January 7, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members
present were: Ms. Reid, Ms: Veech, Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Carlson,
and Ms. Pitts. Also present were Ms. Hackett and Mr. Brandeen from the
department staff and Mr. Smothers, council liaison.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities.
Committee reports were heard:
Long Range - Mr. Hoffmann reviewed the discussion held in this committee.
He as about the status of the request to the Council regarding the 1987
--� portion of the 5 Year Plan. Mr. Genis replied that the City Long Range
Planning Commission is trying to develop a city wide plan so that all
requests will be reviewed by the City Long Range Planning Commission before
submission to ithe city council.
Public Relations-- Ms. Reid reported that several ideas are being
considered to advertise the Becker program and the Frolics. Ms. Reid is
working with the Frolics Committee to write a Frolics Fund Raising letter.
Mr. Smothers reported that the City Council approved allocations of $10,000
for the Frolics. This committee also talked about cable programming.
Special Events - The Snow Fun Day plan was reviewer by Mr. Stockhaus.
The name will be -changed to: Winter Fun Day with alternate activities
planned in case of no snow. The Lions and JC's will help work. Commission
members to work are: Ms. Reid, Ms.- Pitts, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Carlson,
and Mr. Stockhaus.
Mr. Genis reported earlier on the Long Range Planning Commission. He also
reported on a ''Celebrate Parks'' day sponsored by MRPA in February.
The Commission discussed recommending an appointment to the Long Range Planning
Motion: Mr. Carlson - moved to recommend that Burt Genis be
appointed to represent the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
on the Long Range Planning Commission.
Second - Mr. Stockhaus
Motion carried - Unanimous
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the 1986 pool income and expense report.
Mr. Gen is reported that he had contacted the Minnesota Orchestra regarding
playing at Becker. The fee is $15,500. He will give the information to
Mr. Brandeen who will bring it to the Arts Committee meeting.
Mr. Smothers gave Mr. Brandeen a check for $1,000 for North Lions Park.
This is the final installment for 1986.
Mr. Genis reported that people walking their dogs have been threatened by
walkers at Bassett Creek Park. He voiced a concern regarding the congestion
that does occur in the park. The possibility of either wideninc the
pathways or making separate pathways for walkers and bikers way mentioned.
Mr. Grimes asked the Commission for their views on the Twin Lake property
currently owned by the city. Most commissioners acknowledged that the
property is very narrow and difficult for development and there is lack of
parking on site. Mr. Smothers said that the Council asked the city attorney
for clarifications on purchase of the land by adjoining property owners.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Gene Hackett
February 4, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was
called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were:
Mr. Sochaki, Ms. Reid, Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Pitts, and Ms. Veech.
Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms.
Hackett from the department staff.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Mr. Smothers presented Mr. Brandeen with a check for $1,000 for North Lions Park.
Mr. Sochaki donated a bocce ball set to the department.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities.
Winter Fun Day was reviewed. Mr. Carlson suggested that the hockey showcase
be put on the regular hockey schedule and that the games count as part of the
regular season. Additional suggestions include posters in each building, a
time schedule of events posted in the Lions Valley Place building and having
the awards filled out except for names. The event will be held on the fourth
Sunday of January in 1988. Everyone thought that the day went well.
Mr. Carlson presented an ad from "Let's Play Hockey" magazine regarding a
bubble hockey arena for sale. He felt that such a facility could be an asset
to Crystal and that it could be used on a year-round basis for: hockey, indoor
soccer, tennis, summer"hockey and ice rental. The purchase price is $40,000
for the equipment. Mr. Grimes asked if Mr. Carlson had any information on
the age and condition of the equipment or on operating costs. Mr. Carlson does
not have additional information but will call if the commission thinks it should
be pursued.
Motion - Ms. Reid: Moved that Mr. Carlson call
Deerfield, IL to obtain
further information regarding
the hockey arena for sale.
Second - Mr. Sochaki.
Motion carried - Unanimous.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Crystal Frolics layout for Becker Park. Currently,
22,000 sq. ft. are available which is 5,000 sq. ft. less than used last year
at Welcome Park-. Access to the Crystal Gallery, First Minnesota and the south
parking lot is needed. Ms. Reid asked about the senior building land availability.
Mr. Brandeen thought this land would not be available because of construction.
Mr. Smothers reminded the commission that a site is needed that can accommodate
the tents for beer and.bingo - these tents have stakes to be pounded into the
ground. Mr. Stockhaus said that he had seen tents put up on asphalt that used
sandbags. Ms: Reid suggested that the Becker west parking lot be used as
--�� additional space. Mr. Smothers added that parking is at a premium at any
civic function in any town and that people are used to it. He also said that
CP&R Advisory Comm. Minutes
p• 2
Klein really can't send back part of his carnival, as he contracts with the
concessioners for the season. Mr..Carlson thought_that the Frolics should have
use of the west parking lot since they have been curtailed the last two years
due to Becker construction. Mr. Brandeen reminded the commission that he had
told the council that the carnival may have to be cut back after Becker was
completed. Ms. Veech expressed a concern about handicap parking spaces if the
west parking lot was not available. Mr. Stockhaus felt the best way to protect
the park was to give up the parking lot. Mr. Brandeen said if he knew the
exact square footage the carnival needed, it would help. Last year, the carnival
just used one side of the street (47th); this year booths could go on both sides
because of the wider street. Mr. Smothers will call Klein about square footage.
