THILLV,tLia(,c= �-aI'L,�
Caswell Engineering Co. Engineers Q Land Surveyors
Seale / '= 30 ,
DPI -7,9 1,45' 11-0,7 Mona menf
Ali beAr/r/gs bos2a/ an a9Su/77IE01 doturr/
8950"38W --_
T s /32 7B- --- ----
° Block
1 N
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�%ono/ droina9e
:. -- I 9asemenls.
----- — •�_-- /3.2.95 /V 89
3 `,
`iNOW ALL I✓IEN BY Ti/eSE PRESENrs : 7-hal�'i/berf Z. Th,ll oro Rda E. 7 -hill) iiusbon i an� W/ e, owners anol proPrieors o� the �'o/low,n9
described properly s/laaled /n the Slale of A41nnesola, C'ouny o/ r/ennep/n, to Wit: Lots /v and 7, ROCK rRoFr ADp/r/oN, Hennepin Z'ounly,
Min nes o la.
Thal Larry A 6/oorn and Marline J B/oom� husband and w%/'e, -Pee owners and fhe AlorAweslern dome Fealeral Sov/•n s anal Loon Assoc/a -/017
Uni /ed S'tOte-s ^,0r1V0r4 /017, mor/yoga.- off'the )'o//oWiny describedPr0/oer�y s, lua�ed /n the Slole o>r M/nneso>to, l'oun al' rlennep 17 to wl
zot B, RacK C'RoFr Aco/T/ON, rlennep/n C'ounly, Minnesota.
Bovecaused' �iie same to 6e surveyed/ and Pla><ted 4s T/l/LL ADD/rle and do here�y dono�e anal deal�i
ieate Yo �e pub//c -Par Pub/ic
use t'orever The uli lift' and dra/nage eosemen fs as shown on the annexeal lo/al.
In urilness w`iereoj gold C'llberl L• �rh/// andl Ri/o EThi/l,hus6ano� on� wl�'e, hove liar unlo se>' /�ielr `lanais ahoi Sea/s /his o/y
anLarr A. Bloom anal Marline J B/pornp hus,haaa� Ona/ uj, /e hove �f,,Zoai,7
reunlo se/ /heir hon s an�y /9 AU ante /Vorlhu.B9tern dome Fealera/ SoY/ngs an,9ssocia//on, a 1Jnilea/ Sla>'es
Corpora/ar/� has co/useo� /hese presen s �o be 9/yneo/ by i><s proper of'leers Ano' i/s Z'or/voro/e sea to be a�'izeal >I/i/s
day o� , /9 , A.D
In presenee o- S/9neol
and _— 4i/berl L- Th///
and -- Rila E. 7"h/ll
-_and Larry A. Bloom
— and _ _- Morlii/e J. gloom
NorJhwes fern dome Fed'erO/ SOyings and Loan 4.!ryd 4fia
V/ce Pres/a1en1
—ano/ Seore/art'
S'�4Te o� /1////7neso fo
noun/ o{ r/enr,e�/n
on l„S day o A.D. before rr/e, a notary Publ/c u�i�/I/ anc/ 1'or said/ Coun� and so�e�Persona//y
eare�(t erl L. Thdl onar Ri a E Thi/// haf. aha and/ zv 1e� to /ne Persona//y known to be the Perso.7s described in anal who execu�ed
Pore9oing insirumenl and who aehnow/edyed lha l /hey exeeu�eai the same as /he/r oaln Free ael anal deep!
No/11rs Pub//e, t/er/neoin Zoun/y, Minneso><
S/aleL,4 Vl'nnesoto My commiss,an exlo/rey
,�Oux1l Of n
On ><h/s -_ doy of-- �-_—, l 9 A. D., be ore me, a no la rt' Pub%/c u�, l/i/n on� �'or o/o' �'oNr/ �y a17o
opReare7 arryy A 9/oorr/ �� 17d Marline ✓ Q/oorn, husband Alla, wife, to me perso//o//y known to be Me per9or/s �escr/,b'ga /i7 ano
who exeeufed the �,,9rego,n,/ ,ny frumeril and �►eAr)0,v/eayed Thai They ereeuted the some as the/r own /'reg ocl and deed.
