19-04 Approved Commission Minutes
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
April 3, 2019
Crystal Community Center
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by
Commission Chair Lori Merriam.
Commission members in attendance were: Lori Merriam, Dave Anderson, Lynn Haney, Patrick
Rosenquist, Dave Pascoe, Meredith Torres‐Walsh, Terencio Safford and Erin Kolb. Also present
were Nancy LaRoche, Council Liaison; John Elholm, Brad Fortin and Scott Berggren from the City
Commission Members not in attendance were: Andy Leipold
Mr. McCaffery and Ms. Eastwood were also present to observe the meeting.
During public comment, a question was raised about adding inclusive playgrounds in other
parks. Mr. Elholm replied that all our playgrounds will meet ADA standards, however most will
not meet the higher inclusion level offered at Becker Park.
Another question was raised on the sale of Iron Horse Park property; and whether revenue
generated would be use to improve the playground. It was explained that the funds would
more likely be used to put in an improved trail and picnic shelter since the play area is not as
old as others in the city.
Ms. Kolb made a motion to approve the March Park and Recreation Commission minutes; Mr.
Pascoe seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for March were
approved as written.
Ms. Merriam took the opportunity to thank everyone who attended the Becker Park
groundbreaking earlier that evening.
Mr. Elholm gave an update on the Welcome Park project. A few items will be completed this
spring to finish off the project. A PA system and speakers will be installed on light poles, and a
new flag pole will be installed in left field. Maintenance on the infield will begin soon, and
improving the turf will occur when grass begins growing again.
Mr. Elholm gave an update on the Becker Park project. Construction will begin on April 9th. The
old playground will be removed and donated. Mr. Elholm will be getting Council approval to
start ordering amenities for the park. The initial purchases will be the two shade structures and
the playground. Benches and other site furnishings we be ordered closer to summer. In
preparing the site for construction, six wells were found within the park. Sealing of these wells
will be incorporated into the construction contract.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 April 3, 2019
Ms. LaRoche presented the council report. They approved a cooperative agreement for
Winnetka Pond. They also approved a grant for the infiltration project at Becker Park.
Mr. Pascoe gave a Crystal Fund report. The Cheers to Crystal event was successful, raising
around $2,000 for Crystal’s Parks.
Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation
programming. They both made reference to information presented in the commission packet.
Kudos were given to staff for the quality of the summer recreation brochure.
Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. We have received an additional $630 for the Becker Park
playground. Donors were Westphal American Legion Post 251, Buffalo Wild Wings and Kelly
Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report. Preparations are being made to accommodate two
nights of fireworks at Welcome Park. For this to happen, the gauge of firework will need to be
smaller than past years. Ms. Haney will be sending contact information to Mr. Fortin for the
bands and the inflatable company so he has a better understanding of what power will be
needed for those activities.
Upcoming community events include; The City‐wide bus tour on May 9th.
Under other items, there was discussion about the potential of having a joint session with the
city council. This topic will be revisited at a future meeting.
Mr. Pascoe made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Rosenquist seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
John Elholm, Recorder