HENDRICKHE&DRI,cioolvs ADDITION HENNEPIN C0U1Y%Y-1WhV8E50TA SCALE - /M w/00 irr. Becorirrys shown care ax- u/ned I I � •~ I � � I S. 89'24 =80 "E 932. 9J ei enme177' 672. !Z LOT 2 o9'W /ro" r9d.4s � ,. Z,,,7 e para//e/ with the SouJf► //17e -0///x- Ncrlh %10/&evf, ol4� O•or -`:�:� /20.00 SO P4X4 RK v +, /LOCK IN Z30 /ao_ 07 N1 se Pwe /x(07 Z9 ra A VE. N. M 93Z.93 - -- n8s- f'- -,N. South/int o/Ny2 o Gov Lo7s4,Sec. 2/ 7-//8 RZ/ The b o undories of Phis rn/al cin d /h e 6 oun dari es of the fg/o clr (herein have 6 een /77a7�/iemaf7co//y chac7frec,/ crud approved. /`/o determination /las heen mode fo ascertain 117,V,?' th e /e5wl aleScrlplion agree s w/;h ,raic%,o/al. Oaled th/s 8 60 da y Uf I!/a deirld 4.0. /963. I ` h� •�1i i Ui ,Jt'`�`r•� ,5y H ward W. Perkin S 1*17r7epla County Surveyor. v M Knowo//mien by thefepre�nfs1i5at,Toh� Cheadriason, J/4/e ow17erdndp�a�ielorand� lFederd/Scr�i� s arraLct�n�4ssociofion, cr ca(wa-al/or7 ar amzeal uno'er the laws o/the UnitedX7Wes ofr7inerico,77;f ogee offfie fo/%,wiM9 descri edorcfaerlysifucsfein The Stop o�/I7inx�lO4�a'Countyc�t/�/nePin /b wit.••the Eas/Z30fee%t"htie fo/%win9descrih�' tre�cl Q��hgf/oarfofdo�.ern�n/Lai4,�rficv� 2/ Townrhi ��,,ppo�yc2/dtsCr/6�das f /lows; cornme�ui� ataooinfir� fhcJoulh /ihc ojf�/S/afh � ofszridF rcrnrne//IrLvl4�.rrbnf480 f� well v1A*, fva(w v I ",-/reroflhe /ya'fh %z offaia' Go verrr9/ne/7tLol 4i tierce Karl pgpv//e/lo th e Wes///ire al do velamenlZat4 a olVlance pf/7jfeet•thonce Nest 9Ze[3lteej/noiecr/err loa/ooirrfin fhe !Nest/ire afsard6ova/7menl Zol4d&lal7l /73feel nrorjh o,,,r Me Soalhwe. l ca-,mr of fi/ie /Ya of solo' &Vvernmel7l Lol4 t`iell e .(oath d/onq thus(%e q/. ra & Go vernnrer�t Lot 4 aa/s&ixe of/73ftel, more or /ess, to>'lfef ut/iwes c ;�,��r of 1e /Yuri %1 of .f�r�+4'Gov�nmenf(o/4; thence Easta/aa91ie Sauth /neoflfrelyor/i`//z a�` t`. �terrarnenfLr�,f4o`ais/br�rrnf 9.�013T eef f fhe/�oir�f of beq�nnri�q and ,pay,7v-d n &Sons /nc Q Minnesota �oraorafion Owner q/rd �roPrietar, of 4`// fi5af�4ar-f of 6aver�rnen t Lol 4 _&-/iar7 Z/ Tow.sh 0 /w IYo,- h Acwfe � 2 / Aker(.rcri6ea'as fo/%ws: - co rnencing vto,aoint /i7 Are .Sc�e> /ire o life /Yorlh %Z of.soid Government Lot 4 q�isfonl ��0 feet West of eSoc�hS scorner a�The h/orfi /Z of svid Governs t Lot 4, ence �Yarlh /vara//e/ to the okrT /iae of saga' borer-nmenl Lol4 aa'is>`once o/ /7j f eel, ieocC WWI 928.37 fee/ more or/ess fo apoir7l /n Me Mej-//ire ofSoiW 6evernrneniLof 4 distant /7� feel Jyorfh of the Javth wesfoorncrof the /S/orth % a/so o' Gaverm P��rf Lol4 ,thence ,South a/oly r15e AVesl/ire afsai4' Go*rnrnenf Z of ¢ adisfaoce a1/7j feet rare cr/ess to,,0e� &werl corner allhe Norlh h oirxaaid Government Lo; 4, • Ttfe/rce fart a/an9 the