BODEMSBODEMS ADDITION r`> ,CNON ALL MEN BY THESE pPESE"/VTS= lhaf Sfcphen Mi/ler' and Clara Mi/ler, his wi%, owners and /.7roorie�ors, and Garr�den Par Sfafe Bank of Mlinnea�o/"s, a tilinnesofa corpora�io� , mama cc, or' the fc/%w%nom described properly sifua><e in the County o� Henr�'/oin, Slate o<' Minr7csota, fo wig: That pelf o><' Lo Twenrly- Four �Z�1J, Aud�ors Subd'✓is�cn Nur»bcr- lhr-ee hundred lwcnfy- e/ h� �dZB% /y/n� Easf o,< a 11r7e described as fc/%`vs: Bch/hn�i�� a� a ,vein( in the Nor-�h line off' sa/'v' Lot Twenty -Four- �ZQJ d 'sfanf I "/i/"'rf ilJoj feel l�i�es f o!' the Wes( line oj' he y f Eas one- urth �E/) of the NOrthWeS7 quarter of the Sou�heasf 4uar�er�SEXaJ off' ,Section Fo��-(4�, lownsfiio One -hundred elkh1eenr1/BJ, Zpaenfe Twcnfy-ox �Z/), (henceSouth ,vara//e/ wi, h the Olesf /�ile of said Easf one-eourVh �0') of Ahe Norfhwesf quaker Nk'/) of the Souf ewers quar,Ler �5E/% a dr,9lancc of Two -hundred Thirty-seven (12.37) feel more or less Ae a �oweny-ve�Z5) ofea�oAud/fors/ooin� wh1cf7 s 911 y 4 )feel Norfhwes�cr/y /%0177 the Nor Svbdiv%cion Number Three -hundred North line or Lot 00',441dSubd N' 30g 7 Twenty-�/uhf �,�ZBJ, as measured of r he 8n /es to the Norfhwesf line o,, sale' Loft Twen y_ fi'✓e rZ5), fher7Ce soulhWes;cr/y 479.7 ••• i bra//e/ wi �h the Norfhwesf /%ne off'said Lo Twenty-- �e �ZsJ, rhreC-hvnd�d Fi<� -Four 3S4 <ccf m y J o4e 0,-- less to a ,00/nf so so 135.45 l 5. 5 3o sa a in the North r/�h1 off• yvay /ii�e off' Count ,Peed Number' Ten /OJ ane' (here ferminafi� , e C --,O �haf art (hereofgibed ° ,o Be,�rhr�in� a� a point in the Eas line o/' Salo' Lof role y-��r�Z4) disfan� Th/% y lce� Sough o>< the /hlersecfior7 7 1 s2 j e9, r Easf line wrh the 50411'h /she of the North one- half fit/ ) of" the Soufhcas� or7e 4uar�er�SE/� 01Secy ori Four�4�, rownsh/;�7 a7e hundred o .35, 3 y o ° B . Er hleen /B% mar e 17,We17r1y-e,7e (.7/) , fhcI7ce 1Yesl a/or� a /he para//e/ with cele' south /ire of rhes Nath one-ha/f �N/z� :1/-fhc Souffieasf o S, Z o o N ane- uar�er �SE/� a dsj<ance nr ��h y -n ne and 5'/X'Iy-017e hundredths �d96/J reel, fhcr�ec South a c�'is�ar�ce o/- Ei h� 1D) fee o `° N , 6 /3s.6 Z poin dis�arl� y- nine and ,6evenfy-s%r hi�'9, ula 1'ZehV 76IlArl {Nest o('a int in the LrWk7e o saea' Lo Twcnfy_�ur �Z4j orsfan� Ei" f ,� �' o a N o a .a6 5 ��Oj reed South the po;n� a,<' be�;hnrr�r, �hcnce Easf-n�17e and $evenly -SIX 76) lecf fa said point in Raid Eas o 3 //mac off' Lof Twen� -ja r �Z4� dis�an� Ei�h�y �BO� reel South V'r `he point of" bc�hnin� (hence North a/ori fhc ,�a�o' Easf //hc oi" Lof zoo _ _ 9¢ 3 % o T�vcnfy-dour �Z4J fo the poir7>/ of fjc, f nn/nom f -/ave eavaed (fie ,same fo Ge seer -✓e ed an4' /af�ed as Y P ADM S ACDOMO/V and do he27by X4/.23 a !9 donate : nd dedicate to the pvb/rc dor the pub/ro vse jorc✓er the Averwes as .9how17 on the annc red ,o/a A/6o cub fo the Uri/r y Easemrn s as shoYrofh/wrfesswve hee��o el ochansao3o d L, � o,�b% � ey�F � � • n 4 0 ,�, � .S/nen!. 5i07ed 43�mc&n Park ' J kohen Mrl�r- t R. QNe/sen STATE OF MINNESOTA s s Card !yI/ler 4 .. P.L.Lund u% Qp� West /ii�e of Eas>< / o� / 'S `rte° COUNTY OFHENNEP/ ! r Cash 'ems Q On phis. day of" A. D, / 53, a� tip, Nwi of sE/ sec- 4 r./id, ��r , ,o , o a9 5 9 be�cre me, a notary pub/ic rv� thin ar�d /or said Co unfy and 5'�a�e, ,persona!