inneso+ci by Mayor b16 Cheri, The boundaries o� }his pla+ and +he boundaries o.lt +ha. block }ha.rein hIaaa_ ba -en met.+Vie ma+lcc�,&j checked and ap?roved . No de.+erm'►na+ion has b¢.a.n made +o asce.r+aln chat +he 129cL1 desc.rip+Tort act ra,es wi+h said plaf. Oared +his dad o� k k-0. 9 Elm ,V- J. Peterson Cozen+y Sur.i¢.Ljori Hennepin Cozen+y, Nlinneso�q K>\low AL Mmem 13Y T►-aEsr=� PREs>✓>Nzs : Thai Phoen'►x Land and Inves+mend Co., Inc. , a Minneso+a corpora+iorj, �ee owners and Minn¢sota F 2dqral sav'Ings and Loan Assoc'koLfion OL un',4a.d StcJe,s corpora+ior1 mor+9a9ee o� the �011ow'In9 dascrlbad proper+,� s'l+zea+ed '►n +he S+'a+e, OT M-Inna.so+a, CC>Lkn+ci oT Hennepin. to w'I+: 1_ o+ +L -J(=' (2) ¢.xce-p+ 41e Nor+hI'l5 ¢¢.� +h2reo�' and the W25� �i'lirtj c -5o) . ee4 o�+ke. �orTh 11S �e-e. a; L.of Arca-(13) and +hat part of La+ +hre.a.�3) 1y►rtc 1:b<D .+h olr'+h2 Ncv4h toS f'e•¢,+ +h a.r-ao� In t5 tock +".,a C2) AGczE.s a. ec o rd'In •l -o +he p la-� i41erc of ort �'1k¢, and o� Y--Lcord In +h2 oPP ce, c� 4h e Rec'ts{-er a� >72¢.ds i,n a•rtd -'or 4a.nnep'%n County . 1"lava. causa..d +ha, same, to be s"rva-z. i etne4 g1cx4ed as RAICHLE`S AopIT►o1J, and do He.re:bej dona+e; and deJ'ccJa. i -o 414 -,public- for public, mese: -. or -z l' r +hZ A vZnuz, and u+iliti and drainage actse P"e-nts as shown on +he, annexa.d plat. In wi+ness wha.re_o�' said Phoarn'►x Land and lnvQ.sfine-n� Co. ,Inc., a tulinn2so�a corpora�►ort hcLs cczuS¢,d +h 252 pr2sen+s -10 b¢, signed bc� Ifs prop¢.r oppie2rs and ifs cor po rata, seal to b- ho-re,un-hD at f'1 x¢,ci tt7i s day o� Assoeia.+ion , IQ a Uni ¢.d S+ai•a,s , A.D. ; and sand corpora.+tort has M'Irnna,sofa. Padara•( 15a.vin(3s and Loarl caused +hese prese n+s +-o be, b Lj its prope-r o�Aiee.rs and i+s cor por'a+e. sea.) fo be h2reu.n+o Ctrpl, x¢d Phis day op kq , A, P. +-her¢, are- no wa.+lands or public. highways t'o ba:d¢.si4nai-ed on said Plot+ o+her +han as a nd and and s fo- -a, 4 M *i n n ar s o+a Cozen+y op Hennepin S I CrNr-_O Phocn ix Land and I nves+men4 Co. , I n e. Ar4%ur W. Ra.ic.VIle _ Pra.s. Cre-rald W. Raich(e - Vice- Fres. M'innesnic, Fa,de:rod Sauings and Loan gssocla�ion TI }le, -r►+)a. on his day olr , Iq ) a,.o. , b4� r- , ma,, q no+cixy public wAirl and Por said Coun+y and Sta+e, Personally ctpp¢,ared Ar hur W. Ra'Ichle and C; a; rex Id W. Ra►chIe, , to rna- p¢.rsono-11 `� known, ver o ¢each bi►rie ciulc j sword did say +hat +hey cera res pec+i..