1984 PRC MinutesCRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING January 4, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Grimes, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Belland, Ms. Reid, Pts. Smith, Mr. Okeson, Mr. Lytle, Ms. Gates and Mr. Karnowski. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Also, the year-end regisLrati:;ri report and the Thorson year-end report were distributed. Hs. Gates suggested a cover letter be attached to the year-end report highlighting facets of the total program and explaining cooperative programs. Mr. Okeson questioned the availability of existing indoor facilities and the possibility of acquiring new ones (dome pool or tennis courts, for example). Mr. Rygg said that these are possibilities being discussed by the city's Long Range Planning Commission. Mr. Rygg suggested that Mr. Brandeen write a once -per -month memo on the 5 -year plan to highlight certain portions of it to be brought before the Long Range Planning Commission. Commission committees met and reports were given: Public Relations - Considered budget for 1984 ''Life. Be In It.'' day that would include purchase of hats and frisbees imprinted with the logo. The hats would be sold to bring some income in. The Durchase of a banner was also considered. Information for a publicity brochure on the parks has been assembled. Long Range Planning/Facilities - Reviewed updated version of the 5 -year plan. Becker Park development was discussed. Mr. Stockhaus suggested that these two committees should meet jointly to review the past proposed plans for Becker and to list ideas for developers. Mr. Rygg suggested the commission members may want to attend HRA meetings concerning Becker. Mr. Brandeen reported that Mr. Irving said that Becker Park development is the number one priority for 1984. Ms. Gates suggested that the gifts' booklet be pro- moted to generate interest in giving money for playground apparatus for parks listed in 1984. Mr. Stockhaus agreed that the gifts' booklet was the best alternative to funding from the city and it should be highly publicized. Mr. Okeson suggested that brochure/flyers be sent to areas surrounding the parks for help in donations. CP'R Advisory Commission Meeting 1/4/84 P. 2 The "Sno Daze" will be held Sunday, February 12, 1984 at Crystal Lions Valley Place Park. The following commissioners have agreed to assist: Sue Smith, Liz Reid, Mark Hoffmann, Stu Stockhaus, Kevin Lytle, and Larry Okeson if available. "Life. Be in it." day was discussed. Possible ideas include: Celebrity vs. City softball game; Hot Air Balloon Launch; Coloring Contest through the Post and the schools; Entertainment groups, bands, danceline, etc.; Zoomobile. The Commission reviewed the demographic data that was distributed at the last meeting. Mr. Lytle volunteered to use a computer to chart the age groups concentrations relevant to parks. Mr. Stockhaus drew some conclusions concerning higher population concentrations of youth age 0-19 are west of Douglas Drive. Ms. Reid asked about activities for adults age 34-54. Some suggestions included: swimming, daytime exercise classes and exercise/social activity interest groups. The third session of cable TV training will be January 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the New Hope studio. Mr. Brandeen.suggested that the commission may want to film parts of the "Sno Daze" activities. Ms. Smith said that the Environmental Commission is considering the possibility of a solar study for the pool. Mr. Brandeen distributed booklets on the Bassett Creek Nature Trail. The trail was renovated as an Eagle Scout project. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder a CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING February 1, 1984 The regular meeting of'the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:11 p.m. by Chairperson Stu.Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Karnowski, Ms. Reid, Ms. Gates, Mr. Grimes; Ms. Smith and Mr. Okeson. Also present were: Mayor Meintsma, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed -the monthly report highlighting major activities. The R. C. program was discussed, as there were a few problems at the activity. It was suggested that a survey of interests should be made for this age group. Ms. Gates felt that a survey would be beneficial for future planning of programs and facilities. Ms. Smith thought that perhaps a youth .center should be a consideration for future planning. Ms. Gates will represent -the Commission on the Long Range Planning Commission for 1984. Motion: Mr. Karnowski - Moved to recommend to the City Council that Marty Gates be ,appointed to the 1984 Long Range Planning Commission. Ken Belland will be the alternate representative. Second: Ms. Smith. Motion passed: Unanimous. Ms. Gates reported on -the -Long Range Planning Commission meeting. Lincoln Prop- erties was chosen to develop the business site. A new street will be put through Becker Park (approximately at the tennis court area). The park will be to the earl of this street and extend to the east end to the Bungalow property. Commis- sion members would like a copy of the Lincoln development plan to possibly help formulate a park plan.. Other discussion centered around a developer's purchase of the Soo Line property for housing. That plan could include a small park area. Mr. Brandeen reported that a company in Red Wing has tentatively agreed to do a solar heat feasibility study on the Crystal Pool at no cost to the city. Mr. Brandeen distributed copies of the Crystal Pool financial report. He recom- mended nc increase in admission or season ticket fees. The economy ticket booklet will be sold again. Ms. Hackett reviewed the plan for the Snow Daze. Ms. Hackett reviewed the proposed budget