BOTNER&TBOTNER, AND THOMPSON ADDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY MILAN. Vi11ae of Crystal SCALE: -1"=100' SEPTEMBER- 1950 CARTWRIGHT g1. OLSON Lar1d Surveyors Know a// men by lhcservresenfs Awlwe, A. Boti�er and EfiSe/ L . Botr/er, his wife and Ar✓o ✓. 7hom3oso17 and ✓el7,?e T ompso17, hrs w�1`e, owr7ers and proprietors of ,hhe fo/%wiy descri6ed�oro�erfy sifcafe in We Sfafe Of �nnCS01"o' arlO� CDUnf j/ 01 Ae/7r7B�0117 fow�f• - Thaf �oart of /i5e ryorthwest Quarter of the Norst�east Q�arfer (N/'✓4 of NE4 J ofSecfion S, Townshp //B, /?anJ¢e z/ fl%sf ofrhe Soh /-'rinc;ba/ ,YJer�oian, descr�if>ed as fo/%ws : Go�n�nenc/r� at tfie NorfiSwest corner- of>f�ie NorfiSwesf varfe�- of fi4e .t/vr sYeast ' Q Quarter (Nrva ofNE�) cfwidSection; thence fast a/oy f/ie Norsy, /,ire ieieof a of 64¢,S fees; thence -tan a�.O/e 0.1r./104f del—e-6-1 AO i7utes to Nie r*pt a dstance of ZB9 Bfeet, rs5ence at an ani/e of O deYrees A01ml7ates fo 1he r101571 a dsfancB of ZS4 IS Ae& dance -.,-1.7/7 anS/e of Z3 degrees and 15m1, Utes + the /eft a distance of Z65. 8 feet to /Pie actua/po ht of6e�p�hn n al/he tract of /and fo he described e,7ce cor,fi:7ui17 ma die last descr�6ed /.ore a distance of /vs lee?- � ci .� 6�P a/o�P •.35 t f e, xe �o ih para//e/ .,vrl .the West /ire of said NorNiwest Quarter ofthe r✓ortfieast Quarter (W;v ofNE�79 to ,he South /ne lhereof, A*1.7ce Nest a/ons A,- SoalS /r e thereof a d x lg17ee of 3.50 feet to a,00 i;t distant Zio feet East fro.,7 the �SoahSwesf cone.- vf5ereaf A"ce Var lh Para//e/ H•r /'n less la a7 rir/e,section w�;f'i a sfiwyht l4we dra wn f�zvn Nie ri71 of L" i!� he ft�est a d .✓orthwest Qaarfer of�15e Nor,Y�eastQvar7�r (N`V¢ of.crE� )a d si`ance of56¢ met, mare or i� l�tG�r/!/�//7� fn a�ooinf on f1%sf o said rVirh��ye,�} �, r of the NorrYieast Quarter (NW 0/"j) dstant .56¢ feet Noriii from eye Sou�Swesf corer thereof and 793. Z reef Sourih of Xie /Ya�fhwest corner rf'�er�of, ther�ce fast Z3s3 feetmore or less f0 1ie ozol of6e ,,7, 7,i, e cce t /h' e _Z, / 33 ee an ercePt ,qie west 7o reef the,•-eof and exceot�i� tfe East 70 ;eet of the .�uirf5 Z.33 feet ri5ereof. 4/so ri7cfud/r7Y Par: / - That�rt of Nie .�urt�i Orae -half <siJ of>f�ie Norrfhovest Qcra�i��vw '� of>i5a .vorXie P .� �, P f t Nasreof 4 ast Quarter (NE¢� ofSection .5; Township , r7an�e zi fres/ of Ifhe SIY Prncrpa/ rt9erra'ian, a'escrr6edaslSilows GOmmerJGii7 at,>yie NvrhSwest comer ofttiB NorlfSwe�iQuan`er (.vw�) of li5e I✓vrthe asf Qrrarl�r (rVE � ofsaid Section S ?thence East a/on�p ,he North /i7e Xiereof 644 S feet• thence -tan an�p/e of /o¢ de�raes ¢D,n�i Utes fo the r, f ZB9.8 f at, h�iice of an ana¢/e of D o'e�rees SOm�hvfBs to tic ri ht ZS¢ /S feet 1)5ence at an an /e � 23 de reel /Sr�nafes fo rf�e /eft Z6581`eet �f5e of/ar/d fo lie descrr6ed, tfer/ce corrfirruri� a/on >f5e last �sc�-iCed /ire a dsfarrce of/os. 3sfeet �fezce So�rf'i -� .