SCHWARTZ33, ' L 133 SW Cbrner ` Sec-6,T//B, ,W - No Ae : Beorings assuMed Iron monumer/fs ihd�'co7`eq/ thus • S bw--4-1'-3oE --- 330.0 -- - SCHWAR77 HENNEPIN COUNTY - MINNESOTA So. Lin -cot Sec. /6, ---330.0--- --&)- 1 � i SCALE I INCH =50 FEET K170 A// Men ay These Presen74s That Joseph Schml& and Leno Schmi74t husband and iv,fe, owners, and Me%o /nv¢sfrrenf Company, a Minnesofo corporof;on, contract inurchasers, of the -I'o/%wing described prope.- y sifvofed it) 1�he State of NIq Meso740 one/ County off' llonl?epin, to rvi f Tha Wes74 330 feet o?" the Sough ,20 rods oyl the Soul-hivosf Qua, --V,- <S!N%) o-' Section Sixleen Towr7ship One Nundred C//8) North, /?ariye Tw"fy-one(,2/jWesf Have caused the save fv be surveyed ord as SCAIWARTZ AD,0/T/0N and ' do hereby doncyte and dedicate lo the ,oub/:c for pub/ic use forever the avenues and drive as shown on the annQxea/ p�af and furthermore do heraby grant the Yi//age a� Crystalulilift� af7d drainage eoscmenfs o/so as shown on the annex-oa /o/a74. /n Witness Wheroof we hove hereunf» s¢t our hands and s¢a/s_ -this r . y-o�►►�- �rla>. 1966 and /f?t/10 /n vesfi�serrf Chrnpar� ; a- Mi'asa .-ra - rrs .. Arta c ed _Hese presents- 6e . si' n - .fs ra er .officers_ arc✓ its -- 9 f' ,o y auk 90 /956. corotc seo/ fa _ berruny10 oA�:rea'. "tail /n p_rev e c _ Signed: /n presence of S,1'0fe of Mi nneLs ofa?s.s. ` County o-' Henne�oin.J On this- may o f v. /956, before v»c, a No tory Pub /.'c w�'th�i� and for laic✓ county, persona//y appeared Me/vin C. Gi tf/cry an and Gera/d IV t=riode// who each being du/y sworn dzd say Ahof Ahoy are rosptcfi've/y the Presibdent Ono/ SecreAcry of Me% /nv¢st~nf Company, o M1;QmesOta coepor4tion, . the coroora741'on oa-mecl in the ,cvregoing and the sea/ OA4.4xed %same /nstrusy cry¢ is 4he corporate sea/ of sa/q/ Corporation and 74h474 Tal'd ryas signed and sea/ed ,h behalf of sod eorporo¢ion by authority of ifs Boort/ O� QrrQGfo/'Si and scricai Presib�enf:7,01a/ S01W Secretory ac fro w/edged said iinsfi-urr 1,74 fo be Aha free act &,-7 al deed of sores Cor/oora7<io/7, _ Notary Pub .c, ffo nnepin Counf�/, Mi17.17esott7_ My commission PX,oiros , . - Sfafe Covnfy of Henhepin On ><h�'s day .0,- G ' r4.l� /956, beforw me 4 J✓ofory Pubic �wi thin ancf /vr so./a/ county, persona//y appeorc4/ Joseph Sch�tf and Gene .Schr„!f� hvsbanc�/ and kvl' e, rye persbno//y .Frown Ao ho the persons described in and who execul`ed the foregeiriy irts�y`�-un enf' and oc.Fnow/edged ffx�f flay ex¢cy file Some Os thio//` own tree act and decd! /7 - � , -Votary Pvb/.c, Hennepin County, Minnesofci. /Y/y cnmrr�i'ssioa ex/o i r¢s / hereby e¢rfify that /have surveyed anq/ p/ottQd the praoerty in this p,hf as SCf-1w,jRTZ ADD/T/ oN that 7`his P/af is o correc' of 8oiW survey; Mat a// disfahcoS are mrrecf/y eho wr7 ori fh e p/al /n Beef and decirna/s of a -'00741 that file mor2omenfs for the o7e ,rufvre surveys Aavc beer7 correcfiy p/aced in -fie grour�q/ 4s shown on the olo/; that -fie of fs,de hournc%ry /ones arc correct/y o�es�gr4frcy ori the platy -hail -fie fopoyraohy of MO /ar,d is 0b1rec7461 shown 0r7 -he p/of arc/ that (here arc no vv¢f /awods or - p ubl;c h.ghways fo he oMer 7` ala as shoivn thereon. r, ,-?G. Anderson legis teroa Ci vi / E-ngr. a,& Land Surveyor, M/hnasc fo /Peg. No. 2979 Sfo74e of /1i1/meso744 ZS S, Coun7<y 0/^ tlenraeioinf � The above eerfificafe was subser1bed and sworn to b¢pore me ><h,'s day c- ��a r4.D. /9S6 The above and-Aregoing plot off' SCHWARTZ ADDlTIOAI was Crystal of o regular *7eo74iny ,`hereo' he/a/ this f 3`rA- day No74ary Pub/�' , f/enr�eoi County,_ /Ninnesofq, opo o yea/ and 047e¢,07'00/ by the Yi //age Course; / C70 0- X9.0. /9S6. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF CRYSTAL, MINNES07-A Bu :ls Maudr The onnexea/ p/ail wos ehackecq/ arse✓ approved fh�'s _day oA--LL&K- .0- /9,5-5. County Surveyor County, Minn eso ,f'G i 00) . r. L 133 SW Cbrner ` Sec-6,T//B, ,W - No Ae : Beorings assuMed Iron monumer/fs ihd�'co7`eq/ thus • S bw--4-1'-3oE --- 330.0 -- - SCHWAR77 HENNEPIN COUNTY - MINNESOTA So. Lin -cot Sec. /6, ---330.0--- --&)- 1 � i SCALE I INCH =50 FEET K170 A// Men ay These Presen74s That Joseph Schml& and Leno Schmi74t husband and iv,fe, owners, and Me%o /nv¢sfrrenf Company, a Minnesofo corporof;on, contract inurchasers, of the -I'o/%wing described prope.- y sifvofed it) 1�he State of NIq Meso740 one/ County off' llonl?epin, to rvi f Tha Wes74 330 feet o?" the Sough ,20 rods oyl the Soul-hivosf Qua, --V,- <S!N%) o-' Section Sixleen Towr7ship One Nundred C//8) North, /?ariye Tw"fy-one(,2/jWesf Have caused the save fv be surveyed ord as SCAIWARTZ AD,0/T/0N and ' do hereby doncyte and dedicate lo the ,oub/:c for pub/ic use forever the avenues and drive as shown on the annQxea/ p�af and furthermore do heraby grant the Yi//age a� Crystalulilift� af7d drainage eoscmenfs o/so as shown on the annex-oa /o/a74. /n Witness Wheroof we hove hereunf» s¢t our hands and s¢a/s_ -this r . y-o�►►�- �rla>. 1966 and /f?t/10 /n vesfi�serrf Chrnpar� ; a- Mi'asa .-ra - rrs .. Arta c ed _Hese presents- 6e . si' n - .fs ra er .officers_ arc✓ its -- 9 f' ,o y auk 90 /956. corotc seo/ fa _ berruny10 oA�:rea'. "tail /n p_rev e c _ Signed: /n presence of S,1'0fe of Mi nneLs ofa?s.s. ` County o-' Henne�oin.J On this- may o f v. /956, before v»c, a No tory Pub /.'c w�'th�i� and for laic✓ county, persona//y appeared Me/vin C. Gi tf/cry an and Gera/d IV t=riode// who each being du/y sworn dzd say Ahof Ahoy are rosptcfi've/y the Presibdent Ono/ SecreAcry of Me% /nv¢st~nf Company, o M1;QmesOta coepor4tion, . the coroora741'on oa-mecl in the ,cvregoing and the sea/ OA4.4xed %same /nstrusy cry¢ is 4he corporate sea/ of sa/q/ Corporation and 74h474 Tal'd ryas signed and sea/ed ,h behalf of sod eorporo¢ion by authority of ifs Boort/ O� QrrQGfo/'Si and scricai Presib�enf:7,01a/ S01W Secretory ac fro w/edged said iinsfi-urr 1,74 fo be Aha free act &,-7 al deed of sores Cor/oora7<io/7, _ Notary Pub .c, ffo nnepin Counf�/, Mi17.17esott7_ My commission PX,oiros , . - Sfafe Covnfy of Henhepin On ><h�'s day .0,- G ' r4.l� /956, beforw me 4 J✓ofory Pubic �wi thin ancf /vr so./a/ county, persona//y appeorc4/ Joseph Sch�tf and Gene .Schr„!f� hvsbanc�/ and kvl' e, rye persbno//y .Frown Ao ho the persons described in and who execul`ed the foregeiriy irts�y`�-un enf' and oc.Fnow/edged ffx�f flay ex¢cy file Some Os thio//` own tree act and decd! /7 - � , -Votary Pvb/.c, Hennepin County, Minnesofci. /Y/y cnmrr�i'ssioa ex/o i r¢s / hereby e¢rfify that /have surveyed anq/ p/ottQd the praoerty in this p,hf as SCf-1w,jRTZ ADD/T/ oN that 7`his P/af is o correc' of 8oiW survey; Mat a// disfahcoS are mrrecf/y eho wr7 ori fh e p/al /n Beef and decirna/s of a -'00741 that file mor2omenfs for the o7e ,rufvre surveys Aavc beer7 correcfiy p/aced in -fie grour�q/ 4s shown on the olo/; that -fie of fs,de hournc%ry /ones arc correct/y o�es�gr4frcy ori the platy -hail -fie fopoyraohy of MO /ar,d is 0b1rec7461 shown 0r7 -he p/of arc/ that (here arc no vv¢f /awods or - p ubl;c h.ghways fo he oMer 7` ala as shoivn thereon. r, ,-?G. Anderson legis teroa Ci vi / E-ngr. a,& Land Surveyor, M/hnasc fo /Peg. No. 2979 Sfo74e of /1i1/meso744 ZS S, Coun7<y 0/^ tlenraeioinf � The above eerfificafe was subser1bed and sworn to b¢pore me ><h,'s day c- ��a r4.D. /9S6 The above and-Aregoing plot off' SCHWARTZ ADDlTIOAI was Crystal of o regular *7eo74iny ,`hereo' he/a/ this f 3`rA- day No74ary Pub/�' , f/enr�eoi County,_ /Ninnesofq, opo o yea/ and 047e¢,07'00/ by the Yi //age Course; / C70 0- X9.0. /9S6. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF CRYSTAL, MINNES07-A Bu :ls Maudr The onnexea/ p/ail wos ehackecq/ arse✓ approved fh�'s _day oA--LL&K- .0- /9,5-5. County Surveyor County, Minn eso ,f'G