for the "Life. Be In It." day. 0the r suggested events include: family picnic games, trash collection contest; T-shirt sale, and kite flying. Mr. Okeson suggested canoe rides; but insurance k.ould be �-� needed for that. Commission members felt that hats lvith the logo on k•.,ould be beneficial to have for sale at "Life. Be In It." day. tit. Erandeer, said that it +.as not in the 198 bucget but could be bud eted for it I-, N- - g ,1�yor Meintsra sucoested contacting the Council for funds to purchase 'rats for this year. CP&R Advisory Commission Meetinc ""N P. 2 Motion: Ms. Smith - Moved to have Mr. Karnowski, as Commission secretary, write a letter to the mayor and 1 City Council to ask for $425 to purchase hats for sale to promote community public relations. Second: Ms. Gates. Motion passed: Unanimous. Summer dates were set for-Commission•meetings: June 6 - Yunker Park i July 11 - Welcome Park j August 1 = North Lions Park , The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. - 4 Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder 0 CRYSTAL PARI: AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING March 7, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Smith, Mr. Karnowski, Mr. Belland, Mr. Grimes, and Mr. Okeson. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, Council Liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Mr. Brandeen reviewed suggestions by present rink attendants for the 1985 skating season which included adding pop machines and changing some hours of operation. It was suggested that cable TV be utilized for more program publicity as well as more newspaper coverage. The patches were well liked by the Commission mem- bers. "Life. Be In It." day was discussed. Events include: entertainment groups, family olympics, and family picnic. Balloons and frisbees will be given away. Mr. Karnowski read a letter to be sent to the Council to ask for money to pur- chase hats. Alternate sites for the 1985 Crystal Frolics were discussed. Sites considered lack adequate parking spaces and are located in neighborhood areas. Sites include: Bassett Creek Park, Crystal Shopping Center and the cemetary property. Ms. Hackett reported. that the Firemen may run a shuttlebus from parking areas to the primary site. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the North Lions final development plan. The bids will go out during the first part of June with construction starting approximately 20 days later. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the status of the restitution program. There's been 3 youths through the program to4date. Becker Park redevelopment was discussed. Ms. Smith was concerned about all park development funds being held back because of the Becker Park redevelopment. Mr. Brandeen stated that parr: development items could be requested in the 1985 budget. The Commission discussed the closing of Fair. Mr. Rygg thought that the city would want to keep the park area and pursue the possibility of using the school facility. Mr. Stockhaus mentioned 2 school district committees (Facilities and Community Relations) that could be approached regarding Fair. Fair could be a site for an additional senior facility or other activities. Mr. Rygg also men- tioned that Crystal Heights may be available for useage depending on church ac- tivities. Ms. Hackett distributed a rough draft of a survey to be distributed to teens. The schools would be contacted to assist with the distribution of the surveys. This questionnaire would attempt to survey activity interest and needs of teens. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL.PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING April 4, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Ms. Reid, Mr. Belland, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Smith, Ms. Gates and Mr. Okeson. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activites. Mr. Rygg mentioned that the School Board is investigating keeping a portion of Fair School open for use by community groups. Ms. Gates reported that the Long Range Planning Commission looked at the Senior Housing proposals submitted to the H.R.A. The Commission reviewed the',"Life. Be_In It." day tentative schedule and made additional suggestions on events. These other possibilities include an Art Fair, Breakdancers, and a display of a Crystal fire truck and a police car. Mr. Brandeen distributed copies of the updated Park Improvement Inventory. The Commission's Long Range Planning Committee will meet to determine target dates dates for items not completed. Ms. Gates questioned the new housing being built on the Soo Line.property. Th'e developer is proposing a small site as a tot lot for one area of the development. Ms. Gates is concerned that this tot lot is too small to handle all the houses that are proposed. The extra housing will put a strain on Twin Oak Park which is already overcrowded. Ms. Smith asked Mr. Rygg if there was any way the developer could increase the size of the tot lot. Mr. Rygg thought that it wasn't too late for action, Ms. Gates proposed writing a letter to the Council voicing the Commis- -sion's concern regarding this allocation of such a small space. Mr. Rvag mentioned that the Soo Line has been approached about constructing a grade crossing to make Cavanagh more accessible to these new residents. Mr. Okeson suggested the Cavanagh facilities should be examined if park useage increases if the crossing is installed. Ms. Smith asked when a public hearing on the development was scheduled. Mr. Rygg thought that it would be scheduled soon. Mr. Brandeen suggested that he obtain a copy of the development plan for the Commission to review it at their next regular meeting. Ms. Gates said that the Commission should meet next week so a letter could