/y aooeared a Slephcn Mi/ler ar7d Cara Mi//e� hi6 w��C, fo �e ,VerSona//y known fa be fhc ,persons described in and who e�'ecufed o V o the fore oin� insfrurr�ent, and said Sfcohen M/%ler an4 Cara Mi//e� his w�fc, a><f'irm and acknow/ed e fhajl the kr Na11fh�,SE ,5ec.4, r.//e, Pz� M exG'cv�� the Sa?7e as their own flee ac� .7,-747' deed. y Pvb/ic, 1-lcnncp117 County, Minnesota uf.Y.fy 6oseinnfg' 74.675 a9. 76 �► ! P NI Comrr7�ss�on Ex lees STATE OF MIN/Vf50TA SS 2� 3 W o o COUNTY OF HENNEP/iV da of" , before me a nofery pub/io wifhir7 ar�d fir' sa/o' Count and State else i/ a °o b 0 1 o On ,° /� y P�earsn' Scale f / _ loo A. Ne/san and �P L . L urd err"s f fe ane � y 4 personal/y known, who bel y each by me du/y sworn did say {hal They are resvecfive/y resident and Cashier' of the corparafivn named /n 74he torr e/n insfrc/menf and fhaf fhc sca/ afj%Xc4 fo M sou><h Z y .� Said /r7SfrUn7Gn� Z4, 144ld 30 30 �s is the coroorafe sca/ o>< said corpvraf/or7, ar�d fhaf Sac' r�sfrumen� was s�fned and .sea/ed 1i7 aha/X' off' sero' N? N°.�zg, 9� 346•,c _ _ COr,Oo2�ion by aulhori y o` h� Board of Di�eo'fors, and that sero' ZZ Ne/so,-7 and L , Lund u�sl a><firm an ackno w o' 92 ' :` sale' instrurr�nf fo be fhc <ree act and deed o><' sago' coroorafion, M Alaelery ,oub/ic, ,�/ennco�h County, NI/hneso�a My Co/77,77/.�t$%o/7 E�',oirrS I fhhafey ctbhe annexed ,o/af is a acorr✓reNode= denotes iron monunenf eyctedreaP nrdes,enfafionfhc /and ,ithe abo✓e o1' a// cededacatiocnorraescMyODsEhMoSwnAOonD /ls/aOiNd rd/af in ri�cares dcr7o1i/� , leaf and dccirna/s ora foo1', fhaf Ahe mon�/77cn/s fcr fhc ,�vrda�ce of future surveys have been correc,�/y ,p/aced in shown on sago' ,o/a� fhaf the fopa�raphy ef' the /and is correct/y shown on said ,Olaf, fhaf ¢he oafs/de Coerce(/y dcs��i�afed on said' o/af, ar�d fhaf (here are no wet /and yr pvb/�c h/hways to be desfed on said p/af ofhcr than are shown �he�or7. .Qe�is�errd /-and sur•��yo/-- /vl/hneso�a �e5ssfrafrcn Number- Z6� STATF OF MINNESOTA 5 s COUNTY OF HEN�yEP/N} The above and sworn 7�o L�><o� /,7c, a notary pub//c wifhir� and �r sale' �ounfy ar7d Sta�c, Notary Pvb/ic, l�enr�cPii7 Cour�fy, M%nne'ofa My Con7mi9sien 51101ie6 This p/af waS adore✓cd and acceo�ed by the l�//ayre CC 17Ci/ oi" the Yi// e of Cr sfa/, Mi�nCsofa of a r Ther-eo><' he/d 117/51 -day o�r��_ i' crular^ rr�eefir� A. D, /953, V/L LAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF Cif SIAL, M/NNESorA Ifs rOiZ°5idenl Ifs C/crk