ROONEYS805 ROONEY'S ADDITION HENNEDI N COUNTY, MINNESOTA EaA►N FIELD +t NowAK SCAL E : I" = 60' ENGINEERS `� 5uRVEY025 vi6ion Number 22d2 b�0 O 6D VI 60 /33.2 s b nr vsnpry Q 60 o 5 4 /95Q5 IN AM 05 _ ^ _I ---- 0 ------ AVE"_ WJE -�zllh line f ,Lof 43, Qudifor3 SUbdVision /1/umber 226 Rf70W a// men by 7117ese presenfs fhg� 1/10G217/ ,P ,Pooney and /lafherir7e M ,P snd ooney, his `vide, owr�¢rs ,oro,orie�or.5, a�7d 59,',&/7Mei--i�f Essif, rnor��a.�'ee, c�'..r_�he Fol/arvio� described /o�oper�y tsi�ua/ed i/� he 51477 e of Minnesota and COI -11711 o1' i/e/7/7ep/n, fo ,y, /: qll 117el pgrV of The So u fh Z/o l'ee7l o/ Z01 43 Audi><or5 Subdivision /Vurnber Z26, Hennepin Cobn/y, M11717e5019, /yily Qa61 of e //ne drawn ,vara//e/ Wifh and d/s1at7l 905 feel east of the We5f //r70 0/' Lal 43,• have caused fhe same lo be surveyed el& p/a1led es /Pooneys Addilioo, and do hereby dor70le grad dedicate to /he pub//c eor /he pub/ic use forever The roads 95 .517own on The annexed p/a/ /n wi/mess Whereof, we have her-eun10 sed our- 17&,-7d.6aro'sea/s on //7/:5_day o� A. D /950. In presence oF: VINCENT ,P. ,eOoNEY Sea/) Seal) �AiHE,C/NE M. .POONEY SARAH Mce,Plrr EssiG (Seal) 51afe of M1'n17e5o/a Z County o/' NennepinJ 5'5 On phis day 0,-r--,4 D. Igso, before rrne, a Notary public, wifhil7 and tor- said tour/y, Oersonnelly appeared V ncen/ P Poo,�ey, ile�hei`ine Ni �Pooney, his wile, ®nd Sarah Merriff Essig fo me ,mown to be -//7e perso/75 described In and who executed fhe /org koiny I/7slrurnenl and /hey ac- now/edYe 1179/ 117ey ereculed same as (heir- O` 17 free act and deed. Nofary OUb/ic, ke,-7neoin Cour7ly, Minnesole tiIy Commission 03 2 No, ilea" MON• Q Sfale o� Mir/7C601a5.5 County o� Alennepin I do 17e,-eby cerIlly /1781 I have surveyed and p/a�1ed the properly described ory fhi5 p/a� g5 ,pooney'S Addi/ior7; are eorrec�/y y , re a cols-recf shown on fhe reoresen/a/ion o� geld serve ; /had a// dbou/an odc aers s/ e sureys have p/a1 of a /ooh; 1ha� /he mouronlvidance 0,e/4 7,eg ore correct/dbeen correcf/ydIZheyround A6 shown on -117C 11797/ {he outside e5iyne%d y on fhe plo/; //79/ fhe lopofraphy of fhe lord is 5%7ow17 on /he p/af and 11791 (here are no wet /ands or public blfhway5 /0 be des/ynafed on said P1,91 other 1h,6,17 a5 shown thereon. Above cer/iFicafe subsribed and 5vvorr7 -10 be>rore Surveyor - Mir7n25o19 ,Pey: No. gZ9 me on 117/s dsy of A.D. /950 Nofary ,Oub/ic, Ner>r�eoin Counfy, Minneso�g IY/y �on7/77issior� Expires This ,o/a/ was aooroved end accepted by fhe V//eye Count// o{ Cr / /, /VJinr7esofa, a� a regular- rnee�in� thereof he/d 11719 day of A. D. /950. COUNCIL OF Ce K-6TA L , 1W1,,v/VE5o rA Mayor Cler,- 66