South /lire of 71,ie /Yorth %Z alsa�ir'lioverr7a7ent Lo14 a vrlalwe o/ -?do. z3 feet more or /ess, & lhe,00inf of 6ey/i7nin9, exec t the Fosl Z3o fed Tharcaf, hove eouredthesarne to be sur veye4' arx�' ,O/a !fed as h'FNORicKJON� AODiT/oN and 4'o hercb y c/anore and a drtale lbthe pub/rc fol fi5e use oj,fifc forever !tie ovelucs and, 0rk aJF rhow/7 on ;heanncXedP/af su6jeclfo of//i/ler eorernent dsshown oar fht annexed j�/at. //7 witness whereat John C. f%na'rickson has /lereur7lo set his hand a'rrc/sea/ lh/s day of r40 /9G3 ar7a' First �edu-o/ Xaviir9s and Laan r9srociafion hos cot/sed these preren 1S fa b e Siyn ed b�y its />roper officio/s a/7d its corpara/r sea/ ilb 6e hereon to affrXed Me da of AQ, /96j and VPo y Jordon & SonS Inc. hos caused fhete Presents to be,s'igned b yy its President and Secretory and ifs cor�oalwle .tea/ /a oe //ereunfa ajfi red fh e day o/4 AQ, /9G3 Marl. f yn ed /nRre.rence Of r Ray .%rdan d1 Sons /rrc. =3� � ahs C Nendricksarr 4 0 /rrpresence of 'gY si o First Fedora/ �9s and Loon f�rrocial ' n 8Y Y '� �► /n presence o ,score 8yG Ammon. Mate of /j'Iinnc ,zbint 400 Wextofl%6e XE. cor. e SS ofAhe N%Z o/Go✓t Lot4 CoZlnty of fle17nePin On This da y ofYfAj&41&t4a /9,43 hefore me a /Nottrr y with in and for .so`id Caur77 y ar7d.S3ble persona//y dooeared .john C 1%eWd1-icksor7 to me persona//y k17own who bei/79 by me duly sworn dic/,ray r`haf he 15- Me sthe Perron descrihed.rr7 ane/ who-xecaled the 1,ore9oi,79 instrument and ack/7ow/ yea lhaf he execa7`ed fhe serve 4.r%lis free acl4 e deed. /Polar Pub/rc, h'ennepin Coanfy, 4411717esotd My comms trios BX/J/res f fa7`e of /i%/1717es0lG C00171Y of /Yenneoin I On 1 /s /aZ T-4 day o ✓ X90/qG3 before me a NOAV y P&RIC wjt5in crud far said Coc/r7 fY and S'toit ersona/1yapoeorec/ C arra v ata me persor7a//y known, who heiny byme du/y swv1-1.7 /id say flies Yhey are respective y res/oer71 and .Secretary of RVyArdon de Sons /nc. t/re corParalion nam r4' ir7 fhe f�e- goin9 InX* , fhaf;Z sea/ affi . ea/ fa said ri7.0rumeni /S (fie corporate sea/ ofsaid car�arnt�orr t j ksrd:_nrhrlmenf was signed andsea/ed in 6eha/f ofsad corooratian 6y4u�f`ianfy of rfs f,3oard of Oirccforsar7d 1`/dot L ✓e+' ar7Q� ,�achnow/edges/ ,raid :nstr`urrren/ A0 he fhe free encs,aaela�eed of scud carooratior7. twry ooh/ic, /j'ennepin ly /1ji/l/7etote My canrmisS/ars exRrreS s7�71e of M�nr�esol4' l s -S Cour7/y of Ilenne/arn J Orr this ` y of � A0. /963 het re me a Noyar y Puh/ic, w;l lin and far saidCoun>y crud Jfalcperrono//y 4 pealed -an td McRerson4//y Ana M?, who being 6 y me du/y sworn, c/d ra y lh�rt They ale respeell'Ve/y and ofFrsl Fed ra/Sovrn9s crud LoUn Ar5ociafio17 , the corporation named in 7`he fare9oir79 ri7slrument that e seal