19-11 Approved Commission MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
November 13, 2019
Crystal Community Center
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by
Commission Chair Lori Merriam.
Commission members in attendance were: Lori Merriam, Dave Anderson, Andy Leipold, Erin
Kolb, Lynn Haney, Jesse McCaffrey, Terencio Safford and Meredith Torres-Walsh. Also present
were John Elholm, Brad Fortin, and Scott Berggren from the City Staff.
No commission members were absent.
Shaz Ahmadi & Neil Lantto, Crystal Residents, were also in attendance for the meeting.
There was no public comment.
Ms. Haney made a motion to approve the October Park and Recreation Commission minutes
with the following addition related to the smoking policy discussion; “Mr. McCaffrey provided
information from Minneapolis, which has a more restrictive policy”; Mr. Leipold seconded the
motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for October were approved with the
above addition.
There was no Chairpersons’ report.
A Becker Park construction update was given by Mr. Elholm. He showed a drone video that
detailed the transformation the park has taken over the last year. Mr. Elholm also displayed
some progress pictures on key park features including the building and splash fountain. Many
of the park amenities have been ordered and will be assembled and installed before the May 16
grand opening.
Mr. Elholm updated the Commission on the loss of grant funding from Paul’s Pals. Paul’s Pals
had committed $50,000 to the inclusive playground at Becker Park.
Mr. Elholm presented an updated ‘Smoking and Tobacco-Free Policy’ that was modified based
on commission discussion at the October meeting.
Mr. McCaffrey made a motion to recommend the Smoking and Tobacco-Free Policy as written;
Mr. Anderson seconded the motion. The City of Crystal Smoking and Tobacco-Free Policy was
recommended as written.
The updated policy will be added to the City website, and will also be added to group permits
when park facilities are rented.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 November 13, 2019
Mr. Fortin discussed an upcoming project that will attempt to eradicate buckthorn from a
portion of Bassett Creek Park. The project will happen in phases over the next few years as
funding becomes available. The first phase will use a machine to aggressively remove the
invasive growth. The long term approach would be working with Green Guilds out of Crystal to
bring goats on site to eat new growth.
There was no City Council report.
Mr. Elholm gave the Crystal Fund report. The Crystal Fund is focusing on the 2020 Cheers to
Crystal event, which two breweries are currently confirmed. The Crystal Fund is also seeking
people to help with different aspects of the event; descriptions of which were handed out at
the meeting.
Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation
programming. Both referred to the monthly reports provided in the packet.
Mr. Elholm’s Director’s report mentioned the two Hennepin County Youth Sports Grants we
have applied for; one for a North Lions hockey rink, and one for a Fair Park playground and
soccer field. Mr. Elholm also gave a recap on City staff participation at the 2019 MRPA State
Ms. Haney gave a Crystal Frolics report. Ms. Merriam was named as the Vice President of the
Crystal Frolics Committee. The City of Crystal and the Crystal Frolics Committee continue to
work together to plan the 2020 Crystal Frolics. The initial plan is to have the City plan activities
at Becker Park and the Frolics Committee plan activities at Welcome Park. There is a combined
goal in 2020 to partner with more businesses and local groups.
Mr. Safford announced he will not be renewing his term as a Commission member for 2020. He
will be moving away from the City of Crystal.
Ms. Haney made a motion to adjourn; Ms. Torres-Walsh seconded the motion. The motion was
The meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
John Elholm