1992 EDA Work Session MinutesEDA/EDA ADVISORY COMMISSION/PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1992 5:30 P.M. Councilmember Grimes called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. EDA members present: Garry Grimes, John T. Irving, Gary Joselyn, Tom Krueger, Peter Meintsma and John Moravec. EDAAC members present: Phil Eder, Daniel Hansen, Ed Krueger, Adrian Rygg and JoAnn Schroeder. Planning Commission members present: Dave Anderson Consultants present: Lee Maxfield, Fred Hoisington and Bruce Chamberlain Staff Present: Jerry Dulgar, Anne Norris, Jim Otto, Bill Monk and Julie Jones. Fred Hoisington, Hoisington Koegler Group, gave an overall view of the purpose of the planning study on the Wilshire Blvd./CR 81 area. Lee Maxfield, Maxfield Research Group, summarized his report regarding land use recommendations for the area. Bruce Chamberlain, Hoisington Koegler Group, further summa- rized land use recommendations for the area. Fred Hoisington reiterated the purpose and findings of the planning study, explaining that they will continue to final- ize the report. Phil Eder emphasized the need for the EDA to make a decision on whether or not to extend Wilshire Blvd. west across the railroad tracks prior to completion of the study since that decision could affect recommended land use and redevelop- ment. After discussion, Bill Monk, Public Works Director, suggested revisiting old study information on the railroad crossing issue at a future EDA Advisory Commission meeting. The work session concluded at 6:47 p.m.