22-09 Approved Commission MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
September 7, 2022
Crystal Community Center
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at
7:00 pm by Commission Vice-Chair Tony Sumnicht.
Commission members in attendance: Jesse McCaffrey (Chair) (arrived late), Tony Sumnicht
(Vice-Chair), Shaz Ahmadi (Secretary), Dave Anderson, Forest Eidbo, Lynn Haney, Taji
Onesirosan, and Jennifer Zielinski. Also present were David Cummings, Council Liaison; John
Elholm, Brad Fortin, and Scott Berggren from the City Staff.
Commission members absent: Joyce Cooper and Erin Kolb
Jan Jorgens provided comments regarding a bench at Memory Lane Park. She also commented
on use of the play area at the Forest School neighborhood park.
Ms. Zielinski made a motion to approve the August Neighborhood minutes; Ms. Haney seconded
the motion. The Neighborhood minutes for August were approved as written.
Ms. Haney made a motion to approve the August Park and Recreation Commission minutes; Mr.
Eidbo seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for August were
approved as written.
The meeting was passed to Commission Chair McCaffrey to lead when he arrived at 7:18.
Mr. McCaffrey gave the Chairperson’s report. He enjoyed doing the self-guided disc golf course
tours. It provided him with additional ideas, which he appreciated.
The commission discussed their disc golf course visits and reviewed survey submissions
received. Photos of good signage from the visits was also shared. Staff will compile survey
results and pass them on to the consultant. City staff will meet with the consultant in the
coming weeks to determine the next steps for planning the course.
Mr. Elholm discussed other park planning efforts, including the Welcome Park play area and
health circuit, the Broadway Park play area site design and the Crystal Highlands site design.
There was also discussion on initial public engagement activities for the aquatic center and
Grogan Park. The initial survey questions being used were reviewed by the commission to see
if they were accurate; and to see if changes should be made for future engagement
opportunities. The general consensus was that the questions were fine, with no recommended
changes being offered. Surveys for all of these projects are available online, with a public open
house to gather additional input being scheduled right before the next commission meeting.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 September 7, 2022
Mr. Elholm also discussed ongoing park projects, including park entrance signs, Becker Park
pickleball courts, FAIR School Park soccer field, Bassett Creek Park prairie planting, Bassett
Creek Park dog park and Bassett Creek Park pedestrian bridge.
In addition, Mr. Elholm shared a list of projects in the long-range capital plan (2023-2032); and
discussed the types of projects in the parks fund vs. the building fund.
Commission members discussed items during the open forum; giving input, asking questions,
and commenting. One suggestion from the discussion included a request for staff to provide
some overview information on the recreation department (Park and Rec 101), including an
introduction of staff members (live or virtual). A recommended time for this was early in the
year when there may be new commission members.
Mr. Cummings presented the City Council report. The City Council has been spending much
time on the biannual city budget. The first approval of the budget has a levy increase of 9.5%.
Interviews are being conducted to fill the new Inclusion and Diversity commission. In addition,
the job posting for the City Manager position has been posted.
Mr. Fortin gave reports for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation programming.
Mr. Elholm gave a Director’s Report. Staff will be attending upcoming conferences this fall. Mr.
Elholm will attend the National Recreation and Park Association Conference in September. Mr.
Elholm, Mr. Berggren and Mr. Fortin will be attending the Minnesota Recreation and Park
Association conference in October. Mr. Elholm will be presenting a session at the state
conference. Also, an idea was brought up at a recent council meeting to have a beer garden at
Bassett Creek Park. Staff will be looking into this idea further in the coming months.
Ms. Haney gave a Crystal Frolics report. The 2022 Crystal Frolics wrap-up meeting will be held
on September 19.
Mr. Elholm gave a Friends of Crystal Parks Report. They are planning the Cheers to Crystal beer
tasting event in March of 2023.
Mr. McCaffrey made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Onesirosan seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm.
John Elholm