January 5, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. at the
Crystal Community Center by Chairperson Bill Gentry.
Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Jungroth, Mr. O'Reilly,
and Ms. Saunders. Absent members were: Ms. Moucha and Ms.
Reid. Also present were: Ms. Hackett, Mr. Monk, and Ms.
Montzka from the City staff and Mr. Brandeen, retired
Director of Parks and Recreation.
The minutes of the December 1, 1993 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Vandalism Report, the Community
Center Usage Report and the Monthly Activity Report. Ms.
Hackett requested that the Commissioners look over the forms
to see if there is any information that should be included
in the 1994 reports.
Mr. Monk presented information regarding the flood control
project for TH 100. When Highway 100 is upgraded it will
create problems with the flood control of the Bassett Creek
Park area. This project which is being coordinated between
MNDOT, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Bassett
Creek Water Management Commisssion will involve the
construction of ponding areas within Bassett Creek Park and
surrounding areas. The following concerns were expressed:
Would we be losing any green space? Will we be able to
maintain the park atmosphere? What effect will this project
have on the disc golf course? How safe will these ponding
areas be? What effect will this have on the hiking trails?
The Golf Committee has decided to suspend activities until
after the survey has been completed.
The Crystal Frolics will begin meeting to plan 1994
activities on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
The Commissioners decided to keep the committee assignments
the same as 1993. The Public Relations Committee and the
Planning Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
February 2. The Marketing Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, March 2. The Planning Committee will discuss
the Five Year Plan. The Public Relations Committee will
plan Arbor Day and the Bassett Creek playground dedication.
The Marketing Committee will discuss pool advertising and
promotion plans.
An article in the Post reports that the Bassett Creek
playground equipment won an award at the Gametime
International Design Competition for the largest total
accessible play structure.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Winterfest event in December. Mr.
Jungroth wondered if there could be more publicity about the
arrival of Santa in a helicopter if this is repeated next
year.. Part of the problem is that publicity through the
schools cannot use "Santa Claus."
Ms. Hackett reported that she has talked with Mr. Dulgar
about the Foundation, but that he has not yet discussed the
proposal with the Mayor.
We are currently short Commission members and the Commission
discussed ways of recruiting new members. One suggestion
was an article in the Newsletter pointing out the fun things
Commissioners do.
A letter went to Twin Lake area residents regarding the
status of the Twin Lake Trail Project. The letter informed
residents that Crystal had decided to prepare a City-wide
trail plan before proceeding with the Twin Lake Trail
Project. Ms. Hackett will include a copy of the letter in
the next mailing to the Commissioners.
Information is currently being gathered regarding the
Municipal Swimming Pool.
Mr. Jungroth suggested that we might go to the Lion's Club
for funds to keep the Forest and Twin Oak pools open for
longer periods. The Commissioners discussed using proceeds
from the Crystal Frolics Dunk Tank for this and for items
other than scholarships.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
February 2, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission was called to order at 7:27 p.m. at the Crystal Community
Center by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz,
Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Reid and Ms. Saunders.
Also present were: Ms. Hackett, Mr. Monk, and Ms. Montzka from the
City staff and Mr. Krueger from the City Council.
The minutes of the January 5, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Vandalism Report, the Community Center Usage
Report and the Monthly Activity Report. Wrestling enrollment is down
and we are considering combining with New Hope's program for next
year. Approximately one-half of those who attended the Tai Chai
information seminar indicated that they would be interested in
attending a class so we will be starting a class next month.
Mr. Gentry reported that he would be attending the MRPA Conference
and encouraged others to sign up.
Mr. Monk reviewed the City Trail Plan which is a preliminary plan at
this point and will undergo many revisions before it is finally
adopted. Next month we will look at the surrounding cities to see
where we want to connect with their parks and facilities. The
Commission indicated that they were pleased with the preliminary
Mr. Monk has recommended that the City hire a full-time forester to
handle diseased trees, weed control, Arbor Fest, the City's tree
program and other public works areas. Once the forester is hired we
can begin setting objectives for the Tree Board.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the 1993 Joint Pool Pass Program with New Hope
and reviewed the discussions with New Hope for the continuance of the
program for 1994. The Crystal City Council had increased the fees
for the pool by 3 percent when they had passed the 1994 Fee Schedule.
However, New Hope felt they could increase pool sales by maintaining
last years fees and were unwilling to increase their fees. If the
fees are not same for both cities the program cannot work. Both
cities feel that the Joint Pool Pass Program is beneficial to
residents of both cities and wish to continue the program. To
address this issue the following motion was passed unanimously:
The Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory commission recommends
that the City of Crystal continue its participation in the Joint
Pool Pass Program and requests the city council to change the
1994 Fee Schedule so that pool fees remain the same as 1993.
The consultant has looked at the City pools and made recommendations
regarding rehabilitation. Mr. Monk may set up a joint meeting with
the City Council to go over the report.
Committee reports were given:
The Special Events and Marketing Committees met jointly. Renee
Opat reviewed a rough draft of a letter for fundraising for
special events. Commission input was sought. Springfest was
discussed. This event will expand the annual Egg Hunt.
Preliminary plans for Arborfest were made.