be included in the Council packets. Motion: Ms. Gates - Moved to have a Commission meeting on Wednesday, April 11 for the purpose of writing a letter to the Council regarding concerns about park land in the Crystal Green development. Second - Ms. Smith. Motion carried - Unanimous. CPR - Minutes - 4/1984 _ Page 2. Mr. Grimes asked if the HRA would be making all the decisions regarding Becker Park development. Mr. Rygg suggested that Commission members should attend HRA meetings concerning the park. Ms. Gates suggested sending the HRA a letter voicing concerns regarding Becker Park development. Mr. Brandeen reported that the purchase of hats for the "Life. Be In It." were approved by the Council. Mr. Brandeen reported on "Crystal Days" to be held at Brookdale May -5.4. Some suggestions for displays include: VCR tape, slide show, large map wi-th pictures of each park. Mr. Brandeen•showed the Commission the 1984 pool posters. Several Commissioners offered to put these up in Crystal businesses. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recon der CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING April 11, 1984 The special meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Ms. Gates, Ms. Smith, Ms. Reid, Mr. Karnowski, and Mr. Hoffmann. Also present were: Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. Ms. Gates suggested that the Commission write a letter to the City council ex- pressing their dissatisfaction on Council action regarding the Crystal Green property development. She added that increased housing will put an additional strain on Twin Oak park which is already over -used. The developer has planned a small tot lot for the Condo housing section since they have no yards, how- ever this will not be adequate for all the proposed housing. _ Mr. Brandeen distributed figures on national standards which show that Twin Oak should be adequate for the additional housing. He also stated that the City Master Plan states that no additional park land needs to be acquired. Mr. Stockhaus asked why there weren't a specified number of lots set aside for a park. Ms. Smith said that Mayor t1eintsma had lobbied for that but was not successful. Ms. Reid replied that 2 lots were set aside for a possible access road to Highway 52, but if they are not used for the road, the devel- oper can build on them. She wondered if there was any way those 2 lots could be traded for 2 other lots for a park (if not used for a road). Mr. Stockhaus thought the letter should express the fact that the Council did not ask for Commission input. The Commission could have expressed their con- cerns on over -using Twin Oak park. This area has several geographic barriers to using other park facilities which make Twin Oak useage critical, and the new development will contribute to more children to use the park. Ms. GL -.yes expressed concern over the Commission not being informed about the progress of this development. They were not aware that the property was close to being developed. Mr. Stockhaus felt that it was a mistake for the Council not to use its Com- mission for input. f1s. Smith expressed disappointment in the Council as the Commission has always been well received by the Council. She was concerned that the Commission would not be informed by the H.R.A. regarding Becker Park re -development. Mr. Stockhaus drafted a letter which was approved by the Commission to be sent to the Council (see attached). The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder DATE: April 12, 1984 TO: City Council Members FROM: Park & Recreation Advisory Commission RE: Letter of Concern The Park & Recreation Advisory Commission feels compelled to register our disappointment on the council's not requesting a review of -the impact of the Halley housing development on the park and recreational needs of the Twin Oak Park neighborhood by our commission. Our commission was established to study and make recommendations to the city council._ By ignoring the Park and Recreation Commission, the council creates two problems for itself: 1. The city council has failed to avail itself of all relevant data in its decision-making process. 2. By ignoring its own commision, the city council creates a source of futility in our advisory capacity. Had we been asked, we would have noted the.possible overuse of Twin Oak Park, the restricted access to other parks, and the inadequacy of the essentially private park within the development. We sincerely hope your action on Tuesday, March 27 was merely a matter of an oversight and not indicative of a matter of change in council policy regarding the use and input of the council/commission system. CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING May 2, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:13 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Okeson, Ms. Smith, Mr. Belland, Mr. Karnowski, Mr. Grimes, Ms. Gates, and Mr. Hoffmann. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liaison, Mayor Meintsma, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes from the April 4th regular meeting and the April 11th special meet- ing were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Given the success of the Breakdance contest at RC, Mr. Karnowski suggested a Break - dance contest for the Frolics for the 12-18 year olds. Ms. Hackett will bring it up at the next Frolics Committee meeting. Ms. Gates mentioned that the Long Range Planning Commission will be taking a tour of the City on May 8. The tour will include some parks and many other city facilities. Mr. Brandeen distributed invitations to "Life. Be In It." day on June 2. The Council will get invitations, also. Mr. Hoffmann volunteered to distribute flyers around the Bassett Creek neighborhood. Other Commission members will help put posters in the stores. The next Commission meeting will be held June 6 at Yunkers Park. Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Grimes and Mr. Hoffmann volunteered to distribute flyers around the neigh- borhood. Ms. Smith suggested putting the meeting information on Cable TV. Mr. Meintsma suggested contacting the Fire Department for a piece of fire equipment for display to attract residents to the park meeting (this could be an idea for "Life. Be In It." day, too). Bob Rasmussen from the Fun Run would like to change the route for the race. He is appearing before the Frolics Committee to go over the proposed course change - the race will still start and finish in Bassett Creek Park. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the current softball/baseball field facilities within the city. In 1986, it is proposed that another lighted softball field will be needed to accommodate the adult softball leagues. The baseball programs have not grown and the existing facilities will suit their needs. Motion: Mr. Karnowski - Moved to recommend to the Council that 2 lighted softball fields should be planned for Becker Park when the park is redeveloped. Second: Ms. Smith. Motion passed: Unanimous. Motion: Mr. Karnowski - Moved to recommend to the Council that the city not develop any new baseball fields in the near future. If an increase in the program is seen, the City could explore the use of fields at St. Raphael and Cooper. Second: Ms. Gates. Motion passed: Unanimous. CP&R Advisory Commission Meeting - 5/25/84 P. 2 Ms. Smith suggested that the pond at Bassett Creek be further developed into a fishing area - similiar to the Brooklyn Center Civic Center pond. She will contact Brooklyn Center to obtain information on how they were able to develop their area. Mr. Stockhaus suggested some type of program be -tried to clean-up Bassett Creek. It was thought that it might make a good restitution, or a Scout group project. Mr. Meintsma suggested that the pathway on either side of the creek bridge needs to be built up, for use by wheelchairs. Mr. Stockhaus suggested building up the sliding hill at Bassett Creek Park. Mr. Meintsma told the Commission of his reaction to the letter sent to the Council by the Commission. His own reaction was that the letter was not de- served as he had made overtures to the developer to provide some open space. The developer was not interested, probably in light of the possible law suit that was threatened. The City had no way to obtain any property from the developer. The Mayor felt the Council made all the effort that could be made. Ms. Gates said she was glad to hear that Halley was the problem, however she wished that the Commission would have been more informed on this matter. Mr. Meintsma suggested that Commission members contact Council members by phone and talk personally, if this situation comes up again. The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COQ"MISSION MEETING June 6, 1984 Yunkers Park The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order'at 7:07 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Belland, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Karnowski and Ms. Gates. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liaison, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff and several residents from the Yunkers Park area. Mr. Stockhaus gave a short backround talk on the reasons for meeting in the parks. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. The residents of Yunker Park had the following concerns: 1. Golfing: Youth have been seen hitting golf balls in the park which is against city ordinance. The Commission suggested posting signs and asking the Police to step up patrols and to ticket offenders. Motion: Mr. Karnowski - Moved to recommend "No -Golfing" signs be posted at 2 locations in Yunker Park. y` Second: Ms. Gates. Motion passed: Unanimous. 2. Satellite Location: One resident complained on the location of the satel- lite. He requested that it be moved. The Commission checked the park for alternate sites. It could be moved to the north. side of the building. J. Picnic Tables: Residents requested the picnic tables be staked down to prevent children from moving them to climb on the building. 4. Cars on 31st: Teens park their cars on 31st and stay there. Additional police surveillance was requested. 5. Bugs: When holding pond is :vet, bugs are present. Mr. Brandeen will check with the Metropolitan Mosquito Control to check on spray- ing. 6. Drainage/Holding Pond: The residents were concerned about the safety of the holding pond. Sometimes water is in there for a day or more. Also the bars at.either end of the drain are too wide and children climb down into the sewer. The ground area is wet all the time. The residents asked about putting sand under the playground area. Mr. Brandeen told the residents that the, playground area will be redeveloped (based on Council approval) in 1986. 