18-10 Approved Commission MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
October 3, 2018
Crystal Community Center
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by
Commission Chair Lori Merriam.
Commission members in attendance were: Lynn Haney, Erin Kolb, Lori Merriam, David Pascoe,
Andy Leipold, Meredith Torres-Walsh and Patrick Rosenquist. Also present were Olga Parsons,
Council Liaison; John Elholm, Brad Fortin and Scott Berggren from the City Staff.
Commission members absent: Tiffany Kovaleski
Mr. Stahlecker was also present. He is a Crystal Resident who frequents the Bassett Creek Dog
Park. He expressed interest in having a license for the dogs who attend the dog park.
Ms. Torres-Walsh made a motion to approve the September Park and Recreation Commission
minutes; Mr. Rosenquist seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes
for September were approved as written.
Ms. Merriam gave her chairperson’s repot. She acknowledged how nice the new digital sign
looked at the Crystal Community Center.
Mr. Elholm gave the commission a brief overview of the new park signs that will be going into
the parks over the next few years. The budget for new park signs is $10,000 each year. Park
sign size and quantity will be determined based on the parks designation in the Parks System
Master Plan.
Mr. Elholm provided information on the Becker park project. We are trying to inform people of
what will be happening to the park in a number of different ways. The city is working with
Flagship Recreation to create www.beckerpark.com. There will also be banners hanging at the
park throughout the project directing people to the website. A rendered image of Becker Park
will appear in the 2019 Town Planner Calendar during the month of April.
Mr. Elholm also discussed the funding for the Becker Park project. He showed that the $3
million park project would be funded through the City Council, Crystal EDA, outside
organizations, grants and donations. He showed the amenities that are going into the park.
Mr. Elholm also addressed that removal of current site amenities would be happening soon.
This includes the removal of the current park building, which the Commission approved of. As
the removals are happening, certain items in better condition will be auctioned off, or salvaged
for use in other parks or cites.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 October 3, 2018
Ms. Parsons presented the council report. The City Council set the preliminary tax levy at 3%.
As budget talks go on through December this number could change, but will not exceed 3%.
Mr. Pascoe gave a Crystal Fund report. There are currently 4 breweries committed for the
“Cheers to Crystal” event. Over the coming weeks the committee will be working on acquiring
more breweries, securing event insurance, booking a band and ordering glass wear for
Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation
programming. They both made reference to information presented in the commission packet.
Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. He reported that the recreation department would have
good representation at the Minnesota Recreation and Parks annual conference in Rochester.
Ms. Haney gave a Crystal Frolics report. Overall revenue was down in 2018, mainly due to the
rainy weather. Ms. Haney was pleased with the attendance at the Sunday family festival, and
also thought the parks staff did a great job with the softball tournament.
Mr. Pascoe made a motion to adjourn the September Park and Recreation Commission meeting;
Ms. Haney seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.
John Elholm, Recorder