Caswell Engin e e ring Co.
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�D/n> DrUC /Ji1/n //J, Of p�OC'/f !a, Murr Lorei/O/7 I I I -5'ee4 //✓1 e O> 1 Q�DCK S %iUrrO I Lone E /�ihAo/�I �io� 1 30 130
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o �' xCEpT/ON s 83007'"ch� 92.50_
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(/vow A// MEN BY ESE* N TIIA� �' ui y C'0 l iia/�O/17PAlJ , o MinrJe�so/a Cor ary/ion �« owner a0al /Y,olloiel FNeal A
p s ux///ary
C'mrpero//on, a /Ninneso><o !'orPoro/Ion, e•on/roe�/vNreheser o/ /ht f'a//o..• ."d deseribe6/ ro ark s.fwifedin >/,4, .�'fif p M ! !' / p
Engineers S Land Surveyors
C'rd)VA/"c Seale ll
O SO /00 100 3,0O 400 .SDOY
• Oenoles Iron Monumer/>�
3eor1'/7gs base on os ume� 4j4�um
enne�In, /s wi f. ,! pert// it loco/ io Set>`ion 9, TJownLsh/p //B, Ro,7�s 1i, V a
describer vs allow.,. Be9inain, o/ //ro io%rseer<I of /be /ver//i- S'lute ,� /t/IirJh�so><4
-Sor/ii Seerlir (N-rfyf) M70 •! sr.� s'ee//or 9 ano the s boli /:»e of 8/ii�G �MA..r ,C./+NEe��✓",�oD.r•.r exre„d d; �htnco Eisler
/y o
/he iii.,/I�r /i're of B/ot.�s Lewd A, e/' fo7o/ od�i/ion /o /he James/ line 0/ Q.II///4yeffue Norlh; l�lene•e Sor240r/ •a fid/ WOO//i Ps/ of Que// � 6/" �� �>
AYsirre Nor14 a► e7v on / y D» ></i/s / d/oy 0)p- �� /9 A.D. ,be ore me, a no ary pu /c w/ /n on or sal e'vury v/rr S/ersono%
9/e o� 90' o'e9rees, 4! m/nuIts, ¢O So+c'�s, o dis /epee of I4,� Gs �Pe> to //fie Norf/f /* 41" 1A Ne� of /� //! appeared u9/7 E. X/ine and JaM&S E. ao11 /ieb, A0 .me persor,o//y /y,�own� rv�la BaC� be/r/ �u/y Suiorn �io Me
><�lOr >✓�ie �►re
M1o/1te e%s, St Per/ e7arS r// S>l A9/rie /Qi//wey f/�ence Soo//,well/r/ o» so/i /�i Ii/ of w./ //i a oo/r/iii/ o:r /L.f� ee beef ! 1� lh - .0or
(N-s%line of se/� Set7�on 9; llience Nor3hBrly fo l/f/ Po/ref o beyinnin�. y resPec/Jve� Vise-PJ^esio%n/ arJ� Seere/ary o� E9u/'><y Z70 /A/ `'om ar/ , o M). 170SOI& e0Y-p0r&ket/J eorpora//on
Exee�>1 /leo/ Psr>✓ e/' QerPrrlm �� Lel / Seel7o7, 9 r wnsh,P /iB// ,�Oi„'e ,�/, deseri6ea/ es `arrJrnenL/n� 07, �h/ /Yerh lilac o�ri�/7/ named/ /n >lheL/90rec oirlg /„s1rume/n1; a17� h4� he sea/ /4A ixeo// la IhO SOMe /�s�rum/tn� /s //iedor//vara/e/ s�o/ o/J so/"no/
Ol wOy •� /hs ,�li,lntePo%� e/1ofPe4/�/'C •QiI//u/ay /9.51 >�°«/ Ee1'ler/y Ir -OM the oro"iag o/ lh �/^ssl ii'ori-h sr» y w�t/%J 1//0/ COr OraY/o/7• ></!at SO/� lnSlrument GUas s'/ yJeO Orld SeOled /l7 f7Bl7A/t O1 SO/d L'Or DI'0%/0J7 �7 OLIi/!Or!'T o� /fS boom O1
Mi.�.7tep♦/is ear Peeii°ic /?ai/wey io .f e/io» 9 he>rte E/s>!er/y w/e�►g sold Minces o/i� a»d PoeiP�c / %ii o�ww Zoo >P�el >I%lel,�e / / o/ f!/ gh o/ 9 /� / 0/9 p/ o
el ri /il en /es Nerlhwesler/ 2 le , � % 9 �, d;rec ors • on salal E. Kline An Tomes E. Co lien at�fr/ou� e 20/ So/ / s ruiner;/ / �e 1h& �ree ael on� deco/
' y > /b�nce Sow/hw/sler/y e/ ri�%>< a»9/es ,too �'ee><; lhPrlc�e Sew hC4sllr/� �o ,bt9�i�r�ir�y• o/' So/ol or o a></o
ocea 9�i»0 lO r�/fe 4'orernrnir� .frrvej, //sereoP. C /a r n.