� h, ,vori f of be�inr�ri,�p of the tract Arai/e/ w�N, ,f5e /fest /rye ofsaid Northwest Quarrfsr (NiY J ofal5e NoNi`ieast Qiiarfer (NES J to die South /tee r1�e�of �f5ence East a/ons tfie .�ou/Yi /,ire ,i5ereof tf, aPo/i2f orr Oe SoarfS /ice ofsa/o' Alel west Qaarter'IV,0f � ofd Nor feasI QrV�r CA F, J Ik/. t 7.sB. z f of �asf of�f5e Soe/fiwesf corner of ,hie Alorti5wesf Quarter (Nw4 J ofIlie iYor-Xieast Quarter (NVQ ), Ce Nartfiwesfer y 437 4 feet fo a,00�ht 696.7 def bYest of rf5e hast /i/e of fl% ,✓01-1h ve5l Qaa1Yer- (rvN¢ J ofd NorrYieast Qva�fcr- l�vE¢ > and ¢/B. 9S fset Nor/Yi of >15e fo��i /tee ofsaid /✓ar-�i�rest varfer� (iYw ' o = Q ¢ J f 11.E A'or�Yieas� Q�arfer- (NES >; thence %test 66 feetPara//e/ wI45 1he Sodtfi /ire i✓orAwest (NWS /ofd,t%�fieasf Qriar ems- (NE¢ t, rl5ence ,iro�lhwester/y fo 1he 1,v,hf of'* e Oce the Sowl5 33 feet 11e. eat. Par. Z - That oarf of Secfian S, Townshp //B, ?ante Zi `Vest of y>e S,yS P,-;nc�pa/ iYlerio'/ars descr�6ed arfvilaws Gommencri� at e r1/or/hwesf corner of Northwest Quarler oflhe Norlheas Quarte , lhence Easf a/on�p the �✓ov� Dire tfiereaf 6¢¢ Sfeet �ience at ani/e of /O� de�prees 40 ��ir�fes to lher, .� hf ZS - 9h' feet, fher�ce at an ani/e of D d yrees SO rni�rates Ao 1he r�phf Z54. /S reef, • Aerrce of air air¢/e of z� degrees /s,n i Zoles /o 7Y7e le,-, Z65, B met lfier>ce fest a/ori a /ire here�i�afi�r- rCferrev' A "acrd which /nfersecfs ,tie iYest /ne said rt/orthH.es/ Qua•-tei- of die .vory/ieasf Q�rar�,�er of a�oorinf lhereirr 783. Z feet Sauffi 1•a" 1he Nor f4`vest ccrrr�r• ofsa�a� Nor-ihwesf Q�ar�ter- of Nor Seasr' Qvar-fer' and �vhrch roo�ir/ of irrfersectibr� rs e actual a�irf o lie . ri7 P /`- p 17n of fr5e tract of /-arid fn A- Sescr�6eo;• nee SourYr a/orr� said `Vest /ire a dstar�ce of 33/ feet more or- less fo -,0-011/1 Z33 feet North of die Sou iwest ca,-�,e, -ofsaid it/orrf5west Q�ar/er of .t/o.-sYeast t/ience East gra//e/ wr/h the �Soufi1i /17e ofsaid r✓orth�•�.esf >° Qaarter of Northeast Quarter a Distance of /4o feet thence SoutfiPard//e/ Pvlh5 ,h' e `Vest /i7e ofsa�o' lVorfhwesf Quarter l Nor/heast Qaarfer a dsfarrce of ZOD feet > irce Eas/Para//e/ wllh Xie Son yi /ire ovesaid r✓olxhwesf Quarr�i- of .✓ortlieasl QaAr, r- a d stance of 70 A61, ffaence Nth para//e/ wrlh 1h.0 Nest lite ofsaid Norfrhn est Quarfer� of Northeast Qaar-fer- a dsfa�ce -0f 56r� def ,rove or/ess fo air ,irfelsecfion r.,iY7 Ave A>f5eace /Vert a/or/� /,fie A "fo >f5e acro-/ fn�irr� oflie rnnirr Also the `?/est .![Ovenfy fthat art of JSAlorlhvesf mar/er (Aw=J offe Alk -?heart ' of,,&cfiarr S, Twnshid /i8, le, 717 Z/ `Pest of ti5e S,fS ,er,;,c,�,a/ ,yle,-,da1r descr�6ed as fa/lows ' Gon, rrciir� at the No,-Awesf corner of the NorrYrrvesf Qua.rSelof rf�e ,t/or>t5east Qlro�rter (NIV4 MZ-j)thence ofsaid .pct/ori; F.