January 8, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz,
Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Theisen, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr.
Jungroth and Ms. Howard. Also present were: Mr. Moravec,
council liaison; and, Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the
department staff.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the
Community Center usage report.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report:
1. MRPA Board/Commission section will hold a workshop at
the Community Center in February. The group is work-
ing on a survey to members to find out what they want.
Articles are being solicited for Keeping Up.
2. The Twin Lake Task Force elected Mr. Gentry as chair-
person. The cities are splitting the cost for research
of a MnDOT plan by Tim Erkkila. MnDOT has plans for
the Hwy 81/100 intersection and if there is a concept
plan in place, MnDOT may work around the plan. The
group plans to submit a LAWCON grant at a later date
for funding of the project.
The Commission discussed the Golf Course Study Committee.
Names will be solicited through the March city newsletter.
Mr. Theisen offered to serve as liaison between the commit-
tee and the Commission. It was suggested that a member of
the Environmental Quality Commission be asked to be part of
the committee.
The Commission reviewed the plans for Lions Snow Fun Days.
The following people offered to assist: Mr. Theisen, Mr.
O'Reilly, Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Jungroth, and perhaps
Ms. Moucha.
Mr. Gentry informed the Commission of the preliminary plan
to build a major waterpark in Brooklyn Park. The Commission
discussed the effect it would have on the waterslide. The
waterpark would not probably affect our operation as it is
going to be a commercial attraction with higher admission
prices. People would go maybe one time per summer.
Committee assignments were made:
Public Relations: Howard, Reid, O'Reilly
Marketing: Jungroth, Gentry, O'Reilly
Long -Range Planning: Theisen, Ertz, Moucha, Gentry
Mr. Brandeen informed the Commission that a new Commission
member was appointed by the Council: Arne Johnson.
Mr. Jungroth summarized the last Marketing Committee meet-
ing. The pool/waterslide will be promoted as last year
including: KLBB, Birthday Parties, Shopping Center days,
etc. In addition, new areas include: WCCO Community News
and Happening coupons (1993).
Ms. Hackett summarized the sub -committee meeting on program
ideas for Becker Park. Sound still is a problem. Mr.
O'Reilly has some ideas for sound -proofing the building with
a cost of about $1,000. Staff has planned spring sports
clinics and plans are underway for a teen drop-in. Other
suggestions include using the building for a drop-off for
field trips and offering use of the building to school
groups from Hosterman and Cooper to get them involved with
some teen programming.
Mr. Brandeen updated the Commission on the joint season
pool tickets with New Hope. The finance departments are
working on a workable way to split the income. Fee
structure was also reviewed. Mr. O'Reilly suggested that
instead of splitting income 50/50 that each city take the
income for tickets purchased in that city. Mr. Jungroth was
opposed to the idea of a base fee plus extra per person in
each family. Ms. Reid thought that having to produce birth
certificates would be a hassle. Mr. O'Reilly suggested a
picture ID card be used. More discussion is to be held
between the cities.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
Special Meeting
January 29, 1992
A special meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:02pm by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were Mr. Johnson,
Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Howard, Mr. Ertz, Ms. Reid, Mr. Jungroth,
and Ms. Moucha. Also present were Mr. Brandeen and Ms.
Hackett from the department staff.
Mr. Johnson was introduced as the new Commission member.
Mr. Brandeen outlined the purpose of this special meeting.
The purpose is to discuss the Crystal -New Hope joint pool
pass program and make a recommendation to the City Council.
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the memo to Mr. Dulgar regarding the
joint pool passes. The memo covers these areas:
1. Division of income between the 2 cities in
regards to season ticket sales.
2. Season ticket fee structure
3. Stricter enforcement of eligibility.
The Commission discussed the memo.
Ms. Moucha asked about scholarship funds or a sliding fee
availability. The Commission decided to discuss this at the
next regular meeting. Discussion centered around asking
civic groups for assistance.
The Commission discussed the season ticket fee structure.
Discussion centered around capping the fee at $50. Mr.
Jungroth felt that some revenue might be lost because people
won't buy a season ticket for the increased fee. Mr. Ertz
thought that people might buy a season pass for 3 people but
let other members of the family use it. Methods of
enforcement were discussed. A computer list could be
generated of all names on the ticket and this could be
checked by the cashiers.
Mr. Gentry wondered about public acceptance of this new fee
structure. He also wondered about evaluation of the
program. Evaluation will be done by income reports and by
feedback from residents and pool user's.
Moved by Mr. Ertz and seconded by Ms. Reid to recommend the
acceptance of a one year trial basis of the Crystal -New Hope
Joint Pool Pass program as outlined in the memo to Jerry
Dulgar. Voting yes: Gentry, Johnson, Howard, Ertz, Reid,
O,Reilly, Moucha. Voting no: Jungroth. Motion carried 7-1.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
February 5, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr.
Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Reid, and Mr. John-
son. Also present were: Mr. Moravec, council liaison; and,
Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.
The minutes were approved as sent.
to the Public Relations Committee.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's
1. City appreciation dinner for
2/27. Please RSVP by 2/20.
2. MRPA Boards and Commissions
the Community Center. Even
3. City Council Action:
Ms. Saunders was added
Commission members is
workshop to be held 2/15 at
Event is free - RSVP by 2/12.
a. Resolution passed endorsing the Twin Lake Task
b. Joint pool tickets with New Hope was endorsed.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the
Community Center usage report.
Mr. Gentry reviewed the last Twin Lake Task Force Committee
meeting. The group will meet with MNDOT Hiway 100 project
leader. Funding sources are being investigated. The next
meeting is 2/13/92.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. The
Committee is working on their 1991 financial statement.
Budweiser has promised to support the 192 Frolics with
sponsorship fees at least equal but maybe more than last
year's levels. The Queen Committee has reorganized.
There was no report from the Golf Course Advisory Committee.
The Commission discussed sites for the 1992 summer meetings:
June 3 - Bassett Creek Park/Park Tour
July 8 - Forest Park
August 5 - Twin Oak Park
September 2 - Cavanagh Park
Mr. Brandeen reviewed the Park Capital Improvement Plan.
This was developed by the City Engineer by utilizing the 5 -
Year Plan and was presented to the consultant who is
compiling the city master plan. The Commission had these
* Playground equipment at Bassett Creek Park has been
delayed for several years already. Plan has this
delayed until 1993.
* Pool parking lot expansion is scheduled for 1994.
Concern is that there will be increased use with
joint pool tickets and increased marketing of the
* Widening of Bassett Creek pathways delayed until
1994. This is a current safety issue.
* Wading pool renovation scheduled for 1994. Health
Department regulations may force this to happen
sooner. Presently, it would have to be renovated
if any other renovation work is done at the pool.
Mr. Gentry stressed that the main concerns in the develop-
ment of the plan are: safety and maintenance. Because of
this, some items should not be delayed. The Commission
decided that they will attend the next Planning Commission
meeting to voice their concerns. Mr. Brandeen will contact
the group when arrangements have been made.
Mr. Jungroth asked about fundraising by the Commission. Mr.
Brandeen reported that he and Mr. Dulgar have discussed the
possibility of a foundation to provide fundraising activit-
ies for the city. Mr. Brandeen will contact the city attor-
ney for more information.
Mr. Gentry informed the Commission about MERSC, an employee
recreation group. This may be a way of marketing the water -
slides to other groups. Services are offered at a discount
to member agencies. Mr. Brandeen will check to see if the
city is already a member or if a membership can be pur-
The Commission discussed a letter from charitable gambling
groups regarding discount or no -fee use of the Community
Center. Mr. Gentry felt that a policy statement must be
developed to address this issue. The Commission discussed
the fact that it's hard to determine a dollar amount that
would "buy" a group in to free/discounted usage. Also,
other groups donate money and time to the city but do not
have access to charitable gambling - what would be the
status of those groups? The Commission discussed the fact
there are some costs involved such as clean-up, garbage,
etc. that must be covered. In addition, all permits, etc.
would not be included. The Commission also felt that it was
important to treat these groups the same. A suggestion was
made to ask the city attorney to look into this matter. Mr.
Gentry suggested that a one -year -only proposal granting some
type of functions be written to show our appreciation and
good faith and then that the Commission then have time to
study the implications of this type of request. The Com-
mission will discuss this further at their next meeting. _
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
Next meeting is scheduled for March 4!!
March 4, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission
was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members
present were: Mr. Ertz, Ms. Howard, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Jungroth, Mr.
Johnson, Mr. Theisen and Ms. Moucha. Also present were: Mr. Brandeen
and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the
Community Center usage report.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report:
1. The MRPA Bcards/Commission workshop went well.
More workshops are planned.
2. The 5 -Year Plan was reviewed with the City Planning Commission.
3. The city recognition dinner was very nice.
The Commission discussed the request by the Crystal -New Hope -Plymouth Swim
Club to use the pool for a meet in July. Discussion centered around
financial and legal aspects. The Commission reviewed a memo from the park
superintendent outlining possible unbudgeted costs for repairs to the
waterslide. The swim club offered a $1,000 fee and 30 per cent of
concessions. They would like to keep the meet in the community. In the
past, the meet has rotated between the Crystal and New Hope pools.
Approximately 500 swimmers attend. The Commission discussed possible
alternatives: other locations and using only 6 lanes. The Swim Club felt
that 6 lanes would not work; and at this time, no other locations had been
explored. Mr. Brandeen offered to talk to the New Hope Park & Recreation
Dept. concerning moving the meet there. The main concern the Commission
had was that of additional costs for repairs and possible injuries
resulting from dismantling and re -installing the end of the waterslide.
Moved by Mr. O'Reilly and seconded by Mr. Jungroth to
recommend the denial of the request by the CNHP Swim
Club to use the Crystal Municipal Pool for their July
swim meet based on information from the manufacturer
that slide damage may occur and a potential safety
hazard exists when the end section of the waterslide is
removed and then replaced.
Motion carried -unanimous.
There was no report on the Crystal Frolics Committee meeting.
Mr. Gentry reported on the Twin Lake Task Force meeting. The group met
with MNDOT Highway 100 project leader and discussed MNDOT plans for the
Highway 100 Interchange. The Task Force will next discuss projects,
priorities and funding. Mr. Gentry was thanked for doing a good job of
chairing the meeting.
The Golf Advisory Committee was discussed. Mr. Theisen asked for some
direction from the Commission on this project. Things to be discussed by
the committee include:
Revenues Staffing costs
Land values Equipment costs
Construction costs Financing possibilities: Enterprise fund?
Maintenance costs Off-season uses
Demographics Preference for residents over non-residents
A screening process may be needed for interested people as -the
committee will be limited in size and a variety of expertise required.
The Commission continued their discussion from February regard-
ing Community Center use by charitable gambling organizations.
A policy statement is needed to cover requests of these groups
for Community Center facilities. Discussion centered about
including all civic groups or just charitable gambling groups.
Several possibilities were discussed. After discussion, the
following motion was made.
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Mr. O'Reilly to
recommend that the following policy for Community Center
rentals for Crystal charitable gambling groups be adopted:
*Groups must be a bonafide Crystal charitable gambling
*Request be made 6 months in advance for a 6 -month period.
*A limit of 3 events per year per organization be established.
*Events must be for a special function rather than regular
*Groups must pay direct costs of their building use including:
custodian, supervision and rubbish removal.
*A damage deposit is required for all events.
Motion carried -unanimous.
The Commission Marketing Committee will meet next month at 6:30 p.m.
The Commission reviewed material from Edina regarding the Edina
Foundation. Mr. Brandeen reported that he had talked to the
City Attorney who said that setting up a foundation is relatively
easy. By-laws and a Board of Directors would have to be developed.
It would have to be decided whether the Foundation would be for
parks only or for city-wide projects. Mr. Gentry was concerned
that if the Foundation was for parks only, the city may limit
funding for park projects. More discussion and information is
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
April 1, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr.
Theisen, Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Jungroth,
Mr. Ertz, and Ms. Moucha. Also present were: Mr. Moravec,
council liaison; and Mr. Brandeen and Ms. Hackett from the
department staff. Christine Mann representing Twin Lake
Association also attended.
The minutes were approved with the following addition: Mr
Ertz will assist Mr. Theisen with the Golf Committee.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the
Community Center usage report.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report:
1. MRPA Boards/Commissions: Upcoming Events
8/14 Lakeville: Picnic and Network
9/19 Shoreview: Workshop
11/18-11/21 Rochester: MRPA Conference
2. Discussed setting up a Foundation with Clif French.
Christine Mann from the Twin Lake Association made a pre-
sentation regarding standardizing the snowmobiling/ATV
ordinances between the three cities surrounding Twin Lake.
She felt that Robbinsdale's ordinance was the most specific
and the most desirable ordinance for the association. Mr.
Gentry suggested that this topic be discussed at the Twin
Lake Task Force meeting since all three communities are
represented. He added that the individual city commissions
should discuss this also. A sub -committee from our Commis-
sion could be formed to review the Crystal ordinance.
This will be put on the May agenda. Ms. Mann said she would
put the Commission on the association newsletter. Their
next meeting is April 6.
Ms. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting. Events
are being planned. This year some groups will be charged to
be in the parade. E. J. Cooper will be asked to be the
Grand Marshall. The Frolics Committee will pay $1,500 for
Becker entertainment and $6,000 for softball tourney prize
money. The Crystal Lions have donated $30,000 to the Com-
mittee. The Commission discussed getting a business to
sponsor free waterslides or admission to the pool during the
Mr. Gentry reviewed the last Twin Lake Task Force meeting.
A grant application for funding will be submitted. The
group plans to start with a marked trail under the Hwy 100
bridge to reinforce the concept of a trail - this will help
with discussions with MNDOT. The more trail in place, the
stronger the position of the group in discussions with
MNDOT. Mr. Gentry thanked Mr. Moravec and Mr. Krueger for
attending the last meeting.
The Commission discussed the Golf Course study committee.
The letter and questionnaire were reviewed. This will be
sent to the 50 people that responded with an interest in the
project. Mr. Theisen informed the Commission that he
informally approached the Lions Club regarding funding some
portion of construction costs and/or special events. He
said that the reception was positive and could be pursued
later when a plan is in place and specific requests known.
The Commission was informed about a Wetland Replacement Bill
in discussion which may affect this project.
The Commission discussed a non -fee use of the Community
Center for specific groups. The Council wants to establish
an all-encompassing policy for all city fees and facilities
for non-profit groups as well as standardize the process for
these groups. Mr. Gentry explained that a written policy is
needed and the groups must be defined. Mr. Moravec said
that the city staff has been directed to discuss this
matter. Ms. Hackett informed the Commission that she is on
the staff committee. The committee meets later in April and
she will keep the Commission informed. Mr. Gentry suggested
a joint meeting to review staff recommendations.
The Commission discussed the organization of a Foundation.
Mr. Gentry reported he talked with MRPA Executive Director
Clif French who gave him some other agencies to contact.
The Commission discussed the purpose of the Foundation -
whether it would be for parks only or citywide. Mr. Moravec
suggested that parks be the primary function but also
include other possible projects. The name could be the
Crystal Betterment Foundation. Mr. O'Reilly felt that if
the Foundation was not primarily for parks, it would be best
to pass it on to another group. One concern was discussed
regarding Department Capital Improvement money being cut
because Foundation money could be applied. The Commission
discussed making Foundation grants a matching fund
situation. Also discussed was funding off the interest or
using the principal. Ideas were discussed to solicit
donations. Mr. Moravec suggested checking into becoming a
charitable gambling organization. Mr. Brandeen will check
with other cities that have Foundations and report at the
May meeting.
Mr. Brandeen reported on the Comprehensive Plan review by
the City Council. Parks discussion centered around
increasing park land where possible. The request for fund-
ing the Park Improvement 5 -Year Plan was referred to the
Planning Commission.
Mr. Jungroth reviewed the Marketing Sub -Committee meeting.
Pool concession prices were discussed as well as KLBB radio
promotions and asking shopping centers to sponsor pool days.
Other business was discussed:
1. Mr. Jungroth suggested Halloween Window Painting
for area businesses.
2. Mr. O'Reilly announced that grants are available
for women's bike races.
3. Mr. Ertz asked if the School District swim lessons
and the city lessons were comparable as far as skills
4. Commissioners were reminded of the Easter Egg Hunt
this Saturday.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
May 6, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr. Ertz,
Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Reid, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Theisen, and Ms.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the
Community Center usage report.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report:
-MRPA Board/Commission section activities were reviewed.
The Commission discussed Crystal's snowmobile/ATV ordinance
in relation to Robbinsdale's ordinance which is supported by
the Twin Lake Homeowner's Association. There does not
appear to be too many differences between Robbinsdale's and
Crystal's ordinances. Staff will review both ordinances and
rewrite a suggested ordinance for Crystal for review by the
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Mr. O'Reilly to
recommend that the Crystal city ordinance pertaining
to ATV's and Snowmobiles be amended to be similarly
worded as the City of Robbinsdale ordinance pertaining
to same.
Motion carried - unanimous.
Mr. Reid reviewed the last Crystal Frolics meeting:
-The Firemen donated $4,000 for the softball tourney.
The total prize money is now $10,000.
-Parade entries were reviewed.
-Bike race will be held the weekend before - there will
be two races and a fun ride.
-Becker stage entertainment will be sponsored by the
Crystal Frolics Committee.
-There will be a celebrity softball game Sunday.
-An all-star softball game is planned for Thursday
-The committee is working on the publicity tabloid.
Mr. Gentry reviewed the last Twin Lake Trail meeting:
-Some residents are concerned over the path of
the trailway.
-A preliminary project grant application has been
-There may be some state DNR trail money available.
Mr. Theisen reviewed the status of the Golf Course Study
-A group of seven will be chosen from the 12-15 who
returned the second form.
-The wetlands bill may kill the project. Mr. Theisen
will check with the DNR to get an official ruling on
how the project relates to the wetland bill.
The June regular meeting (June 3) will be at Bassett Creek
Park. A park tour will be held June 17 - 6:30 p.m. Meet at
Bassett Creek Park for dinner.
The Commission discussed the Park & Recreation Capital
Improvement Plan as submitted to the Planning Commission.
Discussion centered around:
-Playground equipment - Bassett Creek - This has been
put off for two years. This is the last park to be
completed. The Commmission would like to finish this
-Repair and Widen Pathway - Bassett Creek - These path-
ways are highly used. There is a major concern for
-Repair Tennis Courts: Bassett Creek & Lions Valley P1.
There is a potential safety hazard involved that could
result in a lawsuit.
The Commission discussed the first priority of the CIP
should be maintenance items, then construction items.
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Ms. Moucha at
recommend the original 1992 Park and Recreation eight -
item CIP program be submitted to the City Council for
their consideration.
Year 1992
Playground Equipment Bassett Creek
Repair and Widen Pathway - Bassett Cr.
Backstops (2) Forest
Enlarge Parking Lot at Pool
MAC Park/Twin Lake Trailway
Master Plan/Study
Repair Tennis Courts - Valley
Repair Tennis Courts - Bassett
Picnic Building - Bassett Cr.
P1./Maint. 20,000
Cr./Maint. 5,000
Motion carried - unamimous.
The Commission discussed the Foundation concept. There are
several formats or structures that a Crystal Foundation
could take. Commission members are asked to think about the
structure and discuss it at the next meeting. After the
Foundation is defined, then a Board of Directors be selected
and by-laws written.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the work of the staff committee on city
fees and fee waivers.
Ms. Hackett distributed flyers on the annual Bass Lake Road
flower planting.
Mr. O'Reilly requested that Mr. Brandeen write a letter of
support for the women's division of the bike race. This
will enable him to received a grant for additional prize
Mr. Jungroth announced that Channel 23 will also sell pool
ticket certificates, etc.
Mr. Brandeen officially informed the Commission of his
retirement effective May 29. He thanked the Commission for
their work and dedication.
Mr. Ertz thanked Mr. Brandeen for throwing out the first
pitch for Little League.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene Hackett
June 3, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry at Bassett Creek Park. Members
present were: Mr. Gentry, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, Mr.
O'Reilly, Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, and Mr. Theisen. Also
present were Ms. Langsdorf from the City Council, Ms.
Hackett, Mr. Tostenson, and Ms. Montzka from the department
staff, and Doug Wagner from the Police Department.
The minutes of the May 6 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the monthly activity report and the
Community Center usage report.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report:
- MRPA meeting will be next Tuesday after which he will
have a report.
- Twin Lake Task Force is suspended until September.
They are waiting to hear from the State about grant
applications. At last meeting one resident expressed
his concerns about cost to taxpayers, effect on
property values, and the safety of the trails.
The meeting was then opened to the public for their
- Security, vandalism, and "flashers": Officer Wagner of
the Police Department reported on the steps taken by
the Police Department --frequent patrols by officers
while on duty and patrols by Community Service
Officers, stressing the point that reports by residents
is the most effective. He also discussed the bike
patrol program.
- Traffic Problems: People are not stopping for the stop
signs on 32nd at Adair and Xenia. Officer Wagner
suggested that residents report at which times this
most like to occur so that officers could be there to
give out tickets. A resident suggested that perhaps
the stop sign on Adair could be better marked, for
example pedestrian crossing lines or flashing yellow
lights since he thought people just did not see the
stop sign.
Parking Problems: Parking on both sides of the street
during softball games makes driving hazardous. Some
residents felt that one side of the street should be
marked "no parking." Others felt that there was
inadequate parking space available, that the problem
was only once in a while, and that a no parking area
might create more problems than it solved.
- Problems Between Bikes and Walkers on the Trail:
Walkers at the meeting felt that this was not a problem
although there had been an accident this year.
- Mess from the Geese: Mr. Tostenson reported that it is
swept everyday when the geese are here. However, in
early spring and fall the maintenance crew can barely
keep up. Some geese have been picked up and sent down
to Rochester.
- Removal of Wood Playground Equipment and Replacement of
Playground Equipment: The wood equipment was taken out
because of liability issues (slivers, etc.). The
purchase of playground equipment has been put off for
two years because of budget cuts and is scheduled for
1993. However, if there are more budget cuts,
replacement may again be delayed.
Mr. Theisen reported on the Golf Advisory Committee. He has
received the rules and regulations regarding wetlands and
plans to set up a meeting of the Committee sometime within
the next ten days. He stressed that a golf course would
have to be self-sustaining financially and must not in any
way harm the wetlands environment.
Ms. Reid updated the Commission on the activities of the
Frolics Committee, the dunk tank, the parade, queen
candidates, fireworks, buttons, and the ad brochure. The
cut-off date for the brochure will be June 29 and they will
be delivered on the Wednesday before the Frolics.
Ms. Hackett presented a report comparing the differences
between Robbinsdale's and Crystal's Snowmobile/ATV
Ordinance. Crystal's ordinance should be changed to include
off-road recreation vehicles (ATV's). However, in some
instances the Commission thought Crystal's ordinance was
better. Also, Brooklyn Center's ordinance should be in
agreement. It was decided that the ordinance should be
referred back to the Twin Lake Association for them to work
It was moved by Mr. O'Reilly and seconded by Jungroth
that last months motion regarding the Crystal city
ordinance pertaining to ATV's and snowmobiles be
Motion carried - unanimous.
The staff committee on City fees and fee waivers is still
working and will be making recommendations.
Ms. Hackett reported that she had a document from the City
of Minnetonka which described a structure which would be a
good starting point for the development of a structure for a
Crystal Foundation. A subcommittee composed of Ms. Moucha,
Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Gentry, and Mr. Jungroth was formed to set
up the structure and bring it back to the group.
Other Business:
There will be a supper followed by a tour of the parks
conducted by Ed Brandeen at Bassett Creek Park at 6:30
on June 17. The City Council and Park and Recreation
staff will also be invited. A reminder will be sent.
Ms. Reid will pick up the flowers for the Bass Lake
Road flower planting on June 6 and will set up a time
for the planting to take place.
Mr. Jungroth reported that Channel 23 is doing well
selling pool ticket certificates, birthday parties,
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
September 4, 1992
Cavanagh Park
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Mr.
Theisen, Mr. Ertz and Mr. Jungroth. Also present were
Officers Drake and Wagner of the Police Department; and, Mr.
Tostenson and Ms. Hackett from the department staff.
Minutes of the August 5 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Monthly Activity Report, the Commu-
nity Center Usage Report, the Shade Tree Disease Program
Status, and the Report on Vandalism in City Parks.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report:
- MRPA picnic was held with eight cities being
- MNDOT is planning to meet with our Twin Lake Task
Force later this fall.
The meeting was then opened to the public for their
- Hitting golf balls in the park was the major
- A lot of horseplay goes on near Toledo Ave. -
jumping on and loud noise from cars.
- Vandalism near Cavanagh School.
Discussion followed with Officer Drake stating that the only
way the Police Department can solve problems is for resi-
dents to notify them. He suggested to call the Police
Department even if the residents think it is a small matter;
the call will be on record and the Police Department will
get back to them when they can. He suggested that the
Neighborhood Watch would be a good way for the residents to
network to keep the neighborhood safe. Most crimes are
solved by calling the Police Department as well as 911.
Officer Drake urged the residents to get a Neighborhood
Watch started and said he would be glad to meet with
them to get it going and/or to help with specific problems -
there is strength with the Police Department and residents
working together. Officer Wagner stated that the Bike
Patrol will be starting up next week and that also should
help in keeping the parks safe.
The "Adopt -A -Park" program was discussed. Ms. Hackett said
there is concern about the recent vandalism at Bassett Creek
Park. Mr. Tostenson stated that the vandalism usually takes
place at dark with groups meeting at the park at that time.
Ways to stop vandalism were then suggested: Retired persons
monitoring the parks during the day is a good resource.
Also, Officer Drake suggested saturating the area from 34th
Av. south with letters regarding the Neighborhood Watch.
Maybe this could attract people of different interests and
get them involved that way. North Lions and Broadway parks
already have groups meeting; contacting them to hear of
their operation might be helpful. Officer Drake said he
would have squads patrolling the area more often. Other
suggestions were to use community television, and continue
using the POST and the city newsletter for announcements
regarding park safety and vandalism. Mr. Gentry asked what
the overall concept of the program should be? Basically, it
should be thought of as an extension of one's backyard.
Mr. Theisen reported that the Golf Course Committee would
be meeting on September 5 with the purpose of resetting an
agenda and reorganizing. He will have more information at
the next meeting.
The City Council approved the application for Crystal to
become a Tree City. Julie Jones applied for a grant for the
Arbor Fest which is to be held on October 3 and has asked
for the commissioners' help along with that of the
Environmental Quality Commission. Chairman Gentry and Mr.
Ertz volunteered to help at this fest. Their sub -committee
will finalize plans this week. The agenda goes as follows:
10-1 PM Speakers - Tree Seminars
1 PM Welcome Park - Tree Planting Ceremony
They are hoping to have evergreen seedlings and $50 coupons
as door prizes. Statements will be made by the mayor,
city manager, city forester and Park & Recreation Advisory
Commission chairman, etc. A rough draft of the tree ordin-
ance was distributed.
The commission then reviewed and prioritized the 5 -Year
Capital Improvements projects. Ms. Hackett said the finance
director wants the five year plan requests to his office by
next week. Since there isn't enough time to review the
entire plan, the Commission will make a recommendation for
1993 and 1994 at this meeting. The 1994 projects will be
discussed at the next meeting. Two items in the PIR Fund to
be delayed until 1996 are:
(1) Widening the pathway at Bassett Creek Park. Will
hold off until the plans for Highway 100 & Corps
of Engineers are finalized.
(2) Fence replacement at Becker. Fence is showing
wear and will take too much money to fix it.
Safety is the major concern here.
A staff committee of Mr. Monk, Ms. George, and Ms. Hackett
have been working on setting new rental rates for civic and
community service groups at the Community Center.
The result was basically cutting out #3 and putting youth
and adult groups together. The new category would be called
Civic/Community Service Groups.
Mr. Tostenson discussed the storage building need at Becker
Park. He feels it would be much more convenient to have a
metal building to store the benches and mower at the park
instead of constantly hauling them back and forth to the
shop. The benches are very awkward to load and unload as
are the fiberglas picnic tables used at the park. Question
was asked as to where and how well it would blend in with
the environment. It was suggested that a drawing would be
helpful to envision this. Mr. Tostenson said he could come
up with a drawing in the near future.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Simonson
July 8, 1992
Forest Park
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Bill
Gentry at Forest Park. Members present were: Mr. Ertz, Mr. Gentry,
Mr. Jungroth, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Reid, and Ms. Saunders. Also present
were Mr. Grimes and Mr. Moravec from the City Council, Ms. Hackett,
Mr. Tostenson, Mr. Mortenson, and Ms. Montzka from the department
staff, and Officer Wagner from the Police Department.
The minutes of the June 3 meeting were approved.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Monthly Activity Report, the Community
Center Usage Report, the Shade Tree Disease Program Status, and the
Report on Vandalism in City Parks.
The meeting was opened to the public for their concerns:
- Residents reported their frustration at having the vandals gone
by the time police responded to their complaints of vandalism.
- Residents were also concerned about speeding along 48th Avenue.
Officer Wagner suggested that they get license numbers,
particularly for those regular offenders.
Ms. Reid reported on the progress of the Frolics Committee.
Volunteers from the Commission were sought to judge the Kiddie Parade
(Ms. Saunders, Mr. Gentry, possibly Ms. Reid, and Ms. Moucha was
volunteered), to man the Dunk Tank (Ms. Saunders, Mr. O'Reilly, and
Mr. Jungroth), and to ride in the parade (Ms. Saunders, Ms. Reid and
possibly others).
Mr. Ertz reported that the Golf Committee is at a standstill as the
land may have been dedicated to specific use when the LAWCON Grant
was received for the development of the park. The Committee is
checking with LAWCON on the situation.
Mr. Gentry reported on the progress of the Foundation Committee. Mr.
Gentry, Ms. Moucha, and Ms. Hackett have begun work on a document
which they hope to present to the Commission at the September
meeting. They will want feedback from the Commission as they move
Ms. Hackett brought up several questions for the Commission to
discuss regarding subsidies for swimming pool passes. Among items
for consideration was should there be a subsidy, should there be
income guidelines, would the subsidy be for the whole family or only
for the children, and what are possible sources for funding.
The Commission then moved on to discuss park and recreation ordinance
changes and additions.
- Ms. Hackett reported that the Forester received several
complaints about trees that are dead but do not have Dutch Elm
Disease. The Forester thinks there should be a nuisance tree
ordinance as these trees are dangerous during storms with limbs
and trees falling down in storms, etc.
- Mr. Gentry reported that he is again receiving complaints about
dog feces in the parks. Perhaps the ordinance should be changed
to say no dogs allowed in the park. The Commission also
discussed ways in which the current ordinance could be enforced
suggesting that Ms. Hackett discuss the situation with Chief
Mossey as a possible project for either the Community Service
Officers or the Police Reserve.
The MRPA picnic for commission members and their families is August
14. September 12 there will be a three-day event about grants and
grantsmanship. The Annual meeting is in Rochester November 18-21
with Saturday geared to commission members.
Third Annual Barbecue at Bill Gentry's will be next Wednesday, July
July 9 is Park and Recreation Day at the Crystal Shopping Center.
There will be craft projects and games.
The Park and Recreation Department is working on in the 1993 budget
preparation. There is concern that the State Legislature will again
reduce state aids.
Ms. Hackett introduced Chad Mortenson who is an intern in the
Commissioners were reminded that they should let Gene Hackett or Bill
Gentry know if they are unable to attend the Commission meetings.
Councilperson Grimes announced that Honeywell has funds for community
development projects. He thought the Twin Lake Trail system would be
a project which they might fund. At this point the Trail is still at
the planning stage. However, after much discussion it was thought
that such grant money could be used for upgrading and signage of the
part of the trail that already exists. Gene was directed to talk to
the park directors at the other cities involved in the project
whether they would be interested.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
October 7, 1992
Crystal Community Center
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation Advisory
Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Bill
Gentry at the Crystal Community Center. Members present were: Ms.
Barrett, Mr. Ertz, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Jungroth, Ms. Moucha, Mr.
O'Reilly, Ms. Reid, Ms. Saunders, and Mr. Theisen. Also present were
Ms. Hackett, Mr. Tostenson, and Ms. Montzka from the department
The minutes of the September meeting were approved.
Jody Barrett, the new member of the Commission, was introduced. The
Commission is still looking for one more member. The central and
Broadway Park areas are underrepresented.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Monthly Activity Report, the Community
Center Usage Report, 4_-e Shade Tree Disease Program Status, and the
Report on Vandalism in :pity Parks. She also distributed a letter to
the editor which appeared in the Post praising the MAC nature area
and trails.
Mr. Theisen reported on the progress of the Golf Committee.
Currently they are having trouble getting in touch with the owner of
a large portion of land west of Brunswick Avenue. Since this land is
designated as wetlands, we may not want to use this land for the golf
course anyway. At this point the Committee is still looking into the
feasibility of a golf course and there are many matters (such as
impact on the usage of the rest of the park and whether a golf course
would be cost effective) which still need to be investigated.
Several Commission members expressed the opinion that if the area
between Brunswick and Douglas was not used for the golf course it
should be cleaned up and alternative uses found. Mr. Tostenson
reported that the Corps of Engineers will be dredging the area and
their plans may impact the golf course design.
Ms. Reid brought the Commission up to date on the Crystal Frolics.
Bills have not all come in and several groups still owe money to the
Frolics Committee.
The Commission discussed the summer meetings at the individual parks.
The Commission felt that they were worthwhile, but felt there should
be some incentive for residents to attend --refreshments, tee shirts,
or a drawing --to see if the number attending would increase.
Ms. Moucha represented the Tree Board (another function of the Park
and Recreation Advisory Commission) at the Arborfest and reported
that the activities were very nicely organized and executed. Coupons
to purchase trees were given out and several were left so those
people who had removed diseased trees this year were sent letters to
participate in a drawing for these coupons.
Mr. Tostenson shared the plans for a Becker Park storage building to
be used for storage of benches as well other items used at Becker
Park events. Ed Thonander is approaching several groups for the
financing of this project.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the 1993 Budget Request. The following were
brought to the Commission's attention:
Commission dues to MRPA were recommended to be eliminated.
Commission members thought this was an excellent opportunity for
the Commission to become informed as to how other departments
were functioning, and that this was one of the few fringe
benefits of being a volunteer. It was also pointed out that if
the City were to get an agency membership the cost would be only
$120.00 more than by getting individual memberships for the
three professional staff.
Park Maintenance lost a new mower and a clothing allowance.
Recreation lost a full-time Park and Recreation Director
position, but were able to increase a Recreation Supervisor from
part-time to full-time. In response to a question regarding the
director position, Ms. Hackett reported that several options are
still being discussed. She indicated that Park Maintenance
would be going to the Public Works Department. Mr. Ertz stated
that in the instances he knew of where Park Maintenance became
part of Public Works, the parks suffered.
It was moved by Mr. Ertz and seconded by all that the Park
and Recreation Department remain together as a department
and not become a division of another department.
Motion carried - unanimous
It was moved by Mr. Theisen and seconded by Mr. Jungroth
that the logical individual to fill the directorship of the
Park and Recreation Department was Gene Hackett.
Motion carried - unanimous
The Health Department has been recommended to be eliminated and
the City will use the services of Hennepin County. The
Department will have to pay for pool inspections and food
licences. This will also affect the Frolics Committee.
Expenses for a tree sale were recommended to be eliminated from
the Forestry budget.
Community Center budget was left at status quo.
An Enterprise Fund was established which would include swimming
lesson fees, pool admissions, and waterslide fees so that the
pool would become self-sustaining.
Ms. Hackett distributed "Park and Recreation Policies Relating to
Facility Use and Fees Charged" which will be discussed and voted on
next month. Ms. Hackett pointed out some of the changes and new
policies (park facilities and use of Becker Park stage). In the
discussion which followed the following issues were raised by
Commission members:
Should recreation be tax supported or fee supported?
We should not raise Community Center fees to the point where we
price ourselves out of business.
Why not list the Community Center in the yellow pages under
"Halls" as this is an excellent advertisement.
When membership fees for the Senior Program were increased for
1992, membership dropped 25 percent.
The followiflg was brought up under "Other Business":
The next meeting of the Foundation Subcommittee (Mr. Gentry,
Ms. Hackett, Ms. Moucha, Mr. Jungroth, and Mr. O'Reilly) will be
Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 at the Community Center.
The Public Relations, Marketing, and Bassett Creek Water
Management subcommittees reported on their discussions.
Ms. Hackett reported on the 1993 PIR request which was submitted
to the City Council.
Ms. Barrett inquired as to the status of playground equipment
for Memory Lane Park. At this point there needs to be a
feasibility study by the City Engineer because of the sloping
Mr. Jungroth reported that Hostermann is following the new Red
Cross guidelines and that their swimming lessons are excellent.
Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Montzka
December 2, 1992
The regular meeting of the Crystal Park and Recreation
Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:04p.m. by
Chairperson Bill Gentry. Members present were: Ms. Moucha,
Ms. Reid, Mr. Ertz, and Mr. Jungroth. Absent members were:
Ms. Saunders, Ms. Barrett, and Mr. O'Reilly. Also present
from city staff were Mr. Tostenson, Mr. Monk and Ms.
Minutes of the November meeting were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Monthly Activity Report, the
Community Center Usage Report, and the Report on Vandalism
in City Parks. The Vandalism reports will be sent to the
Post newspapers.
Mr. Gentry gave the Chairperson's report: He and Ms. Moucha
discussed the highlights of the MRPA Board & Commission
workshop that was held in November. The MRPA annual
conference will be held in Minneapolis next year. A grant
from Honeywell for the Twin Lake Trail System was
Ms. Hackett reported on Memory Lane playground equipment.
The resident expected to attend this meeting on behalf of
the neighborhood was not present. Playground equipment cost
estimates were received and presented to the Commission.
Discussion was opened regarding the safety of the area.
Concerns were voiced regarding the water levels, and also
access to the park/pond area. Other discussion centered on
designating certain parks as passive areas only. Ms.
Hackett will look into the history of the land dedication of
Memory Lane - if it is "Park", "Pond" or "Pond/Park". This
area will not be listed as a designated sliding area this
year and will not be lit.
Moved by Ms. Moucha and seconded by Ms. Reid to
recommend that if Memory Lane land area was dedicated
as a park, it then be re -designated as a passive,
open space rather than a designated park area.
Motion carried - unanimous.
The commission discussed Ms. Hackett and Mr. Monk's memo
regarding division of responsibilities between the
departments of parks, public works, and recreation. At this
time the changes are administrative only. Services will not
be affected. Concerns were voiced that at this time, the
right personalities are working together, but will this plan
still work farther down the road if there are other
personalities involved. Other concerns were voiced as to
how long it may be before the parks and recreation programs
will suffer due to finances. Concerns were also brought up
as to the combined shift of power and cost efficiency - are
there really any fiscal advantages? The City Manager has
been asked to the next meeting to discuss the long term plan
and to address the Commission's questions and concerns.
The Commission discussed the Twin Lake Trail System. Mr.
Monk presented maps that will be used to define the core
trail system. Exactly how the costs will be divided is
still unsettled. One idea is to.split the cost equally
between the three cities. This seems to be the least ideal
plan since Brooklyn Center's portion of the Trail System
covers a much larger area than Crystal's. Crystal doesn't
want to pay more than what will actually benefit their own
city. Since the project didn't qualify for the LAWCON
grant, applying for the ISTEA grant was discussed. The
project does fit their criteria for receiving a grant.
Discussion took place as to the concept plan as it relates
to the Metro Council's master plan, and Metro Council
funding sources.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the tree ordinance and her
correspondence from Ann Norris, Community Development
Director. The Commission was correct - the proposed
ordinance does not cover hazardous trees. If this situation
should come up, portions of the City Code regarding
nuisances would be used. The latest ordinance does not
include a replanting list, but probably should. This will
be discussed at a later meeting. A structure for the Tree
Board will be discussed at the January meeting.
The Commission discussed Arbor Day and Arborfest. The State
Dept. of Natural Resources sponsors the "Tree City USA"
Program and has grant money available. The grant is a 50/50
matching grant and Crystal could apply since we have tree
City Status. Hackett will have 3 or 4 options at the
January meeting.
The election of officers was held. The officers for 1993
are as follows:
Chairperson: Bill Gentry
Vice -Chairperson: Mary Moucha
Secretary: Liz Reid
Activity Assistance was discussed. Ms. Hackett would like
more formal guidelines set. Other City's policies and
applications were discussed as possible guidelines to use.
Tentative guidelines discussed were as follows:
-Crystal residents will be asked to pay what they can
-Non-residents will be asked to pay 50% if financially
-Assistance will be available to adults and children
-Limited to one activity per person/per quarter
-If no financial guidelines are used to determine
eligibility, ask if they receive free or reduced
school lunches
Ms. Hackett will have an application made up to review at
the January meeting.
Winterfest was discussed. Sign up sheets were passed around
for the committee to volunteer their time. All events are
free. Popcorn, cider, pop and coffee will be sold.
Ms. Reid gave a Crystal Frolics update. The dunk tank was
so popular that it will be used again this year. The same
person who organized the parade last year will do it again
this year. Putting a beer stand closer to the music was
discussed. This might not be possible due to power usage.
All contracts have been signed for fireworks, etc. The next
Frolics meeting will be held the 4th Monday of January.
The Golf Committee had no report.
Bill Gentry and Charley Tostenson went
Scout pack meeting to present a plaque
cleaned up Bassett Creek Park. While
dens volunteered their help for other
Meeting adjourned at 8:42p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Noor
to St. Raphael's Cub
to the Den who
they were there, other
cleanup or similar