GLENHM1CV -13'. L. U t f/Rst i 1 {Ilk w •►t N. lei W E SCALE ; i ., : 20 -- 33 33 50117H L/hE 01 ',A' ,n MON OCT 9 195 4cRT F.!,!14r. - - QL,i , . J t, :J.ii'.•1.ffii..'iiA.._..-!sh.}CJ.0 ..e_1...:..:i..:_ --; •... -.-. ,... •'.-. -. ... .- ... .. �. .. .. M1....- . ... er.. -_.. � 1. — FIRS I” AUDITION TO GLEN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS VILLAGE OF CRYSTAL MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Glen Hoven Memorial Gardens Association, o Corporation of Hennepin County, Minnesota , owner and proprietor of the following described property situate in the County of Hennepin, Slate of Minnesota, to-wil. Those parts of the Northwest Ouorler (NW 1/4 ) of the NorJhwesl Ouorler (NW 1/4 ) and of the East. One Half (E1/2) of the Southwest Ouorler (SW 1/4) of the Northwest Ouorler (N W114) and of the East One Half (E /2) of the Northwest Ouarter (NW1/4) of the Southwest Cuorter (SW114) of Section Nine (9) Township One Hundred Eighteen (//8) Range Twenty One (21), described as follows: Be;inning at the NorJhwesl corner of sold East One Half (E1/2) of the Southwest Ouorler (SWI/4) of the NorJhwesl Quorler (NW1/4) thence West along the South line of sold Northwest Ouorler (NW1/4) of the Northwest Ouorler (NW1/4), Three Hundred Foray Elghl and Five Hundredths (348.05) fee' more or less Ic a point in c line drawn parallel with and distant Forty (40' feel Southeasterly measured of right angles from the Southeasterly right of wcy line of the Minneopolls Sl. Pau/ and Scull So/nle Marie Railroad, ( formerly known cs The Minneapolis end Pcc/f/c Railroad ), !hence Northeasterly o/ong sold porn 'el 11•ne so drown, Five Hundred Four and Eighty Three Hundredths (504.83) feel more or less to a point in the Southwesterly right of woy line of County Road Number Eight (6) (also known as .lefferson Highwoyl, thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly right of woy line Ninely Three and Ninety Two Hundredths (93.92) feel mere or less /o its intersection with the North line of said East One Half (E1/2) of the Southwest Cuorler (SWI/4) of the Nerlhwesl Ouorler (NW1/4), thence West along said North line Ninety Eight and Seventy Nine Hundredths (98.79) feet more or less to a point which is One Hundred Eighleen and Fourteen Hundredths (118.14) feel E�Isl of the Northwest corner of said East One Half (E//2), thence South poral/e/ with the West line of said East One Ho/f (E1,,2), Four Hundred Ninety and Fitly Seven Hundredths (490.57) feet, !hence Eos! Five Hundred Thirty Nine and Fifty Eight Hundredths (539.58) feel more or less to the point of intersection of the Southwesterly right of way line of said County Rood N.Imber Eight (8) with the East line of the Southwest Ouorler (SWI/4) of the Ncrlhwes! Ouarler (NW1/4) at said Section Nine (9), thence South along the East line of said Southwest Quarter (SWI/4) of the Northwest Ouarter (NW1/4) and along the East line of the Northwest Quarler (NWI/4) of Southwest Ouorler (SW1/4), One Thousand Two Hu.odred Seven and One tenth (1207.1) feet more or less to a poinl in 017 Ee51 and West 11,7e which line is erected perpendicular to the Was, line of said East One Half (E1/2) of the Northwest Ouarter (NW1/4) of the Southwest Quorler (SW1/4) a1 o poinl in said West line distant One Thousand Six Hundred N,*nely Nine and. Twenty Eight Hundredths (1699.28) feel South cf /he Nerlhwesl corner of said Fast One Half (E1/2) of the Soulhwest Quorler (SWI/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4;' as measured along Ife West line of said E051 One Holt (EI/2.of the Southwest Cuorler (SN1/4) of The Northwest Ouorler (NW1/41 end olc,7g the Nest line of the East One Half (E1/2) of the Northwest Ouorler OVA11/4) of the Soulhwesl Cuorler (5;1,1I/4), !hence West along said Easl anal West line, Six Hundred Fifty Seven and Seventy Four Hundred/hs (657 74) feel more or less to sold point in the Kest line of said East One Half ;'E 112) of the Northwest Cuorler (A,,I'//4 i