a %red fo .said /i7Sfr4'f77e is >`he cor7oorale sea/ ojsa/c/ corporatior7, lfiatSuid s ru est crs.rl ed and ea/ed in beha/ o>--faie cor/.7orairon by au/ho�ity o>ri is 8oara/ of Oirecfors ar7d "hajsaid r an ackr7o w/e4'c/ed said /nSfrur77e,7 to 6 e Th e fre e act dr7 d deed of said eor�orcrfion, Notary Pub/it, Her7ne01n oal7ly,MihneroA My co mmissrSr7 ex ,oires t Jhere6ycerlify that Ihavexarveyed an41,o/alled theproperty descrihec✓ in thr,s fico/r/o/v/ thu; Phis,O/a7{isafrue andcorrect re/vresentatian otsaid survey, lha;4/ic/istr/nceS Are carrecllyshow17 an theplal in feet car7d e/ec/n7a/S 0/0/400/ fh4'llhe /nonum eq 15- for Me quidanee of fzrture surveys hive bsen carrec fly /aced in 7`heground crs.rhown or7 the /J/a>that 7`he oufrio'e bounci'aries are correct/y c%siynatedor7 the p/alale lhaf (here e/re /70 wet 16117&-for/7ub/ic highways` to be de,,riy17crtcd 017 the P/cif other than cr r.rhow17 Mereo/7 • 77 IV ,feyisterec/LandSurve,vor No //8S J3`ate o/ /W//7r7 esola Counfyof/`yenne�7%r7 J._ .4hove certify/cafe svbscriheeJ anc/s-worr7 71a,6efare me lh/s day of No;any Pah/ic Ae wepin Coanly, Mii7r7esat My commis/on eapines /� o� " Th/s /.r/gr/ was a"ooro ved 0,7e.1 accepted by the Cl;" y Councr/ of Crystal / hf1/2aesola of a requ/ar rr ee;inq (hereof he/d this 9 1"7y of /A�%.,st-�L✓�9./3. /9G3- C/TY OF CRYSTAL I M/ 4i", M/ Y �dyor /gy Clerk tom/ hwn Mon klOn 30 _ —Ufi/itis v .W W 'K °o zk Z v e S.N/carot/Yz of Govt. Lot¢ 11;N 3H/: pf7 Morn- 32455 I I � •~ I � � I S. 89'24 =80 "E 932. 9J ei enme177' 672. !Z LOT 2 o9'W /ro" r9d.4s � ,. Z,,,7 e para//e/ with the SouJf► //17e -0///x- Ncrlh %10/&evf, ol4� O•or -`:�:� /20.00 SO P4X4 RK v +, /LOCK IN Z30 /ao_ 07 N1 se Pwe /x(07 Z9 ra A VE. N. M 93Z.93 - -- n8s- f'- -,N. South/int o/Ny2 o Gov Lo7s4,Sec. 2/ 7-//8 RZ/ The b o undories of Phis rn/al cin d /h e 6 oun dari es of the fg/o clr (herein have 6 een /77a7�/iemaf7co//y chac7frec,/ crud approved. /`/o determination /las heen mode fo ascertain 117,V,?' th e /e5wl aleScrlplion agree s w/;h ,raic%,o/al. Oaled th/s 8 60 da y Uf I!/a deirld 4.0. /963. I ` h� •�1i i Ui ,Jt'`�`r•� ,5y H ward W. Perkin S 1*17r7epla County Surveyor. v M Knowo//mien by thefepre�nfs1i5at,Toh� Cheadriason, J/4/e ow17erdndp�a�ielorand� lFederd/Scr�i� s arraLct�n�4ssociofion, cr ca(wa-al/or7 ar amzeal uno'er the laws o/the UnitedX7Wes ofr7inerico,77;f ogee offfie fo/%,wiM9 descri edorcfaerlysifucsfein The Stop o�/I7inx�lO4�a'Countyc�t/�/nePin /b wit.