1991 PRC MinutesCRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes January 2, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Ms. Pitts, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Reid, Mr. Smothers, and Mr. Theisen. Also present were Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's Report. He summarized the meeting of the marketing sub -committee. Promotional ideas for the pool were the main focus of discussion. Ideas include: birthday parties, adult group rentals, additional posters and banners, use of radio and TV, selling ads on a placemat to be used for the birthday parties, flyers to the schools. Ms. Hackett reviewed the Monthly Report, highlighting major activities. Also included in the report was the Crystal Community Center activity report and the Becker concert report. The Commission discussed changes in the rental rates for the Community Center. Commission suggestions will be incorporated into a second working document to be reviewed by the City Manager, Public Works Director and Finance Director. The Snow Fun Day events were reviewed. Committee assignments were made: Public Relations: Reid, Jungroth, Pitts, Saunders Planning: O'Reilly, Gentry, Theisen, Moucha, Smothers Mr. Smothers reported that the Crystal Lions Club is planning a March 10 'Lions only' function at the Crystal Community Center. He requested the rental fee be waived. The Commission discussed the Council's reaction to the Lion's original request for waiving the fee for the pancake breakfast. Mr. Gentry felt three issues are involved: -How much donation money buys a free rental -Setting a time limit - 10 years -Knowing dates in advance to schedule rooms a year in advance Mr. Theisen felt that instead of a 10 -year basis, it could be reviewed yearly. Mr. Brandeen suggested that the Lions Club draft a letter listing dates of use from January -July; rooms; times; function/event and equipment needed - then, submit it to the Commission at the February meeting for discussion and a recommendation. Mr. Brandeen reviewed highlights of the community survey. The Commission reviewed the Winterfest Homelighting contest. It was felt that additional promotion was needed for this event. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes February 6, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Ms. Saunders, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Pitts, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Reid, Ms. Moucha, and Mr. Ertz. Also present were: Mr. Grimes, council member; and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's Report. He informed the Commission of a meeting with the Crystal merchants that Mr. Brandeen and Mr. Gentry attended. Merchants from the Crystal Center were presented with various promotional ideas for the waterslide. The merchants from the Crystal Gallery were also enthusiastic about the waterslide and Becker events. Mr. O'Reilly reviewed the last marketing sub -committee meet- ing. Ideas on marketing the waterslide include: *A promotional video to be shown on CATV prepared by high school students perhaps as a class assignment. *Work with the Mpls. Park Board and other Park & Recre- ation Departments for group sales. *Birthday parties at the pool including coupons for 2-for-1 rides. *Pepsi will donate banners and giveaways for birthday parties. *Polished -look promotional materials. *Signage on Douglas Drive. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. Also reviewed was the monthly Crystal Community Center activity report. The second draft of the Community Center rental rates with input from the City Manager and Public Works Director was submitted to the Commission for discussion and action. The Commission reviewed and discussed the entire document and supporting materials. Moved by Ms. Reid and seconded by Ms. Pitts to recommend the adoption of the proposed 1991 Community Center rental rates and policies as stated in the revised document of February 6, 1991. Motion carried - unanimous. The Commission suggested reviewing the rental rates on a yearly basis. Mr. O'Reilly reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. The Commission formed a sub -committee to work on the Honored Seniors program. The Crystal Lions Club use of the Community Center was tabled as the Lions Club has not sent any requests or docu- mentation. The 1991 summer commission meetings were discussed: * June 5 - Becker Park * July 10 - North Bass Lake Park * August 7 - Skyway Park * September 4 - North Lions Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Community Survey results. The Commission was encouraged by the positive results on the golf course and nature center issues. Mr. Grimes felt the more positive issue was the nature center, as there is a possibility of joint funding with Brooklyn Center and maybe Robbinsdale. Mr. Gentry suggested that the Commission should concentrate on one issue only. A feasibility study for the nature area would be approximately $6,000 while the golf study would be $11,000. Mr. Jungroth suggested that funds be solicited from the civic groups then go to the Council for what was needed after the public giving. Mr. Gentry suggested we concentrate on the nature center issue. Mr. Brandeen will call some other agencies that could help with funding for the nature center. He will also arrange a tour of another city's nature center. Mr. Ertz was assigned to the Public Relations Committee. The Commission reviewed the Lions Snow Fun Day. Every- thing went well. Mr. Gentry will write a thank you to Mr. Irving for his service as Council Liaison. Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the joint summer school program. The Commission discussed Earth Day and Arbor Day celebra- tions. General discussion included to inviting partici- pation by the -Environmental Commission. Also, the Park & Recreation Commission will participate in the Crystal Center Arbor Day with a display table. Meadowlake School made a request for assistance in fund- ing new playground equipment. They decided to ask Crystal's assistance because several Crystal children attend school there. The Commission decided they would not get involved with this matter since the school is not located in Crystal. Ms. Hackett informed the Commission of the antique car race rally that will stop at the Crystal Community Center. Mr. Gentry and Ms. Reid offered to help serve refreshments. The city has sent out invitations to the annual Appreciation Dinner. All Commission members are welcome to attend. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes March 6, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Theisen, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Moucha, Mr. O'Reilly, and Mr. Jungroth. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, council liaison; and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson Report. The Commission will continue to work with the Human Relations Commission on Human Rights Day. Mr. O'Reilly will meet with the Human Relations Commission to coordinate the event. This year's focus will be Special Needs. Several groups were suggested as contacts. The Marketing Sub -committee meeting was reviewed. Other cities' park and recreation departments will be contacted. Also, businesses will be contacted to sponsor days or for employee groups. Other ideas include KSTP Smart Shopper radio time. The birthday party idea was refined. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report, highlighting major activities. The Senior Center non-resident rate was discussed. The Community Center activity report was reviewed. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the concept plan of the Twin Lake trailway/environmental center. The Commission felt the plan has the following merits: -Advocates usage of trails -Provides access to other cities' facilities -Shares facilities between cities -Amenity to the City -Provides for an Interpretive Center -Connects city facilities Mr. Gentry will contact Robbinsdale and Brooklyn Center to plan a joint meeting on the project. Mr. O'Reilly reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. The Commission was informed of anticipated 1991 budget reductions. Also, long-term budget reductions are probable and staff requested input from the Commission on policy matters such as subsidies for youth and senior programming. The Commission reviewed a report of programs and percentage subsidized. Staff will prepare additional information on how program fees will be affected based on two scenarios: 1) Adult 100% fee based/youth 75% fee based 2) Adult 125% fee based/youth 50% fee based other areas of discussion include "giveaway" programs such as: playgrounds, wading pools, warming house and Becker concerts and fundraising activities such as tournaments. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission of 1991 capital outlay items reduced or eliminated from the budget. Three items are in discussion: Bassett Creek pathway widening Bassett Creek playground equipment Bassett Creek tennis court resurfacing There was no report on the Honored Senior Program. The Adopt -A -Park concept was discussed. It was felt if this is going to be presented at the outdoor meetings, a clear, concise definition and plan is needed. The Commission has several concepts regarding this idea but nothing clear-cut and defined. Sub -committees will meet in April. The Public Relations Sub -committee will discuss Adopt -A -Park. Long Range Planning will discuss the Comprehensive Plan. There will be no marketing meeting in April. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes April 3, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Theisen, Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Howard, Mr. Jungroth, and Mr. O'Reilly. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Ms. Michelle Howard was introduced as the newest member. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the Community Center usage report. Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's Report. The Commission was updated on the progress of the Human Rights Day. The Environmental Commission may also jointly sponsor the day. Mr. Gentry reported on the first joint Twin Lake plan meet- ing held with Brooklyn Center and Robbinsdale representa- tatives. Another meeting is scheduled for April 25, 1991. Mr. Reid reported on the last Crystal Frolics Committee meeting. Planning is going as scheduled. The Commission may be asked to do the "Dunk Tank". Fireworks have been changed to Saturday. The donation received from the Lions has been invested. Ms. Reid will meet with Ms. Fackler regarding work on the Honored Seniors program. Mr. O'Reilly is working on the Bike Race time trials. The Commission Long Range Planning Committee reviewed their meeting. They discussed the policies and objectives of the comprehensive plan regarding open space. Some changes were discussed and wording was changed. Moved by Mr. Theisen and seconded by Mr. O'Reilly to recommend acceptance of the City Comprehensive Plan for Parks, Open Space and Trailways/Pathways with changes dis- cussed. Motion carried - unanimous. The Commission Public Relations Committee discussed the "Adopt -A -Park" concept. The committee discussed the purpose of the program and felt that it was to better utilize the available facilities. The new theme is: "Use Your Other Backyard". The committee is working on two kick-off events tentatively scheduled for June 23 at Lions Valley Place and Twin Oak parks. Ms. Reid will seek donations from the Lions and VFW for these events. The committee is planning refreshments and picnic games as well as having promotional brochures available. In addition, the four outdoor park meetings will have a 6:30 p.m. lemonade social to distribute promotional materials. Ms. Hackett discussed the fees and charges for the 1991 budget. The purpose of the discussion was to determine fee subsides for youth, adult and senior programming. Two scenarios for subsides for youth and adult programs were discussed. Moved by Ms. Reid and seconded by Mr. Theisen to provide for a 50% youth program subsidy and 125% adult program subsidy over two years. Motion carried -unanimous. Other fee areas discussed were: -Community Events: discussion centered on the fact the city should continue these low or no cost events as a service. Donations to Becker concert program should be actively pursued. Also include some fee activities at community events (face painting, concessions, etc). The Marketing sub -committee will discuss this at a later meeting. -Senior Programming: Activity fees were discussed. The Commission felt fees were at the proper subsidy with the exception of the center membership fees which seemed low. A two-tier membership was discussed. Staff will look into this concept of a "Gold" and "Silver" membership with Gold being inclusive of all center events. -Adaptive Programming: The Commission felt the consor- tium of cities providing services to the handicapped was the most economical means to provide these services. Moved by Ms. Reid and seconded by Mr. O/Reilly to recommend that the City continue its 100% subsidy of the adapted rec- reation programs offered through the consortium of suburban cities. Motion carried -unanimous. Ms. Howard was assigned to the Public Relations Committee. The Commission discussed the meeting the Marketing Committee had with KSTP radio regarding the "Smart Shopper" program. In return for sales items, you receive free air time on the radio. The Commission discussed marketing the waterslide in this way. The sales items are auctioned off during a specific time. Mr. Gentry suggested that the Commission select a dollar amount - $1,500 for example - and develop several waterslide packages that could be sold. The Marketing Committee will meet on April 23 at 7 p.m. to develop the packages of $20-25 each. Mr. O'Reilly informed the Commission that Crystal Center will hold a Crystal Park and Recreation Day at the July sidewalk sale. We will have a table for informational materials. Ads for the waterslide will be in the Little League magazine, Parent magazine, Birthday Party placemats, flyers to all the schools. Mr. Moravec asked about including a season waterslide pass with the season pool pass. Mr. Brandeen replied that the fee for this would be undeterminable and probably quite high. The park and recreation staff was thanked for their work on the promotional materials for the waterslide. The June 8th first anniversary for the waterslide and center was discussed. There will be balloons and refreshments. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes May 1, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Ms. Saunders, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Howard, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Reid, Ms. Moucha, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Ertz and Mr. Theisen. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, council liaison, and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report and the Community Center activity report, highlighting major activities. The Chairperson's Report will cover items further down the agenda. The Commission discussed the Crystal Frolics Honored Seniors program. The Commission will assist with the publicity and the luncheon. Ms. Reid will set a meeting with Commission members interested in planning this event. The Twin Lake Pathway/Trailway system was discussed by the Commission. A joint meeting was attended by representa- tives of Crystal, Brooklyn Center and Robbinsdale. Now each city will discuss the project further within their own city. A study committee made up of representatives from the cities could act in an advisory capacity until more formal arrange- ments are made. The possibility of establishing a joint powers agreement was discussed. The Commission discussed the trailway concept plan. The plan did