¢ lei pra-slde.n i ctnd �/ ice_- president o f Pl- coe-nix Land. and Inve-sime.n4 Co.) Tne. , a Minrne.-so+a. GorporcL+ion +-ha. Corporai-iorl named In +h¢. for¢. olnci instrument and +hat +h seal a� ix¢,d fo 4he lama. ins+rLAmgn+ is +he corpora+¢ sa,a1 0�' said eor�ora}tqqr� ; +ha+ said Instrc.Lm¢nt wcis s15ned rind sealed ire b¢.hal� o.'` sa�ld orporafion by au+horl�y o�' i+s boar o�' directors and said Ar+hur W. R4'►cl�I¢ and `TarcticJ W. Ralchla. acknowledgecl scx cl insi-rc tmen� +o be fh2 r22 ac-+ and d a ed o �' sct'Id cor porci+iorL . No+c.rL� PubIIc., H a_n.na-p'In CoL-t-nty , M Innerso tct Sia�Q, o� Minn¢ so%a VALE co mm l sslorl 2xplreS Couv4LJ o� Penne. pin On ��1iS day OP ►Cl , A.o. , boore me., a no+0.ry public w-li-�tin and • or sa*ld Coun�c j and S+cLi 2, p2rsQnal lc j appQav-e8 ca.rtd , to rnar pa,rsoncdlc Known, who each being du( sworn did say +ha+ 4he.y are, ra.spe,c iv¢ c� and o A�iinnasofa �a.d¢ra.l Savirlg5 and L oan Assoclo iort , 0 - Un 1 ad S+ate.s Corpora.+io,r1, +41¢. corpora+ion narned in +he f ore,c�oing Ins+risme L i aril +ha-+ +h¢, Seal q�'f Ixed +o +h2 sama, Ir1S+'rurnan+'IS -the, c.orpora.+e, sa..al (:5' Said corpora.+'Ior1 i -+hca4 said 'Ins+rurnen+ vVaS sic�ne.d and s¢.cLIea in ba,ho4 o -'said corpora+ion bi-I au+hori+y o�t JS board o. d 1rec+'ors i and sa')d oLnd acknowledged said ins+y-Lkman+ +o be- ihe. �rd_c act and Zed -=,f sa'Id Gorpora.tiort. A10+o.rc,� Pu.b1 iG , He,nr1¢.pin C ou.n+� , lvi inneso+a NA L3 c.omrr x Ic>rt eX pire,s I h¢r¢ b AooI-r►6N; ce,r+i� +ha+ I have, surv2 e.cl and to-4cA +ha. prop¢r� described on +his lai as RAIGHLEIS showrl on +hay+ i-h'Is the, pla+ in plo+ is a Corry-& f e.e f and de elrnals T-epre,seni`a+iorL o� a Foot ; c>; said survey i i•hat all dPstance.s +hat all rnonLkme,n+s have b¢.e_n oorr¢.c+ly I are GorrsZc+�c� Irt i -h2 9 round as shown on +In Q, p la+ ; +ha.+ +he oc.L+s;de, boL&r,da.r (encs arae cor recA(e desicjncL+¢d place on +h2 pi a:t - and +ha+ +-her¢, are- no wa.+lands or public. highways t'o ba:d¢.si4nai-ed on said Plot+ o+her +han as shown thereon. 1 RQ9ista,r¢d Lcxncl surve`JOIC. s}ale o� Nl,nneso�ct Minrl2so+0. RQ9'►si•ra�iorl >\10. C o u n+ y c4 I q-ri n e. p'► ri The above c ¢ ri-►� i caL}-¢, was subscr lba d and sworde.�arq rn ¢ , arta+-CXr� pukb l I. C, �hiS �_ _dad o � SHARON H. UALLUGE Notary Public, Hennepin County, Mihn. My CommissiOn Expires Jah 25 19ift, NotarC3 Ppb '►G, H nnQ.p'1rZ Cou_n+L, M*Innesotc� My commission ¢ xptr¢s ,�97a-