••the Eas/Z30fee%t"htie fo/%win9descrih�' tre�cl Q��hgf/oarfofdo�.ern�n/Lai4,�rficv� 2/ Townrhi ��,,ppo�yc2/dtsCr/6�das f /lows; cornme�ui� ataooinfir� fhcJoulh /ihc ojf�/S/afh � ofszridF rcrnrne//IrLvl4�.rrbnf480 f� well v1A*, fva(w v I ",-/reroflhe /ya'fh %z offaia' Go verrr9/ne/7tLol 4i tierce Karl pgpv//e/lo th e Wes///ire al do velamenlZat4 a olVlance pf/7jfeet•thonce Nest 9Ze[3lteej/noiecr/err loa/ooirrfin fhe !Nest/ire afsard6ova/7menl Zol4d&lal7l /73feel nrorjh o,,,r Me Soalhwe. l ca-,mr of fi/ie /Ya of solo' &Vvernmel7l Lol4 t`iell e .(oath d/onq thus(%e q/. ra & Go vernnrer�t Lot 4 aa/s&ixe of/73ftel, more or /ess, to>'lfef ut/iwes c ;�,��r of 1e /Yuri %1 of .f�r�+4'Gov�nmenf(o/4; thence Easta/aa91ie Sauth /neoflfrelyor/i`//z a�` t`. �terrarnenfLr�,f4o`ais/br�rrnf 9.�013T eef f fhe/�oir�f of beq�nnri�q and ,pay,7v-d n &Sons /nc Q Minnesota �oraorafion Owner q/rd �roPrietar, of 4`// fi5af�4ar-f of 6aver�rnen t Lol 4 _&-/iar7 Z/ Tow.sh 0 /w IYo,- h Acwfe � 2 / Aker(.rcri6ea'as fo/%ws: - co rnencing vto,aoint /i7 Are .Sc�e> /ire o life /Yorlh %Z of.soid Government Lot 4 q�isfonl ��0 feet West of eSoc�hS scorner a�The h/orfi /Z of svid Governs t Lot 4, ence �Yarlh /vara//e/ to the okrT /iae of saga' borer-nmenl Lol4 aa'is>`once o/ /7j f eel, ieocC WWI 928.37 fee/ more or/ess fo apoir7l /n Me Mej-//ire ofSoiW 6evernrneniLof 4 distant /7� feel Jyorfh of the Javth wesfoorncrof the /S/orth % a/so o' Gaverm P��rf Lol4 ,thence ,South a/oly r15e AVesl/ire afsai4' Go*rnrnenf Z of ¢ adisfaoce a1/7j feet rare cr/ess to,,0e� &werl corner allhe Norlh h oirxaaid Government Lo; 4, • Ttfe/rce fart a/an9 the South /lire of 71,ie /Yorth %Z alsa�ir'lioverr7a7ent Lo14 a vrlalwe o/ -?do. z3 feet more or /ess, & lhe,00inf of 6ey/i7nin9, exec t the Fosl Z3o fed Tharcaf, hove eouredthesarne to be sur veye4' arx�' ,O/a !fed as h'FNORicKJON� AODiT/oN and 4'o hercb y c/anore and a drtale lbthe pub/rc fol fi5e use oj,fifc forever !tie ovelucs and, 0rk aJF rhow/7 on ;heanncXedP/af su6jeclfo of//i/ler eorernent dsshown oar fht annexed j�/at. //7 witness whereat John C. f%na'rickson has /lereur7lo set his hand a'rrc/sea/ lh/s day of r40 /9G3 ar7a' First �edu-o/ Xaviir9s and Laan r9srociafion hos cot/sed these preren 1S fa b e Siyn ed b�y its />roper officio/s a/7d its corpara/r sea/ ilb 6e hereon to affrXed Me da of AQ, /96j and VPo y Jordon & SonS Inc. hos caused fhete Presents to be,s'igned b yy its President and Secretory and ifs cor�oalwle .tea/ /a oe //ereunfa ajfi red fh e day o/4 AQ, /9G3 Marl. f yn ed /nRre.rence Of r Ray .%rdan d1 Sons /rrc. =3� � ahs C Nendricksarr 4 0 /rrpresence of 'gY si o First Fedora/ �9s and Loon f�rrocial ' n 8Y Y '� �► /n presence o ,score 8yG Ammon. Mate of /j'Iinnc ,zbint 400 Wextofl%6e XE. cor. e SS ofAhe N%Z o/Go✓t Lot4 CoZlnty of fle17nePin On This da y ofYfAj&41&t4a /9,43 hefore me a /Nottrr y with in and for .so`id Caur77 y ar7d.S3ble persona//y dooeared .john C 1%eWd1-icksor7 to me persona//y k17own who bei/79 by me duly