Ms. Reid reported that the Crystal Frolics Committee has sent out
applications to parade participants. The Bike Races will not be an
event this year. Mr. Theisen will be contacted to see if he will
conduct the Fun Run. The Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
will again run the Dunk Tank to raise funds for the Activity
Scholarship Program. The Recreation Department is planning to run a
Family Olympics Program --a new event.
Ms. Hackett requested Commission assistance to run a concession stand
at the Housing Fair on March 19 and to run a concession stand and
help out with other events at the Spring Festival on March 20. Most
Commissioners felt they could work only one day, preferably March 20.
However, Mr. O'Reilly volunteered to work for,two hours on March 19.
Ms. Hackett will bring a sign-up sheet to the next meeting.
Ann Hoffineister is a new Commission member. She is out of town so
was unable to join us for this meeting, but will be joining us next
Mr. Gentry shared an advertisement idea for new Commissioners and
asked for input.
The Commission Appreciation Dinner will be March 3. Ms. Moucha will
introduce members of the Commission as Mr. Gentry will be unable to
attend. Please let Joan Schmidt know if you plan to attend.
Ms. Hackett shared a request from the City of Minnetonka asking for a
resolution supporting a golf course at Glen Lake. The Commission
decided not to support this request.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
March 2, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. at the
Crystal Community Center by Chairperson Bill Gentry.
Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Ms. Hoffineister, Mr.
Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, and Ms. Reid. Absent members were:
Ms. Saunders and Mr. O'Reilly. Also present were: Ms.
Hackett, Mr. Monk, and Ms. Montzka from the City staff and
Mr. Krueger from the City Council.
Ann Hoffineister, a new Commissioner, was introduced to the
group. She also volunteered to be a member of the Public
Relations Subcommittee.
The minutes of the February 2, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Vandalism Report, the Community
Center Usage Report and the Monthly Activity Report. The
number of persons using the warming houses increased over
last year even though the extremely cold temperatures
resulted in the warming houses being closed and then the
warm weather in February caused the rinks to be closed
earlier than planned.
Mr. Gentry reported that the MRPA Conference was interesting
as he was able to see what other cities were doing. He
recommended that we consider using the Amazing Jeffo (a
blind magician) for some of our programs. He also throught
the forester might be interested in the computerized tree
Mr. Monk reported that he is still in the process of getting
maps of surrounding cities to show how our City Trail Plan
would connect with their facilities and trails. He will
have this information for next month's meeting.
Mr. Monk reported that the Engineering Department is in the
process of preparing a City facility inventory in order to
come up with a capital improvement plan. He would like
Commission input on the parks portion of the plan. This
would involve scheduling the upgrade of existing facilities
(playground equipment, building, tennis courts, fences,
etc.) and does not include any new facilities. He hopes to
have this inventory done within the next 90 days.
The Commission discussed the MRPA letter concerning Metro
Regional Parks funding and decided that lobbying the State
Legislature for county parks was beyond the scope of the
The summer outdoor meetings were scheduled as follows:
June 1 Crystal Highlands
July 6 Sunnyview
August 3 Iron Horse
September 7 Welcome
Mr. Monk reported that the Pool Assessment Report should be
completed by next month. He would like to have a joint
meeting with the Commission and the City Council in May at
the pool so that he could show what needs to be done.
Arborfest will be held from 1:00-3:00 on Saturday, May 7,
1994 at Bassett Creek Park. In case of inclement weather,
the event will have to be cancelled because all the rooms at
the Community Center are rented for that day. The Flyers
will be providing the entertainment. We will be giving away
150 seedlings. There will be booths for leaf printing, bark
rubbing, a nature collage, tree identification board, and an
"Ask the Forester" information table. The dedication of the
Bassett Creek playground equipment will take place at 1:45
and there will be a ceremonial tree planting. After
reviewing the "Criteria for Establishing the Name of Park
Facilities in the City of Crystal," the Commission decided
to name the playground at a later date, possibly next year's
The Marketing Committee will be sending a brochure to
businesses, churches and civic groups in Crystal. Among
ideas to be included in the brochure are: $250 company
sponsorship of free waterslide rides as advertising
promotion for the company, gift certificates for employees
or customers.
Ms. Reid reported that the Crystal Frolics Committee has
sent out letters to parade participants. The Commission
decided not to participate in the parade as they are usually
working at other events. It was suggested that Tennant
Company be contacted for use of their cleaning machine to
follow the horses. The bands have been booked for the
Frolics. There will be no music on Saturday afternoon as
there were complaints that it created too much noise for
other events. Commissioners will be asked to help with the
Family Olympics, the kiddy parade and the Dunk Tank.
The Golf Committee is still suspended.
Ms. Hackett distributed a sign up sheet for the
Commissioners to volunteer to work the concession stand and
for crowd control for the March 20 Springfest.
Ms. Hackett reported that there was a miscommunication
between the City of New Hope and the City of Crystal with
regard to the joint swimming pool program. At the last
meeting it was moved to change our rates on the 1994 Season
Ticket rates to match New Hope's which did not change their
season ticket rates. However, they did raise the daily
admission rates by $0.25. This information was somehow
overlooked. It was hoped that by raising the daily
admission rate more people would buy season tickets. The
Commission therefore passed the following motion
The Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
recommends that the City of Crystal continue its
participation in the Joint Pool Pass Program and
requests the City Council to change the 1994 Fee
Schedule as follows:
Daily $ 3.00
Economy Booklets (10 swims) $25.00
The meeting adjourned at 7:52.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
May 4, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Crystal Community
Center by Vice Chairperson Mary Moucha. Members present were: Mr.
