23-07 Approved Neighborhood MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission - Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
July 5, 2023
Kentucky Park
The Parks and Recreation Commission Neighborhood Meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.
by Commission Chair Tony Sumnicht.
Commission members in attendance: Tony Sumnicht (Chair), Jesse McCaffrey (Vice-Chair),
Jennifer Zielinski (Secretary), Dave Anderson and Lynn Haney. Also present were; John Elholm,
John Sutter, Brian Hubbard, Brad Fortin, and Scott Berggren from the City Staff and Taji
Onesirosan from the city council.
Commission members absent: Shaz Ahmadi & Joyce Cooper.
Park and Recreation Commission members and City staff made introductions.
John Sutter provided information on current and upcoming city projects.
Brian Hubbard informed residents of how the department is supporting the community.
John Elholm presented information on upcoming park projects.
Brad Fortin highlighted recent and upcoming park maintenance activities.
Scott Berggren gave an update on programs and events in the Recreation Department.
A resident received a Crystal Community Center activity gift certificate in a drawing.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
John Elholm
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
July 5, 2023
Kentucky Park
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by
Commission Chair Tony Sumnicht.
Commission members in attendance: Tony Sumnicht (Chair), Jesse McCaffrey (Vice-Chair),
Jennifer Zielinski (Secretary), Dave Anderson and Lynn Haney. Also present were; John Elholm,
Brad Fortin, and Scott Berggren from the City Staff.
Commission members absent: Shaz Ahmadi and Joyce Cooper.
There was no public comment.
Ms. Zielinski made a motion to approve the June Neighborhood minutes; Mr. McCaffrey
seconded the motion. The Neighborhood minutes for June were approved as written.
Mr. McCaffrey made a motion to approve the June Park and Recreation Commission minutes;
Ms. Zielinski seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for June were
approved as written.
There was no chairperson’s report.
Mr. Elholm led the commission in discussing the recent bus tour. They had positive things to say
about the tour and enjoyed the parks and amenities they visited. The tour gave them ideas for
picnic shelters as we begin planning larger shelters in Crystal.
Mr. Elholm gave an update on the Crystal Cove Aquatic Center. The first step is to hire an
engineer and a landscape architect to begin designing the project. The aquatic center was
included in a state appropriation bill for $2.35 million, which will complement the city budgeted
funds for the project. Part of the state funding allows for 1% for public art. A local company
called Radius Track, known for its metalwork and curved designs, has shown interest in helping
with the art installations or by providing materials for the project. This collaboration holds the
potential for unique and visually appealing artistic elements.
Mr. Elholm provided an update on park projects. The dog park will soon have a new fence
installed. At Broadway and Crystal Highlands Park, the concrete work is finished. Soon, disc golf
baskets and tee pads will be added to the parks for visitors. These developments are part of
ongoing efforts to improve the parks and offer more recreational options for the community.
Mr. Elholm led the commission on a discussion of the commission’s Crystal Frolics booth. The
focus was on determining which members would attend the festival and the activities they
would offer to the attendees.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 July 5, 2023
Commission members discussed items during the open forum, giving input, asking questions,
and commenting.
There was no City Council report.
Mr. Fortin gave reports for park maintenance, and Mr. Berggren for recreation programming.
Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. We received a Hennepin County play area grant to help
fund the new Welcome Park play area. Due to the additional funds, additional poured-in-place
surfacing may be incorporated; to enhance the play area experience even further.
Mr. Sumnicht gave a Crystal Frolics report. The Crystal Frolics will be held July 27-30.
Mr. Elholm gave the Friends of Crystal Parks report. They will take part in the Family Festival at
the Crystal Frolics.
Ms. Haney made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ms. Zielinski seconded the motion.
The commission adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m.
John Elholm, Recorder