Motion: Mr. Carlson - Moved to recommend to
the council that the West
Becker Parking parking lot
be added to the space avail-
able for the Crystal Frolics.
Second - Mr. Sochaki.
Motion carried - Unanimous.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the financial arrangement that -Whiz Bang Days has to
finance their celebration - 25 of the net from all the organizations involved
goes to the Whiz Bang Committee. Robbinsdale does not have to solicit the
businesses for funds because of this arrangement. Mr. Stockhaus stafed that
some money should go back into the Frolics celebration.
Motion: Mr. Carlson - Moved to recommend to the
council that the Frolics Com-
mittee look into an overall
financial plan that would
include a percentage of the
net sales to be charged to
all groups participating to
to finance future Frolics
Second - Mr. Stockhaus.
Motion carried - Unanimous.
The commission reviewed the Frolics fundraising letter written by M.s. Reid.
Mr. Stockhaus said to emphasize the advantages to the businesses. Mr. Smothers
will get ad prices from the Post to include in the letter. The letter will
include the names of all civic groups.
Summer meetings will be held at:
June 3 - Becker
July 1 - Thorson
August 5 - Crystal Highlands
September 2 - Forest
CP&R Advisory Comm. Minutes
P. 3
Mr. Smothers reviewed the Thorson lease situation. The city would like to
extend the lease until the year 2000 with a three-year notice. The school
board is discussing this matter.
Ms. Reid suggested constructing a putting green at Thorson.
Mr. Brandeen informed the commission that all department heads are making
presentations beginning February 10 to the Long Range Planning Commission
with their five-year plans.
Mr. Grimes suggested contacting Arnold's Restaurant regarding a car show at
Becker. They sponsor a 50's car show that could be held at Becker.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Gene Hackett
Murch 4, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present
were: Ms. Reid, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Sochacki, Ms. Saunders, Ms.
Veech, and Ms. Pitts. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, and
Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.
Jane]] Saunders, the new commission member was introduced.
The minutes were approved with the correction in spelling of Mr. Sochacki'-, nam(-.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics Committee meeting. Currently, the
committee is considering a proposal for each group to donate 25 per cent of
their profits to a Frolics fund that would be used to finance next year's
celebration. She also told of a publicity brochure to be distributed through
the POST. This brochure would highlight Crystal's history as well as Frolics
events. It would be financed through the sale of ads by the POST. Mr. Stockhaus
thought that the brochure would make a good item for local schools since it would
have Crystal's history. Ms. Reid informed the commission that Miss Crystal will
ride in this year's Aquatennial Parade on the Crystal float. She asked the
commission for any ideas for the Frolics Parade Grand Marshal.
Mr. Grimes reported on the MRPA Board/Commission Steering Committee meeting.
The Steering Committee is considering several topics for group meetings. The
April 15 meeting will have "User's Fees" as its topic. The commission diSCUSSed
the possibility of a tour of Becker during the Fall Conference.
Mr. Smothers presented a check for the 5th payment for the exercise course at
North Lions Park.
Mr. Brandeen told the commission about his presentation to the City Long Range
Planning Commission. The city commission will hear each major department then
prioritize the city's needs.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Performing Arts Committee meeting. There has been
response to the fund-raising letter from local businesses. An individual con-
tribution campaign will be featured in the newsletter. The plans for the Dedi-
cation Day are being finalized. The program will be in the newsletter.
Mr. Brandeen informed the commission that the VFW donated $1,000 for the Senior
Mr. Smothers asked if the Lions could be listed asthe sponsor of the fitness
course on the sign for the course. He also mentioned that the school district
wants to sell Thorson to the city.
Mr. Grimes mentioned that he had talked to Arnold's Hamburger Grill in regards
to sponsoring a Becker Park concert. They may even hold their car show at
Becker or at Arnold's in conjunction with the concert.
P• 2
Mr. Sochacki told Mr. Brandeen that there has been some vandalism at MAC Park.
There are boards missing from the bridge and people have been dumping trash.
Mr. Brandeen thought that an Eagle Scout could work on MAC Park for a project.
Ms. Reid asked the status of the bubble hockey rink. Mr. Carlson was not in
attendance so there was no report.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
Crystal Park And Recreation Advisory Commission
April 1, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present
were: Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Hoffmann,
Mr. Genis, and Ms. Pitts. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison;
and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.. -
The minutes were approved as corrected by Mr. Grimes.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities.
Ms. Reid summarized the last Crystal Frolics Committee meeting. She reported
that the 25% proposal in which all organizations would contribute 25% of their
net income to the Frolics Committee has not been voted on yet. A copy of the
brochure for the Frolics was shown. Raffle tickets to help sponsor the queen
contest were distributed to Commission members.
FIs. Hackett reviewed the Arts Committee meeting. The Becker Park Dedication
Day ceremony was reviewed. Mr. Brandeen reported that approximately $8,000
has been raised from donations from businesses and individuals. Mr. Smothers
reported that the Lions Club might be interested in selling some type of
commemorative mug the Centennial/Becker Park grand opening.
Mr. Genis reported on the city's Long Range Planning Commission meeting.
The Commission is still working on developing a comprehensive 5 year plan.
Mr. Hoffmann wondered if the Long Range Planning Commission was ready to make
their final report. He felt that the Council should give the Long Range Planning
Commission a timeline. He added that The Park and Recreation Commission has had
a-5 year plan written and organized for quite some time, and all capital
improvements have been put on hold while the Long Range Commission tries to
organize everything. Mr. Genis felt that the Long Range Planning Commission
should have their report ready by summer. Mr. Stockhaus and Mr. Hoffmann
expressed that they were tired of waiting especially since park improvements
have been on hold for 3 years. Ms. Reid suggested going to the Council and
telling them how the Commisssion feels. Mr. Genis suggested waiting until
summer and see what happens. Mr. Hoffmann asked Mr. Genis to express the
Park and Recreation Advisory Commissions feelings to the Long Range Planning
Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett asked for helpers for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Mr. Brandeen told the Commission of the Flower Planting Contest to be held
on Bass Lake Road. Organizations for youth and adults are invited to participate.
The city will furnish the flowers and planting soil. Plantings will be made
Clay 16 and 17.
The membership roster was updated.
t1r. Genis asked about dredging the Bassett Creek Fond as the pond is not draining
--properly and there is a silt build-up. Mr. Bran:een reported that there
is no maintenance money in the Bassett Creek �,Iatershed district.
Mr. Smothers asked about the water level in the pond at tdorth Lions. Mr. Brandeen
said that the pond was designed only to store water for a short period of time.
Mr. Smothers then asked if the trash in the pond could be cleaned up - perhaps
as a scout project.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
Crystal Park & Recreation Advisory Commission
Nay 5, 11387
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was
called to order at 7:g4 pr-, by Chai roerson Garry Grimes. Members present
were: Ms. Reid, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Sochacki, Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Genis, Ms. Veech,
Ms. Pitts, and Ms. Saunders. Also present were: Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett
for the department staff. Donald Toays was present representing the fire department.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major activities.
Ms. Reid summarized the last Crystal Frolics meeting. A funding proposal was
accepted by the Crystal Frolics Committee - the Fire Department will give the
responsibility of the Frolics to the committee and in return donate Klein's
percentage to the committee. The other civic groups will donate 25% of their
profits to the Frolics Committee. The Frolics committee will incorporate and
set-up bylaws. Mr. Genis wondered if the Frolics Committee is recognized by the
Council as an ad hoc committee. Mr. Hoffmann suggested that the Fire Department
send the Council a le*.ter stating that the Firemen have turned control to the
Frolics Committee. Mr. Brandeen suggested that the Frolics Committee should look
into writing by-laws first, then investigate the relationship with the city.
Mr. Toays talked about the fireworks for the Frolics. He felt there were 3 possible
sites to shoot them off:
1. Berm on northside of park between pathway and
Bass Lake Road
2. Parking lot behind Skippers
3. Burlington Northern RR right of way
by park building
The fireworks require digging 30 holes. The fire department would do any re -sodding
required. The space requirement needed is 30 feet long by 2 feet wide. Mr. Toays
felt that the park berm was the best choice because if the Skippers parking lot
was used, dirt would have to be hauled in, spread and then hauled out; if the
railroad property was used, an area around the property would have to be cleaned -
this would include the building area. Mr. Brandeen expressed his concern about
damage to the park. Mr. Toays said the Fire Department would repair any damage done.
Motion - Mr. Ganis: Moved to recommend that the Fire Department use the
berm on the northside of the park to shoot the Crystal
Frolics fireworks depending on fire marshall approval.
The fire department. will repair any damage done to
park. property. if successful, the spot coud bemade
permanent si.te-through .use of creative landscaping
Second: Ms. Reed
Motion Carricd: Unanimous
Ms. Reid reviewed the progress of Crystal Frolics events. A Chairperson is needed
for the Fun Run.
its. Hackett reviewed the April Arts Committee -meeting. Invitations to the
Dedication :ill be mailed soon. A brochure on all the concerts is being prenared.
Park and Recreation Advisory Comimission members will help serve pop and help
with balloons.
There �%,as no Long Range Planning Commission report.
Mr. Brandeen distributed the 5 Year Plan. Mr. Genis thought a copy should be given
to the Council. Mr. Brandeen said that the Council has the same plan but in a
different format. Mr. Genis thought this format was easy to read and understand.
The commission discovered that the city now has a city wide logo. The commission
felt that the Fark and Recreation logo should be kept.
Motion - Mr. Stockhaus: Moved to recommend that the Park & Recreation
Department maintain its logo in that the Park &
Recreation logo reflects what this department and
commission is all about.
Second: "1r. Genis
Motion Carried: Unanimous
Mr. Hoffmann asked about the status of the cemetary property. Mr. Brandeen replied
that it will be used for Little League. The A Minor field will have to be moved
within the boundary of the city property by the end of the year.
Mr. Brandeen asked for any ideas the commission may have for the 1°")3'budget:
Dredge Bassett Creek Spillway
Bocce Courts at Thorson
Picnic tables and grills at the Little League field/pool area
Redo sewage at Bassett Creek nature trail
Recreation programs for mentally ill
Outreach Senior programs - Classes in the community
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the proposed apartment building on 32nd & Brunswick.
Mr. Genis voiced a concern over unleashed dogs in Bassett Creek Park.. Mr. Stockhaus
suggested calling the animal warden. Mr. Hoffmann suggested that the Police or
Reserves could issue warning tickets.
Mr. Genis also mentioned that the police may want to patrol the wooded area at
Bassett Creek.
