19-02 Approved Commission MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes February 6, 2019 Crystal Community Center The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Commission Chair Lori Merriam. Commission members in attendance were: Lori Merriam, Erin Kolb, Dave Anderson, Lynn Haney, Patrick Rosenquist and Dave Pascoe. Also present were Nancy LaRoche, Council Liaison; Anne Norris, John Sutter, John Elholm, Brad Fortin and Scott Berggren from the City Staff. Commission Members not in attendance were: Meredith Torres-Walsh, Terencio Safford and Andy Leipold Mr. McCaffery was also present as a guest to observe the meeting. Mr. Pascoe made a motion to approve the January Park and Recreation Commission minutes; Mr. Rosenquist seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for January were approved as written. There was no chairperson’s report. Mr. Sutter provided a presentation to update the commission on proposed development in the City of New Hope - adjacent to Iron Horse Park. This is property that sits west of the park; on the north side of the Canadian Pacific Railroad line and south of an existing neighborhood. A new road will be constructed along 100 feet of the west boundary of Iron Horse Park to provide access to the new homes. With the new development proposed adjacent to the park, staff and city council members have discussed the potential of selling lots along the new road to increase revenue in the parks fund. Soil borings will be occurring soon to see if the land would be suitable for this purpose. The sale of 3 lots would generate an estimated $150,000 for the parks fund, some of which could be used to improve Iron Horse Park. A rough draft concept was prepared for the commission meeting that showed what the remaining 3.1 acre park could look like. This first draft showed the existing hockey rink being converted into open space; and the addition of trails and a picnic shelter to make the park more usable for park visitors. Commission members discussed the idea of selling lots within Iron Horse Park. The draft layout was well received, however, concern was raised about selling parkland as the only way to pay for improvements; and the potential of setting a precedence. Staff explained that a variety of ways are now being utilized to make park improvements, such as increased levy into the newly created parks fund. The potential Iron Horse land sale came about solely because of adjacent development and the run-down feel of the current park. There was also discussion related to platting the remaining 3.1 acres as a park to deter potential sales in the future. Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 February 6, 2019 Ms. Haney made a motion to, “Recommend selling 3 lots on the west end of Iron Horse Park and plat the remaining land as park”. Mr. Pascoe seconded the motion with the following amendment, “Recommend the City reach out to a larger neighborhood group prior to the next City Council meeting on the subject”. The amendment was voted on and approved. The motion with amendment was voted on and approved; with one commission member opposed. Mr. Elholm provided an update on the Becker Park project. The city council approved a contract with Custom Builders Inc. to be the contractor for the project. Mr. Elholm gave a snapshot of the budget, which included donations taken in to help pay for the project. The city recently received a $50,000 grant from Paul’s Pals to go towards the inclusive play area. Ms. Haney provided a $500 check on behalf of the Crystal Frolics Committee, Inc. for the play area as well. It was explained that additional donations would lessen the amount need from the parks fund. Becker Park should reopen in spring of 2020. Ms. LaRoche presented the council report. The mayor and council members will be hosting a legislative breakfast on February 9. Mr. Pascoe gave a Crystal Fund report. Crystal Fund members are working towards the Cheers to Crystal Event on March 15. Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation programming. They both made reference to information presented in the commission packet. Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. He mentioned that the deadline to reserve a meal for the Crystal Ball is February 11. Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report. Crystal Frolics volunteers will be attending two upcoming Recreation events to solicit Crystal Frolics button designs. They are also busy planning for the 2019 Frolics celebration at Welcome Park. In lieu of the carnival there will be bouncy houses on Friday and Saturday. They are also working on ways to incorporate the Frolics into the softball field grand opening. Upcoming community events include; the Light of Crystal Halfway Happy Hour Mr. Pascoe made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ms. Merriam seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 pm. John Elholm, Recorder