cf Me Southwest Quorler ( SWI/4 % distant One Thousand Six Hundred Ninely Nine and Twenty Eight Hundredths (1699.28) fee! South of the Northwest corner of sold East One Holl (E1/2) cl the Sculhwesl Quorler (Si4'1/4) of the Northwest Ouorler (NW1/4) thence North along the West line cf safd East One Half (E1/2) of the Northwest Quorler (NW1/4) of the Southwest O-,arler (SWI/4) and along the West line of said East Ore Ho/f (EI/2) of the SouMwesl Cuorler (SWI/4) of the Northwest Ouorler (NW1/4) to the point of beginn,ng� hove caused Jhe some !o be surveyed and p/oT1ed os F/RST ADD/T/ON TO GLEN HAVEN MEAfORIAL 64ROENS, the some 10 be occupied exclusively as o cemelery for the burial cf Me dead, and for purposes necessary and proper thereto and the said Corporation hereby dedicate the some forever to life purposes herein mentioned-ond that said Corporation also dedicate to the public for the public use for v r the Aven as shown c the annexed plot. /n witness whereof said Corporation hove caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers and its corporate sea/ to be hereunto affixed on this day of A.D. /950 Sinned he presence o Glen Haven N,emeria/ Gardens Associolicn 7, F> a f and � Secretory STATE OF��O�ss COUNTY OF ✓' ) 1950 A D before me a Nclo Pub/ic with,, or,,, for said Ccunly and S1cle, personally o p y (� On This �- day of �_ � ry y p y ppeored J. W. Chose !o me erscna/1 . known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he /s President of the corporation named in the foregoing insJr,,me,�I, ono 1/,o1 /he s c/ off, red /c said inslrumenl is the Corporale seal of said corporation e t and that said instrument was signed and secled in behalf of said corporation by culhorily of its board of direcicrs, and ti,ol said ✓.:% Chose ackn( .vledge said ins t rument to be the free act and deed o/ '` .; �.• s said corporation. Nolory /./✓y.r 04f,�/ My Cc •n nission S TA TE OF An S S D UI r 1 _ r. cQUNrr of JA CKs o n) � S • - �; `• `� On this day of � 1950 A.D. before me a Notary Public wilhin and fcr said County and Stole, personally appeared Edward P Cannon 10 me persona//y known, who being by me du/y sworn did soy Ihol he i ecre/ary cf the corporation named in the to, instrument, ond that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal of said corporation, and /hot said Instrument was Si act and deed of said corporation gned and sag/ed in behalf o/ said corporation by authority of its board of d/recicrs, and /ho/ said Ed oral P. Cannon acknowledges said inslrumenl to be the free .'I, Nolory Publi - --- ' M Gommi lion Expires ✓ / {� _ _ f I hereby certify that / hove surveyed and platted the loud described in the above dedicalicn as F/RST AOD/r/ON TO GLEN HAVEN MEMCR/AL AR vS.' that mi lot is a correct representation cf sold survey: that al/ distances ore correctly shown on said plot in figures denoting feet and decimals of a fool: that the monuments for the guidance ulure surveys h e been correctly placed in the ground utside boundor;es of the land ore correctly designated on said plot.' and Jho/ there ore no we/ /ands or public *' as shown on said ptg1.' that the topography of the land is correctly shown on said plot: Ilial /ne o highways to be designated on said plot oMer than ore shown thereon. Registered Land Surveyor, Mlrnesclo Number 2584 _.- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEP/N1 S. S. Above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public within and for said Cconly end ale on lh%s � _ dcy 0f�l/r 1950 A D. .� W• Y i J ry Publ, 1*c epin 0-)u^11, M,r,nesolc C,...... • •.... j, 19(nn.`- My Cc:--)m/ssic n Exc lies M/ GG:umiss'u.: LAP11c- : I:151 (� Th,s plot was approved ond accepted by The VIlloge Council of Jhe V11/age of CRYST4L , MINNESOTA, at a ragulor meeting !hereof held Jh1s ` /- day o/ - ____ _' _ _-. ,_C / __- _, /950 A. D. Vi//o,e Co, Holl of Villoge of CRYS, AL, VIA IVESO74 rf' � , �--_ / - - - -- - - - --- President * - .4 Clerk '', d� J7 4 E . ��� -4Q I�yi ,e