Nave caused' /he same /a
6e suryeyedl 97,74 p%Ileal 4s
hereby donate ani o'ealla.O e AO lheiou6/�e
Aar public use breYer the
Avenue, P/aee., Qno/
U/I% y anal
gr01n4y►e Ease,rlen/ os
9/iown on /he annexeal P/qt.
I,J7JD�.r,/i7ess w/iereo>o s4//a/
Orf /Cors On[J/ j /S Ca rera/e
E9ui/y o'o�;/a/ ram/ an a
sea/ /o be hereunro
/s9irJ/>L,eso /a
COr�Ore1iol7,nhar caused/
X/ese Presents /o be siy+,7e� 6 / siJorbver
No/lona/ Func/Q Auzi//'ary
CorPoralionl a /Yli11l7esoly
y7/%! , OJ�o�s'a la
C'or/nara /ons has eoas/ /here presents /o be s/yned by //s ProP�r
O�fiDBrs ono/ I'ls CorPorale sea /o be hereunto ai"xeo/ h/s
an of
S /r, NED
E9u /"/y Lap i / a /
Co J7lpany
Vic e - Presiden /
$ee re la ry
Na/ional Fune�s Auxiliary Corpora//o/7
Pres ialen l
/ Score X&/ -y
/� A.D. be�ore me, o no/ary Pu,6/7e wi/h/7? �ar,ol 11or sa/o/ C'oun/ vna/ S'fe%,
/oersono//y apPeareo/ M. J. Winer And S. /YOrry wins/ey, u.40 ena/l bd1ing duly Sworn d/V say lhal /hey ore resPeelive%y
Presio%nJ� Qno/ Sesre><ory o! Nc�fona/ Funa's Aur/''/iory e'orPoro /on, n lYlii7neso% Corpora>lior7 /o /
named Jr/ /he /JoregoJn ins>�rumen/f ono/ lho/ he sea/ o/'1/"xea/ la he Some ,,7,,Ira nen/ /s the eorhorare oe0� �p a or or
L / 7� /[ � l J� /� /Of s /o/ C /D//-or7;
lhA>< Sa/d /ns/r•umel7f was igned ono' sea%/111 behol/' o>nSo/o/ corPorel/0,17 by Ou/hor/>y .07'1 board O> O/ree'>lorsj llJfd Se!/a/
M. J 1'1l1/'7Br ono, S. },/Qrry !,'ainslel aeknow/ed -ler -falW 1>7slrumer/f /o be /he 7k-ee Oel arta/ oleeo o P sa/d earoora1ior7,
Koury Pu6l/c, WennePir/ C'aun /Y//i7nesoJlA
My CO Irl 17715•SIO n ex pi r"es
/Vo/ary/ Pub/ie, er,rJeio,,n Cour/ y/ Minnesa a
// My Comm/scion exp/'roc
I hereby eerti l%10>< I have sur✓&y al anal p/ol%a/ /lie �ro� .r y )eseri6eal /i, /A/- p/al as NArJoNAL PARH ADD/T/oN j JAW
lh/s ,elal /s o earreel-elpresenl<ofion of fo/W Surveyi ></ J/ a// o//dances are correctly sheurn o /o / n fee/ anal o%eimo/s
� /he /o / n
aYP a Zoo/; 1hal he wanumen/s /'or ga/�oonee o/7 /'a/are curve's Piave beer/ e'orre'e>l/y p/deco/ it /lie grou>,a/ Qs 9`iocvn on the
,,o/a/; 11ia1 //ie ou>ls/o% 6oueo/ar /lies ore carree> / o%s/yr,o%d on /`ie p/o Ono/ �/i4>< //lore a+re r/o we//Qr/o/s or pub/i� firg/iu�ays
/o be de9i9no/eo/ on solo✓ P/a �o/her //hor7 as s�ouvn lhereo.7 ,
Aai,rh P Cas—W-49 Jr.
/ Reyis1erC
eo' ivil Enginer
eo»o/Lona/ Surreyar
Sl4l'e 0)9h1 nnecot97 Minneso/o Reg/s/ra>/ion Ala, 3959
o' ,/len /7ep in
The above cer7/i/'i'L'D>le was su6seri6ed anal sworn /o� 6e>Pore me/ Ili/s clay of danasemj/9-445—', A, D.
No idry P //c, /'lennepin Count , Minrleso/a
My Commission expires
This ,0/4>l was oPproveo/ ana occe/o%o/ by he C'i>Iy L'ouaci�O/' lJr).s/a� Minnesota, at o regular rnee//'ng lhereol' hela' his��
Ci>!y L'r.Y /VI1r7neso>/o
by y- M Yar
by���L� i is C�erif
The bouna/ories o;9 h/s P/al 0.00 he boano/aeles a> 1%1e 6/oc/f l/ieee/n have been rna/kemnlleo/ly ,hededl anal oPproveal /Vo
de%rmina//on has beer) moole /o oseer�ain iha/ the /ego/ descrj/vrio/7 agrees 4vi/h sa/41p/al. Dalen' J/h/s
day o�p , / 9 --- A. D-
E%i7�er J Pe�erson
C'oun/y Surveyor, tlennePJn l'oun , x). nesoto