2018.06.19 Work Session Packet (2nd)
4141 Douglas Drive North • Crystal, Minnesota 55422-1696
Tel: (763) 531-1000 • Fax: (763) 531-1188 • www.crystalmn.gov
Posted: June 15, 2018
City Council
Second Work Session Agenda
June 19, 2018
Following the City Council meeting
Conference Room A
Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter,
the second work session of the Crystal City Council was held at ______ p.m. on June 19, 2018 in
Conference Room A, 4141 Douglas Dr. N., Crystal, Minnesota.
I. Attendance
Council Members Staff
____ Kolb ____ Norris
____ LaRoche ____ Therres
____ Parsons ____ Gilchrist
____ Adams ____ Ray
____ Budziszewski ____ Revering
____ Dahl ____ Sutter
____ Deshler ____ Serres
II. Agenda
The purpose of the work session is to discuss the following agenda items:
1. Review of new website.*
2. West Metro Fire-Rescue District 2019 budget review and other updates.
3. Becker Park project update.
4. 3856 Maryland Ave. N. surplus property update.*
5. Snow/ice policy, including sidewalks.
6. Constituent issues update.
7. City manager monthly update.
8. New business.*
9. Announcements.*
III. Adjournment
The work session adjourned at ______ p.m.
Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling the City Clerk at (763) 531-
1145 at least 96 hours in advance. TTY users may call Minnesota Relay at 711 or 1-800-627-3529.
4141 Douglas Drive North • Crystal, Minnesota 55422-1696
Tel: (763) 531-1000 • Fax: (763) 531-1188 • www.crystalmn.gov
DATE: June 14, 2018
TO: Mayor and City Council
Anne Norris, City Manager
FROM: John Elholm, Recreation Director
SUBJECT: Becker Park Update – 50% Plans
The City of Crystal completed a Park System Master Plan late in 2017. While the master plan
looked at all parks in the city, making improvements to Becker Park was identified as the highest
priority. A planning contract was approved with WSB & Associates early in 2018 to begin
developing plans for this park, with construction of amenities scheduled for 2019.
Phase 1 improvements proposed at Becker Park consist of an inclusive play area, performance
area, spray pad (fountain), lawn areas and other amenities to make the park a community
gathering space. A key piece of this project is coordinating with the stormwater project also
being planned in the park, as well as other nearby projects.
The Becker Park planning process has included:
December 19, 2017 - Park System Master Plan approved
January 2, 2018 – Contract with WSB & Associates for design work approved
April 26, 2018 – Becker Park Open House for 30% plans
Development of 50% plans was recently completed, and will be discussed with the council at the
work session on June 19.
DATE: June 19, 2018
TO: City Council
FROM: Mark Ray, PE, Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Snowplowng/ice control policy and sidewalks
Over the past few years a lot of work has been done on a variety of topics that while seemingly
unconnected, are in-fact related. The topics to be discussed at this work session are the proposed
snowplowing/ice control policy and ownership/maintenance of sidewalks.
Sidewalk long term planning
In an effort to balance maintenance needs with available funding, staff has reviewed the City sidewalk
system looking for potential additions as well as removals. The removals considered are segments that
are not connected to the larger system on both ends and there are no current plans or current
perceived need to connect them. Attached to this memo is a map showing the non-networked
sidewalks and their approximate length that are under consideration.
The only currently proposed addition to the sidewalk system is a portion of W. Broadway Avenue in the
Broadway Park area that does not have any sidewalks on it or has a sidewalk only on one side. This is
the only segment of County Highway in the City without sidewalks on both sides of the road. Since W.
Broadway Ave is a County Highway, it is important to provide pedestrians with off-street facilities for
Resident input gathered
In late January 2018 the City sent letters to all the properties that abutted the sidewalks that were
being considered for removal (non-networked). Feedback was requested by early March 2018. A
second letter was then sent in late March 2018 to those properties that did not respond to the first
request. Again, feedback was requested by late April 2018. These letters are attached to this memo.
• 37 Properties contacted
• 22 (59%) Responses received
Other information that is not relevant in this context:
• 14 (64% of responses) supported removal
• 8 (36% of responses) did not support removal
The reason the overall support/non-support for removal results is not relevant in the broad context is
because the sidewalks should be looked at on a case-by-case basis for each segment. For example, for
a segment of sidewalk that is only in front of one property the results may be quite different than for a
sidewalk that spans six properties which may have more mixed feedback. A summary of the resident
responses are attached to this memo.
City Code Chapter 8
With the revisions to Chapter 8 of the City Code, Section 815 now states “Sidewalks; snow and ice
removal. The city will provide for snow removal from sidewalks of the city in accordance with a policy
adopted by the city council that takes into account the amount of available personnel, equipment, and
funds the city reasonably has available for such activities”.
The policy being referenced in Code is what has been brought to the Council for consideration at this
work session.
Snowplowing/Ice Control Policy
The proposed Snowplowing/Ice Control Policy (included as an attachment to this memo) covers the
main topics/issues associated with snow/ice removal operations. Some key points:
1) Still have the 1.5” snow threshold (on the street) for a full plow
2) Main routes are top priority, followed by Hill routes, and then everything else
3) City will primarily use salt for icy conditions. Some details are included regarding pavement
goals post-snow event (no bare pavement goal on flatter residential streets).
4) City will maintain most of the City sidewalks
a. Priority routes will be done on overtime (mainly along County Roads), other routes will
b. Non-connected sidewalks will not be maintained in the winter
i. The sidewalks are scheduled to be removed by the City at some point in the
5) Damaged mailboxes (only those that come into direct contact with City equipment) will be
repaired/replaced with basic mailbox. Replacement may not be done until spring when the
frost is out of the ground.
6) Turf damage will be repaired with dirt/seed. On a case by case basis the City may use sod.
Repairs will be done in the spring once growing season has started.
Sidewalk license and maintenance agreement
For the non-connected sidewalks that the adjacent property owner wants to keep in place, they will
need to sign a sidewalk license and maintenance agreement. Attached to this memo is the agreement.
This agreement will do the following:
• City retains ownership of the sidewalk and the public may continue to use it
• The term of the agreement is 10 years, but it automatically renews
• The property owner is required to complete all maintenance to keep the sidewalk safe and
serviceable. The property owner is responsible for snow/ice removal in the winter if they so
• If the property owner fails to maintain or repair the sidewalk, then the City can do the work and
assess the property.
In short, either the adjacent property owner signs the sidewalk license and maintenance agreement, or
the sidewalk is slated for removal at some point in the future.
• Non-Network Sidewalks, potential removal map
• January 2018 1st letter to residents requesting input
• March 2018 2nd letter to residents requesting input
• Non-Network Sidewalks, resident response summary
• Snowplowing and Ice Control Policy
• Sidewalk license and maintenance agreement
Recommended Action
Staff is looking for Council input on the Snowplowing/Ice Control policy, the sidewalk
license/maintenance agreement, and will be available for any questions.
