1986 PRC MinutesCRYSTAL PARK G RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION January 8, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Stuart Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Gates, Ms. Reid, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Genis. Also present were: Mr. Rygg, council liason, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Fackler from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Fackler reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Discussion centered on the 5 Cities Transportation Program. Ms. Gates suggested that the School District #281 be contacted regarding the using of school buses for the program. Ms. Reid stated she will bring the suggestion to the Citizen's Advisory Board's next meeting. Ms. Gates reported that the Long Range Planning Commission did not meet in December. Mr. Brandeen passed out the information and work sheet for Sno-fun Day. A revised schedule will be sent to Commission members. Ms. Gates has reviewed the scholarship application and recommended the application be kept "as is." Mr. Genis and Ms. Gates will interview the applicants. Mr. Brandeen stated the scholarship in- formation will be in the Spring newsletter. Mr. Stockhaus suggested that the Committee meetings be postponed until the February meeting. Mr. Brandeen reported the Elks Club has sent $100 for the scholarship fund and that a letter has been sent thanking them for the donation. Mr. Brandeen stated that the Park Commission has a vacancy. Mr. Rygg stated the vacancy was announced in the city newsletter being mailed this week. It was suggested to also advertise the position in the Thorson newsletter. Mr. Genis reported that the residents of 29th Avenue are concerned about the dumping of snow in Bassett Creek Park. The concern'is that the snow has salt in it and will kill the vegetation and trees in the area. Motion: Mr. Genis - Moved to recommend that the city seek alternate dumping sites for snow removal, rather than Bassett Creek Park. CP&R - Advisory Commission pg• 2 Second - Ms. Gates Motion carried - Unanimous Mr. Rygg suggested that Mr. Stockhaus contact the chairperson of the Environmental Commission regarding snow dumping concerns. Mr. Stockhaus asked Mr. Brandeen if Crystal has looked into self-insurance. Mr. Brandeen has talked to Ms. Deno, Administrative Assistant, about insurance. He also attended a meeting with area directors and a meeting has been set for January 30th with legislatures to discuss insurance problems. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Addendum to December minutes: Mr. Grimes was present at the December meeting. CRYSTAL PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION February 5, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Stuart Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Grimes, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Reid, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Veech, Ms. Gates and Mr. Genis. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liason, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Fackler from the department staff. Mr. Brandeen introduced the new commission members - Ms. Pitts and Ms. Veech. The minutes were approved as sent-. Ms. Fackler reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Discussion was held on appointing a member to the Long Range Planning Commission. Motion: Mr. Genis - Moved to recommend that Marty Gates be appointed to represent. .--. the Park and Recreation Com- mission on the Long Range Planning Commission. Second - Mr. Grimes Motion Carried - Unanimous Ms. Gates reported that the Long Range Planning Commission did not meet in January. The commission discussed possible Frolicq Carnival sites. Several sites were mentioned i.e. Target parking lot, Forest school, Valley Place Park, Basset Creek Park, babe Ruth Field. Motion: Mr. Genis - Moved to recommend that Welcome Ave. between 46th and 47th Avenue North be used for the carnival rides and that the area by Welcome #3 be used for booths by service organizations for one year. Second - Mr. Grimes Motion Carried - Unanimous Mr. Brandeen voiced his concerns on the recommended carnival location citing safety hazards, lack of parking, crowd control, and excessive noise. CPR - Advisory Commission pg• 2 The commission discussed alternative parking sites during the Frolics i.e. the Little League field, Crystal shopping center, St. Raphael's. It was suggested that the Frolics Committee ex- plore approaching the Crystal Merchants about parking and possibly funding a shuttle bus to the Frolics site. Discussion then centered on finding a "publicity chair person" for the Frolics. Ms. Reid and Mr. Grimes volunteered to assist but felt more expertise was needed to chair the committee. Mr. Brandeen suggested expanding the Frolics committee to include some business leaders who may have a person on staff to fill the position. Ms. Reid will attend the next Frolics meeting. The commission set the following dates and locations for the summer meetings: June 4 - Cavanagh July 2 - Basset Creek Park August 6 - tour of MAC Park and meeting at Skyway Sno - Days was reviewed. Suggestions for next year include adding a Snow Sculpture Contest and Sliding races for ages 6 and under. It was felt that the events could be run closer together time -wise. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the final drawing of the Becker Park area. Mr. Stockhaus suggested that the committee meetings be postponed until the March meeting. Mr. Brandeen reported that Sue Smith has resigned from the commission. Mr. Stockhaus will send a letter to Ms. Smith thanking her for her years of service with the commission. Ms. Gates reported that the Red Cross will provide staff training on safety and first aid. Mr. Brandeen mentioned that the City's insurance program will also provide training. Mr. Stockhaus suggested that the March agenda include studying the S year plan so that development can continue in the various city parks. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Jeanne Fackler Recorder CRYSTAL PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 5, 19£36 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:0$ p.m. by Chairman Pro -tem Gary Grimes. Members present were: Ms. Pitts, Mr. Carlson, Mr. Karnowski, Ms. Veech, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Gates and Ms. Reid. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Fackler from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Fackler reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Discussion was held on appointing a member to the Hennepin County Park Advisory Council. Motion: Ms. Gates - Moved to recommend that Mark Hoffmann be appointed to the Hennepin County Park Advisory Council. Second - Ms. Reid. Motion carried - Unanimous. Mr. Brandeen reported that he received a donation of $325.00 for Bassett Creek Park. It was suggested that a covered park bench be built and placed in the park. Motion: Mr. Carlson - Moved to recommend that the.donation of $325.00 from Diana Guist in memory of Beatrice Ford be used to build and install a covered park bench in Bassett Creek Park at the intersection of 29th Place and Zane Ave. N. Second - Mr. Hoffmann. Motion carried - Unanimous. Ms. Reid reported on the Crystal Frolics committee meeting held February 24. Ms. Reid suggested that the commission members attend the council meeting on March 19 since itis an open hearing for the Welcome Avenue carnival site. Mr. Grimes gave the new commission members an overview of the dunk tank and ''Life. Be In It.'' Day. Mr. Karnowski voiced his concern over the Welcome Avenue location for the carnival. Discussion then centered on the reasons for recommending Welcome Avenue. Concerns about parking, lack of space and safety were raised and addressed. Ms. Gates reported on the Long Range Planning Commission meeting. The LRPC is looking at rebuilding the sewer and streets throughout the city. A concern of the commission is how to pay for the improvements through special assess- ments or general obligation bonds. Mr. Brandeen reported that the Council approved the Becker Park plan which includes the bandshell. He distributed a brochure from Roseville Park and Recreation's amphitheatre and mentioned this is the type of program that could be offered at Becker Park. Advisory Commission - 2., Ms. Gates suggested that a group of individuals be formed to look for funding for the entertainment through grants, private organizations and/or businesses. Mr. Brandeen reported that the Council approved the rate increases for the 1986 pool season. Mr. Brandeen passed out a letter from John Bolduc of the Crystal/New Hope Aquatic Club requesting the use of the CMP for hosting the Minnesota USS Summer State Championships. Discussion centered on charging a fee for the use of the pool. Possibilities included taking a percentage of the concess- ions, splitting the sales, or charging a flat fee. Concerns were raised over the loss of revenue for the city, concessions and lack of parking. Motion: Ms. Reid - Moved to recommend that the Crystal Pool be used for the Minnesota USS Summer State Championships on August 1, 2 & 3 and that Mr. Brandeen inquire to past state meet hosts and determine a fee for the use of the pool. Second - Ms. Gates. Discussion - Commission will accept Mr. Brandeen's decision on the fee. Motion carried - Unanimous. Mr. Brandeen passed out a letter from the Towle Agency regarding liability insurance for the ski hill. He asked the commission members to look at the material handed out for the April meeting. Motion: Mr. Grimes - Moved to recommend that the July meeting date be changed to July 9 at Bassett Creek Park. Second - Mr. Karnowski. Motion carried - Unanimous. Mr. Grimes suggested that the committee meetings be postponed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. i Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler Recorder CRYSTAL*PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION APRIL 2, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park & Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Grimes, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Gates, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Veech, Mr. Karnowski, and Ms. Pitts. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, Mr. Rygg, council member, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Fackler from the department staff. Correction to minutes was discussed. The covered park bench to be placed in Bassett Creek Park should be installed at the intersection of 29th Place and Zane Ave. N. - not Vera Cruz Ave. N. Minutes were approved as corrected. Ms. Fackler reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Mr. Grimes reported that the council approved the Welcome Park site for the carnival. Mr. Brandeen then passed out the Frolics Committee minutes and parking maps asking the commission to make recommendations regarding the carnival. Discussion then centered on the Frolics. Concerns were voiced about clean-up. It was suggested that the Boy Scouts be contacted to assist with clean-up and parking, possibly for a "Community Service" merit badge. Lack of parking around Welcome Park was discussed. ****':Motion: Mr. Carlson - Moved to recommend that parking be limited to one side of the street for a two (2) block square area around the park. That "NO PARKING" be allowed on the north side of the east -west streets (except on 46th from Xenia to Vera Cruz where "NO PARKING" will be allowed on the south side) and the east side of the north -south streets. Further, that parking be allowed on the east side of Welcome Ave. from West Broadway to 47th and 46th to 44th. Ms. Gates - Second. Motion Carried. Mr. Karnowski suggested that signs be, placed on 42nd & Welcome, West Broadway and Welcome, and 47th and Douglas to advertise the Frolics. Publicity could include posters, porta-signs, Crystal Gallery display, hot air baloon, and a supplement to the North Hennepin Post. Motion: Mr. Karnowski - The Park and Recreation Commission moves to recommend the following regarding the .Crystal Frolics: 1. Set the following operational hours for the carnival, concessions and booths: Friday: 6-11 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday: 12 noon - 10 p.m. P&R ADVISORY COMM. - April 2, 1986 p. 2 2. Recommend to emphasize that NO glass con- tainers be allowed on park property. 3. Provide additional refuse containers. 4. Urge scout groups to assist with clean-up. 5. Allow parking for house trailers and equip- ment trailers on 47th east of Welcome Ave. Prohibit overnight sleeping in trailers but allow 2 people from Klein to stay on the premise for security. e 6. See separate motion. p (Mr. Carlson - Welcome Park parking) 7. That the carnival proper be only allowed on Welcome Ave. between 46th & 47th on.the blacktop surface. 8, Scouts/Fire Dept. will pick up debris from residences abutting the park. 9. The parking lot south of the shelter building be only used for emergency vehicles and handi- capped parking; Contact NW Bell for additional handicapped parking. 10. Refuse containers also be placed in the practice area at 47th & Zane Ave. N. 11. The Dunk Tank be at Welcome Park on Saturday for 2 hours. Gates - Second. Motion carried - unanimous. Ms. Gates reported on the Long Range Planning Commission meeting. The LRPC is exploring payment plans for rebuilding the sewer and streets in Crystal. Mr. Brandeen asked the commission members to review the ski hill material from the last meetin.g. Motion: Mr. Grimes - Moved to recommend that due to the high cost of insurance and decrease in attendance that the Lions -Valley Place Ski Hill close for the 1986-87 season. The sliding hill should remain open and the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission review the situation yearly. Mr. Karnowski- - Second. Motion carried. Ms. Gates suggested that the Park & Recreation Department draft a letter to the Crystal Lions describing the reasons for closure after action by the Council on the recommendation. PSR ADVISORY COMM. - April 2, 1986 P. 3 Mr. Brandeen stated that the city council will be passing a resolution to support an advisory group and to ask for private funds for the Becker Park Performing Arts program. Names of individuals for this group will be discussed at the next meeting. The commission endorses this action. Mr. Grimes passed out a letter from MRPA regarding the Board & Commission meeting. Motion: Ms. Gates - Moved to recommend that 2 members of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission attend the Board & Commission meeting on April 1'5. Second - Mr: Hoffmann. Discussion - Mr. Grimes and Ms. Veech agreed to attend meeting. Areas of interest for discussion at meeting are: insurance rates, Arts Committee, upgrading facili- ties without LAWCON. Motion carried - Unanimous. Discussion centered on lack of parking around Welcome Park during the 1986 Frolics carnival. It was suggested that the Frolics committee contact St. Raphael's Church, Brunswick United Methodist Church, Faith -Lilac Way Church, Target and Lincoln Properties for parking space and then have a shuttle bus, with a published time schedule to bring people to Welcome Park. Meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION May 7, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:08prp..by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members pre- sent were: Ms. Reid, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Pitts, Mr. Gerais, Ms. Veech, and Mr. Karnowski.. Also council liaison and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackettnfromrthe department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. The commission met as a "Committee of the Whole" to scudevelopment program. Mr. Brandeen reviewed what hasdbeenscompletedthe 5eandpwhrk at items are still to be completed. It was suggested that the Commission prioritize the items to be completed so that they can be placed in the 1987 budget. Mr. Stockhaus felt that these items need to be placed in the 1987 budget especially since no capital improvements were allowed in 1986. Mr. Grimes suggested making a presentation to the City Council regarding these requests. A meeting of the Facilities Committee will be scheduled in the near future. Mr. Carlson suggested that the Facilities Committee look into handicapped access to the parks. Mr. Brandeen reported that there is handica equipment at some parks and there is handicap access where there are side- p walks. Mr. Karnowski suggested getting input from District #287 on handicap equipment or the Human Rights Commission. Ms. Reid wondered if new pla rou equipment at Twin Oak could be a priority especially since the new housing nd around there has been built. Mr. Hoffmann thought thatlag equ should be a priority over anything else. Mr. Genis remarked that dbiikespment are running down people on the Bassett Creek the costs and feasibility of adding onto the paths. Mr. Brandeen will study Paths. that the Bike Patrol make extra stops at that area. Also, it was suggested Mr. Brandeen asked for names of people who might be interested on serving on a Fine Arts Commission. Names suggested were: Marcia Chapman, Jerry Gates and Eric Paulson. Mr. Genis said he would be interested also. Ms. Hackett will contact the Metro Council Arts Program regarding their mailing list to see if there are any Crystal people on it. There was no Long Range Planning report. Mr. Stockhaus will attend 13 meeting. the May The Frolics Committee meeting was reviewed by Mr. Brandeen. The City Council approved the Frolics no parking area rules and regulations that were suggested by the commission. Other Frolics events were updated. Ms. Reid and Mr. Smothers will be working on a publicity brochure, Mr. Karnowski was named Dunk Tank chairperson. The "Life. Be In It." day during the Frolics was discussed. The Lions hope to sponsor a Moonwalk from ]lam 3pm. Other events include: Kiddie Parade Diaper Derby, Trike Derby, Theatre Group, and Hot Dog/Pop. CP&RAC - p. 2 The Commission heard reports on the MRPA legislative Platform and on Hen- nepin Parks, Mr. Hoffman commented that the summer brochure looked good. Mr. Grimes liked the North Lions sign and the improvements at Thorson. The next meeting is June 4 at Cavanagh Park. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION June 4, 1986 Cavanagh Park The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m, by Vice Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Mr. Carlson, Mr. Genis, Ms. Reid, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Veech, Ms. Pitts and Mr. Karnowski. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, and M.r. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activitie-5. Citizens from Cavanagh Park were heard on the following matters: 1. Upgrade playground equipment Cavanagh is currently slatedfor new playground equipment in 1988,':the 2nd year of the 5 year plan. 2. Tennis Court Not planned for this park. 3. Weeds Maintenance is performed by District 287,. After July, District 281 will again maintain the property. 4, Bigger Skating Rink i The Department will make the rank as large as the grading will allow. -- 5. Street like a racetrack It was suggested that the residents petition for a stop sign. , 6. Vandalism Better lighting was discussed, however, there isn't a power source to run an additional light. Someone sug- gested that a light be placed in the sun shelter, however, this would not be practical. 7. Parking during softball field useage When fields are heavily used, it's hard for more than one car to be on the street due to parking on both sides of -the street. Mr. Brandeen replied that Cavanagh is no longer used for league games - other players will be asked to use the east parking lot. 8., Enforcement of Pooper Scooper Ordinance Police will be informed. Mr. Brandeen asked residents to remind park users to clean up after their dogs. Cavanagh residents were thanked for their comments and concerns. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the 5 year park development plan for the com- mission. Motion: Mr. Genis - Moved to recommend that the playground equipment.proposed for Sooline in 1987 be switched with the playground equipment planned for Cavanagh in 1938 and with this change accept the 5 year plan. Second: Mr. Carlson (lotion Carried: Unanimous Ms. Reid reviewed the June 2 Crystal Frolics meeting and highlighted Crystal Frolics events. Ms. Reid and 14r. Smothers are,putting to- gether an 8 page brochure to be inserted in the shopper. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission that Ms. Gates has been appointed.to the Civil Service Commission which results in an opening on the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission<for a Recreation Commission member. Motion: Mr. Karnowski - Moved to recommend that Mr. Genis (with Mr. Stu Stockhaus as the alternate) be ap- pointed as the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission's representative to the City Long Range Planning Commission. Second: Mr. Carlson Motion Carried: Unanimous Mr. Brandeen updated the Commission and area residents on the Becker Park development and construction plans. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm. sett Creek Park. Respectfully submitted Gene Hackett Recorder The next meeting is July 9 at Bas - CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION July 9, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:06pm by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Ms. Pitts, Ms. Veech, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Genis and Ms. Reid. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison; Mir. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Also present was Mr. Moravec, attending as an interested resident from the area and Mr. Post from the Yunker Park area. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Comments were heard regarding Bassett Creek Park: 1. Gazebo/bench that was donated is completed and looks nice. 2. The park seems to be heavily used. 3. The Fitness Course was explained. 4. There was discussion concerning the cost of dredging the pond. 5. Park safety after dark - there is no light- ing at present. Mr. Brandeen reported that pathway lighting is proposed in 1989. Commission members suggested calling the police is suspicious behavior is seen. 6. Possible separate biking and walking paths or widen existing pathways. Mr. Post was heard regarding Yunkers Park. He reviewed his concerns regarding the wetness of the Yunker Park area. He requested that something be done to alleviate this problem. Mr. Brandeen explained to the Commission that Yun- ker is an official holding pond for the city. The walkway that was put in seems to be retaining water and so another culvert is needed. Also, the soil doesn't have any sand so the water does not drain easily. New play- ground equipment will be proposed for this park in 1987 (based on approval of the 5 year plan) and this would be put in a sand area so that the water would drain easily. Mr. Hoffmann further explained that because of the Becker Park development, no money has been available for other park improvements. CP&R p. 2 Commission members are going to the Council on August 5 to present that 5 year development plan and Mr. Hoffmann asked Mr. Post to attend also. Mr. Stockhaus further explained that there are several areas in need of reno- vation, which is the purpose of the 5 year plan, and that is why the Com- mission is going to the Council to get approval to do this upgrading in various parts of the City. Mr. Post wondered if the pian is approved will the money stay in those specific projects, or will they only approve cer- tain parts of the plan. Mr. Brandeen replied that whatever money is approved will be put to use as stated. Mr. Stockhaus told Mr. Post that the Commis- sion felt bad when the hole went in at Yunkers, but it was a decision out of the Commission's hands, the best the Commission can -do is to try to make the situation a workable one. Mr. Stockhaus thanked Nor. Post for his at- tendance and interest. The City Council appearance for August 5 was discussed. Mr. Hoffmann ex- plained how the list was priortized with putting the neighborhood parks at the top since nothing has been done in three years. Commission members to attend are: Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Stockhaus, Ms. Veech, Ms. Pitts and Mr. Genis. Mr. Moravec asked when the last 5 year plan was presented to the Council; Mr. Brandeen replied in 1979, and it was funded partly with LAWCON money, however, now there is very little government money available for projects such as these. Mr. Stockhaus questioned the athletic field lighting (one baseball field) slated for 1988, thinking that the amount of money was alot for the number of people that would use it. Mr. Genis thought that that aspect could be re-evaluated at the time. Mr. Moravec asked if community service groups were ever approached regarding park development. Mr. Brandeen replied that civic groups have purchased playground equipment and such. Mr. Smothers reported that the Crystal Lions will spend $15,000 over the next five years on renovation of North Lions and Lions Valley Place Parks. There was no report on the Frolics Dunk Tank. Mr. Stockhaus will contact Mr. Karnowski for further information. Commission members are asked to work. There was no Long Range Planning Commission Report. Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics Committee meeting. She reminded Commissioners about riding in the parade. ''Life. Be In It.'' was discussed. Commission members are asked to assist with the food and judging events. Commissioners attending are: Mr. Stock - haus, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Veech, Ms. Reid and Mr. Carlson. Mr. Brandeen informed Commissioners that Ms. Gates resigned from the Commis- - sion so there is one opening on the Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22pm. Respectfully Submitted Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION August 6, 1986 .The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Karnowski, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Reid, Mr. Carlson, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Sochacki, Mr. Grimes, and Ms. Veech. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Also present were several residents from the Skyway Park area. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Mr. Stockhaus informed the audience of the purpose of these neighborhood meetings. Residents' comments were heard regarding Skyway Park: 1. Ag lime infield for softball field: Mr. Brandeen reported that this may be done this year and then the field would be used as a location for youth softball and T -Ball. 2. Painting the sun shelter: Mr. Brandeen reported that the structure was built with a ''weathering'' type of steel and not meant to be painted. 3. Low park bench in the tot area: it will be repositioned. 4. People in park after 11 p.m.: residents should call the police. 5. Security light on pole: Mr. Brandeen will check into this. 6. Possibility of tennis courts: the park is too small. 7. Possibility of a warming house: it's not in the current development plans, but could be considered by the Commission's Long Range Planning Committee. 8. Sandburs: spraying was done, but the rain washes it off; the spraying will continue. 9. Pathway: was given concept approval by the Council during the Commis- sion's presentation of the 5 -year development plan. 10. Broken glass: it's hard to keep up with, residents were encouraged to remind their children and others using the park not to bring glass containers. 11. Gates in fences around the park to provide access to the park from yards: Mr. Brandeen will check on this. Several residents felt that if they are willing to purchase a gate, they should be able to install it. P & R ADV. COMM. MINUTES P. 2 12. Traffic on Douglas Drive: residents would like a ''Caution" or ''Slow Stop Ahead". The petition process for signs was explained to the residents. 13. Gopher holes: will be filled. 14. Sign regarding "No Motor Vehicles'', as 3 -wheelers are a problem: Mr. Brandeen said that new park signs with ordinances listed are being installed at all parks. Residents were asked to call the police if they see 3 -wheelers in the park. The Skyway residents were thanked for their comments and suggestions. Mr. Hoffmann reported on the Commission's appearance before the City Council regarding the request for money for the 5 -year plan. He felt the presentation went well and that the Council was supportive. The Council is in the process of budget review and will prioritize requests made by all departments for final allocations. Crystal Frolics events were reviewed. Mr. Smothers was thanked by the Commission for all his hard work in working with the Frolics events. Ms. Veech thought that she might be able to help get some marching bands for the parade. Mr. Smothers told the Commission that the Crystal Lions Club is willing to put up a $500 reward for persons caught vandalizing Becker Park. He would like to have a sign stating the fact on the building. This concept will again be discussed at the September meeting. Mr. Brandeen reported that the VFW would like to put a lighted flagpole at Becker. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION September 3, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Mr. Genis, Ms. Reid, Mr. Sochaki, Mr. Hoffmann, and Mr. Carlscn. Also present, were Mr. Smothers, Council Liaison; Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen from the department staff. Mr. BrEndeen gave a progress report on the Becker Park construction. (The tour was postponed because of rain). Park construction is scheduled to be completed this fall. The building will be used as a warming house there this winter. The summer program for the stage is in the process of being planned. Thi minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett.reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. The neighborhood park meetings were reviewed. The Commission felt that the meetings went well. This summer's meetings seemed more informative and that people want their neighborhood parks renovated. There were very few complaints, mostly people warted specific questions answered. Mr. 3enis reviewed the Bassett Creek bike path situation. He feels there is a definite hazard as older bikers don't yield the right of way to walkers. Mr. Brandeen said that the pathway may have to be widened and stripetd with bikers on one side and walkers on the other. Mr. Brandeen suggested that another picnic shelter may have to be constructed in the future at Bassett Creek Park because of the higher picnic use. Mr. Genis felt that he would not like to see large groups of more than 200 use the park as noise and parking become problems. Mr. Grimes requested information on Skyway Park. Mr. Brandeen reported that the ac -lime will be installed for the ballfield. The commission requested to meet in May at Thorson, then go to parks in June, July and august. The Commission discussed the Lions Club offer to install a plaque concerning a reward for persons caught vandalizing Becker Park. Mr. Smothers talked to Jim Lasher (the architect) who thought it was a good idea. Mr. Lasher had done a similar thing with another building and had good results. The architect/builder would do the construction and mounting to make sure it looks nice. The Lions Club would pay for the plaque and the reward. Motion - Mr_ Genis: Moved to recommend to accept the Crystal Lions Club offer to install a plaque offering a rev;ard up to S500 for the arrest and conviction of a person or persons vandalizing the Becker Park building. Second: Mr. Carlson. Motion Carried: Unanimous Mr. Brandeen reviewed the swim lesson registration and swimming pool income reports. Additional 5:15 p.m. classes will be offered as well as additional 4-5 Yrs. and Beginners classes. Family ticket sales were up for 1986. Mr. Genis asked the Commission for any ideas on city projects for the city Long Range Planning Commission. Committee assignments were made: 1. Long Range Planning/Facilities Veech, Hoffmann, Genis, Carlson 2. Public Relations/CATV. Grimes, Reid 3. Special Events Karnowski, Hoffmann, Sohacki, Stockhaus 4. To be placed: Ms. Pitts Mr. Smothers reported that the Frolics advertising account has S631.50 left. The upcoming MRPA Conference in Duluth was discussed. Commissioners in attendance at the meeting are not able to attend. Ms. Reid requested that Mr. Karnowski, Ms. Veech, and Ms. Pitts be contacted to see if they would like to go. Mr. Brandeen will conduct a tour of Becker Park on October 1 at 6:30 p.m. for those interested. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Respectfully Submitted Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION October 1, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:17 p.m. by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Genis, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Grimes, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Veech, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Karnowski. Also present were: Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen reviewed the last Frolics meeting for the Commission. The Frolics Committee evaluated 1986 events and made recommendations regarding dropping and adding some events. Locations for the carnival were discussed as well as a special ticket for unlimited rides. Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen gave highlights of MRPA Conference sessions they attended. The Commission discussed having joint Park Board meeting with commis- sions of the neighboring suburbs. The MRPA is planning a similar type of thing for all commissions. Mr. Brandeen will forward information on that. The Commission will wait with their plan until the MRPA information comes out. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission of the purchase agreement with the cemetery owners regarding purchase of land south of the pool. Currently, the Little League fields are located there, and there are no immediate plans to move them. Committee meetings were rescheduled to the next meeting. Mr. Hoffmann reported on a meeting he attended regarding French Park. The water park portion of the park has been downscaled. The Board had decided to put more money into upgrading winter facilities and to building a picnic pavillion and a large picnic area. Mr. Genis asked about snow dumping at Bassett Creek. Mr. Brandeen stated that the snow will be dumped in a different location. Mr. Brandeen reported that the Crystal Lions have made a $1,000 donation for North Lions Park. The Lions have pledged to make a $1,000 donation each year for 5 years. He also said that the Elks Lodge may do the same for Twin Oak Park. The Westphal Legion will donate $2,500 for Becker Park and also $500 to the Entertainment Fund. Mr: Brandeen added that other monies have also been received for the Entertainment Fund. Mr. Karnowski reported on the Minnesota Music association - an organization of persons with various music interests ie record industry, musicians, promoters, radio station management, etc. This group is sponsoring several showcases to feature Minnesota talent and Mr. Karnowski thought that one of these could be planned for Becker. He will get additional information. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 5, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 8 pm (following committee meetings) by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Ms. Veech, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Reid, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Sochacki, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Genis, and Mr. Carlson. Also present were Mr. Smothers, Council Liaison; Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms,. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Committee meetings were summarized: Long Range Planning,: The 5 -year plan was reviewed and discussed. Items discussed include the following: Installation of handicapped play equipment at Cavanagh School (west end); moving athletic field lighting to 1989 from 1988 and widening Bassett Creek pathways in 1988, and moving three playground ,apparatus areas to 1988 from 1989. Also discussed was a larger picnic shelter at Bassett Creek for 1989. Special Events: Sno Day was discussed with the events to include: sliding races, s ating races, treasure hunt, and hockey exhibitions. The Centennial was discussed with the thought of having some Becker events flagged as "Centennial Events". Life Be In It. was discussed with again the thought Of flagging some city-wide events as "LBII" events. The Committee will recommend to continue the Dunk Tank at the Frolics while trying to get a wider range of "dunkees". Public Relations: It was recommended that Cable TV activities center around theSno Day and dedication of Becker Park. If possible, a park "tour" via CATV will be planned with each park being featured. It was recommended that this committee assist the Frolics Committee in developing the letter that will solicit funds for the Frolics. It was recommended that the MRPA .fall Mconference include a tour of Becker if at all possible. Mr. Genis reported on the City Long Range Planning Commission Meeting. They are reviewing the last 5 years to plan for the future. It was his understanding that the LRP Commission is to discuss any future development plans brought up in any department of the city. This group would review plans before they were submitted to the Council. Ms. Reid informed the Commission of the last Frolics meeting A tentative schedule of events was listed. She reported that the Committee is looking into a float purchase. A Senior Citizen recognition willalso be held prior to the Frolics with the honorees attending Frolics events. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the MRPA flyer concerning the Board and Commission Networking Session. Mr. Grimes, Ms. Veech, Mr. Genis, Ms. Reid, and Mr. Sochacki indicated they would like to attend. Mr. Brandeen reported that 2 people have asked for Activity Assistance so far in 1986. The fund has $80 in it so'he will not ask the ELKS for an additional donation at this time. Mr. Genis questioned on how to handle the geese problem at Bassett Creek Park. He suggested contacting the DNR for information. Commission elections will be held in December. Mr. Stockhaus informed the Commission that he wishes to step down from the Chairpersonship. Mr. Smothers informed the, Commission of the city's intent to sell the property bordering Twin Lake to the neighboring residents. There is no access to this property so it really cannot be used for a park. An informational meeting will be held in December. Mr. Genis requested that information regarding the Bassett Creek watershed status be obtained for review. - He reported that there is silt deposited in the mouth of the pond and expressed coitcern regarding flooding in the spying. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION DECEMBER 3, 1986 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 pm by Chairperson Stu Stockhaus. Members present were: Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Genis, Mr. Sochacki, Mr. Carlson, and Ms. Pitts. Also present were Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen for the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities. Committee tasks were reviewed. The Special Events Committee reviewed plans for Snow Day to be held on January 25, 1987. The Long Range Planning Committee will look at future trends in program activities. The CATV - PR Committee will work on Becker publicity. Ms. Hackett reviewed the last Crystal Frolics Committee meeting. Items discussed included the float, the parade and the carnival location. Mr. Grimes reviewed the Board and Commission Networking meeting that was attended by several Commissioners. The MRPA is trying to get the Board and Commission Section better organized and to act as a lobby group for Park and Recreation issues. Ms. Hackett reviewed the meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Arts meeting. The Committee reviewed the tentative schedule and made suggestions as to specific groups that could be scheduled. Suggestions were made regarding utilizing the inside space for exhibits and other events. The Committee meets in January. Mr. Genis reported that the City Long Range Planning Commission meeting was rescheduled. Elections were held. The Chairperson will be Mr. Grimes; Vice Chairperson is Mr. Hoffmann, and the Secretary is Liz Reid. Outdoor recreational facilities at Thorson were reviewed. Mr. Sochacki recommended adding 2 bocce ball courts at Thorson. Mr. Brandeen explained that he had contacted the DNR regarding the geese at Bassett Creek Park. They stated that there were several ways to thin the flock, such as encouraging people to stop feeding them as the main method. Mr. Stockhaus suggested that the fall -newsletter have an article asking people not to feed the geese. Mr. Brandeen was.asked about the silt build-up at the mouth of the Bassett Creek pond. He stated that he has asked for information from the city engineer regarding the build-up. Mr. Stockhaus asked if the money for the 1987 portion for the 5 -year plan was approved. Mr. Brandeen replied that it has not been approved at this time. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder