MURRAYLAMURRAY LANE HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA March ,1950 5csle =1"-100' ECAN9 FIELD & NOINAK Engineers & 5vrveyvro -North /ins of L of 3l , