18-11 Approved Commission MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes November 7, 2018 Crystal Community Center The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Commission Vice Chair Erin Kolb. Commission members in attendance were: Lynn Haney, Erin Kolb, David Pascoe, Andy Leipold, Meredith Torres-Walsh and Patrick Rosenquist. Also present were Olga Parsons, Council Liaison; John Elholm, Brad Fortin and Scott Berggren from the City Staff. Commission members absent: Lori Merriam and Tiffany Kovaleski Mr. Yoder was present. He is a Crystal resident who expressed his interest in having an archery range in one of the Crystal Parks. He provided information on a similar range located in Eden Prairie. Mr. Pascoe made a motion to approve the October Park and Recreation Commission minutes; Mr. Rosenquist seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for October were approved as written. Ms. Haney gave the chair report in place of Ms. Merriam who was absent. Ms. Haney delivered a message from Ms. Merriam thanking everyone for the flowers and well wishes since she’s been injured. Mr. Elholm gave project updates on the Becker and Welcome Park Projects. Welcome Park is mostly complete at this time. The ballfield lights are working and the new hockey rink has been completed. The remaining steps is for the contractor to finish cleaning up the site, and to finalize the PA system for the ballfield. Removing items from Becker Park has begun. All the fences have been removed and recycled, and many other items are gone from the site; many being sold at auction. Mr. Elholm will be requesting approval of a demolition contract to remove the existing building; and a purchase agreement to sell the existing playground for $1 to a non-profit organization who will refurbish the playground and send it overseas to be re-used. Mr. Berggren reminded the commission of the upcoming Winterfest event on Saturday, December 1. Approximately 900-1100 people attend Winterfest at the Crystal Community Center. Each year a few commission members volunteer at the event. This year Ms. Haney, Ms. Torres-Walsh, Mr. Rosenquist and Mr. Leipold will be volunteering. There will also be a new set of volunteers from the VFW Auxiliary this year. Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 November 7, 2018 Mr. Elholm talked briefly about the Crystal Ball in 2019. This year’s ball will be on Friday, February 22 at the Crystal Community Center. The Recreation Department has taken a more active role in planning the event. They have booked the band and have set-up ticket and meal options through their online registration system. There will still be opportunities for additional volunteers to help with certain aspects of the event. Ms. Parsons presented the council report. They have done a study of the utility rates in the City of Crystal. Based on the study, new rates will be set, which will be a savings for many. They continue to talk about the budget, as well as the feasibility of building a new police station. Ms. Parsons also recognized that the Public Works Department received an award for weather preparedness. Mr. Pascoe gave a Crystal Fund report. There are still currently 4 breweries committed for the “Cheers to Crystal” event. Over the next few weeks they will be determining whether or not this event should continue as is, be postponed or be cancelled. Additional volunteers will be necessary to move the event forward. Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation programming. They both made reference to information presented in the commission packet. Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. He reported that he will be requesting a change in month for holding commission elections from December to January. Mr. Elholm also updated the Commission on a couple grant opportunities for Becker Park. We did not receive a Paul’s Pals grant, but we did apply for a Hennepin County Youth Sports Grant, which would be awarded in mid-December. He also mentioned the website for the Becker Park project: www.beckerpark.com. He’s been promoting the site, and encouraging people to visit to learn more about the project. Ms. Haney gave a Crystal Frolics report. The committee is working on plans for the 2019 Frolics to be headquartered at Welcome Park, and the future 2020 Frolics at Becker Park. There will still be two nights of fireworks, but there will be no carnival. Mr. Pascoe made a motion to adjourn the November Park and Recreation Commission meeting; Ms. Torres-Walsh seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. John Elholm, Recorder