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2018.07.17 Work Session Packet (1st)
4141 Douglas Drive North • Crystal, Minnesota 55422-1696 Tel: (763) 531-1000 • Fax: (763) 531-1188 • www.crystalmn.gov Posted: July 13, 2018 City Council Work Session Agenda July 17, 2018 6:30 p.m. Conference Room A Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the work session of the Crystal City Council was held at ______ p.m. on July 17, 2018 in Conference Room A, 4141 Douglas Dr. N., Crystal, Minnesota. I.Attendance Council Members ____ LaRoche ____ Parsons ____ Adams ____ Budziszewski Staff ____ Norris ____ Therres ____ Gilchrist ____ Ray ____ Revering ____ Olson ____ Sutter ____ Serres ____ Dahl ____ Deshler ____ Kolb II.Agenda The purpose of the work session is to discuss the following agenda items: 1.Proposed Town Center amendments to Unified Development Code (UDC). III.Adjournment The work session adjourned at ______ p.m. Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling the City Clerk at (763) 531- 1145 at least 96 hours in advance. TTY users may call Minnesota Relay at 711 or 1-800-627-3529. TOWN CENTER AMENDMENTS TO THE UDC PAGE 1 OF 5 ______________________________________________________________ FROM: Dan Olson, City Planner ____________________________________________________________________ TO: Anne Norris (for July 17 Meeting) DATE: July 12, 2018 RE: Discuss ordinance amendments for proposed town center districts A. BACKGROUND At the July 17, 2018 City Council work session the Council is being asked to discuss proposed amendments to the unified development code (UDC) to allow “Town Center” land use in the city’s main commercial area, as well as three other areas designated as redevelopment areas in the proposed 2040 comprehensive plan. Staff has been working with a consultant to write the proposed ordinance. This same consultant presented an introduction to the proposed town center concepts at a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on April 19, 2018. Attachment: A. Proposed zoning map B. PROPOSED TOWN CENTER AMENDMENTS The following are the notable proposed amendments to the UDC. 1. Two districts: Two new zoning districts are proposed: Town Center core district (TC): The requirements of this district are for the redevelopment of properties within the district boundaries shown on attachment A. The site development standards for this district wo uld be mandatory if the property is redeveloped. Town center overlay district (TO): The requirements of this district are optional for the property owner when the property is redeveloped. If the owner decides not to opt into the overlay district stand ards, then the underlying zoning district would determine the required regulations. Those property owners who decide to opt into the overlay requirements, would follow the requirements of the town center core district, with a few exceptions. COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Proposed Town Center Districts TOWN CENTER AMENDMENTS TO THE UDC PAGE 2 OF 5 The following graphics explain how redevelop occurs in both districts: 2. Building placement and form: The new districts emphasize the building’s placement on the lot. The following are n oteworthy requirements: Setbacks. The building would be setback at least 1’ from the front property line, but no more than 12’ from that same line. Current front setbacks in other commercial districts are 30’. Façade. The building would have a primary entryway. On that primary façade: o At least 50% of the façade would be requ ired to have windows, while any upper floors would have at least 30% windows. o At least 30% of the windows are to remain free of signage o The building shall occupy at least 80% of the length along the property line. Building height. The height limits would be the same as the Commercial and Industrial districts: 5 stories or 60’, whichever is less. For those areas in the TO district near single or two family dwellings, buildings would have lower height limits. Encroachments. Certain building elements, such as awnings, would be allowed to encroach into the required setback. 3. Land Uses: TC district. The main objective in allowing specific land uses is to create a vibrant street scene. This is especially important considering that the TC district is relatively small in size. To create that street scene, uses would be limited to retail, restaurants, and offices. Multi-family residential uses TOWN CENTER AMENDMENTS TO THE UDC PAGE 3 OF 5 would also be allowed to m ix within the same building or on the same property. TO district. Several uses would be allowed in the TO district, in addition to those allowed in the TC district: o Attached one-family dwellings (townhouses and row houses) o Hotels and motels o Industrial uses (with no outside storage) o Public buildings o Religious institutions o Schools o Day care centers 4. New street connections: Within the city’s main commercial area, there are opportunities to create better street connections if the properties are redeveloped. The approximate alignments of new public street connections are shown as highlighted on the graphic below, with affected properties outlined in red. TOWN CENTER AMENDMENTS TO THE UDC PAGE 4 OF 5 Upon redevelopment of one of these properties, the developer would be required to construct the respective street connections. The proposed ordinance will have width requirements for right-of-way, street pavement, and sidewalks. 5. Parking: Current UDC requirements: The following are the current minimum requirements in the UDC: o Multi-family dwellings: 2 spaces per unit, one of which must be enclosed o Restaurants: 1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area o Retail/office: 1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area TC district. Within the TC district, no off-street parking would be required. If a developer proposes to build a parking lot, the lot would be located behind the building. TO district. Within the TO district, there are two options: one suggested by city staff and one suggested by the consultant: o Staff proposal: The developer provides 50% of the normal off- street parking requirement. o Consultant proposal: Multi-family buildings would provide ¾ or 1 parking space per unit; any commercial building would provide 1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, with the ability to reduce this requirement through shared parking located within 2 blocks. The following are current examples of parking spaces for three properties in Crystal: 1. Inka dental office, 6209 – 42nd Ave N: Provided on site: 13 spaces Currently required by UDC: 6 spaces Required under staff proposal: 3 spaces Required under consultant proposal: 2 spaces 2. Lamplighter Square shopping center, 2700 Douglas Drive: Provided on site: 116 spaces Currently required by UDC: 36 spaces Required under staff proposal: 18 spaces Required under consultant proposal: 36 spaces 3. McDonald’s restaurant, 5400 West Broadway: Provided on site: 62 spaces Currently required by UDC: 51 spaces Required under staff proposal: 26 spaces Required under consultant proposal: 9 spaces 6. Approval of site plans: The proposed ordinance requires City Council approval of a site plan after a Planning Commission public hearing and recommendation. TOWN CENTER AMENDMENTS TO THE UDC PAGE 5 OF 5 The consultant proposed that site plans be approved by city staff based on the principle that the regulations are precise enough that a developer does not have discretion in meeting the requirements. Staff opinion is that the same site plan review and approval process should apply anywhere in the city. Council direction is needed on consultant’s approach vs. staff’s approach. C. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION The following is the proposed schedule for adopting a new ordinance: August 13 Planning Commission public hearing August 21 Council considers first reading of ordinance September 4 Council considers second reading and adoption September 13 Summary of ordinance published October 13 Effective date of ordinance Because the affected areas exceed five acres, state law does not require the city to notify affected property owners of the new zoning districts. However , staff proposes to send a public hearing notice to all properties to be rezoned, as well as those property owners within 500 feet of those properties. D. REQUESTED ACTION Staff requests Council discussion and direction to staff regarding these proposed ordinance amendments. The next step would be a Planning Commission public hearing on the amendments and subsequent Council action. 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4741 47404731 472447214730 4765 4735 4761 4725 4720 5565 47554751 4734 4744 3530 3416 611961156129610562056215 6908 6900 6914 6920 6906 6918 6902 4121 54 5326 34213435 4800 6111 5836 61136211 6213 6121 6209 6109 6107 6127 7245 7279 7225 7235 7259 7265 7269 7289 7249 7239 7255 54 3423 3433 6402 5213 3429 3425 4808 54 4710 5616 6016 5334 4836 7007 4740 5524 3421 6113 7015 6812 6116 5421 5415 6050 6010 4455 5233 Proposed Zoning Map ® 0.25 0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Base Districts ZONES: R-1 - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-2 - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-3 - HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL C - COMMERCIAL TC - TOWN CENTER CORE I - INDUSTRIAL AP - AIRPORT DISTRICT Planned Development Overlay District Town Center Overlay District Floodplain Overlay District Adath Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery Glen Haven Memorial Gardens Cemetery City of Crystal Community Development Department 4141 Douglas Drive North, Crystal, MN 55422-1696 763-531-1142, www.crystalmn.gov Crystal Airport Disclaimer: The Official Zoning Map is subject to change by action of the Crystal City Council. Any disagreement(s) or inconsistencies between this map and an ordinance adopted by the city council, the ordinance shall prevail. Official Zoning District Map, Crystal, Minnesota We the undersigned certify that this is the Official Zoning Map, adopted by Crystal City Council on MONTH DAY YEAR _____________ _____________________ Date Jim Adams, Mayor _____________ _____________________ Date Chrissy Serres, City Clerk Date: 7/12/2018 Overlay Districts: Attachment A