The next meeting is Wednesday June 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Becker Park. A tour will be
given at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Gene Hackett
Crystal Park & Recreation Advisory Co Mission
Special fleeting
May 27, 1987
The special meetino of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was
called to order at 6:43pm by Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were:
Ms. Veech, Mr. Stockhaus, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Pitts, Mr. Carlson,
Mr. Genis and Ms. Reid. Also Present were Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from
the department staff.
Mr. Grimes reviewed the Purpose of this special meeting. The Commission felt
that the Council bypassed Commission input on the renaming of Becker Park. Other
areas of concern are- the new city logo (which supercedes the Park and Recreation
logo) and the inability of the Long Range Planning Commission to act on the.5
year plan.
Thfe minutes from the May 6 regular meeting were approved so that they can be
included in the Council packets to be mailed Friday.
Mr. Grimes reviewed the action taker: at the May 19 Council meeting. Mr. Moravec
made a motion to rename Becker Park in honor of Pete Mei-ntsma. Mr. Moravec
felt that Mr. Meintsma was the drive behind the redevelopment of the area, and
that he should be recognized for that effort. Mr. Grimes said a short discussion
followed the motion and the vote was 4 -yes, 1 -no and 2 absent (.not voting).
Ms. Veech said that she objected to the process. Commission members echoed that
feeling - they thought the matter should be referred to the Commission for
discussion and a recommendation. Mr. Hoffmann quoted the ci.ty charter which
says the ParkandRecreation Advisory Commission shall makerecommednations on
matters pertaining tc park and recreation prdgrams in the city. Mr. Carlson
felt the Commission should go to the Council and make the Commssion's feeling
The Commission discussed several options in regards to making a presentation to
the Council. After the discussion the f-ollowing motion was made:
Motion - Mr. Geni.s: Moved to recommend to request the. Council to
reconsider and revoke their action of renaming
Becker Park without the consultation of the Park
and Recreation Advisory Commission. The issue is
not. whether the Commis-sion agrees or disagrees with_
the name., the issue is that the Commission was not
advised or consulted on this matter. In the future,
the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission should
be consulted in the renaming of any Park -and Recrea-
tion facility.
Second - Mr. Stockhaus
Montion Carried - Unanimous
Mr. Grimes will call the City Clerk to get on the Council Agenda for June 2.
Cc,f,msiion members are asked to attend this meeting.
-> Further discussion centered on possible outcomes of the Coucil meeting. Mr.
Stockhaus said that if Mr. Rygg voted yes, then he can move to have the motion
reconsidered. Mr. Stockhaus will talk to Mr. Rygq. Mr. Genis suggested that
if the Advisory Commission's request is denied, then the Commission members
should consider making their resignation at the next Commission meeting. Mr.
Grimes asked Commissioners to call their Council people and voice their opinion.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm.
Respectfully submitted
Gene Hackett
J:jne z 19F7
Becker Park
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present
were: Ms. Saunders, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Reid, Ms. Pitts, Mr. Stock -
haus, and Mr. Genis. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison, and
Mr. Brandeen and I's. Hackett from the department staff. Others in attendance
were: Ms. Herbes and Mr. Rygg, city council members, and several residents
from the Becker Park area.
The minutes from the May 27 special meeting were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities.
The commission was introduced.
Citizens from the Becker Park area made the following comments:
1. Softball spectators expressed their concern that the 4 foot fence in
front of the bleachers is not adequate protection from line drives, overthrows,
pop flys, etc. A request was made to have the fence height raised so that
spectators would have the same protection as the players. Mr. Brandeen reported
that the city's insurance carrier had said that the city is not under provision
to provide spectator fencing as spectators have the option of standing behind
the backstop. Mr. Stockhaus felt if the city provides bleachers, it could
fall under the category of an attractive nuisance. Carlson cited a similar
ruling made in hockey arenas. Ms. Reid felt the park should be made as safe
as possible.
Motion - Mr. Carlson: Moved to recommend that the Becker Park foul
line fences be raised to a height of 6 feet
and this height extend as far as the length
of the bleachers.
Second - Mr. Stockhaus.
Motion carried - Unanimous.
2. Several residents expressed concern over changing the name of
Becker Park. The Becker Park name is well-known in softball, frolics activities,
3. Comments also were made by residents regarding the manner in which
the park renaming was handled.
Mr. Grimes summarized the Park & Recreation Advisory Commi-ssion's appearance
at the June 2 city council meeting. Mr. Grimes, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Reid, and
Mr. Carlson made presentations regarding three areas of concern:
1. Renaming of Becker Park not being referred to the commission for a
CP&' Advisory Commission Meeting
p. 2
2. Inability of the city Long Range Planning Commission to
act on the 5 -Year Plan.
3. New city logo wl ich suoercedes the Park & Recreation logo.
Mr. Genis asked the outcome of the meeting. Mr. Grimes reported that the
motion was read again and the vote was 4-3 for the name change. Ms. Saunders,
Ms. Reid and Mr. Hoffmann felt that the issue of the commission not being
asked for a recommendation on the proposed name change was totally ignored
by the council members for the change. Mr. Genis felt that if the commission
is not appreciated and used as it was intended, then members should consider
resigning. Mr. Stockhaus agreed and added that the council should follow
the methods established for the use of commissions. Ms. Herbes asked the com-
mission t o hold off any decisions regarding resigning. Mr. Rygg also asked
the commission to work with the council to resolve this issue so that both
groups can move ahead in a constructive vein. Mr. Grimes read an excerpt from
a textbook regarding the role of commissions in a city. Mr. Stockhaus felt
that this should be copied and given to the council at the special meeting.
