19-12 Approved Commission Minutes
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
December 4, 2019
Crystal Community Center
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by
Commission Chair Lori Merriam.
Commission members in attendance were: Lori Merriam, Dave Anderson, Andy Leipold, Erin
Kolb, Lynn Haney, Jesse McCaffrey, Terencio Safford and Meredith Torres‐Walsh. Also present
were Nancy LaRoche, Council Liaison; John Elholm, Brad Fortin, and Scott Berggren from the
City Staff.
No commission members were absent.
There was no public comment.
Ms. Kolb made a motion to approve the November Park and Recreation Commission minutes as
written; Mr. Safford seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for
November were approved as written.
Ms. Merriam gave a brief chairpersons report. She thanked Mr. Safford for his time on the
commission. Mr. Safford will not be returning as a commission member in 2020.
Mr. Elholm recognized Mr. Safford with an award certificate for his time on the Parks &
Recreation Advisory Commission.
Mr. Elholm led the commission in a discussion of meeting dates for 2020. There is only one
meeting date conflict this year. The January 2020 meeting will be moved to the second
Wednesday, January 8, because City offices are closed on January 1. There was also preliminary
discussion on summer 2020 dates; including the potential of meeting indoor at the Community
Center instead of outdoor in a park in September. Most commission members were in favor of
moving the September meeting indoors due to lack of daylight in September. The Commission
will vote on a final 2020 schedule at their January meeting.
In addition to outdoor meeting dates the commission was in favor in turning their outdoor
meetings into mini pop‐up events to try and increase participation and engagement. The
Recreation Department will provide the commission with more specific ideas at a later date.
The commission would also like to continue with a summer bus tour. The group suggested the
focus for 2020 could be more on recreational programs. More discussion on tour agenda will
occur as we get closer to the tour.
Mr. Berggren discussed the upcoming Winterfest event and provided the commission members
who could attend their work tasks.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 December 4, 2019
Ms. LaRoche gave the City Council report. The Council is working on finalizing the 2020 budget.
Some commission members expressed interest in meeting with the City Council. Mr. Elholm
suggested that meeting with the council as a group works best if there is a specific topic to
discuss. Ms. LaRoche noted that council meetings and work sessions are open to the public,
and commission members are welcome to attend.
Mr. Elholm gave the Crystal Fund report. The Crystal Fund is focusing on the 2020 Cheers to
Crystal event, where two breweries are currently confirmed. It was suggested that the monthly
Crystal Fund report be moved to the ‘Community Reports’ section of the agenda. The item will
be moved beginning next month.
Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation
programming. Both referred to the monthly reports provided in the packet.
Mr. Elholm’s gave the Director’s report. The Community Outreach Task Force concludes at the
end of the year. Judging for the Neighbors Recognizing Neighbors award will now be done by
the Park and Recreation Commission. Mr. Elholm also talked about the importance of nature in
parks, and the items in our park system master plan that speak to this. He then introduced Mr.
McCaffrey, who had some related information to share.
Mr. McCaffrey gave a presentation on a ‘mindfulness walk’ program that is used in Ohio. The
walk mixes the physical activity of walking on trails with stations that have mental health and
self‐care activities illustrated on signs. The commission thought this could be another good way
to get people outside, and should be considered for addition if funds become available.
Mr. Elholm & Ms. Haney gave a Crystal Frolics report. The Recreation Department has been
meeting with many groups gauging their interest in being a part of the 2020 Crystal Frolics. This
included a meeting with Omni Brewing who could provide a local craft beer option at Becker
Park. The Recreation Department is also working on a vendor form to help solicit vendors. Ms.
Haney mentioned that Armstrong cross country will no longer be coordinating the Crystal
Frolics 5K. She added that there will only be one large tent at Welcome Park that will host the
beer and food groups together.
Under citizen contacts, Ms. Merriam mentioned her neighbor would like to have an event to
race soap box cars.
Mr. Safford made a motion to adjourn; Ms. Torres‐Walsh seconded the motion. The motion was
The meeting adjourned at 8:39 pm.
John Elholm, Recorder