Nolary Publ/c,enne/o/r, C'oun yj Minne
S>lale o�' Mi/nnesota My eOmm1-;s/or/ exiolres __ -
Cou/y of r/enr/ep/ n �J
_day o// __—_ / /9 —, A D.
me, a notary Public w /{ r and for sold C'oun/fy� /Ona, -S, ate persona//y aPPeareo
Bober / E Di bb/e and YI r91n/4 Tara/ sore, /o me persona//y mourn, who each be/ny du/y SurorI 0/a, Soy lha� they Are 1"esPec�/✓e/y
Yice Pres/denl Ona ,-ere far of IVorlhwe.S ern r/ome fea1era/Sov/ngs onc/Loen 4-4'Oeio�iorr, A Unile� States C'orpera�/on, ��ie vorworo><ior/
n4rr/eo� //� the ,><'cre90/rI� �P9lyu,//enl� And thol lhP sea/ att'Ixed /0 the same 1•nslrumenl /s the eorporo>'enseo/ of so/ol �'ot�pOra l/ons
lhal said ins/ramex!/ .vas s/yned and Sea/ed /n behoit" ai said/ .'crPorOf/on by 4ulhori ly Ota itS boo/'d Or d/x•ec'�OrS; dna/ S4/d Rob--
E. DIbb/e and Vir•yinia �araldson aeAnowiea'y&d sola, lnsrrumenl la be the free ael anal deed ri said eorporalion.
No Ory Pub//e�ennerin Counlyl /1'lnnesola
My eommiss/or/ ez�o,res
I here y cer><1 y that r✓eye o/ and, platted fhe ProPer><y o'ese,- ell /�7 lh/s plot` as Tr�/L� AD,D/ TIL ; ��a� �{,/s plo>< /s a
l^epresenlaliorr o/ >o o" survey; that a// d/slanC,-s are Corrge /y shoal,/ on /he ,viaf /n /Peel ano o�ecima/s va po ; /hal 1/ie
monument�' for �u/oon�'e of tut✓re Surveys ho✓e been carrec//y P/aced Pn the ground as shown on the P/al; Thal / e oul9/de boundary /ones
are eo rree t/y des/gno><ed on /he p/al; and /ha / /here are no wellands or publilt hiyhu/ays /o be des/yna><eo� on sO/d P/al other �har/ as sl7ouin /hereon.
byflowar W. Perkins
only v
nnep/h L'ounIf, Mir/,/eso�a
/feP h P L'asulel , jr
- >Idre of Minnesota
Reg/-slereal C'iv/l Eng /leer Ano' Land/ Surveyor
M/nnesola Re�islra/ion /Vo 3959
Counlo/' WBr/ne in
rhe Lov9 eeriP/eat`.- u -10s
and suloen /o, be�are me, /his day
o� , /% , A.o
Alo ary Pu /�, ennepin Coin /I�linneso a
My eomrniss/on expPres
Tril- pla) "✓as ap�ro✓eo ar/ol
day of / , /9
--, A.G.
by the -/'//,Y�'our/ei/ a C'rys�a�� Minneso><A/
al a regular meel/n9 lhereoi held lh/s
e/ /Y ca n i/ of Z)I ys/ / M/nnesola.
May o r
by .4J /�s C/erir
The boundor/es oto lh/s P/at
and the
6oundor/es oJ' the ble �herePrr hove been
rnalhemoli,-olilyy Checked Aho' o/oProveol. No
delerm1r/a/ion hos been move
to aseerlOin
fha7 the /,-gal deser/ )/on agrees with
so/� pial. !�aAgj 7h/ day o�
/9 , A.G.
byflowar W. Perkins
only v
nnep/h L'ounIf, Mir/,/eso�a