sworn dic/,ray r`haf he 15- Me sthe Perron descrihed.rr7 ane/ who-xecaled the 1,ore9oi,79 instrument and ack/7ow/ yea lhaf he execa7`ed fhe serve 4.r%lis free acl4 e deed. /Polar Pub/rc, h'ennepin Coanfy, 4411717esotd My comms trios BX/J/res f fa7`e of /i%/1717es0lG C00171Y of /Yenneoin I On 1 /s /aZ T-4 day o ✓ X90/qG3 before me a NOAV y P&RIC wjt5in crud far said Coc/r7 fY and S'toit ersona/1yapoeorec/ C arra v ata me persor7a//y known, who heiny byme du/y swv1-1.7 /id say flies Yhey are respective y res/oer71 and .Secretary of RVyArdon de Sons /nc. t/re corParalion nam r4' ir7 fhe f�e- goin9 InX* , fhaf;Z sea/ affi . ea/ fa said ri7.0rumeni /S (fie corporate sea/ ofsaid car�arnt�orr t j ksrd:_nrhrlmenf was signed andsea/ed in 6eha/f ofsad corooratian 6y4u�f`ianfy of rfs f,3oard of Oirccforsar7d 1`/dot L ✓e+' ar7Q� ,�achnow/edges/ ,raid :nstr`urrren/ A0 he fhe free encs,aaela�eed of scud carooratior7. twry ooh/ic, /j'ennepin ly /1ji/l/7etote My canrmisS/ars exRrreS s7�71e of M�nr�esol4' l s -S Cour7/y of Ilenne/arn J Orr this ` y of � A0. /963 het re me a Noyar y Puh/ic, w;l lin and far saidCoun>y crud Jfalcperrono//y 4 pealed -an td McRerson4//y Ana M?, who being 6 y me du/y sworn, c/d ra y lh�rt They ale respeell'Ve/y and ofFrsl Fed ra/Sovrn9s crud LoUn Ar5ociafio17 , the corporation named in 7`he fare9oir79 ri7slrument that e seal a %red fo .said /i7Sfr4'f77e is >`he cor7oorale sea/ ojsa/c/ corporatior7, lfiatSuid s ru est crs.rl ed and ea/ed in beha/ o>--faie cor/.7orairon by au/ho�ity o>ri is 8oara/ of Oirecfors ar7d "hajsaid r an ackr7o w/e4'c/ed said /nSfrur77e,7 to 6 e Th e fre e act dr7 d deed of said eor�orcrfion, Notary Pub/it, Her7ne01n oal7ly,MihneroA My co mmissrSr7 ex ,oires t Jhere6ycerlify that Ihavexarveyed an41,o/alled theproperty descrihec✓ in thr,s fico/r/o/v/ thu; Phis,O/a7{isafrue andcorrect re/vresentatian otsaid survey, lha;4/ic/istr/nceS Are carrecllyshow17 an theplal in feet car7d e/ec/n7a/S 0/0/400/ fh4'llhe /nonum eq 15- for Me quidanee of fzrture surveys hive bsen carrec fly /aced in 7`heground crs.rhown or7 the /J/a>that 7`he oufrio'e bounci'aries are correct/y c%siynatedor7 the p/alale lhaf (here e/re /70 wet 16117&-for/7ub/ic highways` to be de,,riy17crtcd 017 the P/cif other than cr r.rhow17 Mereo/7 • 77 IV ,feyisterec/LandSurve,vor No //8S J3`ate o/ /W//7r7 esola Counfyof/`yenne�7%r7 J._ .4hove certify/cafe svbscriheeJ anc/s-worr7 71a,6efare me lh/s day of No;any Pah/ic Ae wepin Coanly, Mii7r7esat My commis/on eapines /� o� " Th/s /.r/gr/ was a"ooro ved 0,7e.1 accepted by the Cl;" y Councr/ of Crystal / hf1/2aesola of a requ/ar rr ee;inq (hereof he/d this 9 1"7y of /A�%.,st-�L✓�9./3. /9G3- C/TY OF CRYSTAL I M/ 4i", M/ Y �dyor /gy Clerk tom/