not define how the trails would be constructed or what existing roadways, sidewalks, etc. would be used. The Commission agreed that a trail system is needed to connect city facilities. The plan calls for the MAC park area to be a key feature in the development and the Commission felt that this ties in with the proposed study of the feasibility of the Nature Center. Moved by Ms. Reid and seconded by Mr. Jungroth to recommend the acceptance of the first phase concept of the Twin Lake Pathway project (Phase 1 includes the Crystal trailways/pathways and MAC Park environmental interpretive center) and to consider a joint powers agreement with Brooklyn Center and Robbinsdale. Motion carried -unanimous. Mr. Moravec suggested that the Environmental Commission be included in the project. Funding was discussed. Mr. Brandeen felt that LAWCON fund- ing may be available if all three cities work together. The Commission reviewed the citywide pathway/trailway concept. The Commission Long -Range Planning Committee discussed three phases: Phase 1: Construct trails in all major parks. Phase 2: Connect all major parks (community parks and playfields) and other points of interest with on -road trailway. Phase 3: Utilize off-street trailways to tie parks/ facilities together. The Long Range Planning Committee will meet and redefine the plan. Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics Committee meeting. The Commission discussed dog problems in the parks. Mr. Brandeen will develop an informational flyer to be delivered to homes by a local Boy Scout troop. Also, the ordinances are listed in the "Use Your Other Backyard" brochure. These P.R. items will be tried first and, if not successful, the stricter enforcement will be used. The Waterslide Marketing Sub-comittee reviewed their last meeting. All promotional materials have been sent. The Commission reviewed the final draft of proposed fees for recreation activities in the 1992 budget. Also reviewed were fees for Senior Center membership. The Commission discussed setting the Senior Center membership fee so that actual center costs were charged back to members. Moved by Mr. O'Reilly and seconded by Mr. Ertz to recommend that the 1992 Senior Center membership fees be $12 residents/$18 non-residents. Motion carried -unanimous. The Commission Public Relations Committee reviewed their meeting. The "Use Your Other Backyard" brochure was discussed as was the June 8 pool opening. Mr. O'Reilly informed the Commission of Crystal Day at the Crystal Center. More details available later. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett, Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes June 5, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Reid, Mr. O'Reilly,,Ms. Pitts, Ms. Howard, Ms. Moucha, Ms. Saunders and Mr. Theisen. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, Council Liaison, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff, and residents from the Becker Park area. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the Community Center usage report. The Commission was introduced and Mr. Gentry gave a brief summary of the purpose of the outdoor meetings. The residents of the Becker Park area made the following comments: 1. Request for "No Littering" signs to be posted in the park. 2. Request for police patrolling of the area. Residents were asked to call the police if they see problems. 3. Concern expressed about vandalism in the park -- residents were asked to call police if they see anything. 4. Question regarding renting of the Becker building. 5. Question regarding Becker building usage. Residents gave suggestions for uses: -Drop-in for teens, seniors (different times) -Crafts -Senior Citizen bingo 6. Request for a picnic area at the park. 7. Concern about Crystal Frolics events impact on the neighborhood. Vandalism occurs. Resident requested police patrol of neighborhoods. Ms. Reid will inform the Crystal Frolics Committee. The residents were thanked for their comments. Ms. Reid reported on the progress of planning for the Crystal Frolics. The KC's are not doing bingo so the Committee is seeking an alternate group. The City Health Department met with groups doing concessions. Mr. O'Reilly reported that a professional will join the bike race. Ms. Reid reported on the Honored Seniors program. All nomination forms have been sent. The Commission sub- committee is working on the food for the luncheon, July 13th. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission of the completion of the Disc Golf Course at Bassett Creek Park. The Commission discussed the Crystal Park and Recreation Day at Crystal Center. The date is July 10th, which is the Commission meeting; Crystal Center will be contacted to see if the date can be changed. Several ideas were discussed. Renee Hinz from the Park and Recreation staff will coordinate the events. Commission members that offered to help are: Ms. Moucha, Ms. Howard, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Reid, Mr. Ertz, Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Gentry. The Commission discussed a Trailway Plan for the City. A sub -committee made a preliminary study of trailways and devised a three-phase plan., This City Trailway Plan, if accepted, will be part of the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Mr. O'Reilly and seconded by Mr. Theisen to recommend to accept the three-phase plan of a trailway system criteria and routes upon discussion with the Community Development Director. Motion passed --unanimous. The Commission discussed the presentation to the City Council on the proposed joint cities Twin Lake trailway project. The Commission would like to have consultant Tim Erkkila make the presentation since he did a good job on the previous joint city presentation. The presentation will be scheduled for the next Council meeting if possible. The Commission will ask the Council to agree to the concept of a feasibility study in cooperation with the other two cities and to consider a joint powers agreement with the two other cities, and to name a representative to the joint advisory group. The Crystal Environmental Commission will be contacted in regards to this project. Mr. Gentry will contact the chair. The Commission finalized the June 8th pool/waterslide celebration plans. Ms. Hackett presented a request from the Robbinsdale Shrine Club to change the method of determining their rental fee for the Community Center. They requested the fee be figured on a gate percentage basis rather than a flat fee. The Commission discussed this concept. Moved by Mr. O'Reilly and seconded by Ms. Saunders not to accept the rate structure change request as submitted by the Robbinsdale Shrine Club. Motion passed --unanimous. Mr. Brandeen updated the Commission on the promotion for the waterslide on KLBB radio. Also, Channel 23 has a similar promotion. Mr. Brandeen thanked Mr. Jungroth for his hard work in making the promotion for the pool/waterslide a success. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes July 10, 1991 North Bass Lake Park The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Reid, Ms. Howard, Ms. Moucha and Mr. Jungroth. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, Council Liaison; Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the Community Center usage report. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the June pool and waterslide financial report. Residents for the North Bass Lake Park area were scheduled to be heard, however, no one was in attendance. Ms. Reid updated the commission on the Crystal Frolics events. The Commission reviewed the publicity brochure. Two new events have been added: Frisbee Golf Tournament, and Saturday Night Drags. The Senior Dinner was cancelled. The Honored Seniors will be invited to the sponsor's dinner and receive their plaques at the Queen Coronation. The Commission will run the Dunk Tank Saturday from 3-5p.m. Ms. Reid will find "dunkees", Ms. Pitts will assist. Commission helpers are needed for the Kiddie Parade. Mr. Ertz, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Reid and Mr. Jungroth will help. Commission helpers are needed for the Dunk Tank also. Mr. O'Reilly said he shouldn't need any help for the Bike Races but he would find work for anyone who showed up. Also, Mr. Theisen's event should have enough help, but anyone willing to come will be put to work. The Commission will not ride in the parade. Ms. Hackett informed the Commission that the Crystal Center event went well. Several hundred children participated in games. Department information brochures were distributed. The Commission reviewed the presentation regarding the joint trailway system made to the City Council. The Council approved joining the 3 City Advisory Commission. Bill Gentry was named as the representative with John Moravec representing the Council. The Staff and Commission will work on areas of programming for the proposed nature center. General areas of programming include: school programs, specific topic programs, camps, and utilization of the natural site. The Women of Today requested their rental rate for the Community Center be reduced. The Commission discussed their proposal for their rent to be waived. Discussion centered around not making exceptions for groups, and reviewing the rates in the fall. Moved by Ms. Reid and seconded by Ms. Pitts to recommend no change in the Community Center rates for 1991 and to review the rental rates for this group for 1992. Motion carried - unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes September 4, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Ms. Pitts, Ms. Reid, Ms. Howard, Mr. Theisen, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Moucha and Ms. Saunders. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, council liaison; Mr. Grimes, council member; Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff; Officer Doug Wagner; and, several residents from the area. Mr. Gentry welcomed the residents and gave a brief history of the outdoor Commission meetings. The minutes were approved as sent. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the Community Center usage report. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the August pool and waterslide financial report. Residents from the North Lions Park area made the following remarks: - Questions regarding the length of swimming pool season. - Park looked nice - well maintained. - Request for a pay phone on the outside of the build- ing or some kind of direct line to the Police Department. This phone would be used for emergencies. Mr. Brandeen replied he would look into this matter. Residents felt that this would be an asset since there has been some problems in the area. - Additional lighting in the park, perhaps two more. Mr. Brandeen replied that this is not in the 1992 budget request but could be discussed by the Commission and placed in the 5 -Year Plan. —Comment about the tree trimming program. Information was given as to dates for the area. - Comment about two dead boulevard trees on Lombardy Lane. This will be referred to the Forester. - Question regarding vandalism for the area. Officer Wagner will bring statistics to the next Neighborhood Watch meeting. - Question regarding clearing the pathways in the winter. Mr. Brandeen replied that this is not currently done. - Several questions regarding police patrolling of the park and neighborhood. Officer Wagner informed the resi- dents of the Neighborhood Watch program. He encouraged residents to call 911 for any suspicious activity. He explained the role of the Juvenile Specialist and how the Crystal Police are working with New Hope and Brooklyn Park in this area. - Question on resurfacing the tennis courts. This is done every 5-6 years. ._ - Question on moving the basketball court. Mr. Brandeen replied that this would be too expensive; however, maybe the baskets could be lowered so that kids could use it more than the adults. - Remarks on dog droppings. The Commission is working on an education campaign on this problem. - Comment on broken glass. - Request for additional rules signs. - Request for horseshoe pits. - Request for park staff supervisors in evening hours so children would feel safe coming to the park. Mr. Gentry suggested a volunteer program utilizing parents. This can be discussed through the Neighborhood Watch meetings. The residents were thanked for their comments. Mr. Gentry reported that there is no new news on the Twin Lake Trailway. Mr. Brandeen distributed copies of the 5 -Year Capital Improvement Plan that will be sent to the Council with the 1992 budget request. Special budget meetings are scheduled in October. Mr. Gentry offered to attend. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission that a golf course developer will speak at the October meeting. This person has developed a course through private funding. The City Council will be invited. The Commission discussed further Crystal Frolics ideas. Mr. Moravec made some suggestions regarding political candidates in the parade. Mr. Gentry reported on the tour that Mr. Brandeen and he took of a zero -depth pool in Wisconsin. The facility had several apparatus of interest to small children. They will show slides at the next meeting. The Commission discussed adding pool promotional tickets in the Happenings Book. Also discussed was the rock climbing wall at the Southdale Y. This might be an attractive feature at the Community Center. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes October 2, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park & Recreation Advis- ory Commission was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Chairperson Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Theisen, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Reid, and Mr. O'Reilly. Also present were Mr. Moravec, council liaison, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Also in attendance were: Mayor Herbes; Councilmembers Irving, Carlson and Grimes; and, Mr. Tim O'Connor, golf course developer. The minutes were approved as sent. Mr. Brandeen introduced Mr. O'Connor who has been involved with the development of four golf courses in Minnesota. Mr. O'Connor's presentation covered land acquisition, devel- opment costs, operating budgets and revenue forecasts. Questions followed the presentation. Mr. O'Connor was thanked for his presentation. Mr. Gentry read a letter of resignation from Ms. Pitts. Mr. Gentry reported the Twin Lake Trailway joint committee has not mei. Mr. Brandeen showed slides of a zero depth pool that was toured by Mr. Gentry and him. Several different additions of "amusements" have renovated the pool and stimulated interest in the pool. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly report and the Community Center report. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the swimming pool report and pool special promotions. Discussion centered around these areas: 1. More publicity for special promotions 2. Stay open until Labor Day (contingency plan based on weather). Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. An evaluation session was held. Groups are turning in their outstanding bills and receipts, so a final financial report is not ready. The Committee is planning on the same kind of events next year. The Commission reviewed the summer outdoor meetings. The police should be invited to attend each meeting. Other ideas include: rain info (change location to CCC); have vandalism and area police report, distribute a list of com- missioners and phone numbers and have extra agendas, hand- outs, etc. Becker Park programming was discussed. The building could be utilized as alternative meeting space if the acoustics could be improved. A special committee to work with staff will be formed. The Commission will further discuss the proposed golf course idea at the next meeting. Mr. O'Reilly reminded the Commission of the Oct. 19 Human Rights/Environment Day. Mr. O'Reilly will sell the con- cessions for the Human Rights Day. Ms. Hackett distributed a memo from Julie Jones regarding recycling. Mr. Jungroth informed the Commission of a climbing wall at the Southdale "Y" gym. Construction costs about $5,000. The charge is $10 to climb. More information will be obtained., The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes November 6, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Jungroth, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Howard. Also present were Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the Department staff. The minutes were approved as sent. Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report. He informed the Commission of the MRPA Board & Commission section which is reorganizing and looking for volunteers to serve as members. Mr. Gentry and Mr. O'Reilly offered to serve. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the Community Center usage report. The Commission viewed a video on zero depth pool play equip- ment. Discussion was held on financing a project like this. Mr. Gentry suggested that this would be a capital improve- ment item with an increase in fees to offset some of the costs. Mr. O'Reilly thought that the project could be done in stages. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission that the wading pool does not meet present code regarding filtration, etc. Many cities are in the process of renovation. Mr. O'Reilly suggested that a zero depth water play area be added to the 5 -Year Plan. Another suggestion was to add a shaded area around the pool. Some options were discussed. The Golf Course presentation was reviewed. The Commission discussed several options. Moved by Mr. O'Reilly and seconded by Ms. Saunders to recommend to the Council to form a citizen com- mittee to investigate the development and construc- tion of a golf course at Bassett Creek Park. Motion carried -unanimous. A committee of Mr. Jungroth, Mr. Ertz and Ms. Reid will meet with department staff to discuss Becker Park programming. Ms. Hackett reviewed the proposed changes in 1992 Community Center rental rates. The Commission will discuss these and make a recommendation at the December meeting. Mr. Brandeen reviewed the 1991 budget request for all divi- sions. Several areas are reduced due to cutbacks. Moved by Mr. Ertz and seconded by Mr. O'Reilly to recommend to the Council that the Becker Park concert program be reinstated to the 1991 level. Motion carried -unanimous. Further discussion concerned activating the Marketing Com- mittee to solicit donations for Becker Park programs. The Long Range Planning Commission will meet Wednesday, November 20 at 7 p.m. in the Park & Recreation Office. The Twin Lake Trailway joint meeting is scheduled for Nov- ember 7. Mr. Gentry, Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Brandeen will attend. The next Marketing Committee meeting is on December 4 at 6 p.m. The Commission will select officers at the December meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder CRYSTAL PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes December 4, 1991 The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreat on Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m; by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Ms' Saunders, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, Mr. Theisen, Mr. Ertz, and Ms. Reid. Also present were Mr. Moravec, council liai- son, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff. Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the Community Center usage report highlighting major activites. Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report: 1. The Twin Lake Trailway group has decided on a name - the "Twin Lake Task Force." Their next meeting is December 5. 2. Mr. Gentry has been working with the MRPA Board & Commission section. They are in the process of drafting a mission statement and need input from Commissioners. 3. The appearance at the December 3 council meeting resulted in Becker Park activities being restored through access of the donation fund. Also, the council gave the approval to form a golf course study committee. The Commission discussed the 1992 Community Center rental rates and staff recommendations made at the last meeting. Discussion centered around these items: 1. Adult Civic Non-profit Groups: Currently rental Category 3 rates are for these groups. Some groups have made requests that they not be charged a rental fee for their meetings since their civic group sponsors some city activities. The Commission discussed this concept and agreed to keep Category 3 intact with the exception of offering Becker Park shelter at no charge weekdays for meetings. 2. Public Events Charging Admission: Currently groups having events open to the public and charging admission are moved up to the next higher rental category. There has been some problems with this since there is a big difference between resident and non-resident rates. In addition, a non-resident charging admission to their event is at the highest rate and cannot be charged more. The Commission agreed to charge a 15% surcharge on each rental open to the public and charging admission. This would be for all Categories. 3. Early Opening Fee: Many rentals like early morning meetings with a start time of lam. Before the Building Managers were limited to 19 hours/week each, they would also work these morning meetings. Because of the 19 hour/week limit, the custodian now opens early and that salary is $16+/hour. The Commission recommended that a $20/hour fee be enforced for meetings requiring an opening before 8am. 4. Youth Birthday Party Rate: The original Youth Birthday Party rate was not used very often with its limited hours. The Commission decided that offering this anytime during the weekend and then marketing this idea would make it more useful. 5. Building Maintenance Fund: The Commission recommended continuing the 10% of each rental going to a Building Maintenance fund for unforeseen building repairs. 6. Higher Rental Rate for MN Room: The Commission discussed raising the rental fee for the Minnesota Room since that area may require more clean-up because of the carpeting and other furnishings. The Commission recommended accepting staff recommendations on the higher fees for this room. 7. Deposits for Wedding Receptions: The Commission discussed restructuring the deposits required for wedding receptions. They decided that a $300 damage/cleaning deposit and a $100 kitchen deposit be tried for 1992. 8. Overall Rental Rates: The Commission discussed the overall rental rates and decided not to make any changes except for those outlined above. Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Ms. Reid to recommend to the City Council to accept the 1992 Community Center rental rates as discussed. Motion carried - Unanimous. The Commission discussed the proposed Bassett Creek golf course. Maps of the area were distributed and Mr. Brandeen discussed a layout plan for a golf course that was made a few years ago. The Commission discussed possible make-up of the study committee. More discussion will be scheduled at the January meeting. The Commission reviewed changes in the Parks and Open Space section of the City Comprehensive Plan. These changes will go to Ann Norris. Moved by Ms. Reid and seconded by Mr. Theisen to recommend approval of the changes in the Parks and Open Spaces section of the Comprehensive Plan and the acceptance of the 5 -Year Capital Improvement Plan. Motion carried - Unanimous. Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission of a joint meeting held last week between the staffs of Crystal and New Hope Park & Recreation Departments concerning offering a type of joint admission to both pools. The 2 city managers believe that by offering this joint admission, it would offer greater flexibility in use of both pools. New Hope would not have to build a waterslide and Crystal would not have to build a water play area. Mr. Brandeen distributed a sheet outlining the various option and the pros and cons of each option. Discussion regarding Option 1: Mr. Theisen was concerned about how the revenue would be split. He felt that Crystal should not share revenue with New Hope since we outsold them in season tickets. The Commission was concerned how this would affect the income projection on the waterslide enterprise fund. Mr. Gentry thought that since the waterslide is an enterprise fund that it is a commercial type of business and the City cannot afford to get into a position of losing or sharing income. Discussion regarding Option 2: The Commission saw no financial gain to the City and perhaps a small loss as New Hope residents who purchase either a non-resident pass or daily admission would now pay less to use the facility. The coupon books hit hard at the bigger families. Mr. Jungroth and Mr. Ertz thought that there would be several complaints if season tickets were not sold. Ms. Moucha cautioned that this option may be a disadvantage to our residents because of the increased cost involved. Mr. Moravec informed the Commission that Crystal is looking at ways to share services with other cities. Mr. Gentry replied that sharing services includes sharing costs but that these proposals deal only with sharing income which could mean a lose of revenue to Crystal. Mr. Theisen added that the original concept of the waterslide was to bring in enough income to make the payments each year. He added that the City cannot afford to take a chance that the income will drop or be negatively affected. The Commission agreed with this principle. Mr. Brandeen will take the Commission comments to the next meeting between the Directors and the City Managers. The Commission reviewed the final plans for Winterfest. Commission elections were held: Chairperson: Bill Gentry Vice Chairperson: Mary Moucha Secretary: Liz Reid Tom Jungroth will continue as Marketing Chairperson. The Commission will meet on January 8 due to the January 1 holiday. The Becker Park programming group will meet at 6:45 p.m. and the Marketing Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Mr. Moravec informed the Commission the Council that the council liaison appointments will be made at the first council meeting in January. Mr. Gentry thanked Mr. Moravec for his input. He also invited Mr. Moravec back for a second term if the council would re -appoint him. The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gene Hackett Recorder