Mr. Grimes distributed copies of the Commission's Guideline on Naming Park
Facilities. Ms. Herbes had a copy of the January 1977 council minutes in
which these guidelines were accepted by the council. Mr. Rygg asked the Cum -
mission to have a compromise proposal to present at the joint meeting. Mr.
Carlson suggested a plaque with the names of the mayor (Mr. Meintsma) and the
council of the year the redevelopment was passed. Other ideas included naming
of a structure within the park for Mr. Meintsma. Mr. Rygg also told the com-
mission that they could call a public hearing on this matter but hoped that
would be used as a last resort.
The.agenda of this joint meeting was discussed. Mr. Hoffman felt that the
Long Range Plan should be discussed also. Mr. Grimes will call Mr. Irving to
set up the meeting. First choice day is Wednesday, June 10.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. Commission help is needed
for publicity. All ads are due by June 29 for the tabloid. The Float is
decorated. The queen candidates are having a salad luncheon June 13.
Mr. Brandeen reported on the Arts Committee meeting. A concert schedule was
distributed. Approximately .'7"9;OOOin donations have been received to date.
A grant application was made to the Metro Council for 1988 for a Crystal Jazz
Festival. Posters and brochures are at -the printer. The Dedication Day program
was reviewed. Mr. Smothers requested to add a concert July 30. The Crystal
Lions will sponsor the "Decades." The Lions and Elks are selling mugs for
50 cents at the Dedication.
The July meeting will be held July I at Thorson Center - a bocce demonstration
will be included.
CP&R Advisory Commission Meeting
P. 3
Mr. Smothers told the commission that he had commented at the last council
meeting that costs should be obtained regarding keeping of the Park & Recrea-
ton logo for department use.
A Frolics Fun Run Coordinator is needed. If anyone knows of someone, please
call Mr. Brandeen. A coordinator is needed or the race cannot be held.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
August 5, 1987
Crystal Highlands Park
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:08 pm by
Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Mr.
Sochacki, Ms. Reid, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Hoffmann,
Mr. Stockhaus, and Mr. Genis. Also present were: Mr.
Smothers, council liaison; and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett
from the department staff. Others in attendance were: Mr.
Rygg, city council member and several residents from the
Crystal Highlands area.
Introductions were made and Mr. Grimes reviewed the purpose
of the neighborhood meetings.
The June minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the June and July monthly reports,
highlighting major activities.
Citizens -from the Crystal Highlands Park area made the
following comments:
1) Request for new, updated playground equipment -
Mr. Brandeen reported that this item is included
in the request to the Long Range Planning
Commission and part of the 5 year Park Improvement
2) Loose dogs in park - Citizens were asked to call
the animal warden.
3) Vandalism - Mr. Brandeen asked residents to
call the police if they see anything going on.
He added that there has only been minor vandalism
at Crsytal Highlands.
4) Nightlight on building - The nightlight is set to
go off at midnight. They want it on later into
morning hours.
5) Several residents felt that the park maintenance
is really good.
6) Hockey pucks fly into a neighbors yard - Mr.
Brandeen suggested that the department try
placing cyclone fencing on top of the hockey boards.
7) Request for longer weekend hours for skating - The
department will try a Saturday evening 6-9 pm program.
8) Recyling program - Mr. Smothers reported that a city-
wide program will be available soon. Information will
appear in the Post.
9) Curbing - Mr. Genis stated that the city Long Range
Planning Commission is looking into this.
10) Cover -over the creek - Mr. Smothers said there is no
plan for that.
11) 36th Av. N. repairs - Mr. Genis reported that this is
part of the Long Range Planning Commission 5 year
12) Favorable comments on the lounge chairs at the pools.
13) Tree Trimming - Mr. Brandeen talked about the city's
tree trimming plan.
14) New street signs look nice except Markwood Avenue
should be Markwood Drive.
15) Dead end sign on Jersey Circle - residents were
instructed to call the City Engineer.
16) Backstop for the park - Mr. Brandeen said that the
park is really too small for a backstop.
17) Favorable comments on the Becker concerts.
18) Possibility of planting more trees in the park -
Mr. Brandeen reported that there isn't anymore
19) Snowplowing driveways like Edina does so that the snow
doesn't get in the driveways - Mr. Smothers reported
that there are no plans at this time.
20) Opening skating rinks after school - Mr. Brandeen
said that the earliest the rink would open would be
5:00 pm. When the rinks opened at 4:00 pm attendance
was very low.
Crystal Highlands residents were thanked for their
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Council meeting on June 16. The
playground equipment for Yunkers was approved, as was the
North Lions Fitness Course.
The Commission reviewed the Crystal Frolics events. The
Frolics went well. Ideas discussed included:
-Moving beer/bingo to west parking lot by carnival.
-More aerial fireworks (perhaps block off Bass Lake
Road) .
-No tossing candy, just hand it out.
-Change parade to Thursday night.
The Commission members thanked Ms. Reid for her
representation on the Frolics Committee. Ms. Reid thanked
Mr. Smothers and Commission members for their hard work and
assistance with Frolics events.