7. Broken glass: Lots of broken glass around the park. The park crew does clean up when they mow. The Commission asks residents to assist in clean-up. •CP&R Advisory Commission Meeting - 6/6/84 Pg. 2 8. More Police Patrols: Overall the residents would like to see the area patrolled more often. The Yunker Park residents were thanked for their attendance and for voicing their concerns., Ms. Gates reported on the tour of City facilities that the Long Range Planning Commission took. This tour gave Commissioners a good overview of city facilities. The Frolics dunk tank was discussed. Mr. Karnowski was put in charge of assign- ing "dunkees" and workers. Mr. Brandeen reported that the City Manager wanted the Commission to know that they will have input on the development of Becker Park. The planning process will begin in -the next few months. Mr. Brandeen reported that the Crystal Hockey Boosters will merge with the North- west Suburban Hockey Association for all ages except Bantams. The house league will take youth not interested in the traveling league. Mr. Karnowski asked the Department to keep track of age groups to better monitor programs. Mr. Brandeen reported on Crystal Days to be held at Brookdale June 23-24. Co- mmissioners are asked to assist with the booth. The Park and Recreation Depart- ment booth will have park maps, displays, flyers, etc. _ f The review of "Life. Be In It." day was postponed until the July meeting. Mr. Stockhaus and Mr. Hoffmann reported that they will be out of town for the July meeting. Mr. Grimes will meet with Mr. Brandeen to set the agenda. Mr. Rygg suggested that the Commission consider making monthly presentations to the Council regarding Commission meetings. The Environmental Commission does this now and it keeps the Council updated on their activities. The meeting was adjourned at, 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder. CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING July 11, 1984 Welcome Park The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Ms. Gates, Mr. Okeson, Mr. Karnowski, Ms. Reid, Ms. Smith, and Mr. Stock - haus. Also present were Mr. Rygg, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. Attending the meeting were: Mr. Irving, City Manager, Mr. Carouthers,•Metro Council, Mr. Schwabstad, BRW, Ms. Nerenberg, Crystal HRA Coordinator, and Mr./Mrs. Trombley, Welcome Park residents. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. The Commission heard comments frem Mr./Mrs. Trombley: 1. Welcome Park has been well maintained and it is in terrific shape. 2. The new play equipment is terrific. It was suggested that benches be installed for parents and trash containers be placed near play area. 3. Excess traffic on Welcome Avenue creates a hazard when children run from Welcome ,==2 to the play area. Several suggestions were considered: 4 -way stop an 47th and Welcome. "Slow" playground signs. Speed bumps. Pedistrian crossing signs/lines on street. Some of these ideas are impractical due to maintenance and enforcement problems. 4. Too much driving on the park during the Frolics. Mr. Brandeen will mention this to Frolics workers. The residents were thanked for their attendance. f-ir. Karnowski discussed the Frolics Dunk Tank to be held Sunday, July 29 from 1-3 p.m. at Becker Park. Mr. Irving offered to pay for 3 balls for each Commission member who would like to throw them at him. Mr. Schwabstad reviewed the proposed plan for Becker Park. The park is currently 11.8 acres, and the new plan calls for 12 acres.' The new plan includes: 2 lighted softball .fields - 300' fences 3 lighted tennis courts 1 multi-purpose game court Horseshoes Tot lot Multipurpose building Open play/skating Pathway systems 2 parking lots CP&R Advisory Comm. Meeting July 11, 1984 P. 2 _purl cii er5 asked CP.�.a s_- n rd + t m� ti �b as sue o s regarding ing she development. Completion set for sum: e, of a though there ma% be a delay due to the MIDO T plans for the upgrade of the intersection at Bass Lake Road and Old Hwy. 52. Commmission members were given maps of the proposed plan to study and discuss. Ms. Gates reviewed the Long -Range Planning Commission meeting. A survey will be done on the street/sewer system to find out what needs replacement or repair. The September meeting will focus on upgrading Crystal's public image. The "Life. Be In It." Day and Crystal Days were reviewed. It was suggested that Crystal Days include more exhibits and more entertainment and that the P. R. Committee of the Commission become more involved. MOTIO': Ms. Gates - Moved to recommend that the PR Committee and other interested Park and Recreation Advisory Commis- sion members start the planning for Crystal Days. Other commission's would be invited to form a special committee to help plan a special day. Second - Mr. Okeson. Motion Passed - Unanimous. It was thought that "Life. Be In It." day could use more publicity. Other events that could be added include: coloring contest, medallion hunt, jr./sr. royalty. These two events could tie into the Long -Range Planning Commission's meeting regarding Crystal's image. The next meeting will be held on August 1 at North Lions Park. The Becker Park plan will be placed on the agenda. It was also suggested that Coir. Stockhaus go before the Council in September to tell Council members about the summer meetings. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING August 1, 1984 North Lions Park The regular meeting of the Crystal Park & Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Okeson, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Smith, Ms. Reid, Mr. Grimes, and Mr. Belland. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liaison, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff, and several residents from the North Lions Park area. Mr. Stockhaus gave a short background talk on the reasons for meeting in the parks. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the plans for the development of North Lions Park. Phase II development calls for a covered culvert, holding pond, baseball field, picnic area/ shelter, pathways, parking lot and trees. Residents had the following questions and concerns regarding the new development: 1. Lighted Baseball Field - not planned for this park. 2. Move parking lot proposed for Jersey Ave. - Residents were concerned with increased traffic; along Jersey Ave. Ms.Smith suggested that the neighborhood petition for a stop sign. 3. Water in the pond - Mr. Brandeen replied that water should be in there for less than 24 hours. The covered culvert will keep youth from playing in the drainage ditch. 4. Will pond be fenced? - Mr. Brandeen stated that it will not be fenced as the grade is slight. He added that the area will be bermed to get away from the flatness of the park. The deepest point of the pond will be 3 feet. 5. Will the pond be used for skating? No, since it will not hold water all the time; it's too large an area to flood and too far away from the warming house. 6. What facilities will the picnic area have? Grills, open air shelter and tables similiar to Bassett Creek. 7. What is scheduled for completion this year? Culvert, backstop, foul line fencing, slab for shelter, grading, seeding and maybe the parking lot. The whole development will be completed in the fall of 1985. Residents had the following questions/concerns regarding other park and recreation, and city programs and facilities: 1. Snowplowing - Streets are done late in the day and some sidewalks are not done at all. 2. Will the Frolics be relocated to North Lions during Becker reconstruction? No. Mr. Stockhaus added that this park is the biggest piece of real estate in the north area that can be used for a multi-purpose park for the North end. 3. Will the trees that died be replaced? Yes, from the city nursery. 4. Could benches be installed in the playground equipment area? Yes. CP&R Advisory Commission Minutes August 1, 1984 P. 2 5. Are there any plans to redevelop the playground equipment? Mr. Brandeen stated that North Lions isslated for 1986 - upon Council approval. Mr. Stockhaus added that the Department tries to do 3 per year. 6. Would like increased police patrols. 7. Security lighting - Building has lights that should work; they will be checked. 8. A lot of vandalism - Mr. Stockhaus asked residents to call the police. He also outlined the restitution program. 9. Telephone not working - Mr. Brandeen explained that due to de -regulation of the phone company, the rates increased which, in turn, depleted the department budget for that activity so the telephone was disconnected. The telephone budget has been increased in the 1985 budget request. 10. Questions on programs concerned day camp registration (it was suggested to get out more publicity) and teen open gym at Thorson (it will be held again). 11. Archery at Bassett Creek Park - it could be looked into for next year. 12. Horseshoe courts at North Lions - could be installed. 13. Cars driving'on the pathway - residents were asked to call the police. 14. Residents would like more program/activity flyers. 15. Resident suggested some summer evening programs. Residents were thanked for their participation. The Commission reviewed the Becker Park proposed development plan. Ms. Smith and Ms. Reid made the following suggestions: To provide facilities adjacent to the neighbor- hood, all parking should be along the west side, move the court games/horseshoes into the area across from the Senior building. Mr. Stockhaus added that with the housing in the south and southeast, the lower area of the park should be.more service oriented and all parking moved to the west side. Ms. Smith added that the south located parking lot could be a hazard to the Seniors. Ms. Reid suggested some kind of community sign and/or fountain in the open area. The Commission felt the Dunk Tank was successful. Ms. Smith suggested contacting the candidates earlier and maybe a fine of some sort if they don't show. She suggested more publicity also. Motion - Ms. Smith: Moved to recommend that the Commission secretary draft a letter to the Post thanking dunkees and helpers. Second: Ms. Reid. Motion carried: Unanimous. Ms. Hackett reviewed the Department -sponsored Frolics events. Mr. Stockhaus reviewed the Fun Run. Ms. Hackett told the Commission that the Frolics Committee will meet on the 20th to complete their evaluation. Ms. Smith suggested that the Booster Buttons (if used next year) either be numbered or have an attached card to be used for a prize drawing. She also suggested that the Frolics Committee contact Pasteur of the Crystal Shopping Center to run the Shopping Center Crazy Days at the same time as the Frolics. Ms. Smith also suggested that better use be made of Cable TV and the Post to advertise Frolics events. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett, Recorder No CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION September 5, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park & Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m on September 5, 1984 by Vice Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Mr. Okeson, Mr. Belland, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Karnowski, Ms. Reid, and Ms. Smith. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liaison, Mr. Bran- deen, and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Mr. Karnowski requested that Commission members not attending meetings be notified of duties assigned to them. He was not contacted regarding the motion made asking him to write letters thanking dunk tank participants. After some discussion, the Commission decided the Chairperson should take the responsibility for notification. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Ms. Smith asked about some type of traffic control at the pool crossing. Mr. Reid asked why the pool closed, before Labor Day. Mr. Brandeen explained that it wasn't cost effective to continue operation due to poor attendance and cooler -weather the last part of August. Mr. Okeson asked if any additional hockey rinks would be added. Mr. Brandeen said there would not and explained that the Hockey Boosters would be joining the Northwest Hockey group for all divisions except bantams. Mr. Brandeen showed a slide presentation on the parks and programs. He also explained that the slide presentation and an explanation of each division within the Depart- ment was given to the Council. The talk outlined past and present accomplishments and plans for the future. The Commission reviewed the summer meetings in the park. The main concern of residents seems to be vandalism and increased traffic. Mr. Hoffmann suggested a short note in the newsletter to ask residents to contact the police department if they see trouble of any sort in the parks. Mr. Grimes said that alot of comments concerned other city services than parks. Mr. Karnowski suggested that the City Council should meet in some neighborhood areas. Ms. Smith wondered about the possibility of meeting out in the parks in either May or September. Mr. Brandeen said it would be hard to get publicity out because no programs are running at that time. Mr. Belland suggested that the Commission meet first at the park that had the most winter complaints. He also felt that three meetings were enough. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the 1985 budget request, made to. the City Manager, with the Commission. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the 1984 swimming lesson program. He outlined plans for next year that include evening and Saturday lessons and a possible synchornized swim class. Ms. Smith suggested a sign out by Douglas Drive that listed the pool hours. Ms. Reid suggests a special evening swim or a moonlight swim for teens. The dunk tank for the 1985 frolics was discussed. Mr. Grimes thought 2 hours was enough time but the dunkers should be there for 10 minute shifts. Vs. Smith had several ideas to improve the event. - CP&R ADVISORY COT1vi. MINUTES September 5, 1984 P. Z Motion - Mr. Karnowski: Moved to recommend that Sue Smith chair the "Dunk Tank Committee" for the 1985 Frolics. Second: Mr. Hoffmann. Motion Passed: Unanimous. The Commission has an opening for one more member. Mr. Karnowski asked Commissioners to work on filling the vacancy. Ms. Reid asked regarding the status of the Commission's suggestions regarding the design of Becker Park. Mr. Brandeen reported that the suggestions were presented to the City Manager who has taken them under advisement. Mr. Karnowski asked about the softball affiliation for the future. Mr. Brandeen replied that the city would continue its affliation with MRPA AND USSSA. Mr. Karnowski asked about the status of the "Park Show." Ms. Reid said that some tape still needs to be edited. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION October 3, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Belland, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Smith, Mr. Okeson, Ms. Reid, and Ms. Gates. Also present were: Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities, Mr. Stockhaus expressed concern regarding only two 5th and 6th grade Flag Football teams. He suggested contacting the elementary schools and work with them, as the school intramural program is slow to get started this year. Mr. Brandeen will bring it up at the next Director's Meeting with Carroll Vomhof. Ms. Gates suggested using the North Star Bank for additional advertising of programs. Ms. Smith thought that some type of community billboard would be nice for Becker Park. Ms. Gates also suggested that the monthly report include specific objectives for each program and evaluate how these objectives were met. The October report will include this. Mr. Stockhaus outlined the goal and objective procedure that is used in some depart- ments of District #281. Ms. Gates thought that this procedure could be used for both programs and psrk facilities. It would be especially useful for the 5 -year plan. It was also suggested to include the number of picnic permits, picnic kits, and softball and cross country permits issued for the month. New committees and committee assignments will be discussed next month. A Cable TV Committee should be added. Ms. Reid, Ms. Smith and Mr. Grimes have been editing tape. Plans are being made to film winter activities and to film Becker from now through the development into the new park area. Ms. Hackett reviewed the new fall/winter programs. Publicity strategies were discussed. Many Commission members thought the department should have its own fall brochure as it does in the spring. It was suggested that the city newsletter may need a new look to attract the residents attention. Mr. Brandeen showed the Commission the brochure for the MRPA Conference on November 28, 29 & 30. He asked Commission members to review the conference content and let him know who may be interested in going so funding could be requested. Mr. Brandeen reported on a meeting he attended regarding the Hennepin County Park system. The county parks are starting to develop programs to attract park.usage. They want to target on the elderly, the low income families, and the handicapped, with 3 objectives in mind: 1. Provide social interaction 2. Develop fitness 3. Provide leadership experiences Commission members gave several suggestions for programs and ways to attract participation. Mr. Brandeen will take the ideas to his next meeting. CP&R Advisory Commission 10/3/84 P. 2 Ms. Smith suggested that the survey of teen interests be completed soon. She also suggested that each program have a written evaluation and an interest questionnaire - and the questionnaire include activities of interest to all ages. The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p•m• Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION November 7, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Okeson, Ms. Reid, Ms. Smith, Mr. Karnowski, and Mr. Belland. Also present were:, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Reorganization of committees and committee assignments were discussed. Mr. Stock - haus felt committees should be restructured to reflect the new things that have happened over the past year. The new committees will be: 1. Long Range Planning/Facilities Members: Ms. Gates (Chair), Mr. Belland, and Mr. Hoffman. This group will meet twice per year or more often if needed. 2. P. R./CABLE TV Members: Mr. Grimes, Ms. Smith, Ms. Reid, Mr. Okeson. 3. Special Events Members: Mr. Karnowski, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Belland, Mr. Stockhaus. This committee will assist in the planning of "Life. Be In It." day, Winter Fun day, Commission Frolics events, etc. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the "Program Evaluation Card". It was suggested that some of the statements be reworded. The card will be used for adult activities first and then youth individual activities and finally youth team activities. Ms. Hackett reviewed the "Teen Survey" to be given to Sandburg students at the November 9 R. C. party. A preliminary tabulation of results should be available for the December meeting. Mr. Stockhaus expressed his concern regarding the 5th and 6th grade Flag Football program. This activity had only two teams; and, although the program went well, he expressed concern of the program size. Mr. Brandeen replied that the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Department will offer Flag Football next fall, and the two communities will combine to form one league. If this is tried, the age grouping will probably remain the same. Another suggestion was to sign up by regions (North, Central, South) instead of individual parks. Mr. Grimes reported that he may know of an instructor for a Synchronized Swim Class. Ms. Smith reminded Commissioners that there still is a vacancv on the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. The Commission expressed its concern that there has been a vacancy for a long time and would like the assistance of the City Council in trying to fill this position. Mr. Stockhaus will contact Mr. Rygg in regards to this matter. CP&R Advisory Commission November 7, 1984 Page 2. Mr. Brandeen mentioned the MRPA Conference and stated that a few members might attend if monies were available. Those wishing to attend on Wednesday are: Mr. Belland, Ms. Reid and possibly Ms. Gates. Commissioners requesting to attend Thursday are: Mr. Grimes and Mr. Karnowski. Mr. Brandeen will bring these requests to Mr. Irving. Mr. Karnowski offered to be Crystal's representative at the MRPA Board and Commission's Section meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Following the meeting, the videotape of the Frolics Dunk Tank was shown. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION December 5, 1984 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Comission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by substitute Chairperson Mark Hoffmann. Members present were: Ms. Smith, Ms. Reid, Mr. Belland, Ms. Gates, and Mr. Okeson. Also present were: Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Depart- ment staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Ms. Gates suggested that the walk program be advertised through the Cardiac Care program at North Memorial Hospital, and through the Post with some pictures. Ms. Smith suggested using posters in apartment buildings for additional advertising. Mr. Belland suggested using VCR tapes or movies on a specific sport to generate interest - flag football for example. Ms. Hackett summarized the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) program and their utilization of these tapes. Ms. Gates suggested that some grant programs be investigated to be used to purchase these tapes. She felt that this is a project that the northwest suburban park and recreation departments might be interested in. Ms. Gates reviewed the Long Range Planning Commission meeting. The Commission is focusing on the rebuilding of streets and the sewer system so that a street just paved won't be tore up to redo the sewer. She passed around the consultants report of the streets needing repair. She added that the smaller shopping areas will be studied in relation to street repairs. Ms. Gates would like the Long Range Planning Commission to develop a city-wide 5 -year plan. She added that she brought up the "Community Billboard" idea at the meeting. Ms. Hackett reviewed the Frolics Committee meeting. The Committee's main concern is a location for the carnival; however, it looks like some portion of the Becker/Bungalow property will be able to be used. The schedule of activities may be shifted around to include the parade on Sunday and more children's events on Saturday. Ms. Hackett reviewed the preliminary results of the teen survey. Additional surveys will be given at the December 14 R.C. Party. Overall, it seemed that teens were more interested in special event types of things rather than commit- ting themselves to a series of classes. Mr. Belland suggested taking program registrations at the school. Ms. Smith added that all the northwest suburban park and recreation departments should set up a time to come to the school, advertise their programs and take registrations - a sort of mass registration. Commissioners and staff who attended the MRPA Conference reviewed sessions they attended. Election of officers was discussed. Motion - Mr. Belland: Moved torecommend that the current officers (Chairperson -Mr. Stockhaus, Vice Chairperson -Mr. Grimes, Secretary -Mr. Karnowski) be continued for 1985. Second: Ms. Reid. Motion carried: Unanimous. CP&R Advisory Commission Meeting Dec. 5, 1984 P. 2. Mr. Brandeen told the Commission of the plans for a "Sno-Day" with the Crystal Lions Club. The event will be held Sunday, January 20 at Lions Valley Place - Park from 1-4:00 p.m. Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Gates, Ms. Reid and Ms. Smith volunteered to work. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder