1998.02.04 PRC Minutes-,*N
Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
February 4, 1998
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to
order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Liz Reid. Those present were: Ms. Moucha, Mr. Ertz, Mr.
Darmer, Mr. Schulte and Ms. Haney. Also attending were: Mr. Tostensen, Ms. Hackett and Ms.
Fernandez from the city staff.
The January minutes were approved with the exception of an attendance error which was
The monthly reports were reviewed, highlighting major activities.
Mr. Tostenson reported that there was damage to the concession window, some miscellaneous
food items were taken and a potato chip stand at LVP. Total replacement cost and labor were
$75.00. A report was filed with the police.
Ms. Reid gave the Chairperson's report. She talked about her goals fort he coming year. She
thought that the Commission should improve communication with the public regarding the parks
and what there is to offer, and develop other way of getting information out to the community.
such as a write up in the Post about what programs we have offered recently (a monthly report),
or even a column in the Post. Other topics of conversation were that Crystal is no longer a Tree
City and it was discussed whether or not there should be a Tree Board meeting before the next
Park Commission meeting.
Mac Park:
The Mac Park lease is actually a yearly lease and not a 99 year lease as we had thought.
Parkland Acquisition/Gisslin Property:
The first hearing for condemnation of the property was held.
Forest Playground:
According to Ms. Haney, this probably is no longer an issue for us.
Summer Calendar (outdoor meetings):
June 3rd - Iron Horse
July 8th - Skyway
Aug. 5th - LVP (Lions Valley Place)
Sept. 2nd - Crystal Highlands
Moved by Mr. Ertz and seconded by Ms. Haney to recommend the above schedule for the
Commission summer meetings. Motion carried - unanimous.
5K Run:
There is a request from Action on Alcohol & Teens, to hold a 5K run at Bassett Creek Park on
Saturday May 2nd 1998. Ms. Hackett will determine any additional fees involved for this use.
Moved by Mr. Darmer and seconded by Ms. Haney to recommend to allow the 5K Run
sponsored by the Alcohol and Teens Group to be held May 2, 1998 at Bassett Creek Park.
Motion carried - unanimous.
Remodeling Fair Concessions:
The Commission decided to operate a Concession stand for the April Remodeling Fair. A work
schedule will be written at the next meeting.
Commission Opening:
There is one opening for a commission member at large.
Aggressive Skate:
Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the progress of the joint city group. Requests for
Proposals have been sent out to vendors and will be returned mid-February.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jackie Fernandez