The Commission reviewed the Becker Park dedication. The
event went well except that the heat hurt attendance.
Mr. Genis reviewed the last Long Range Planning Commission
meeting. He said that an overall comprehensive plan should
be put together by the next meeting. 1988 would start the
implementation of the plan.
Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission that the city will not
renew its lease for Thorson in June 1988. The school
district has offered to sell the property to the city,
however the building is in need of major structural repairs
so the city turned down the offer. Currently the city is
consulting with architects to determine space needs for the
police department, parks & recreation department, senior
citizens programs, etc..
Mr. Carlson suggested that a community center and golf
course could be built at Bassett Creek Park. Other
commissioners thought the pool site would be more centrally
located. Mr. Carlson felt a par 3 golf course should be
considered by the Commission as it would enhance Crystal's
park facilities. Mr. Brandeen reminded the Commission that
a golf course was not on the 5 year plan, and an addendum
would have to be made.
Motion - Mr. Carlson: Moved to recommend that Mr.
Brandeen look into the feasibility of a
par 3 golf course at Bassett Creek Park.
Second - Mr. Genis
Motion Carried: Unanimous
A committee was named to assist in this matter. Committee
members are: Mr. Genis, Mr. Carlson, and Mr. Sochacki.
The Commission discussed the renaming of parks. The
document that was previously written will be discussed at
the next meeting so a recommendation can be made to the
Mr. Sochacki suggested that the medians on Bass Lake Road
need edging.
The Commission commented favorably on the Becker Park
softball spectator fence.
Ms. Saunders requested the Commission consider taking some
action to request a crosswalk light on 59th and West
Broadway. A petition among neighbors was suggested. Mr.
�Brandeen said that West Broadway was a county road and the
city didn't have jurisdiction. Mr. Genis suggested
contacting the county commissioner for this area.
Motion - Mr. Genis: Move to recommend that the city
council ask Mr. John Derus, County
Commissioner, to investigate the possibility
of a pedistrian crosswalk on West Broadway at
Second - Mr. Carlson
Motion Carried - Unanimous
Mr. Hoffmann updated the Commission on Hennepin Parks.
Several items are planned for French Park including a 3600
square foot building, ski rentals, cargo net play area and
fix -up of the beach/swimming area.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gene Hackett
September 2, 1987
Forest Park
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:02 pm by
Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Ms.
Saunders, Mr. Sochacki, Mr. Carlson, Ms. Reid, Mr. Hoffmann,
Ms. Pitts, Ms. Veech and Mr. Stockhaus. Also present were:
Mr. Smothers - council liaison - and Mr. Brandeen and Ms.
Hackett from the department staff. Others in attendance
included several residents from the Forest Park area.
The Commission members were introduced. Mr. Grimes reviewed
the purpose of the neighborhood meetings.
The July minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major
Citizens from the Forest Park area made the following
1. New Playground equipment is needed - Mr. Brandeen
reported that the Commission's 5 Year Plan was
submitted to the city's Long Range Planning
Commission which will make recommendations to the
City Council. The Council will prioritize needs
based on information from the Long Range Planning
2. Forest PTA gave the city $4000 for the purchase of
playground equipment. Should a petition be
circulated and then presented to the Council for
action? - It was suggested that the PTO organize
and make presentations to the Council and School
Board regarding this matter.
3. Present equipment is not safe/Who is liaible for
any injuries? - City only maintains the ballfields
park building and wading pool so the school
district would be responsible.
4. Match bricks on school building - Call the school
district maintenance department.
5. Park and Recreation department does a great job!
6. Meeting notices should have been distributed over
a wider area.
7. Possibility of opening wading pool earlier and
closing it later for a longer season - Staff is
a problem when colleges are still in season. This
year's season was 1 week longer. The weather
usually turns cool in late August.
8. Good staff at park and pool this year.
9. Lots of glass - It was suggested that the school
organize a glass pick-up time.
10. Who mows grass - district 281
11. Dog walking in park - Crystal has a leash law and
"pooper-scooper" ordinance.
12. Request for a stop sign on 48th and Louisiana - A
petition from the neighbors should be brought to
the Council.
13. Request for a "Slow Children" sign - Those signs
are not used anymore.
The residents were thanked for their comments.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crsytal Frolics meeting. The
Frolics Committee is trying to get non-profit status.
Officers were elected. Two Committee members appeared
before the Council with a list of requests. They wanted
information on income from Frolics events that were city
sponsored. The committee also needed information on the
site available for the carnival. The whole Frolics
committee was not aware of this Council appearance. The
Committee meets again on September 28.
The guidelines for renaming park facilities were reviewed.
Discussion was set for the next meeting.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Community Center space needs study
currently being done by Anderson -Dale. The building could
house a Senior Center, gyms, kitchen and other community use
facilities. Mr. Stockhaus asked if the Police Dept. would
be located in this building. Mr. Brandeen said that city
hall might renovated for their needs. Mr. Grimes asked if
there would be a bond issue. That has not been determined
Mr. Carlson reported on the golf course committee. Two
sites could be considered:
1. MAC Park
2. Brunswick property west of Bassett Creek Park Creek
area. Another consideration would be leased land from the
Crystal Airport similar to the Richfield course at Twin
Cities airport. Mr. Carlson was directed to write a letter
to the Council asking their permission to pursue this idea
of leasing land from the MAC.
The MRPA Conference is October 14, 15, and 16. Commission
members should let Mr. Brandeen know if they will attend.
Mr. Smothers informed the commission of the Crystal Lions
Club donation of $2,000 to complete the purchase of
playground equipment at the park property on Angeline
Drive/Soo Line Railroad. He requested that the commission
consider that the park property be named "Lions Soo Line
Park". The commission will consider this request at the
next meeting. The Lions Club was thanked for their total
donation of $17,000. ($11,000 - playground
equipment/$6,0000 - fitness course)
Ms. Saunders asked the status of the stop sign on West
Broadway. Mr. Smothers said the council would not get the
information until the September 15 meeting.
Ms. Reid reported that the Crystal Frolics Committee would
like a group to help with the Honored Seniors Program. She
asked the commission to discuss this. Other groups that
could be approached are the Human Rights Commission or a
church. This will be on the next commission meeting agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
October 7, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:06 pm by
Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Ms.
Saunders, Ms. Reid, Ms. Pitts, Mr. Genis, Mr. Stockhaus, Mr.
Sochacki, Mr. Carlson, Mr. Hoffmann, and Ms. Veech. Also
present were Mr. Smothers, council liaison and Mr. Brandeen
and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.
The September minutes were approved as sent.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major
The summer meetings were reviewed. Commission members
thought that this was a good opportunity to talk to people.
It was helpful to have Mr. Smothers at these meetings to
give citizens an overview of the city -as a whole. The
Commission would like to continue having 4 meetings in the
parks. Better publicity is needed.
Mr. Genis reported on the Long Range Planning Commission.
The Commission made no changes in the plans that were
presented by the various departments. The overall plan will
be sent to the Council to establish priorities.
Ms. Reid reviewed the Frolics Committee meeting. The
Committee has established by-laws and a 1988 budget. There
is $2500 to start the 1988 celebration. Events are being
reviewed. The carnival will have all of Sherburne Avenue
and the Becker Park west parking lot to use.
Motion - Mr. Genis: Moved that the Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission appropriately
recognize Ms. Reid for her service
to the Crystal Frolics Committee.
Second: Mr. Stockhaus
Motion Carried: Unanimous
Materials regarding renaming park facilities prepare by Park
and Recreation Advisory Commission members several years ago
were reviewed and discussed. This document was presented to
the Council but no formal action was taken at that time.
Motion - Mr. Carlson: Moved to forward the "Renaming
Parks" document to the City
Council for their discussion
and action.
Second: Mr. Genis
Motion Carried: Unanimous
The renaming of Soo Line/Angeline Drive park was discussed.
Motion - Mr. Genis: Moved to table the discussion of
this item until some direction
from the Council is received
concerning the "Renaming Parks"
Second: Mr. Sochacki
Motion Carried: Unanimous
Mr. Carlson discussed projected costs of developing the
Bassett Creek area (west of the creek) as a 9 hole golf
course. He estimated a cost of $224,000 for the course
development. He knows a builder that would be willing to
walk the area and sketch a layout for no fee. Mr. Genis has
talked to some residents around the area who feel a golf
course would be a good thing for that area. Mr. Stockhaus
suggested that the property owner west of Brunswick be
contacted as to the status of the land. Mr. Carlson and Mr.
Genis will visit Mr. Nafstad. The Golf Course Committee
will meet again to walk the area with Mr. Carlson's friend.
Mr. Carlson was thanked for his work.
The North Lions Fitness Trail Dedication program was
reviewed. Commissioners will help at the event. Door
prizes will be donated by the Crystal Lions and Kokesh
Mr. Brandeen confirmed Commissioner's MRPA Fall Conference
Mr. Brandeen reported on the Department's 1988 budget
request as approved by the City Council.
Mr. Genis voiced his opinion regarding the Post article
concerning Becker Park land acquisition. Mr. Smothers
announced that the situation was discussed at the last
Council meeting and the Post will print a corrected article.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Gene Hackett
November 4, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by
Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Ms. Reid,
Ms. Pitts, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Veech, and Mr.
Carlson. Also present were: Mr. Smothers, council liaison,
and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report,highlighting major
There was not a Long Range Planning Commission report.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics committee
meeting. Events are in the process of being planned. The
Frolics committee would like to continue with the
advertisement tabloid and printers are being contacted as to
bids. The committee would like to get the American Legion,
K.C.'s, and VFW more involved. A jail is being considered
for an activity. It would benefit PRISM.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the space needs study as prepared by
the architects contracted by the council. Thorson will
close June 30, 1988. The interim Senior Center site will be
the K.C. Hall. The proposed building plan calls for: 2
gyms, kitchen, meeting room, craft room, game room, senior
center, child care and the department offices. The cost:
$3,500,000. A work session between the council and staff is
scheduled for November 24. Two funding methods are being
considered: bond issue or lease/purchase agreement. Also
included in the space needs study was renovation of city
hall and police area. The total project cost: $5.8
The commission heard a summary of MRPA Conference sessions.
The commission discussed the Becker Arts Program report.
Plans are underway for next year's concert season. A
Crystal Jazz Festival is planned for 1988. Facility
improvements being considered include: a dance floor,
benches, and a canopy.
Mr. Brandeen informed the commission that the department
could like to recognize individuals who donate their time in
maintaining our park property. Currently, a resident from
Becker helps with the flag as well as picks up litter at the
park almost daily.
Motion - Mr. Grimes - Moved to recommend that park
volunteers be honored for
their service at one of the
summer meetings.
Second - Ms. Veech
Motion carried - Unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
December 2, 1987
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by
Chairperson Garry Grimes. Members present were: Ms. Reid,
Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Pitts, Mr. Sochacki, Ms. Saunders, Mr.
Carlson, and Ms. Veech. Also attending were: Ms. Hilden
representing Forest School PTA; Mr. Smothers, council
liaison; Mr. Rygg, council member; and, Mr. Brandeen and Ms.
Hackett from the department staff.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report highlighting major
activities. Mr. Hoffmann was interested in how the Seniors
view the closing of Thorson.
Ms. Diane Hilden, representing the Forest School PTA
Apparatus/Equipment Committee asked the commission for
assistance in obtaining playground apparatus at Forest
School. The PTA raised $4,000 and gave it to the city for
this playground equipment; in addition, the school district
is willing to assist in installation and donate $2,000 for
handicap equipment. The total cost is expected to be about
$16,000. The commission discussion centered on how much
money for playground equipment will be allocated by the
council. Mr. Hoffmann felt it was important to fund the
entire playground equipment package - not just one area.
Motion - Mr. Genis: Moved to recommend to the council
that early consideration be given
to the 5 -Year Capital Improvement
Plan #1 priority which is
playground equipment for these 6
1. Forest
2. Lee
3. Kentucky
4. Bassett Creek
5. Twin Oak
6. Cavanagh
As prioritized in the Long Range
Planning Commission.
Second - Mr. Hoffmann
Motion carried - Unanimous
Mr. Genis reviewed the Long Range Planning Commission
meeting. The Park and Recreation Commission request was
left intact. The plan goes to the council now.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Department's Community Center
presentation to the council. It is possible that there
could be a bond issue for the plan. Mr. Stockhaus asked
about usage of Fair. District #287 is in the second year of
a 3 -year lease. Mr. Grimes asked about the condition of the
building. Mr. Stockhaus felt that Fair should be explored
because the voters may question its usage. Mr. Sochacki
felt that Fair should be given to the city, especially since
the taxpayers have paid for the building already. Mr.
Hoffmann felt that enough gym space should be a top
priority. Mr. Stockhaus felt that an existing building
should be used if at all possible. Mr. Smothers reported
that Ms. Deno had submitted a report on Fair and she may
have additional information.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. Several
new events may be added: Pancake breakfast, Ice Cream
Social, and Jail.
Motion: Mr. Hoffmann - Moved for the Park & Recreation
Commission to operate the Dunk
Tank during the 1988 Crystal
Second - Mr. Genis
Motion carried - Unanimous
1988 Officers were elected:
Chairperson - Mark Hoffmann
Vice Chairperson - Red Sochacki
Secretary - Arlene Pitts
Mr. Carlson informed the commission about the Golf Course
Preliminary Plan. Estimated cost is $379,000. Mr. Brandeen
said that Brauer & Associates will also look at the site.
Mr. Sochacki suggested that this plan be kept on the back
burner until the Community Center is finalized. Also, the
Brooklyn Center operation should be carefully watched. Ms.
Saunders expressed the concern.of replacing the woods with a
golf course. Mr. Stockhaus thought a couple of longer holes
would be desirable - then the property across Brunswick
would be needed.
Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission of the MRPA
Board/Commission meeting to be held December 3 at Becker
Mr. Genis reviewed the Long Range Planning Commission
meeting. The Park and Recreation Commission request was
left intact. The plan goes to the council now.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Department's Community Center
presentation to the council. It is possible that there
could be a bond issue for the plan. Mr. Stockhaus asked
about usage of Fair. District #287 is in the second year of
a 3 -year lease. Mr. Grimes asked about the condition of the
building. Mr. Stockhaus felt that Fair should be explored
because the voters may question its usage. Mr. Sochacki
felt that Fair should be given to the city, especially since
the taxpayers have paid for the building already. Mr.
Hoffmann felt that enough gym space should be a top
priority. Mr. Stockhaus felt that an existing building
should be used if at all possible. Mr. Smothers reported
that Ms. Deno had submitted a report on Fair and she may
have additional information.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. Several
new events may be added: Pancake breakfast, Ice Cream
Social, and Jail.
Motion: Mr. Hoffmann - Moved for the Park & Recreation
Commission to operate the Dunk
Tank during the 1988 Crystal
Second - Mr. Genis
Motion carried - Unanimous
1988 Officers were elected:
Chairperson - Mark Hoffmann
Vice Chairperson - Red Sochacki
Secretary - Arlene Pitts
Mr. Carlson informed the commission about the Golf Course
Preliminary Plan. Estimated cost is $379,000. Mr. Brandeen
said that Brauer & Associates will also look at the site.
Mr. Sochacki suggested that this plan be kept on the back
burner until the Community Center is finalized. Also, the
Brooklyn Center operation should be carefully watched. Ms.
Saunders expressed the concern of replacing the woods with a
golf course. Mr. Stockhaus thought a couple of longer holes
would be desirable - then the property across Brunswick
would be needed.
Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission of the MRPA
Board/Commission meeting to be held December 3 at Becker
Mr. Smothers informed the commission that if the Community
Center is built, the Crystal Lions are willing to donate
$40,000 for kitchen equipment.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett