WLILAC5SCALE I"=IO0' -sW L•Or/7e/` Doul¢/as !.3♦ive h p `/ron �l'loou/r�/7f . I60 � I Q /33.60 /33.60 Q v Nord 11ne p, f Sou/h 8 ro ds �0� /33.59/3359 /33.60 J33 60 V 3 I Z 60 _ C i I /.33.62 60 /33.60 /33.60 Q v Nord 11ne p, f Sou/h 8 ro ds �0� /33.59/3359 /33.60 J33 60 V 3 I `� Z 60 _ C i I /.33.62 VILLAGE OF CRYSTAL HENNEPM COUNTY, MINN. M Avg 1951 dU I6°� D /as Ori ve Q .. 3 -_ -ZZO.Z6 bf /h North /8 rods of s,5 of Se cA/on 8 T.118 ?. Z/ 60 /3359 /33.59 l33 5J 4 4 44 v 3 2 GO /33.62 I I 11-3-7 v3 _ 60 /33.63 1 /33, ez SOWh' /tee of Souhti 8 /-ods of /he Nor --Ah /8 rods of ' SE4 0.1c Secf/ori 8 T. //g le 2! • Z32o.71 -•--• 4'r/0ry a1/ rr/er7 by these presents fhz�f Levi' Osferhus and .c'hy//is Z- Osrierhos, his wife, ,oro/vr�e/ors o�`fhe fo/%wiry,¢ desc�-ibeo' pr-o�oer/y sifua/ed ire .the Sfafe of ./1'linnesoAa -7/74-16041171Yof f/el-Mepir7 ;pro wi f •'- The South 8 ro ds al the North /8 rods of the Southeast 4 of Section 8, To�vnsh� //8 �ar�J¢e Zl earceP/ fha/ hoar-/ (hereof /yi,r7 �asf of a 1117e01'16"17para//e/ with -g/7o' 30 feet Eas/ of the Aes/ 1117 of the 6a 76 e of lie Soufheasf , of said Secy/ori 8 //ave caersed the same Ao 6e sur-veyeot and Jv/affect as NE -67' Lic.Ac iE,eRA C J.F7-H Uiv,T a„d do he,-ehy dor7afe and ded ca/e ,+ the pu6o�c hlr fhrpullic ase forever Ahe Avenues as sho"" W7 the annexed �o/af //7 wlb7ess, whereof, we hare her-eunfo set our har7ds al7d seals Phis day of A.D. /95/. /n Presence OP- - s, 111.4p "w _ 1 As /o f Le vi OsAerhas As A Phy//s L. Osferhas Slate of / 1% wesota CiS.S, oun�y of f/ennePin Ori th/s day of A. D. /9S/, before me, a 1✓ofary P�6/ic, with/i� and for said Cvv,�fy, Joerso/�a//v a�vpeared Ze vi Osler -has av7d P%y//•s Z. Dsferhus, h/s wife, lo me �erso�a//y k17o`vn /o be the persons otescr1bed /i7 and *vho executed die kreSoh:� anon they acknor�/eo'� ed Aa>< They execaled (fie carne as Meir- own free act ar74/ deed . Lev! osm.-has SEA L ,why//s c . Osfer'hus /Votary Plib/ic, /%,?/7e Goun fy, iYlinn . a'!y Comm/ssior� Expires Me EGAKRELD & NOWAK `.I0 6o I 6o %j Addifior� I > Souffi A7e f Do Go /33.60 /33.60 v /33. a2 .5�la/e of M117nesofa 5-5 County of f%nne/oin . I olo hereby cerf/fy A.71 I have the /oro�oerfy described on Phis Jo/s� as 1NE ST L /Z - A c ZLsreRA cE Al,o= H lJ�vir; f/igt f�iis /af is a correct r-e/oresenfaf/off of said surVey ,• Iia/ a// d sl1ances are correct y shover) 0r7 said P/at /i7 feet and dec.,mvls of a food; that the /nonarnenfs Ao - of Auture surveys have been correcf/y ,oraced /n /he J¢r-ozlod as showr7 on the �o/af, at lie ovtsio'e b4ov17da1-y /r17es w -e correct/Y, Ores p sleo/ on saio/�o/af,• 11ha1 the f0000sl-aiohy of the /and /S Cor'reCf/y shown ori saidp/at; and that fhel--e are no wet /ands o�-,ovb/rc f i' hways fo 6e desi nested on sa1z1.10/a1 other than as shown ther-eo/7 . E.n ' inn e r s Surverrs I( 33 ��• o SE Corner- f � j c Q �� D�ot//as Drive ;o Ori✓e .4do�i�ion �o'o'it/ori Q i�or� /Y/Oi�umenf � •�' � to V ' L /3359 /3359 60%�`71717T/T/�l/7 h o1►y ��; 4 /33.60 I /33 60 0 o ao 117c/uode a c 3 y 6z ,1, 1 /. , // , w Ab)V#7tl 3 � _ - �3 Surveyor - �'lihn . Rei. No. .9Z.9. Above certificate SWOrr7 /0 before fOr- Sad cowry, fns day of A. o. OSI. Notary Pah//c, //enneoGo�n/y, ,ply Commiss/on Ex�oi'es The abore p/a1: Of Ll/EST L/LAC 7.=.r22ACB FFTH L%/T ,vas ad proved a.�d acceofed 6y The Y%/a�e Covr�ci/ of erys"w, /Vlii�r�esota, of a re�u/ar meet/iJ¢ lhereof held Phis day of A. D. /95/. 1//1 -1 -AGE COUNCIL OF G2Y57-AL, / AVA(ESOTA by As Nleyor• dy ids G/erk