Ertz, Ms. Hoffineister, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, Mr. O'Reilly, and
Ms. Reid. Absent members were: Mr. Gentry and Ms. Saunders. Also
present were: Ms. Hackett, Ms. Holmberg, and Ms. Montzka from the
City staff, Councilperson Krueger, liaison from the City Council and
Councilperson Anderson.
The minutes of the April 6, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Community Center Usage Report and the
Monthly Activity Report. There were several special events for
seniors during April. There was no vandalism report for this month.
Any vandalism occurring in April will be incorporated in next month's
Ms. Hackett announced that Mr. Gentry resigned from the Commission
effective May 4, 1994 due to extra pressures from his employment for
the next several months. If there is an opening and if there is a
let up in the 12 -hour days, he will reapply in January. The
Commission reluctantly accepted his resignation. Ms. Moucha, as Vice
Chairperson, was moved up the Chairperson position. Mr. Jungroth was
elected Vice Chairperson of the Advisory Commission and Chairperson
of the Tree Board.
Mr. Ron Heiligman, 2747 Brookridge Avenue North, expressed several
concerns regarding disc golf at Bassett Creek Park --increased bottle
breakage, increased amount of trash laying around and in garbage
cans, noise (hooting and hollering) from morning to evening, and
increased alcohol consumption. He also reported hearing gun shots
from the park. He felt that increased monitoring of the park was
needed. He reported that other areas of the park --the volleyball
courts, for example --are not as messy and that the new playground
equipment for the kids is just great. Mr. Heiligman was encouraged
to call 911 whenever he noticed alcohol consumption and when the
noise was excessive or alarming. Ms. Hackett and Mr. Monk will meet
with Police Chief Mossey to discuss increased monitoring of the park.
It was suggested that perhaps the Commission could take a walk around
the disc golf area either at Arborfest or before the Crystal
Highlands meeting in June. Signage and additional trash barrels may
also help to alleviate some of the problems. The Disc Golf
Association was initially policing themselves and a discussion with
them may be beneficial.
Ms. Moucha introduced Dave Anderson, City Councilperson, who wanted
to become familiar with what the Commission does and to encourage
Commissioners to contact him as needed.
Marcia Holmberg, the City Forester, was introduced to the Commission
and she talked about her background and the goals she hoped to obtair
here at Crystal. She encouraged the Commission to call her with any
of their tree concerns. She will be present at the Arborfest
celebration to answer questions.
Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the plans for Arborfest and
distributed a sheet for Commissioners to sign up to help out.
Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the repairs which will be made
to the pool. $20,000 will be spent to upgrade and repair the pool
and $8,000 to improve the concession stand before the pool opens in
Ms. Reid reported on the work of the Frolics Committee. The
Committee is looking for bands to march in the parade. They also are
looking for queen candidates and will be advertising in the Post and
on the Becker Park and Community Center signs. She also requested
more information regarding the Family Olympics.
Outdoor Commission meetings will be starting next month. The first
meeting will be at Crystal Highlands. There is a building so if
there is inclement weather we will still meet there.
The Commissioners are invited to the City Hall Open House on May 18
from 4 to 8 p.m.
MRPA will be offering a workshop on playground safety. If
Commissioners are interested they should contact Ms. Hackett.
The Commission is still looking for members. The "want ad" flyer was
distributed at registration and will be distributed at outdoor
meetings. We need one member from Ward 3 and the other members can
be at large.
We have received several donations as a result of a mailing to
Crystal businesses. Ms. Hackett distributed a list of gold, silver
and bronze sponsors. In addition, several merchandise donations have
been received which will be used as prizes the Family Olympics or
other such events.
The meeting adjourned at 8:04.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
June 1, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. at Crystal Highlands Park
by Chairperson Mary Moucha. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Ms.
Hoffineister, Mr. Jungroth, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Reid and Ms. Saunders.
Also present were: Ms. Hackett, Mr. Tostenson, and Ms. Montzka from
the City staff, Councilperson Krueger, liason from the City Council
and Councilperson Anderson.
The minutes of the May 4, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed and distributed the Vandalism Report, the
Community Center Usage Report and the Monthly Activity Report. She
pointed out that usage of the Community Center gyms is down because
the volleyball league is finished for the season. There had been
some vandalism in the Crystal Highlands Park in late March.
Ms. Moucha reported that she had become Chairman due to the
resignation of Mr. Gentry.
The meeting was then opened up for the residents to express their
concerns. Among the concerns expressed were the following:
There is currently a lot of foul language being used at the
basketball court later in the evenings by young adults who live
in apartment buildings nearby. Residents were encouraged to
call 911 whenever this occurs. Foul language may be a violation
of either the noise ordinance or the public disturbance
ordinance. Sometimes the police are unable to respond, but the
problem is recorded and may result in increased patrolling.
Also, Ms. Hackett will discuss the situation with the Police
Chief. Ms. Hackett may also contact apartment managers in the
area and ask for their help with this. It was also suggested
that perhaps a sign saying "no foul language" might serve as a
There was some discussion about the removal or relocation of the
basketball court, but many of the residents felt that the
basketball court should remain.
There was a discussion about an earlier closing time for the
park since the park is so close to homes. The park ordinance
states 11 p.m. as closing time.
There was a discussion about curfew enforcement as there have
been some problems with vandalism of cars as well as in the
park. The current curfew is 10:00 for 15 years and younger;
midnight for 16 to 18 year olds. Residents would like more
police patrolling of the area. Residents also commented on
missing the 9:00 curfew siren as a time for their own children
to come home.
One resident expressed her disappointment with the warming house
hours. She felt they were closed more than they were open. She
suggested having lights on the rink even though the warming
house was closed. Ms. Hackett thought that next year it may be
necessary to have fewer rinks with regular hours at the rinks
they do have.
There was concern expressed about the number of dogs being
walked in the park without the owners cleaning up after them.
It was suggested that the Park Department post the new clean up
after your dog signs.
One resident expressed her appreciation on the response of the
Park Department to a request for extra picnic tables and other
services for the Neighborhood Watch picnic.
Another resident wondered if there were opportunities for
community service projects for older children or teenagers in
the parks. It was suggested that anyone interested contact
either Ms. Hackett or Mr. Tostenson.
Mr. Tostenson requested that residents call either the Park
Department or the Recreation Department if they notice broken
The residents were thanked for their attendance and input.
Mr. Tostenson reported that the required improvements to the pool
have been made. The Health Department will inspect the pool on June
8. Other upgrades have been put off and will be scheduled in on the
Five Year Plan.
Ms. Hackett reported that preparations for the 1995 budget request
begin this month. The goal is to maintain the current budget and not
to make any major changes. The Commission was advised to let Ms.
Hackett know if they had any new activities they would like to see
pursued. Requests for capital improvement projects will be at a
later date.
Ms. Hackett reported that the letter sent to businesses asking them
to sponsor programs has brought in several donations. We have
received 12 donations at the $100 sponsorship level. Many of the
donations (80 percent) were made without specifying a particular
activity. Of those that specified, the Becker Park concerts and the
Frolics Family Olympics were most frequently named. The Commissions
expressed an interest in pursuing the idea of an Adopt -a -Park
Ms. Hackett requested the Commission's to review the proposed
ordinance regarding golf play on private and public property. It was
pointed out that we do not have any designated areas within the parks
or the City at this time.
Ms. Reid updated the Commission on the activities of the Frolics
Committee. There are currently seven queen candidates. The queen
candidates will present a fashion show on June 25 at Nicklow's with
admission being $8.50. They will also have a car wash fund-raiser at
Rapid Oil at Bass Lake Road (County Road 10) and County Road 81 on
July 11 from 9:00-2:00. The parade is organized and Ed Brandeen is
the Grand Marshall. Buttons will be sold by the Frolics Committee.
Mr. Theisen will be arranging the Fun Run.
Ms. Hackett reported that Arborfest went well. The entertainment was
great and the kids loved the crafts and little trees. Richard
Anderson's tree board was also a big hit. Over 100 people were in
Two or three trash barrels have been placed along the Bassett Creek
disc golf course at places where trash was being left. The Park
Department will watch to see if this alleviates part of the problem.
Mr. Tostenson reported that an automatic sump pump has been installed
to drain the excess water in the Bassett Creek playground area.
Bill O'Reilly reported the need for temporary no parking signs at
Bassett Creek near the Babe Ruth playing field. During league play
the streets are dangerous for through traffic. This information will
be forwarded to Bill Monk. He also reported that the lights at the
tennis courts are on at all times. Mr. Tostenson will check the
light timer.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
July 6, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. at
Sunnyview Park by Vice Chairperson Jungroth. Members
present were: Mr. Froom, Ms. Hoffineister, Ms. Reid and Ms.
Saunders. Absent members were: Mr. Ertz, Ms. Moucha, and
Mr. O'Reilly. Also present were: Ms. Hackett, Mr.
Tostenson, and Ms. Montzka from the City staff, Officer
Santrizos from the City Police Department, and Councilperson
Anderson from the City Council.
Commissioners and City employees introduced themselves to
the public and the new Commission member, Mr. Froom, was
welcomed to the Commission.
The minutes of the June 1, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Vandalism Report, the Community
Center Usage Report and the Monthly Activity Report. The
new tennis clinics are being well received. The Tiny Tot
program was changed to a format similar to the Youth
Playground program and has doubled in enrollment. Ms.
Hackett also reviewed the June Pool Report which indicates
that pool attendance has doubled from last year.
Ms. Reid and Ms. Hackett discussed the follow-up meeting at
Crystal Highlands Park. Since several safety issues were
raised at the June Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
meeting, a meeting was set up between residents and Officer
Tradewell, Crime Prevention Officer from the City Police
Department. Officer Tradewell showed a film and discussed
with residents measures that could be taken to ensure their
safety. Residents were encouraged to contact the Police
whenever they have any safety concerns regarding the
neighborhood or the park.
Ms. Hackett announced that the National Recreation and Park
Association meetings will be held in Minneapolis in October
of this year. The last time the meeting was in Minneapolis
was 12 years ago so Ms. Hackett encouraged the Commissioners
to attend and pointed out the workshops specifically
designed for commissioners. Commissioners will be asked to
indicate their interest in attending at the August meeting.
Mr. Jungroth explained the purpose of the public meetings in
the park and solicited comments from the public. Among the
concerns expressed by the public were the following:
Residents recalled instances where there was foul
language on the basketball court, lighting of fire
crackers in the park, and cars driving on the ice rink,
but expressed a satisfaction with the police response
to their concerns.
Residents expressed disgust with the dog messes which
owners are not cleaning up.
One resident requested that the walking program at
Sandburg be started again. The program was
discontinued because school activities which interfered
with the walking program were scheduled without
notifying the Recreation Department. Ms. Hackett will
discuss the possibility of running the program with
Jeannie Fackler, the program supervisor.
One resident had noticed that the street light had gone
out during a recent storm, but was unsure whether it
had come back on. He will call Mr. Tostenson if it is
still out.
Residents were encouraged to call 911 with any reports
of misbehavior in the park and to call the Park
Department regarding any equipment breakage.
Ms. Reid updated the Commissioners on Frolics activities.
There are 11 candidate for Miss Crystal. The deadline for
any items to be included in the Frolics publicity
publication is Tuesday, July 12. The parade is organized
although people can still get in.
The following people volunteered to help out with Frolics
Fun Run - Saturday from 7:00-9:00 a.m.
Liz Reid
Janell Saunders
Family Olympics - Saturday from 9:00-1:00
John Froom
Janell Saunders
Dunk Tank - Saturday from 1:00-6:00
Tom Jungroth
Liz Reid
Janell Saunders
Kiddie Parade - Judging is Sunday Noon
Ann Hoffineister
Liz Reid
Janell Saunders
Celebrity Softball Game Sunday afternoon
We have not received information as yet, but
Commissioners were encouraged to be available.
Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the promotional
packages for the pool.
Ms. Hackett distributed information on the Recreation
Sponsorship Program which has received $5,575.00 thus far.
Twenty-three companies have contributed $100 or more.
Ms. Hackett showed the Commission the "Resident Parking
Only" sign which Mr. Monk has suggested using during league
play at the parks. Since the season is almost over, it was
decided to put off use of these signs until next year.
The Twin Lake Use Task Force would like a representative
from the Park Commission. Mr. Jungroth and Ms. Hoffineister
both indicated an interest depending on how meetings would
fit into their schedule.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
August 3, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. at Iron
Horse Park by Vice Chairperson Jungroth. Members present
were: Mr. Ertz, Ms. Hoffineister, Mr. O'Reilly, and Ms.
Saunders. Absent members were: Mr. Froom, Ms. Moucha, and
Ms. Reid. Also present were: Ms. Hackett, and Ms. Montzka
from the City staff and Councilperson Krueger, liason from
the City Council.
Commissioners and City employees introduced themselves to
the public.
The minutes of the July 6, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Vandalism Report and the Community
Center Usage Report. Rentals for July are down from other
months ($2,800 while average is $3,000) since many
organizations do not meet during July or plan to have
outdoor activities. July is fix up month at the Center.
Ms. Hackett also reviewed the Monthly Activity Report and
the Pool Report. Attendance at the pool and swim pass
ticket sales are up from last year. Wading pool attendance
is down from last year. Possibly they are using the wading
pool at the Municipal Pool or the New Hope Pool.
Mr. Jungroth explained the purpose of the public meetings in
the park and solicited comments from the public. Among the
concerns expressed by the public were the following:
There was some concern expressed about the hours the
skating rink would be open. The resident felt that the
rink was used weekdays from 5:00-8:30, but use was
lower on the weekends depending on the weather. Ms.
Hackett reported that the Recreation Department was
considering only opening the more popular warming
houses for the 1994-95 season. She thought Iron Horse
would be one that would be open.
It was pointed out that the hockey boards were in need
of repair. Ms. Hackett was uncertain as to when they
were scheduled for repair on the Replacement Program.
Early in the season there were some problems with the
satellite toilet being turned over frequently, but
since it has been screwed down this has stopped.
The lights have not been coming on in the park and some
of the lights are broken so it is pitch black in the
evening. Ms. Hackett will have the Park Superintendent
look into the matter.
In the past there had been drug trafficking in the
park, but there have been no incidents this year.
There is still some hot rodding in the alley next to
the park.
Ms. Hackett reported on Frolics events. The Dunk Tank made
about $400 for the Activity Assistance Fund. Palace Inn won
the contest. Ms. Hoffineister wondered if there weren't some
way to devise tally sheets for the judging of the Kiddie
Parade on the basis of points. The Family Olympics were
cancelled. The fireworks were fantastic. Some
disappointment was expressed about the lack of bands in the
Frolics Parade. Eight people were arrested on Thursday
night and then the rest of the weekend went smoothly. There
was one complaint received about the mess left after the
fireworks (but that may have been about the Fourth of July).
Ms. Hackett reported that the City Council has approved
Crystal's participation in the Twin Lake Task Force.
Ms. Hackett requested that Commission members who were
interested in attending the NRPA Congress contact her before
the September 2 deadline.
Mr. O'Reilly asked what had been done regarding the parking
problem on 32nd Avenue North. In July the Commission had
decided to begin posting signs in the 1995 season since the
1994 season had ended.
The meeting next month will be at Welcome Park.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
September 7, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. at
Welcome Park by Chairperson Mary Moucha. Members present
were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Froom, Ms. Hoffineister, Mr. Jungroth,
Ms. Lasky, Ms. Reid and Ms. Saunders. Absent members were:
Mr. O'Reilly. Also present were: Ms. Hackett and Ms.
Montzka from the City staff and Councilperson Krueger,
liason from the City Council.
Sherry Lasky, a new commissioner from Ward 2, was introduced
to the group.
The Commissioners and City staff introduced themselves to
the residents.
The minutes of the August 3, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett presented the Monthly Activities Report. She
noted that enrollment in swimming lessons was down from
August of last year. However, total enrollment is up as
this year we ran four sessions while in 1993 we ran only
three sessions. She also pointed out that interest in
tennis has declined but appears to have stabilized. Ms.
Hackett also reviewed the Community Center Usage Report, the
Vandalism Report and the Pool Pass Sales Report.
Mr. Jungroth announced that Mr. Monk has resigned as Public
Works Director and the group expressed their dismay.
The meeting was then turned over to the residents who
expressed the following concerns:
Residents were concerned about the number of people
bringing dogs into the park without carrying scoopers.
Children run and roll around on the ground in the park
in the same areas. There are also dogs running loose
in the park. If dogs are running loose in the park,
they should call 911 and request that the animal
control officer come out. The Commission felt that we
should post signs and inform owners of the dog
ordinance. One resident reported that the city of Fond
du Lac tags dog owners for violations. It may be
necessary to have the Police Reserve at Welcome and
next spring may be an appropriate time.
Residents also expressed concern about litter in the
park, especially broken glass and cigarette butts in
the children's sandbox. An anchor stake from the
hamburger stand was also left in the ground from the
Frolics. They were encouraged to call the Park
Maintenance Department --531-1158.
One resident reported that her children found
pornographic cards left lying in the park.
One resident wondered what was being done about
vandalism and crime in the area. She was encouraged to
call the Police Department Crime Prevention Officer to
see about setting up a Neighborhood Crime Watch group.
Residents complained about loud music late at night in
the park, some of the noise coming from cars cruising
the area.
One resident inquired about the curfew in Crystal.
Curfew is 10:00 p.m. for 15 year olds and under and
midnight for 16 and 17 year olds. The park closes at
11:00. Residents wished they still had the 9:00 siren
so they could tell their children to come home when the
siren went off.
There was an inquiry regarding the rules about drinking
in the park. Drinking is forbidden in the parks unless
a permit is issued by the City Council. To get around
this rule ball players are drinking in neighboring
front yards and leaving behind empty six packs.
Residents were encouraged to call 911.
During the games there is a lot of vehicle and
pedestrian traffic down the alley at 45th and Vera
Cruz. The resident was concerned about a pedestrian
being hit by a car racing down the alley. The resident
was wondering if the alley could be made one-way. He
was encouraged to contact the Public Works Director to
discuss the problem and possible solutions.
Residents also express concern about cars driving 40
miles per hour through the stop sign. This probably
happens more at night but does occur during the day.
Another resident felt it occurred between 2:00 and 4:00
in the afternoon. They felt it was time to start
ticketing people for this violation.
One resident expressed the opinion that the park is in
best condition it has ever been, probably due to the
nice summer with the appropriate amount of rain but
also because of the maintenance the park has received.
The residents were thanked for their comments.
Since the City Council will be holding hearings on the
budget on December 7 and Ms. Hackett and the Public Works
Director will be attending that meeting, the following was
moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Ms. Hoffineister:
The Park and Recreation Advisory Commission will hold
its December meeting on December 14 rather than
December 7 as regularly scheduled.
Motion passed, unanimously.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the PIR/CIP Requests pointing out that
the requests were for maintaining what we have rather than
to finance new things. Ms. Hoffineister wondered about the
replacement of the hockey boards at Iron Horse Park and Ms.
Hackett explained that the broken boards would be replaced
through the regular park maintenance budget before the
skating season begins. A concern was expressed that the
widening of the pavement at Bassett Creek could not wait
until 1996. However, Ms. Hackett pointed out that this
might be done as part of the Highway 100 project which will
be financed by MNDOT.
Next month we will be meeting at the Crystal Community
Center and we will have committee meetings. Ms. Hackett
will inform people of which committee they are on. Mr.
Froom volunteered to be on the Marketing Committee and Ms.
Lasky will be on the Special Events Committee.
Ms. Reid reported on the Frolics. She felt it was best we
ever had --and there is more money coming in. The secretary
is contacting all the high schools in the state to try to
get more bands in next year's parade. The new royalty have
appeared at several functions already. The fireworks were
awesome and well received.
_ Ms. Hackett announced that at the next council meeting Bill
Monk will be asking for funds for pool upgrading for 1995.
They will also be considering membership for the Lake Use
Task Force (Twin Lake).
It was suggested that we print business cards with the
telephone numbers which we frequently give out at the public
meetings --Park, Recreation, Police, and Public Works, for
Meeting adjourned at 7:53.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
October 5, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. at the
Crystal Community Center by Chairperson Mary Moucha.
Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Froom, Ms. Lasky, Mr.
O'Reilly, Ms. Reid and Ms. Saunders. Absent members were:
Ms. Hoffineister and Mr. Jungroth. Also present were: Ms.
Hackett and Ms. Montzka from the City staff.
The minutes of the September 7, 1994 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Community Center Usage Report.
Rentals are up from August because organizations have
started meeting again. $2,800 in rental revenues is about
average. There are a few times when there are no activities
and at those times the building is closed. Usage is
expected to increase in October when the Volleyball Program
begins. Ms. Hackett also reviewed the Monthly Activities
Report. Enrollment in the soccer program is up from last
year. This is a combined program with the Robbinsdale Park
and Recreation Department and St. Raphael's and other area
schools. Attendance at the Arts in the Park program was
down from the previous year --probably due to the hot
weather. The program continues to be a popular program,
costing the City $3,000 with the remaining $5,000 being paid
for by donations. There was no Vandalism Report as Mr.
Tostenson was injured in a car accident and has been unable
to return to work.
Crystal -New Hope -Plymouth Swim Club has requested the use of
the Crystal Municipal Pool for a swim meet in 1995. The
last time this swim meet was at Crystal, we removed portions
of the waterslide and the waterslide suffered structural
damage. Mr. Tostenson was researching the problem to
prepare a report to present to the Commission. Several
members of the Commission felt that we should accommodate
this request if possible. There was concern that $1,100 was
not an adequate rental fee for this event particularly
because of the possibility of damage to the waterslide. The
Club my be willing to pay more. It was suggested that the
Club buy insurance to cover damage to the waterslide. This
meet is the weekend of the Frolics and could bring in lots
of business. The following motion was made by Mr. O'Reilly
and seconded by Ms. Reid:
Action on the request from the Crystal -New Hope -
Plymouth Swim Club for use of the Crystal Municipal
Pool for the swim meet in July of 1995 should be tabled
until the staff report has been completed.
Motion passed, unanimously.
Ms. Hackett summarized the issues and comments made at the
outdoor meetings. She also separated the comments into
areas of supervision. Ms. Hackett will write a letter to
the Police Chief outlining those comments which are the
concern of the Police Department. Those concerns which
involve the Park Department will be brought to the attention
of the Park Superintendent when he returns to work and those
involving the Public Works Department will be discussed with
the new Public Works Director when that person is hired. At
the next meeting the Commission will look into park closing
time and a possible ordinance change. One alternative is to
change all park closing times to 9:00 p.m. and make an
exception for Becker being open until 11:00 p.m.
Mr. O'Reilly pointed out that every park commented on dog
problems and wondered if it wasn't time to become more
strict on the enforcement of the dog laws. It was felt that
the "sting" at Bassett Creek Park had done some good and
that more "stings" were needed. Another opinion was that it
was time to give tickets instead of just warnings. Another
possibility was to send a questionnaire to residents thereby
getting the message across that if there were no
immprovement the City might do something about the problem.
Mr. Ertz said that Plymouth had looked into changing their
signs using the public health approach --for example, "Dog
waste is unhealthy for children." Sign should also say that
this is against the law and have number to call (911) if
they see violations. In addition to dog signs, other signs
are also needed in the parks. Park rules and regulations
should be posted. The number to call (531-1158) for
maintenance and repairs should also be posted. When there
is vandalism, a sign should be posted telling that vandalism
has occurred, the cost of repair, and an offer of a reward
for information leading to the apprehension of the person(s)
responsible for the vandalism. The dog sign and other signs
should be discussed with Mr. Tostenson and the new Public
Works Director.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the memo from Ms. Opat regarding the
1994-95 Warming House Season. The following parks would
have warming house facilities with hours from 4:00-8:00
Monday -Thursday, 4:00-8:30 Friday, 10:00-8:30 Saturday, and
1:00-5:00 Sunday: Lions Valley Place, Bassett Creek,
Welcome, Forest, Iron Horse, Broadway and Twin Oak. The
following parks would have rinks: Crystal Highlands,
Yunkers, Skyway, North Bass Lake, Lee and Cavanagh. The
following rinks would be eliminated: Sunnyview, North
Lions, Fair and 38th and Florida. The recommendation for
closure was based on safety, another rink close by or if the
park is considered a passive park. This will be reviewed
every year as needs change as neighborhoods change. Next
year it might be different parks.
The Commission discussed the goals of an "Adopt a Park"
program. Should this be for park clean up and maintenance
or for monetary donations for purchases of equipment? As
there were so many ideas and different approaches, it was
decided to set up a Committee to make recommendations. Ms.
Hackett will do some research on other "Adopt a Park"
programs and report back to the group.
Mr. Ertz reported on the Long Range Planning Committee
meeting. They reviewed the 1995-99 PIR Plan. The Committee
felt that we owe a responsposibility to take care of what we
already have and that is the priority. As far as the wish
list, they felt the Golf course could be removed from the
list as, based on the findings of the Golf Committee thus
far, it appears that the land doesn't exist to have a golf
course. Also, the update of the frisbee golf course may be
held up by the Highway 100 project.
Mr. O'Reilly reported on the Marketing Comittee meeting.
They are looking into revision of the sponsorship program.
The Committee would also like to have individual and family
memberships. They also discussed Recognition Night for
donators. They will have another meeting and report to the
Commission next month.
Ms. Reid reported on the Special Events Committee meeting.
They had met with Ms. Opat of the Recreation Department who
reported on the special events planned for the next three
months. Twenty-one teens had signed up for the Haunted
Halloween Scavenger Hunt by the third day registration and
registration was still going on. The Halloween party for
the elementary school children is a joint venture with the
Robbinsdale Park and Recreation Department. In November
there will be a fowl shooting contest. Winterfest will be
held in December and the Commissioners will be asked at the
November meeting to volunteer to help out with the program.
Ms. Reid reported on the activities of the Crystal Frolics
Committee. All the bills have been paid for the 1994
Frolics and they are still solvent. The dunk tank brought
in $420 for the Activity Assistance Program. The Crystal
Royalty will be in the University of Minnesota Homecoming
Parade and the Anoka Halloween Parade. They are also
scheduled to be at Winterfest and Ms. Hackett wondered if
the Royalty could be at some of the other fall special
Ms. Hackett discussed the implications of the Data Privacy
Act which went into effect on August 1. Participants must
now sign a form giving permission to give out their name and
address information. Without this permission, one problem
has been that instructors and coaches do not have the phone
numbers of participants and need to notify participants of
cancellations due to bad weather or illness of instructors.
Deven Bispala has been hired as Interim Recreation
Supervisor during Renee Opat's maternity leave. She will
start on October 17 and will come to the November meeting.
The Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association will be
having a workshop on "A 'Grass Roots' Look at Parks and
Recreation" on November 16. Ms. Hackett asked that
Commissioners let her know if they wished to attend so that
she could request the $10 registration fee from the City.
The Police Department is having a problem with people
skating on the tennis courts. The ordinance says
skateboards not in-line skates. These in-line skates also
harm the surface of the tennis court. Also, the Department
is considering designating a rink for roller hockey. Mr.
Tostenson will present a recommendation at the next meeting.
Applications for the Public Works Director position will be
accepted until October 14.
Ms. Hackett announced that she had tickets for the product
displays at Exhibit Hall at the National Recreation and Park
Association Conference on Saturday, October 15, for anyone
who wanted them.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
December 14, 1994
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. at the
Crystal Community Center by Chairperson Mary Moucha.
Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Ms. Hoffineister, Mr.
Jungroth, and Mr. O'Reilly. Absent members were: Mr.
Froom, Ms. Laskey, Ms. Reid and Ms. Saunders. Also present
were: Mr. Krueger, Council Liaison, and Ms. Hackett, Mr.
Tostenson and Ms. Rein from the City staff.
The minutes of the November 2, 1994 meeting were approved as
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Monthly Activities Report and
Community Center Report, highlighting major events. Mr.
Tostenson reviewed the Monthly Vandalism Report. Mr.
O'Reilly suggested the Commission work on a reward program
for reporting vandalism. Ms. Hackett will investigate.
Ms. Moucha informed the Commission of the Truth in Taxation
meeting that was held December 7. Our Commission was
represented by four members. The main concern from
residents seemed to be that their property valuations rose
dramatically which resulted in a major tax increase. These
concerned residents were given options to try to resolve
their situations. No one commented on city expenditures.
The Commission discussed the Tree Board memo from Marcia
Holmberg. It was suggested that the Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission continue as the Tree Board and include
the two interested people from the EQC. The Tree Board
would meet quarterly prior to a Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission meeting. Ms. Hackett will talk to Ms. Holmberg
regarding this suggestion.
The park closing hours were discussed. Ms. Hackett
distributed a survey on neighboring cities park hours.
There seemed to be a trend toward 10 p.m. closings except at
special facilities.
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Ms. Moucha to
recommend that park closing hours be changed to 10 p.m.
except at Becker Park and by special permit.
Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Hackett will check with the City Attorney on wording and
the process.
An In -Line Skate ordinance was discussed. Ms. Hackett
distributed the Hennepin Parks ordinance. The Commision
liked the wording in the definition. Discussion centered on
prohibiting in-line skating everywhere except where
designated. Mr. Ertz pointed out that there is probably
more liability in having designated areas since they must be
signed and properly maintained. The Commission then
discussed signage of areas we do not want in-line skaters to
use. Ms. Hackett will check with the City Attorney
regarding proper wording for an ordinance and signs.
The guidelines for Adopt -A -Park were reviewed. The
Commission thought the working document was good and could
be used to present the program to the Crystal Lions and VFW
groups. Ms. Hackett will put this together for these two
civic groups for presentation in January.
Elections of officers was tabled until next meeting.
There was not a Crystal Frolics Committee report.
Ms. Hackett informed the Commission that Tom Mathison has
accepted the position of Crystal Public Works Director. He
was with the City of Coon Rapids. He will start January 3,
Ms. Hackett reported that the 1995 pool fees have been
submitted to the City Manager and should be sent to the City
Council in January.
Ms. Hackett informed the Commission that Mr. Froom has
resigned from the Commission. Mr. Krueger told the
Commission that there will be a new process in filling
Commission openings. Mayor Meintsma has suggested a
personal interview situation for Commission applicants. The
format and specific details are still being worked out.
Also unknown at this time is if the new process will apply
to current Commission members as their term expires.
The Winterfest event was reviewed. It was a huge success!
Many favorable comments were heard from participants. Staff
has made some suggested changes for next year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Beth Rein