1990 EDA Meeting Minutes..� 2 JANUARY 1990 MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA The regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by Vice -President, Elmer Carlson, at 8:05 p.m. Darlene George, City Clerk, administered the oath of office for appointment to the EDA to John Irving, 7020 45th Place North and E. Gary Joselyn, 4068 Hampshire Avenue North, Crystal. The assistant City Manager then called the roll. All members were present. Staff members present were: Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager; and Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator (arrived 8:10 P.M.). The next order of business was election of officers. The Vice - President asked for nominations to the office of President. Commissioner Irving nominated Commissioner Moravec as President. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the nomination. Commissioner Grimes nominated Commissioner Herbes as President. Commissioner Carlson seconded the nomination. On the first nomination for Commissioner Moravec as President, those members voting aye were: Moravec, Irving, Langsdorf, and Joselyn. Members voting nay were: Carlson, Grimes, and Herbes. Commissioner Moravec was therefore elected President by a four to three vote. Commissioner Moravec then lead the meeting by continuing with nominations for the office of Vice -President. Commissioner Carlson moved to keep all remaining officers as elected in August of 1989. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion failed. Commissioner Irving moved to divide the question of separate nominations. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote the following members voted aye: Moravec, Irving, Grimes, Herbes, Langsdorf, and Joselyn. Members voting nay were: Carlson. Continuing the nominations for the office of Vice -President, Commissioner Joselyn nominated Commissioner Carlson to the office of Vice -President. Commissioner Grimes seconded the nomination. Commissioner Irving moved to close nominations. Since there were no other nominations, Commissioner Carlson was elected Vice -President. The President then requested nominations for the office of Secretary. Commissioner Carlson nominated Commissioner Irving to the position of Secretary. Commissioner Irving declined. Commissioner Joselyn nominated Commissioner Grimes as Secretary. Commissioner Irving seconded the nomination. Since there were no other nominations, Commissioner Grimes was elected Secretary. The President then asked for nominations to the position of Treasurer. Commissioner Irving nominated Commissioner Langsdorf to the position of Treasurer. Commissioner Carlson seconded the nomination. Since there were no other nominations, Commissioner Langsdorf was elected Treasurer. The President then requested nominations for the position of Assistant Secretary. Commissioner Herbes nomination Julie Jones to the position of Assistant Secretary. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Since there were no other nominations, Julie Jones was electet Assistant Secretary. The next agenda item was approval of December 19, 1989 minutes of the Crystal Economic Development Authority. The President noted an error in the second paragraph regarding the approval of the December 5 meeting minutes. Julie Jones noted that no motion had been made to approve the December 5 minutes, however, the minutes were approved by unanimous consent. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the December 19, 1989 meeting minutes as changed. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The next agenda item was consideration of a draft EDA Mission Statement. It was the consensus of the Authority to postpone approval of the Mission Statement until members had more time to review it and recommend changes to staff. The next order of business was an update by staff on a new state housing funding program called the Housing Preservation Program. Julie Jones explained that staff is waiting for more information on the program but wanted to update the EDA on the future availability of this funding. The next order of business was discussion of potential redevelopment of the Crystal Jiffy Lube Site. Staff explained recent discussionE with the the owner of Jiffy Lube, John Black. EDA members discussec.-- whether or not the Jiffy Lube Redevelopment Proposal was suitable for Tax Increment Financing Assistance. It was the consensus of the members that the proposed project was not large enough to justify the administrative expense involved in overseeing such a project. Commissioner Carlson moved to refer the item to the EDA Advisory Commission as an informational item. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Under other business, Commissioner Grimes mentioned a recent Star Tribune article regarding Tax Increment Financing and asked if it would be possible for Senator Ember Reichgott to attend the next EDA/EDA Advisory Commission Joint meeting to discuss the legislative changes proposed to the Tax Increment Financing Law. Staff indicated that they would attempt to schedule a meeting sometime in February with Senator Reichgott and Representative Ann Rest. Commissioner Langsdorf moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m. MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA 6 FEBRUARY 1990 President Moravec called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 9:50 p.m. Upon call of the roll, all members were present. Staff members present were: Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager; and Julie Jones,Community Development Coordinator. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the January 2, 1990 EDA minutes as written and Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Moravec suggested that the EDA consider changing the regular March meeting date to coincide with the first City Council meeting in March, which had previously been changed to March 13. Commissioner Langsdorf moved to change the regular March EDA meeting date to March 13. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA members then considered a revised EDA Mission Statement. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the Mission Statement as rewritten by the City Attorney. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. Staff was directed to forward the approved EDA Mission Statement to the EDA Advisory Commission prior to the February 13 joint meeting of the EDA and the EDA Advisory Commission. EDA members then discussed a memo received by the EDA Advisory Commission regarding the possible purchase of 5231 Douglas Dr. N. Julie Jones explained the Advisory Commissions findings as stated in their memo dated January 10, 1990. The item was briefly discussed with no action taken. Staff was then requested to give an update on the Hwy. 100 and 36th Ave. N. intersection project. John Olson reported about a recent meeting between staff and representatives of Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Olson explained that the environmental impact statement process is expected to take about 2 years with bids being let in 1993. He also informed the commission members that the City Attorneys have begun developing a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Hwy. 100/36th Ave. area. Next on the agenda was discussion of potential property purchases on West Broadway and Hanson Court. John Olson indicated that the real estate agent representing the properties of the car wash, rental business and home on West Broadway would like to know if the City is interested in purchasing the property. The EDA members discussed the matter and reached a consensus to wait and see if private industry can develop the area on its own. The next item of discussion was the City's Comprehensive Plan. John Olson explained that the current Crystal Comprehensive Plan is over 2 years old, and in parts, is in conflict with City Zoning Ordinances. He suggested that the EDA consider hiring a consultant to revise the plan. Commissioner Grimes moved to send out RFP's for a consultant to revise the Crystal Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. Under other business, John Olson explained access problems on Hwy. 81 at Wilshire Ave. which are restricting redevelopment for the Suburban Motel property. He explained that the County has indicated that they will build a signalized intersection with turn lanes at Wilshire if the City assists in the design. President Moravec suggested that staff submit a written report on this matter for the next EDA meeting when the commission members would discuss it in more detail. Also under other business, President Moravec suggested that City staff put information on the FHA 203 (k) program into the next City Newsletter so that residents of Crystal may be aware of this opportunity. President Moravec also suggested that staff organize a tour of potential redevelopment sites within the City for the purpose of educating both the EDA and EDA Advisory Commission on potential redevelopment projects. It was the consensus of the group to wait until after daylight savings time takes effect in order to receive the benefit of more daylight hours in the evening for an evening tour. Commissioner Herbes moved to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:28 p.m. Secre a y Motion carried. MEETING MINUTES OF THE JOINT CRYSTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMISSION 13 FEBRUARY 1990 7:00 P.M. The Chair of the Crystal Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission, Art Cunningham, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., asking for introductions. Those Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission members present were: Art Cunningham, Tony Brace, Gail Wawrzyniak, Ed Krueger, Paulette Magnuson, Jane Elsen, John Neznik, and Merle Mattson. Those advisory commission members absent were: Mark Hoffmann, and Adrian Rygg. Members of the Economic Development Authority present were: Betty Herbes, Elmer Carlson, Garry Grimes, John T. Irving, Gary Joselyn (arrived 7:05 p.m.), John Moravec (arrived 7:21 p.m.), and Pauline Langsdorf (arrived 8:20 p.m.). Staff members present were: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; John Olson, Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director; Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Steve Bubul, Attorney with Holmes & Graven. The Chair then proceeded around the table asking each Advisory Commission member to ask two questions of the Economic Development Authority. Questions were asked regarding the purpose and goals of both the Economic Development Authority and the Advisory Commission. There was also lengthy discussion regarding the inter -relationship between the EDA and the Advisory Commission regarding the process in planning and developing projects. The second half of the meeting was dedicated to a discussion regarding tax increment financing. Dave Kennedy, City Attorney, explained that the Economic Development Authority is a separate political body under the State laws of Minnesota. One of the EDA's rights under State law is to establish tax increment financing districts. Steve Bubel, an attorney from the office of Holmes & Graven, who specializes in tax increment financing, explained the basics of tax increment financing to the group, including the steps and options included in developing a district. Following Mr. Bubul's presentation, members present were allowed to ask questions regarding tax increment financing. The pros and cons of tax increment financing were discussed, as well as, proposed legislative changes to the tax increment financing law. The Chair then thanked Steve Bubul and the Economic Development Authority members for attending the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m. Secre a y MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA 13 MARCH 1990 President Moravec called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 9:30 p.m. Upon call of the roll, the following commission members were present: Elmer Carlson, Garry Grimes, Betty Herbes, Gary Joselyn, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. Those members absent were: John T. Irving. Staff member present were: Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager; and Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the February 6, 1990 EDA meeting minutes as written, and Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The next order of business was consideration of the Hwy. 100/36th Ave. N. Tax Increment Financing Plan. John Olson presented the Plan, summarizing it's objectives and displaying a map of the suggested district boundaries. Art Cunningham, EDA Advisory Commission Chair, appeared and reported on the Advisory Commission's findings to accept the Plan in concept, considering that there was little time to study the Plan and that there are yet many details unknown. Questions and discussion followed. Elmer Carlson moved to adopt Resolution 90-1, a Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Project Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 2 and a Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 2-1. Garry Grimes seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The next agenda item was consideration of a staff report regarding the intersection at Hwy. 81 and Wilshire Blvd. John Olson explained the report which studied the need for a signalized intersection with turn lanes at Hwy. 81/Wilshire, which included traffic counts, accident reports, and staff correspondence with the County. Bill Monk, City Engineer, appeared to explain the traffic count reports. Betty Herbes moved to direct staff to seek proposals from engineering firms to develop redesign plans for the interesection. Pauline Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Next on the agenda was consideration of acquisition of property at 3431 Douglas Dr. N. Jerry Dulgar explained that staff had met with the owner of the property at 3431 Douglas Dr. N. and has discussed potential redevelopment ideas for the site. Art Cunningham appeared to report on the EDA Advisory Commission's recommendations regarding the property. The Advisory Commission's recommendations were that the EDA not pursue acquisition of the property at this time. Betty Herbes moved that the EDA not consider purchasing the property at 3431 Douglas Dr. N. and Gary Joselyn seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The last agenda item was discussion of the Year XVI Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding allocation. Julie Jones explained her recommendations to discontinue funding for the daycare program and to consider new funding for a Housing Preservation Loan Program. Art Cunningham appeared to report on the EDA Advisory Commission's recommendations for the establishment of funding for a Neighborhood Preservation Loan Program. The Advisory Commission recommended that staff be directed to apply for $20,000 in 1989 discretionary account funds from Hennepin County to establish a Housing Preservation Loan Program. If that effort should fail, it was recommended that the EDA reallocate Year XVI CDBG funds so that a Neighborhood Preservation Loan Program Fund could be established. President Moravec noted that the City Council will be considering the allocation of Year XVI CDBG funds at a public hearing on April 3 and requested that the Council receive a staff report on the use of Year XV CDBG funds at that meeting. Since there was no other business, Betty Herbes moved to adjourn the meeting and Pauline Langsdorf seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. 0 GL'ir�d�.1 secretary MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA 3 APRIL 1990 President Moravec called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 9:00 p.m. Upon call of the roll, all commission members were present. Staff members present were: Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager; and Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the March 13, 1990 EDA meeting minutes as written, and Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The next order of business was consideration of a Tax Increment Agreement between the City of Crystal and the Crystal Economic Development Authority. Commission Irving moved to approve the Tax Increment Agreement as submitted, and Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next agenda item was consideration of changing the regular EDA meeting time. After a brief discussion of the possibility of each member's ability to attend meetings prior to the Council Meetings, Commissioner Herbes moved to change the EDA By -Laws to state that the regular EDA meeting time will be at 6:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday each month. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The City Attorney noted that the new meeting time could take effect at the next meeting and that Staff should post a legal notice in the local paper notifying residents of the meeting time change. Under other business, President Moravec noted that Staff had requested that the EDA consider Resolution 90-2, a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Subordination Agreement in connection with the $5,965,000 City of Crystal, Minnesota Commercial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds (Crystal Gallery Mall Project) Series 1990. It was noted that the Crystal City Council had approved the Subordination Agreement at their last Council meeting, but that the agreement also needed to be authorized by the Crystal EDA. Commissioner Langsdorf moved approval of Resolution 90-2, and Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Since there was no other to adjourn the meeting. motion to adjourn. The Motion Carried. business, Commissioner Commissioner Irving meeting adj Herbes moved seconded the MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA 1 MAY 1990 President Moravec called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:03 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: Elmer Carlson, Garry Grimes, Betty Herbes, Gary Joselyn, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. Commissioner John T. Irving arrived at 6:04 p.m. Staff members present were: Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager; and Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator. The President then asked the in the Pledge of Allegiance first meeting of the night. Commission Members to join him to the Flag since it was the The President noted an error in the April 3, 1990 minutes, noting that the words "Motion carried" should be added to the end of the third paragraph. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the EDA Meeting Minutes of April 3, 1990 as corrected. Pauline Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The EDA then considered a recommendation from the EDA Advisory Commission regarding the establishment of a Hotel Lodging Tax. Julie Jones explained the findings of the Advisory Commission, stating that they were recommending that the EDA not implement a Hotel Lodging Tax at this time. Several questions were asked of staff regarding the implementation of a Lodging Tax. Commissioner Herbes moved to continue indefinitely action on implementing a Hotel Lodging Tax in the City of Crystal. Pauline Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next agenda item was an update by John Olson regarding the Highway 100/36th Ave. TIF District. He stated that Nicklow's was in the process of negotiating with two possible developers and has indicated that they will likely sign with one of the developers within the month. Mr. Olson also stated that the Tax Increment District was certified prior to the April 30, 1990 deadline, meaning that the District would not have to comply with new legislative changes. Mr. Olson then continued with the next agenda item: discussion of legislative changes to the Tax Increment Financing Law. He explained several of the changes made to the Tax Increment Financing Law recently by the legislature, stating that it will be extremely difficult to establish tax increment districts in the future. The next item was a staff update on the Neighborhood Preservation Program. Julie Jones explained that the application for funding to the Neighborhood Preservation Program has now arrived and that she will be drafting Crystal's application for presentation to the EDA at the June meeting. She explained the difficulties that the City will be faced with in meeting federal requirements regarding the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds as matching funds. Jerry Dulgar suggested that the EDA may wish to use PIR Funds instead of CDBG Funds, provided the loan fund is a revolving loan fund and the money could be returned to the City. The President then asked Julie Jones to report back to the EDA at the next meeting with more specifics on the Neighborhood Preservation Program. The last regular agenda item was selection of a date to hold a redevelopment site tour for all EDA and EDA Advisory Commission Members. The date of Tuesday, May 15, 1990 was selected for a tour to be held from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., prior to the council meeting that evening. Under other business, Commissioner Irving questioned why camera operators were not present at the EDA meeting. Mr. Dulgar explained that staff had neglected to inform the cable crew in the change of the meeting time and that the cable crew would be present for all EDA meetings in the future. Also under other business, John Olson explained that staff is in the process of interviewing companies who have submitted Comprehensive Plan Update Proposals. Since there was no other business Commissioner Herbes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m. MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 5 JUNE 1990 President Moravec called the meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:04 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: John T. Irving Garry Grimes, Betty Herbes, Gary Joselyn, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. Elmer Carlson arrived at 6:05 p.m. Staff members present were: Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager; and Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator. The President then asked the Commission Members to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag since it was the first meeting of the evening. Commissioner Irving moved to approve the minutes of the May 1, 1990 EDA meeting as written. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next item of consideration was EDA Resolution 90-3, a Resolution Authorizing Submittal of an Application for Funding in the Neighborhood Preservation Program. The President asked Julie Jones to explain the application. Ms. Jones explained that the Hennepin County Citizen's Advisory Committee is recommending that the City of Crystal receive $15,000 in 1990 CDBG Discretionary Account Funds. Despite the possibility of not receiving the full $20,000 CDBG Discretionary Account Fund request, Ms. Jones recommended that the EDA proceed with the application as written since MHFA may consider including Scattered Site Funds as eligible matching funds for the program. Commissioner Irving moved to adopt EDA Resolution 90-3, a Resolution Authorizing Submittal of Application for Funding in the Neighborhood Preservation Program. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA then considered three engineer proposals to conduct a traffic study of the County Road 81 and Wilshire Blvd. intersection. John Olson explained the proposals and further explained staff's recommendation to select Westwood Professional Services proposal to conduct the traffic study. Commissioner Herbes moved that the EDA select Westwood Professional Services to conduct a traffic study of the County Road 81 and Wilshire Blvd. intersection. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. Under other business John Olson explained a recent offer received by a Crystal homeowner to sell their property to the City. A copy of a letter from the property manager was distributed. Mr. Olson explained that the property has been on the City's Scattered Site Acquisition list for a number of years. Commissioner Carlson moved to request the Environmental Quality Commission and the EDA Advisory Commission to look at the property and give their recommendations. Commissioner Grimes made a friendly amendment to the motion that staff be directed to obtain an appraisal while the other commissions are considering their recommendations. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner Carlson. Another friendly amendment was offered by Commissioner Herbes that only the EDA Advisory Commission be requested to give their recommendations since they are the proper body to look at this project. Commissioner Carlson accepted the second amendment. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion, as amended. Motion carried. The President then thanked staff for organizing the Redevelopment Tour, which was held on May 15, 1990. Since there was no other business, the President asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Herbes moved to adjourn. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m. 1 Secretary MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL CITY HALL 3 JULY 1990 President Moravec called the meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:07 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: Betty Herbes, John T. Irving, Gary Joselyn, Pauline Langsdorf, John Moravec, and Elmer Carlson (arrived 6:21 p.m.) Those members absent were: Garry Grimes. Staff members present were: John Olson, Assistant City Manager; Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; and Dave Kennedy, City Attorney. The President then asked the Commission Members to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag since it was the first meeting of the evening. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the minutes of the June 5, 1990 EDA meeting as written. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next item of consideration was EDA Resolution 90-4, a Resolution Establishing Just Compensation and Authorizing Offers to Acquire 5720 43rd Ave. N. Julie Jones explained staff's procedures in obtaining the appraisal and review appraisal. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve Resolution 90-4. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. It was the concensus of the Authority to direct staff to move forward to obtaining demolitions bids on the property. The EDA then considered a draft set of procedures developed by the EDA Advisory Commission, regarding policy procedures for the EDA and EDA Advisory Commission. The EDA members discussed the draft set of procedures, asking John Olson to explain several items. Commissioner Carlson then arrived at 6:21 p.m. The President suggested that the City Attorney and John Olson develop a revised set of procedural guidelines, which could be reviewed by the EDA Advisory Commission at their next meeting. The EDA members then considered Resolution 90-5, a Resolution Authorizing Application for a Local Planning Assistance Loan. John Olson explained that the purpose of the loan would be to disperse the costs of updating the City's Comprehensive Plan over three years. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve Resolution 90-5. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. After discussion and questions, the vote was taken. Motion carried. The President then requested an update from staff on the Hwy. 100/36th Ave. N. Tax Increment District. John Olson explained that he had recently spoken with Roger Jensen, the consultant to Nicklows, who indicated that the Nicklows are close to signing with a developer. The President asked for monthly updates on this subject. Staff was then asked to give an update on the County Road 81 and Wilshire Blvd. traffic study. John Olson indicated that the contracts have been sent to Westwood Professional Services, Inc., who has officially started on the project. The project is to be competed by the end of September, 1990. Under other business, Commissioner Carlson inquired about the acquisition of 5109 50th Ave. N. Julie Jones reported that staff has been attempting to purchase the property for the past year and will continue to pursue the acquisition as the City's next project in the Scattered Site Acquisition Program. John Olson announced that Senator Ember Reichgott will be appearing at the next EDA Advisory Commission to talk about changes in the Tax Increment Law and invited all Commission members to attend. Since there was no other business, Commissioner Langsdorf moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m. President a_ ecret ry V MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL CITY HALL 7 AUGUST 1990 Secretary Grimes called the meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:03 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: Garry Grimes, Betty Herbes, John T. Irving, and Gary Joselyn. Those members absent were: Elmer Carlson, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. Staff members present were: Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director; Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; and Dave Kennedy, City Attorney. There was a discussion regarding the suitability of the 6:00 meeting time for all members. Staff was directed to consider changing the regular meeting time of the Crystal EDA to 6:30 p.m. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the minutes of the July 3, 1990 EDA meeting as written. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA members considered the acquisition of property at 5105-09 50th Ave. N. at an August 10 Sheriff's Sale. Jerry Dulgar explained the background of staff's attempt to acquire the property and explained his concerns regarding the future of the property should the City not get involved with the acquisition. Julie Jones explained that the property would be turned over to HUD after the six month redemption period ends on February 10, 1991 and that the City would then need to work with HUD to acquire the property. Commissioner Herbes moved to authorize staff to bid on the property at 5105-09 50th Ave. N. at a August 10 Sheriff's Sale for the price of $39,501.00. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA members then considered Resolution 90-6, a Resolution Authorizing negotiation agreement with Paster Enterprises. Jerry Dulgar explained that this agenda item had been removed from that evening's Council agenda since staff wanted to allow time to alert all businesses in the affected area of a potential redevelopment project. John Olson explained that background of the development agreement with Paster Enterprises. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve Resolution 90-6. _ Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Discussion and questions followed. Dave Kennedy warned that staff will need to carefully investigate Tax Increment possibilities in the potential project area since it is located within the existing Bass Lake Road Tax Increment Financing District. John Olson explained that staff has suggested pay as you go TIF funding to the developer. Motion carried. The EDA Commissioner's considered an updated request for proposal for the MN Communities Program as submitted by Julie Jones. Ms. Jones explained that the MN Housing Finance Agency staff has recommended that the City of Crystal resubmit it's RFP which was originally sent to MHFA last fall. The original RFP was declined for approval since the 90 day completion deadline for completion of the homes on 3426-32 Welcome Ave. N. could not be met. Commissioner Herbes moved to authorize staff to resubmit an RFP to the MN Housing Finance Agency for $160,000 in MN Communities Program Funds. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA Commissioner's then considered bids for demolition for the single family home with the attached garage located at 5720 43rd Ave. N. Commissioner Irving moved to approve the lowest bid from Veit & Co. to complete the demolition project at 5720 43rd Ave. N. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Questions regarding the demolition specifications were discussed. Commissioner Herbes requested staff to provide the EDA Commissioners with a copy of the specifications in the future. Motion carried. John Olson then gave a brief staff update on the current negotiations to find a developer for the Hwy. 100/36th Ave. N. intersection Tax Increment Financing project. He stated that at this time no developer has signed an agreement with Nicklows. The EDA members then considered Resolution 90-7, a Resolution relating to the EDA Advisory Commission communication guidelines. Copies of the revised resolution had been distributed to the Commissioners at the beginning of the meeting. Dave Kennedy explained the changes which had been made to the original set of policy guidelines developed by the EDA Advisory Commission. Commissioner Herbes moved to inform the EDA Advisory Commission of the EDA's intent to pass Resolution 90-7 at their next meeting. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Since there to adj ourn motion. Th was no other business, Commissioner the meeting. Commissioner Irving The meeting adjourned at 6 Secretary Motion carried. Herbes moved seconded the MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL CITY HALL 4 SEPTEMBER 1990 President Moravec called the meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:04 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: Elmer Carlson, Garry Grimes, Betty Herbes, John T. Irving, Gary Joselyn, and John Moravec. Those members absent were: Pauline Langsdorf. Staff members present were: Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; John Olson, Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director; Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; and Dave Kennedy, City Attorney. The President then asked the Commission members to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag since it was the first meeting of the evening. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the minutes of the August 7, 1990 EDA meeting as written. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Moravec then called upon Julie Jones to give a staff update on the status of 5105-09 50th Ave. N. Scattered Site Acquisition Project. Ms. Jones reported that the EDA's bid of $39,501 was accepted as the highest bid at the August 10 Sheriff Sale. She further reported that the six month redemption period will end on February 10, which is when the EDA may proceed with obtaining clear title to the property. President Moravec then called upon John Olson to give an update on the status of the 36th Ave./Hwy. 100 intersection TIF project. Mr. Olson reported that a developer has made an offer which has tentatively been accepted by the Nicklows. Announcement of the developer's identity was pending final acceptance of the offer by Nicklows. The EDA members discussed the possibility of changing the regular meeting time. Various options were considered. Commissioner Herbes moved to change the regular EDA meeting time to 6:15 p.m. on the first Tuesday each month and suggested holding meetings on the fourth Tuesday each month if the 6:15 time proved to be unworkable. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion with a friendly amendment to make the alternate time the third Tuesday each month prior to the Council meeting. Commissioner Herbes accepted the amendment. After further discussion, the motion was withdrawn. The conclusion of the Commission was to not change the regular EDA meeting date, noting that a special meeting may be called if necessary. The Commission members then considered various options for the redevelopment of the Scattered Site Acquisition Property recently acquired at 5720 43rd Ave. N. Julie Jones explained that she felt the Commission had three options in pursuing redevelopment of the site. 1. Rebuild a home on the existing lot, vacating the 23 foot easement 2. Attempt to acquire the lot adjacent at 4307 Xenia in order to create a larger more buildable lot 3. Pursue a larger scale redevelopment project for entire square block area John Olson presented a larger scale redevelopment option to the Commission. The option included a senior cottage development concept. Drawings completed by Karen Barton of the Hennepin Recycling Group staff were presented to the Commission members for their review and consideration. The Commission members voiced interest in the redevelopment idea, however, they were concerned about possible costs of the project. The Executive Director and the Commission members suggested that staff obtain acquisition cost figures for consideration at the next meeting. Commissioner Herbes moved to direct staff to approach the owner of 4307 Xenia, inquire about their interest in selling the property to the City, and proceeding with obtaining an appraisal if the party is interested in selling. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. Under other business the following items were discussed: 1. Commissioner Grimes inquired about the status of the 52nd Ave. and Douglas Dr. property. Jerry Dulgar indicated that the Council is in the process of completing it's findings regarding condemnation of the property. 2. John Olson announced to the Commission members that Westwood Professional Services, the engineering firm studying the County Road 81/Wilshire Blvd. redesign project, is planning on holding a public meeting in late September. The firm plans to present the City Council with a feasibility report in October. 3. Julie Jones informed the Commission members that staff received notification from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency that Crystal's proposal has been accepted for the Neighborhood Preservation Program. She indicated that staff will be including information on the availability of the Home Improvement Loan's in the designated area in the next issue of the City Newsletter. Since there was no other business, Commissioner Herbes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 1 -21 ecretary Pr sident MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL CITY HALL 2 OCTOBER 1990 President Moravec called the meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:02 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: Garry Grimes, John T. Irving, Gary Joselyn, John Moravec, Betty Herbes (arrived 6:05 p.m.), Pauline Langsdorf (arrived 6:11 p.m.), and Elmer Carlson (arrived 6:34 p.m.). No members were absent. Staff members present were: John Olson, Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director; Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; and Jim Thompson, City Attorney. The President then asked the in the Pledge of Allegiance first meeting of the evening. Commission members to join him to the flag since it was the Commissioner Irving moved to approve the minutes of the September 4, 1990 EDA meeting, as written. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The President then asked the EDA members to consider EDA Resolution 90-7, a Resolution Relating to the Economic Development Advisory Commission; Communication Guidelines. Commissioner Irving moved to approve Resolution 90-7. Commissioner Joselyn seconded the motion. Commissioner Herbes arrived at 6:05 p.m. After suggesting minor grammatical changes to Section 2.04 and a spelling correction in Section 1.03, the Commission members voted on the previous motion. Motion carried. President Moravec then requested the EDA members to consider EDA Resolution 90-8, a Resolution Authorizing a Community Development Block Grant Third Party Agreement with the City of Crystal. Julie Jones explained that this Agreement is necessary since the City received funding for the Scattered Site Acquisition Program, yet decisions regarding expenditures in that program are made by the EDA. Commissioner Herbes moved to adopt Resolution 90-8. Commissioner Joselyn seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Irving requested that staff ask the County Administrators to allow more time for the City to consider Agreements in the future before they are due to be returned for County approval. President Moravec requested that the Commission members consider EDA Resolution 90-9, a Resolution Supporting the Development of a Light Rail Transit System in the Metro Area. John Olson explained the Regional Transit Boards recent request for the Economic Development Authority to consider the Light Rail Transit Resolution before them. Commissioner Herbes questioned staff regarding the proposed regional tax. Mr. Olson explained that he felt the regional tax would be some form of an additional sales tax. Commissioner Langsdorf arrived at 6:11 p.m. Commissioner Irving questioned the LRT Board's reasoning for beginning the project with the Minneapolis/St. Paul Line. The wording and intent of the resolution in question was further discussed with suggestions made for rewording the last two paragraphs. President Moravec suggested rewording the second to last paragraph to read "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Crystal EDA supports a Light Rail Transit System in the seven county metropolitan area and strongly encourages the development of the Northwest Corridor." He further suggested eliminating the last paragraph. Commissioner Herbes moved to adopt EDA Resolution 90-9 as reworded by President Moravec. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA members then considered EDA Resolution 90-10, a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 4307 Xenia Ave. N. Julie Jones explained the City Assessor's memo, which stated that the fair market value of the property was $17,000. Ms. Jones indicated that sufficient funds were available in the Scattered Site Acquisition Fund to purchase the property and recommended that the EDA authorize staff to submit an offer to the property owner for $17,000. Commissioner Irving moved to adopt EDA Resolution 90-10. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion carried. The President called upon John Olson to update the EDA members on the status of the 36th Ave./Hwy. 100 TIF project. Mr. Olson explained that the Nicklows have still been unable to sign an agreement with a developer. He presented the EDA members with a letter from Roger Jensen, the consultant to Nicklows, requesting an extension to the Developer's Agreement through December 31, 1990. Questions and discussion followed. Commissioner Irving moved to extend the Developer's Agreement with Nicklows until December 31, 1990. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Next on the agenda was a staff update on the Wilshire Blvd./Hwy. 81 intersection study. John Olson explained that the engineering consultant has held two public meetings to date, one for residents and one for business people. He also explained the Highway Department's construction schedule process. As requested, Mr. Olson explained three alternative realignment plans for the intersection, which were included in the City Council packets. The Commissioner members discussed the Economic Development Policy as drafted by city staff. No changes were made to the Policy, and staff was directed to forward the draft policy onto the EDA Advisory Commission for their review and recommendations. Commissioner Carlson arrived at 6:34 p.m. Under other business, commissioner Irving asked Commissioner Grimes if the EDA Advisory Commission was working on any special projects. Commissioner Grimes indicated that no new projects have been discussed by the Advisory Commission. Since there was no other business, Commissioner Herbes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Irking seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p. 1 , resident ct Secretary MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL CITY HALL 7 NOVEMBER 1990 President Moravec called the meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:02 p.m. Upon call of the roll, those members present were: Elmer Carlson, Garry Grimes, Betty Herbes, John T. Irving, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. Gary Joselyn arrived at 6:04 p.m. No members were absent. Staff members present were: Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; and Bill Monk, City Engineer. Also present was Alan Klugman of Westwood Professional Services. The President then asked the Commission members to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag since it was the first meeting of the evening. Commissioner Joselyn arrived at 6:04 p.m. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the minutes of the October 2, 1990 EDA meeting as written. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The President called upon Bill Monk, City Engineer, to explain the purpose of the traffic study on the Wilshire Blvd/Cty. Rd 81 intersection and to explain what action was necessary from the EDA. Mr. Monk then introduced Alan Klugman to present Westwood Professional Services Intersection Study. Mr. Klugman summarized the findings of the engineer consultants, including intersection traffic and accident data, design redevelopment alternatives, and cost estimates. Mr. Klugman indicated that Hennepin County has viewed the study and generally agrees with redesign concept 2a. The—Commissioners then asked questions of staff and the consultant. Bill Monk then discussed the City's financing options for this project. The three options he explained were: 1. Tax Increment Financing - which does not appear to be feasible 2. State Aid/Assessments - which may be possible if Wilshire Blvd. is designated as a state aid street. 3. General Budget Funds - no money is budgeted at this time. Commissioner Grimes moved to refer the discussion item to the EDA Advisory Commission for their recommendations regarding potential economic development in the area and analysis of how the intersection options may impact that redevelopment. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commissioner members then discussed potential funding for the Northern Mayor's Association Economic Development, which was removed from the City Budget at the last budget work session. Services of the Northern Mayor's Association and validity of the requested dues were discussed. Jerry Dulgar recommended that the EDA not pursue continued funding of the Economic Development effort in 1991. Questions regarding future financing of the EDA were raised at the last budget meeting, so the President requested that the EDA members discuss this matter further. He called upon Dave Kennedy to explain the different financing options of an EDA and an HRA. Mr. Kennedy explained that when the EDA was formed, it was given the authority to take over all projects and authority of the HRA. It is possible, he explained, that this may give the EDA authority to levy taxes in the same manner that the HRA could levy taxes outside the levy limits. Commissioner Irving moved to request the City Attorney to devise a fact sheet regarding the differences between EDA's and HRAs. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, those members voting aye were: Elmer Carlson, Garry Grimes, John T. Irving, Gary Joselyn, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. Those members voting nay were: Betty Herbes. Motion carried. At 7:03 p.m. President Moravec recessed the meeting and announced that the EDA meeting would reconvene at 9: 00 p.m. after the City Council meeting. The EDA meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. after the City Council meeting. Jerry Dulgar gave an update on the status of the Neighborhood Preservation Loan Program. The EDA members requested that the Community Development Coordinator include a written update of this program in the next packet. Mr. Dulgar also stated that the property owner's were very close to signing an agreement regarding the 36th Ave. N./Hwy. 100 TIF project. Staff was requested to prepare options and alternatives for the City if the agreement was not signed by the December 31 deadline. They requested that this update be prepared for the next meeting. The Executive Director was asked to update the Commission regarding the replacement of the Community Development Director. He stated that applications were being accepted until November 16, 1990 and that the position should be filled by January 1, 1991. Commissioner Langsdor Commissioner Herbes adjourned at 9:40 p.m. f made a motion to adjourn the meeting. seconded that motion. The meeting 4& Secretary MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA CRYSTAL CITY HALL 10 DECEMBER 1990 President Moravec called the regular meeting of the Crystal Economic Development Authority (EDA) to order at 6:02 p.m. Upon call of the roll, all members were present. Staff members present were: Jerry Dulgar, Executive Director; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney (arrived 6:09 p.m.); Julie Jones, Community Development Coordinator; and Bill Monk, City Engineer. Guest speakers present were: Roger Jenson, Consultant to Nicklows, and Pat Moen, Super Valu Real Estate Division. The President then asked the in the Pledge of Allegiance first meeting of the evening. Commission members to join him to the flag since it was the The President noted a correction to the November meeting minutes, stating that the second page should read the meeting "recessed" rather than "adjourned" at 7:03 p.m. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the November 7, 1990 EDA meeting minutes, as amended. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Moravec asked the EDA members to consider EDA Resolution #90-11, a Resolution Approving Developer Partner in the 36th Ave./Hwy. 100 Project. He called upon Roger Jenson, Consultant to the Anthony Shopping Center Partnership, and Pat Moen, from the Real Estate Division of Super Valu, to explain the agreement the two parties have reached. Dave Kennedy, City Attorney, arrived at 6:09 p.m. Questions and discussion followed. The City Attorney explained the critical nature of the May 31, 1991 TIF deadline when a development contract must be approved. He suggested changing the date in the amendment to the Negotiation Agreement being considered from May 31, 1991 to April 1, 1991. Other questions followed. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve Resolution 90-11 with a change made to the termination date of the Agreement from May 31, 1991 to April 1, 1991. Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA members then considered recommendations from the EDA Advisory Commission regarding the Wilshire Blvd./Cty. Rd. 81 Intersection Study. Jerry Dulgar explained the EDA Advisory Commission's recommendation to pursue design concept 2A. He called upon Bill Monk, City Engineer, to further explain staff's concern about the impact that the signalized intersection design would have on properties on the west side of County Road 81, particularly the C.J. Frank's parcel. Mr. Monk requested that the EDA give staff more time to further study the design impact on the west side properties and to allow time for staff to revise Westwood Professional Services Intersection Study, if necessary. Questions and discussion followed. Mr. Castonia, owner of C.J. Frank's, spoke briefly regarding his concern of losing parking spaces at his property and possible damage to the value of his property, which is designed to be a multi -use building. No action was taken by the EDA, allowing staff more time to study the impact of the intersection on the -- west side properties. The EDA members then considered a request from the EDA Advisory Commission for the City Council to dedicate a portion of 1991 gambling revenues to the purpose of establishing a redevelopment fund. The President called upon Julie Jones to explain the background of the Advisory Commission's recommendation. Ms. Jones emphasized that the primary concern at this time is whether or not use of gambling revenues for a redevelopment fund is legally possible. Dave Kennedy explained that 10% of gambling revenues are required to go back to the City if the establishment does not return an acceptable portion of their revenues back to the trade area. Mr. Kennedy further explained that use of gambling revenues for establishment of a redevelopment fund would be a legally acceptable use if the money was not used as a direct subsidy to a developer. However, the availability of gambling revenues in the future in the City of Crystal is quite questionable. Questions and discussion followed. Commissioner Irving suggested that staff study the issue further and report back to the EDA with other funding options. The EDA members then considered a request from the EDA Advisory Commission to remove Anthony Brace from membership to the Advisory Commission since he had missed five consecutive meetings. Commissioner Grimes moved to remove Mr. Brace from the EDA Advisory Commission. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. It was noted by staff that the new Advisory Commission opening was for Ward 2. Since the time was approaching 7:00 p.m., the President moved ahead to agenda item #10, consideration of changing the regular January EDA meeting date to January 2 due to the New Year's Day Holiday. Commissioner Herbes moved to change the regular January meeting date to January 2, and Commissioner Irving seconded the motion. Motion carried. The President then returned to agenda item #9, discussion of materials on EDA/HRA differences. Commissioner Irving suggested that the EDA members defer discussion of this item until the next meeting to allow more time for the members to study the materials provided by the City Attorney. Commissioner Herbes moved to continue discussion of EDA/HRA differences until the next meeting. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Moravec then asked the Commissioners to consider the Crystal EDA Economic Development Policy drafted by the EDA Advisory Commission. Julie Jones explained that both the final and original version of the Economic Development Policy were included in the Commission members packets for their review. Commissioner Irving expressed his concern about the inflexibility of the Policy Statements. The Executive Director explained his opinion that the Policy Statements would only give ammunition to people in opposition of redevelopment projects. Commissioner Herbes moved to approve the original version of the EDA Economic Development Policy and goals. The motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Irving moved to direct the President to appoint a commission to further address the issue of EDA goals, objectives and policy. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Executive Director then gave a brief update of the status of the 36th Ave./Hwy. 100 TIF project, explaining that staff will be meeting with a Super Valu representative later in the week. The main concern to be discussed at the meeting will be the highway construction time line. The President requested that the Executive Director submit a written update after the meeting with Super Valu and include the update in the next City Council meeting packet. Due to time constraints, it was decided to move ahead to items later in the agenda. The EDA members then considered the establishment of sales prices for the new homes being built for the Minnesota Communities Program on Welcome Ave. N. Julie Jones explained her recommendation to establish the sales price for both properties at $70,000. Many commission members voiced their concern that the sales prices may be set too low, allowing for a prospective homeowner to quickly resell the property for a profit. Commissioner Irving moved to establish the sales price for both 3426 and 3432 Welcome Ave. N. at $70,000. Commissioner Grimes seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Garry Grimes, John T. Irving, and Gary Joselyn. Those members voting nay were: Elmer Carlson, Betty Herbes, Pauline Langsdorf, and John Moravec. The motion failed by a 3 to 4 vote. The President then recessed the meeting at 7:05 p.m., allowing the Council meeting to be called to order. The EDA meeting was then reconvened at 7:16 p.m. Commissioner Carlson moved to establish the sales price for both homes at 3426 and 3432 Welcome Ave. N. at $75,000 each, authorizing the Executive Director and the President to sign purchase agreements for the agreed upon sales price. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission members were asked to review the Minnesota Communities Program Application - Commitment Agreement. Staff explained that it was not necessary for the EDA to formally execute the Agreement, however, since the EDA has been authorized by the City Council to administer the program, staff felt that the EDA should review the Commitment Agreement and indicate their approval to the terms. Commission Irving moved that the EDA agree to the terms of the Commitment Agreement. Commissioner Langsdorf seconded the motion. Motion carried. The EDA meeting was then recessed at 7:19 p.m. in order to proceed with the City Council meeting. The EDA meeting was reconvened at 9:35 p.m. The Commission then recessed for a break at 9:35 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:45 p.m. The EDA members then considered a revised Wilshire Blvd. Intersection Study as presented by City Engineer, Bill Monk. Commissioner Carlson moved to approve Concept 2A and to forward the Study to Hennepin County for their consideration in budgeting. Commissioner Herbes seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Executive Director explained that Paster Enterprises has approached staff with a potential redevelopment concept for the northeast quadrant of the Bass Lake Road/West Broadway intersection. The preliminary proposal, he explained, would include construction of a fast food restaurant and a gas station. The EDA members then discussed the suitability of the proposed redevelopment for the site. The Commission members did not find the intended use of the site in the redevelopment proposal desirable. There was not other business. Commissioner Commissioner adjourned at Langsdorf moved to adjourn the meeting. Irving seconded the motion. The meetinq 10:07 p.m. //Secretary