�t won� � ,yo,>yy /;re rY,ereofa d:sfa�,ce of 6�s def, - r158iicea>`allarr�/e of /D� d�rees �rnr�afes fo /the riphf a dsta�,ce of Z89. g fae>; >yrP✓rGe of ar/ arr�.(B of Do'�rees SOm,;��� fo tr5e ryhf a ois)`arrc�e 101--754 1s feet • ti5e11ce .771-W-7 air /e ofZ.� de lees /S,rrr�u�s fo 1f5e left- distance of Z6S8feer4 r`o 1f5e acfaa/�,rrf o>`'6 ,;7n� allhe frac/ of /and fo lie desc�-ihed, . lhence canfii7u it a/on hie, last desc✓-ibed /ire a o�sfance of /Os..35 feet fherrGe Sorr/h arae/B/ imllh > $e Mesf /17e ofsaid Nor�iwest `� � yrs �t .� ,o Quarter of fhe Noi'tf7east Quarr`er (,V`V¢' ,VE-¢ J fo the ,loari5 /i,�e rfrieleof, mance west ate✓¢ fide riff/ /r/e r15e1eofa drsfa�ce of 3S0 leel Ars Poet., Z/0 feel Fast ,r-vm Jf e �Soafhwest corner .0ereof, • thence North par-a//e/ w, ffi ,tl e ?Nest /he ofsarb' NorhSsvest Qaarfer of >/e /Yortheasf gaarler- (Nwa �vE�) a dsr�r ce of 56¢ met mare or less fo air in rsecfion wilfi a s>`rni /;�e drawn �¢h/ tram r15e ooirrr` of ��inlr fo a POir7f ort 11�e %l�sf /ne ofsaid Narth".esf Qaar r offhe ,1/orti5eas,< QLIar/`er �Nlv¢ NE¢ / o'isfar/�` S6¢ reef /f/01'fh torn /Ye .Soaf�S�est c-0rne.- Hereof and 783.2 ><eet South ofrf5e 1✓�rrf5svesf corrlel- h5ereof �rence East 335.3 f of inure o1- less, fo t�rie,0o�i7f of6e 11�r1�ir�¢, erceoh 1he ,South Z.�3 reef fi'ie✓�eof f�ave caused f/ie same /0 lie carve ed and /ailed as 7stoM,nso�v 4.041177.10)V and do hereh danafe and dedcafe fo A-0 l y P B0T/VER ANo Y ,a�6/�c 1vr rf�ie ,ou6/ic ase far-evar die aver��es an d /aa�e as sho vr� ori ts5e annexed�v/af. /r/ w1fness whereof AW have herea-7fo sel oar ha�rds and sea/s tr`iis day of A. A, p?ESENCE OF : - S/ As to As to Hor>55 /ire of NiV� of vPs of.�ct bn S Townsh;o I& Raise 41 ✓. (SEAL -41A✓o'IV4'est !arler Bother Tompson Gents A. olrier of •fiction S - _ _ As fo Towrrshro 1/B, As to Elhe/ Bofi7er- ?an • Jenne � m� �°�'Bofner Thomason ./rvo ✓. 7l„emoson (SEAL) N . d• Q v South�stGarner Of Nlt�< OfNE,� of a.�Gr/Gr7 S, Tcwrz� NoT /NCLUDEO /N PL. A7 - ,//tee referred fo as L,vre •iA ".:� desc•-iot�br7 h� �, � 1 r /r�i .Ylo.,ameet Q ,ram .�rrcvrcvr,�sirr- ell, J� /40 _,1 AVNUE �L� 70 ��' 758 Z . south /ire of " ofNE� of.�Gfion .5 Townshp //B, h'air�e Z/ 0 Sl,I, lmw Of N/Vs 'a ti ✓erne 7Jlavr�,asoerr Sta/e of .�iirnesota f 5S. Gounfy of J*,?.rrepii7 Orr *IB day of A. o. /950, before ?/e, a Notary Avhh,C, withih and A- sa10' Courtyard sfa� persona//y appeared G1e1)7enfs A. Bother acrd Eche/ L. Awt 7&, his wife, ar7d Arvo /Thompson a/7d ,/erne Thpp7psor7, hiswi s, fo rnePersong//y keo�r� folie )Oe Oersons descri�ied.,�, and who executed �iefreJair ,i�sfr of and ef5ey 7/,"//-,97 andackaow/ed�Qe Kiat Niey execufed hhe same as *e10- own free ¢ act and deed. Notary Pub/rc, i/enr,ePii� Gaun�r, Mrirnesota. ^9y Carnmissior7 Expi! eS Stale of /Y1ii7nesota 7 County of/lsnnevii7 f S S /hereby certify that /have sur✓eyedandp/acted r5�ie�roperfy descrlAed on -sBarvAR Arvo 7,-Ia omA, Aval-r/On/,- ghat lhls plat is a cwrectrePresentatior� ofssid survey; r5hat distances are correct�r shown on the plat in feet and deelma/s ofafoot that she m�uments for�r�.dance of faAi1-e surveys have been correctly placed /n l*e yroundas shown A,7 rf%,v/af iaf die outs/de GOUndary //i7es arB Gorlwe?ly alle5lpated on "Id o/at,• rsriat the A000�raphy of Nie /and is correctly shown on saidp/af; and ot5at ti5ere no wet /ands or public hi�hways lie des�nated on saia'p/at other' than as Shown rf5ereon. Svr veyoe - Miro . ReJp . No. /.983 • Above certificate s4l6crrrbed and sworl7 to before me, a Notary Puh/�c, withIh .217d-05,01- sago' Gounty and State on ti'iis day of 4..0. /950. Notary Avhlic, hk,717ep117 Goanty, .�1ii�nesota. My Comm�ss�an ExorreS This plat was aopraved and accepted by the 1111/9ye 40uncr7 of the V//a�e of Crystal, , at a re✓pu/ar n,aetiy fihereof he/al ffils day of. by PILLAGE COLIMC/L OF C✓ YSTAL, M/NA/E507-A. its Mayor. by /ts clerk. A.D. /950. Sl,I, lmw Of N/Vs 'a of Ale OfSectrorr To tinsJirp //B, pl7p 2i �,,.,-•- 686.7--.. \\ h W \ J \ � V \` o i '14 J r o ✓erne 7Jlavr�,asoerr Sta/e of .�iirnesota f 5S. Gounfy of J*,?.rrepii7 Orr *IB day of A. o. /950, before ?/e, a Notary Avhh,C, withih and A- sa10' Courtyard sfa� persona//y appeared G1e1)7enfs A. Bother acrd Eche/ L. Awt 7&, his wife, ar7d Arvo /Thompson a/7d ,/erne Thpp7psor7, hiswi s, fo rnePersong//y keo�r� folie )Oe Oersons descri�ied.,�, and who executed �iefreJair ,i�sfr of and ef5ey 7/,"//-,97 andackaow/ed�Qe Kiat Niey execufed hhe same as *e10- own free ¢ act and deed. Notary Pub/rc, i/enr,ePii� Gaun�r, Mrirnesota. ^9y Carnmissior7 Expi! eS Stale of /Y1ii7nesota 7 County of/lsnnevii7 f S S /hereby certify that /have sur✓eyedandp/acted r5�ie�roperfy descrlAed on -sBarvAR Arvo 7,-Ia omA, Aval-r/On/,- ghat lhls plat is a cwrectrePresentatior� ofssid survey; r5hat distances are correct�r shown on the plat in feet and deelma/s ofafoot that she m�uments for�r�.dance of faAi1-e surveys have been correctly placed /n l*e yroundas shown A,7 rf%,v/af iaf die outs/de GOUndary //i7es arB Gorlwe?ly alle5lpated on "Id o/at,• rsriat the A000�raphy of Nie /and is correctly shown on saidp/af; and ot5at ti5ere no wet /ands or public hi�hways lie des�nated on saia'p/at other' than as Shown rf5ereon. Svr veyoe - Miro . ReJp . No. /.983 • Above certificate s4l6crrrbed and sworl7 to before me, a Notary Puh/�c, withIh .217d-05,01- sago' Gounty and State on ti'iis day of 4..0. /950. Notary Avhlic, hk,717ep117 Goanty, .�1ii�nesota. My Comm�ss�an ExorreS This plat was aopraved and accepted by the 1111/9ye 40uncr7 of the V//a�e of Crystal, , at a re✓pu/ar n,aetiy fihereof he/al ffils day of. by PILLAGE COLIMC/L OF C✓ YSTAL, M/NA/E507-A. its Mayor. by /ts clerk. A.D. /950.