At a future Council meeting the Council will be asked to take formal action on the following:
• Adopting the Snowplowing/Ice Control Policy
• Adopting the sidewalk license/maintenance agreement
46th Ave 666'
45th Ave 188'
44th Ave 477'
44th Ave 376'
43rd Ave 561'
43rd Ave 366'
Adair Ave 776'Zane Ave 429'
34th Ave 106'
Noble Ave 39'
35th Ave 319'
34th Ave 259'
1 0 0
Z a n e
A d a i r
D o u g l a s
R e g e n t
N o b l e
M a j o r
4 3 r d
H a m p s h i r e
O r c h a r d
T o l e d o
I d a h o
B r u n s w i c k
U n i t y
Q u a i l
S c o t t
Y a t e s
P e r r y
G e o r g i a
X e n i a
L a k e
45 1/2
E d g e w o o d
W e l c o m e
3 3 r d
44 1/2
L i l a c
40 1/2
39 1/2
P a r k e r
M e m o r y
I d a h o
P a r k e r
4 1 s t
a i l
I d a h o
Y a t e s
F l o r i d a
Y a t e s
W e l c o m e
X e n i a Q u a i l
J e r s e y
P e r r y
J e r s e y
41st 41st
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G e o r g i a
V e r a C r u z
J e r s e y
J e r s e y
X e n i a
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G e o r g i a
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W e l c o m e
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41s t
H a m p s h i r e
X e n i a
F l o r i d a
O r c h a r d
X e n i a
¹Date: 3/14/2018
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 500
Non-Network Sidewalks, Potential Removals
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Sidewalk removal thoughts letter.docx
January 26, 2018
Crystal Resident
RE: Sidewalk adjacent to your property
As part of the city’s on-going effort to plan for maintenance and replacement of its infrastructure, city
staff has been evaluating all of the city’s sidewalks. Through this evaluation process, we identified a
sidewalk or portion of sidewalk adjacent to your property that has an abrupt end. The sidewalk is not
connected to a larger system on both ends, and there are no plans for additional sidewalk to be
connected to this segment. With many sidewalks in the city coming up for maintenance and
replacement, we want to focus our resources on higher-use, connected sidewalks.
The city would like to know your thoughts regarding the sidewalk with the abrupt end adjacent to your
property. We have identified two potential options:
1) Keep the sidewalk as-is. Because the sidewalk is not connected to a larger network, it would have
a low priority for replacement.
2) Remove the portion of sidewalk that is not part of the connected system. The city would install
black dirt and sod in place of the sidewalk. There would be no cost to you for this work, but once
it is done, you would be responsible for lawn care maintenance in the same manner as the rest of
the boulevard.
No decisions have been made, and the city would like your input before proceeding with either option.
Please contact Engineering Project Manager Mick Cyert at mick.cyert@crystalmn.gov or 763-531-1161
with any input or questions by Friday, March 2, 2018.
Mark Ray, PE
Director of Public Works
4141 Douglas Drive North • Crystal, Minnesota 55422-1696
Tel: (763) 531-1000 • www.crystalmn.gov
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Sidewalk removal thoughts letter - 2nd letter.docx
March 23, 2018
Crystal Resident
RE: Sidewalk adjacent to your property (FINAL letter requesting input)
As part of the city’s on-going effort to plan for maintenance and replacement of its infrastructure, city
staff has been evaluating all of the city’s sidewalks. Through this evaluation process, we identified a
sidewalk or portion of sidewalk adjacent to your property that has an abrupt end. The sidewalk is not
connected to a larger system on both ends, and there are no plans for additional sidewalk to be
connected to this segment. With many sidewalks in the city coming up for maintenance and
replacement, we want to focus our resources on higher-use, connected sidewalks.
The city would like to know your thoughts regarding the sidewalk with the abrupt end adjacent to your
property. We have identified two potential options:
1) Keep the sidewalk as-is. Because the sidewalk is not connected to a larger network, it would have
a low priority for replacement.
2) Remove the portion of sidewalk that is not part of the connected system. The city would install
black dirt and sod in place of the sidewalk. There would be no cost to you for this work, but once
it is done, you would be responsible for lawn care maintenance in the same manner as the rest of
the boulevard.
No decisions have been made, and the city would like your input before proceeding with either option.
We have received input from some of your neighbors, but would like to hear from you. Please contact
Engineering Project Manager Mick Cyert at mick.cyert@crystalmn.gov or 763-531-1161 with any input
or questions by Friday, April 20, 2018.
Mark Ray, PE
Director of Public Works
4141 Douglas Drive North • Crystal, Minnesota 55422-1696
Tel: (763) 531-1000 • www.crystalmn.gov
Remove Y/N
4713 36th Ave. Y
5625 45th Ave.
4444 Xenia Ave.Y
3712 Adair Ave.Y
3716 Adair Ave.Y
3720 Adair Ave.Y
3724 Adair Ave.
3732 Adair Ave.Y
3800 Adair Ave.
3808 Adair Ave.
3814 Adair Ave.N
3820 Adair Ave.
3826 Adair Ave.
3832 Adair Ave.
3401 Douglas Drive Y
3400 Perry Ave.N
3401 Perry Ave.N
3456 Perry Ave.Y
3457 Perry Ave.
3500 Perry Ave.Y
4367 Welcome Ave.
4301 Welcome Ave.
4401 Welcome Ave.N
3802 Zane Ave.Y
3808 Zane Ave.
3814 Zane Ave.Y
3820 Zane Ave.N
3826 Zane Ave.
3832 Zane Ave.Y
4250 Zane Ave.Y
4300 Zane Ave.
4301 Zane Ave.N
4366 Zane Ave.Y
4367 Zane Ave.N
4403 Zane Ave.
6700 46th Place N N
4263 Welcome Ave.
Street Address
G:\Policies and Procedures\Policies\Snow and Ice Control\Snow plowing and ice control final.docx
TITLE: Snow plowing and ice control
Purpose statement
The City of Crystal, Minnesota (“City”) finds that it is in the best interest of the residents of
the City to assume basic responsibility for control of snow and ice on City streets, sidewalks,
and public property. Reasonable ice and snow control is necessary for access, routine travel
and emergency services. The City will attempt to provide such control in a safe and cost
effective manner, keeping in mind user safety, budget, personnel, and environmental
concerns. The City will use City employees, equipment and/or private contractors to provide
this service. This policy does not relieve the operator of private vehicles, pedestrians,
property owners, residents and all others that may be using public streets, sidewalks, or
public property of their responsibility to act in a reasonable, prudent and cautious manner,
given the prevailing street, sidewalk, or trail conditions.
Policy application
This policy applies to all Public Works Department staff and adherence to it is a condition
of employment with the City.
When Will the City Start Snow or Ice Control Operations?
Snow and ice control operations can be costly, can have negative impacts on the
environment and infrastructure, and potentially involve nearly all of the public works
department personnel. When significant resources are shifted to snow/ice removal
operations, other City needs and priorities are put off while snow/ice removal operations
are underway. As such, it is necessary to identify the circumstances and conditions under
which the City can utilize its limited resources to engage in snow and ice control operations.
The Street Superintendent, in consultation with the Director of Public Works, will decide
when to begin snow or ice control operations. The criteria for that decision are:
A. Street snow accumulation
a. Accumulation of one and a half (1.5) inches or more will trigger a full plow;
B. Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel;
C. Icy conditions which seriously affect travel; and
D. Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets.
How Snow will be Plowed
Snow will be plowed in an efficient manner as to minimize traffic obstructions. The snow
will generally be pushed from left to right on two-way streets. On one-way streets or where
Page 2 of 5
there is a center boulevard, snow may be pushed in either direction. Snow on cul-de-sacs
will normally be plowed to any available space in the right-of-way as to minimize
obstructions of mailboxes, fire hydrants, and driveways. When a plow goes across a bridge,
the driver shall slow down so as to minimize the risk of snow going over the bridge, if
possible. In times of extreme snowfall, main roads and streets with hills will be prioritized to
try and maintain emergency access. Once the snowfall ends or begins to taper off, a full
plow of the City will be started as soon as reasonably possible.
Boulevards along streets and other public right-of-ways are intended for snow storage.
Snow plow operations will be conducted so as to efficiently relocate snow from the street
onto the intended storage areas. Unless there are reasonable needs (such as to minimize
obstructed sight lines, avoid mailboxes, avoid fire hydrants, or similar) for specific
placement of snow in the boulevards, the snow will be placed in a manner served by the
most efficient clearing of the street.
Plow operators will attempt, within reason, to evenly balance the amount of snow being
pushed to each side of the street. However, their primary goal is to remove the snow from
the street as safely and efficiently as possible under the circumstances. Plow operators will
not pick up their plow blades at driveways or respond to other requests for specific snow
placement. Reasonable requests in not-typical conditions (dead ends, cul-de-sacs, etc) will
be considered by the Streets Superintendent.
Snow Removal (Hauling)
The Street Superintendent will determine if and when snow will be removed from an area
by truck. Such snow removal will occur in areas where there is limited room on the
boulevard for snow storage or in areas where accumulated piles of snow create potentially
hazardous conditions, such as limited sight distance. Snow removal operations will not
commence until other snowplowing operations have been completed. Snow removal
operations may also be delayed depending on weather conditions, available
staffing/equipment, or other City infrastructure priorities. The snow will be removed and
hauled to a snow storage area. The snow storage area will be located so as to minimize the
impact to other City operations and with an awareness of potential environmental
Priorities and Schedule of Streets to be Plowed
The City has classified City streets based on the street function and importance to the
welfare of the community. Those streets classified as “Main Routes” will be plowed first.
These are generally higher volume routes, which connect major sections of the City and
provide access for emergency fire, police, and medical services. The second priority streets
are those classified as “Hill Routes” because they contain significant hills which may have
access issues due to snow/ice accumulation. The third priority routes are every other street
in the City, including alleys and parking lots.
During significant and severe storms, the City must be prepared to move personnel and
equipment to maintain first and then second priority routes before working on third priority
routes. In fulfilling the intent to have all priority streets as safe and passable as can
reasonably be achieved considering the conditions, when resources are limited, plowing of
third priority routes may be stopped at any time so resources can be shifted to priority
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Unforeseeable circumstances may cause delays in completing assigned plow routes. Such
circumstances may include weather conditions that endanger the safety of snowplow
operators and/or safe and effective operation of equipment, commuter traffic, disabled
vehicles, poor visibility conditions, parked cars along streets, assistance to emergency
response vehicles, equipment breakdown, equipment getting stuck, and personnel
Work Schedule for Snowplow Operators
Snowplow operators will be expected to work their assigned shifts. In severe snow
conditions, operators sometimes have to work longer shifts pursuant to any collective
bargaining contract language. The intent is to give operators at least 8 hours off between
shifts, with it being desirable for 10 hours off between shifts when feasible.
Traffic Regulations
The City recognizes that snowplow operators are exempt from traffic regulations set forth
in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 169 while actually engaged in work on streets, except for
regulations related to driving while impaired and the safety of school children. Pursuant to
this authority, snowplow operators engaged in snow removal or ice control on City streets
have discretion to disregard traffic laws set forth in Chapter 169, except for laws relating to
impaired driving and school children safety, when in their judgment, it is safe to disregard
such laws. The privileges granted herein to operators of snow removal and ice control
vehicles shall apply only if the vehicle is equipped with at least one lighted lamp displaying a
flashing, oscillating, or rotating amber light placed in such a position on the vehicle as to be
visible throughout an arc of 360 degrees.
Weather Conditions
Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not
unreasonably endanger the safety of snowplow operators and equipment. Factors that may
delay snow and ice control operations could include severe cold, significant winds, severe
ice conditions, or limited visibility.
Use of Sand, Salt, and Other Chemicals
The City will primarily use salt when there is hazardous ice or slippery conditions. The City is
concerned about the effect of such chemicals on the environment, infrastructure, and
vehicles and will limit its use for that reason. Sand and other chemicals may be used on a
case-by-case basis, as available.
When the weather gets closer to 30°F, City crews will scrape the streets mechanically to
remove the snow pack. This is more cost effective and environmentally friendly than trying
to do the same with salt. While the goal is for various levels of bare pavement, weather
conditions can significantly impact how quickly the goal can be met. Salt is not effective
below 15°F degrees and extended snow events or ones with significant accumulation will
take longer to recover from.
The City’s goal for the main streets is bare pavement in the wheel tracks. The exception is
36th Ave., where the goal is for bare pavement in each travel lane. For City streets with hills
(not main streets), the goal is a bare pavement strip down the middle of the street. On the
Page 4 of 5
flatter residential streets, there is not a bare pavement goal. Drivers are always encouraged
to drive slower and use care.
After 36th Ave., the next busiest streets have less than 4,000 vehicles per day. The vast
majority of Crystal streets have under 1,000 vehicles per day. This translates to around one
vehicle per minute, even during busier times. By providing a mostly bare pavement center
strip on streets with hills (that are not main roads), drivers are able to get some of their
wheels on bare pavement the vast majority of the time.
The City will maintain most of the sidewalks and/or trails in the City. The map of the
sidewalks/trails the City maintains, including priority routes, is available by contacting the
As there are a limited number of personnel and equipment available, snow removal of the
sidewalks/trails will generally begin no sooner than four hours after full plow operations
have started. During multiple snow events, or other non-typical conditions, sidewalk/trail
snow removal may not start until all street and alley plowing operations have finished. Staff
overtime for snow removal on sidewalks will be limited to priority routes as feasible. Since
the City has a limited amount of equipment that can remove snow from sidewalks, sidewalk
snow removal operation will take days, if not over a week depending on the conditions, to
complete removal on all segments.
The City does not apply salt, sand, or other chemicals to sidewalks and trails.
The City has identified a number of sidewalks to be removed in the future (date to be
determined). Because these sidewalks are not connected to other sidewalks on both ends,
thus terminating at a point where a pedestrian would have to either enter the street or
walk on the boulevard, they are considered non-connected sidewalks. The non-connected
sidewalks are not part of the City’s transportation system and will not be maintained by
the City in the winter. The adjacent property owner/resident may choose to remove all
accumulated snow from the sidewalk adjacent to their property, but would do so at their
own cost and liability.
Encountering mailboxes is one of the many potential hazards that snowplow operators
must be aware of during winter plowing operations. The City will conduct a review of each
mailbox damage claim to determine whether the City has any legal responsibility for the
damage. The City will only repair mailboxes actually hit by a snowplow and installed to
United States Postal Service Residential Mailbox Standards. The City is not responsible for
damage to mailboxes or support posts caused by snow or ice contacting the mailbox. Dents,
scratches, or other superficial damage that does not prohibit normal use of the mailbox will
be considered normal wear and tear and will not be repaired or replaced by the City.
If the City, in its discretion, determines that replacement is appropriate, the City will replace
the mailbox with a standard size, non-decorative metal mailbox and replace the support
post as necessary with a 4” x 4”, decay resistance wood support post, both which will be
installed by the City. Replacement of the mailbox will occur as scheduling and conditions
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allow, which may mean a replacement is not installed until the spring when all the frost is
out of the ground.
Turf Damage
Turf can sometimes be impacted during snow removal operations, especially sidewalk snow
removal. If the City, in its discretion, determines that the turf damaged was caused during
snow removal operations, the City will repair the damaged turf area with dirt and seed. On
a case by case basis the City may install sod. Restoration work will be done by the City and
will occur as scheduling and conditions allow in the spring once the growing season has
started. The adjacent property owner is responsible for all watering of the new seed and/or
Complaint Procedure
Complaints will be logged. Calls requiring service will be forwarded to the appropriate
supervisor for scheduling. Emergency concerns (as determined by the Streets
Superintendent or Director of Public Works) will be handled in an expeditious manner as
resources are available.
Deviation from Policy
The Superintendent of Streets may deviate from this policy when in his or her judgment it is
in the best interest of the City or is necessary because of budget needs or other
circumstances. Changes in priorities will be documented as to what caused such actions and
why the change was necessary.
Review and Modification of Policy
The policy will be reviewed periodically and may be revised by the City Council as needed.
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Removal Agreement\Sidewalk Agreement Private Ownership and Maintenance.DOCX
made and entered into this ____ day of ________________, 2018, by and between the city of
Crystal, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”), and ________________________
(collectively, the “Owner”). The City and the Owner may be referred to herein individually as a
“party” or collectively as the “parties.”
A. The Owner is fee owner of the real property legally described in the attached Exhibit A
B. The Property abuts a public sidewalk as depicted on the map attached hereto as Exhibit B
C. The City has the authority and the desire to remove the Sidewalk, but the Owner has requested
that the Sidewalk remain for its use; and
D. The City is willing to forego its present plans to remove the Sidewalk in exchange for the
Owner’s willingness to adhere to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.
On the basis of the foregoing and upon the mutual undertakings and promises contained
herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
1. Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein and made part
of this Agreement.
2. Non-Removal; Grant of License. In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein to
be performed by the Owner, and further subject to the limitations contained herein, the City
agrees to forego its present intent to remove the Sidewalk and hereby grants to the Owner a
nonexclusive license to retain and use the Sidewalk in accordance with the terms and
conditions contained herein. The Owner understands and agrees that the Sidewalk will remain
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Removal Agreement\Sidewalk Agreement Private Ownership and Maintenance.DOCX
open for use by the public during the entire term of this Agreement.
3. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall be for 10 years from the date it is
executed by both parties unless it is terminated earlier as provided in this section. At the end
of the initial term this Agreement shall automatically renew for subsequent 10 years terms
unless terminated as provided herein. Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing
the other party 90 days written notice of termination. The City may terminate this Agreement
immediately if it determines the Owner has violated any material term or condition by
providing the Owner written notice of termination. Upon the termination of this Agreement
the City may remove the Sidewalk at its discretion.
4. Maintenance and Repair; Snow Removal. During the term of this Agreement the Owner shall
be required to, at its own cost, keep and maintain the Sidewalk in a safe and serviceable condition.
As such, the Owner shall be responsible for any improvements or repairs necessary to the
Sidewalk to ensure its suitability for pedestrian traffic. All construction, reconstruction, or repairs
of the Sidewalk shall be done in strict accordance with the City’s standards. The Owner shall
also be solely responsible for the removal of all ice and snow from the Sidewalk.
5. Permits. The Owner agrees to properly apply for and retain any and all permits necessary to
carry out any maintenance or repairs that are required under this Agreement. The Owner shall
be solely responsible for determining and adhering to the proper boundaries of the Sidewalk
and shall be liable to any other property owners for trespass onto their property.
6. City’s Right to Maintain and Repair. If the Owner fails to maintain or repair the Sidewalk in
accordance with this Agreement, the City may provide the Owner written notice of the failure to
maintain or repair that identifies the work needing to be done and the date by which such work
must be completed. If the Owner does not complete maintenance or repair by the date
indicated in the notice, the City may perform the required work and invoice the Owner for all
costs it incurs, including contractor costs and all reasonable staff time, engineering and legal
costs, and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City. If the Owner, or its
successors or assigns, fail to reimburse the City for its costs and expenses in maintaining the
Sidewalk within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for such costs, the City shall have the right
to assess the full cost thereof against the Property and collect the same in single or multiple
payments as in the case of special assessments for public improvements pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 429. The assessments shall bear interest at the rate determined by the City.
The Owner, on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, acknowledges that the
maintenance work performed by the City regarding the Sidewalk benefits the Property in an
amount which exceeds the assessment and hereby waives any right to hearing or notice and
the right to appeal the assessments otherwise provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429.
The City has the right but not a contractual obligation to perform maintenance or repair of the
Sidewalk. The City intends to exercise this authority only if the condition of the Sidewalk is
so poor, in the reasonable exercise of the City’s discretion, as to pose a hazard to the health,
safety and welfare to those using the Sidewalk.
7. Right of Entry. In addition to any rights expressly afforded to the City under this Agreement,
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Removal Agreement\Sidewalk Agreement Private Ownership and Maintenance.DOCX
the City shall retain all rights that it is otherwise entitled to under state and local right-of-way
laws. Nothing in this Agreement shall create liability on behalf of the City for future removal or
alteration of the Sidewalk, and the Owner shall have no right to recover any damages, in money
or equity, for the removal or alteration of same or the exercise of any other rights afforded to the
8. Liens and Encumbrances. The Owner agrees that during the term of this Agreement it shall not
permit or suffer any liens or encumbrances to be placed against the Sidewalk, nor shall it during
such term engage in any activity that would cause or result in the placement of any liens or
encumbrances against the Sidewalk.
9. Liability; Indemnification. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the
City, its officers, agents, and employees shall not be liable or responsible in any manner to
the Owner, the Owner’s successors or assigns, or to any other person or persons for any claim,
demand, damage, or cause of action of any kind or character arising out of or by reason of the
execution of this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement, nor will the Owner make
any claim against the City for or on account of any injury, loss or damage resulting from the
Sidewalk or use thereof.
The Owner shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officials, employees,
contractors and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses,
claims, actions or judgments, including reasonable attorneys’ fees which the Owner, its officers,
employees, agents or contractors may hereinafter sustain, incur, or be required to pay, arising out
of by reason of any act or failure to act by the Owner, its officers, employees, agents or
contractors or arising out of or by reason of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall
constitute a waiver or limitation of any immunity or limitation on liability to which the City
is entitled under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466, or otherwise.
10. Agreement to Run with the Land. This Agreement shall be recorded among the land records
of Hennepin County, Minnesota. The provisions of this Agreement shall run with the Property
and be binding upon the Owner, its successors and assigns.
11. No Damages; No Relocation Benefits. The Owner understands and acknowledges that the
City is willing to enter into this Agreement and carry out its obligations hereunder only
because the Owner has agreed that it will make no claim for damages or relocation benefits
upon termination of this Agreement or pursuant to any other agreement with the City.
Specifically, and without limitation of the foregoing, the Owner understands that upon
termination of this Agreement, the City has no obligation to provide the Owner with any
compensation or any other rights or privileges.
12. No Property Interest. This instrument is not an easement or a lease, creates no landlord-tenant
relationship, and nothing in this Agreement will be deemed to create any property interest
other than as expressed in this Agreement.
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13. Waiver. The waiver by either party of any breach of any term of this Agreement shall not be
deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach of the same term or any other term of this
14. Entire Agreement; Modification. This Agreement, together with any exhibits hereto, which
are incorporated by reference, constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mutual
understandings between the parties with respect to this Agreement, superseding all prior or
contemporaneous proposals, communications, and understandings, whether oral or written,
concerning this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by court
order or by a writing executed by all the parties hereto under the provisions of this Agreement.
15. Headings. Any headings appearing at the beginning of the several sections contained in this
Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be used in the construction
and interpretation of this Agreement.
16. Severability. If any part of this Agreement shall be held invalid, it shall not affect the validity
of the remaining parts of this Agreement, provided that such invalidity does not materially
prejudice either party under the remaining parts of this Agreement and this Agreement shall
be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been
contained herein or prescribed hereby.
17. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Minnesota.
18. Public Data. This Agreement and the information related to it are subject to the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, which presumes that data
collected and maintained by the City is public data unless classified otherwise by law.
19. Relationship of Parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a
partnership, association or joint venture between the City and the Owner.
20. Compliance with Laws. The Owner agrees to abide by and conform to all laws, rules, and
regulations, including future amendments, while performing any obligations under this
21. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall constitute one and the same instrument.
[signature pages to follow]
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Removal Agreement\Sidewalk Agreement Private Ownership and Maintenance.DOCX
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands as of the day and year
first above written.
By: ____________________________________
By: ____________________________________
) SS.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of
__________________, 2018, by _______________________.
Notary Public
G:\Projects\2018\2018-08 Sidewalk Removals\Removal Agreement\Sidewalk Agreement Private Ownership and Maintenance.DOCX
By: ____________________________________
Its: Mayor
By: ____________________________________
Its: City Clerk
) SS.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of _______________,
2017, by Jim Adams and Chrissy Serres, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Crystal, Minnesota,
on behalf of the City.
Notary Public
Kennedy & Graven, Chartered
470 U.S. Bank Plaza
200 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(612) 337-9300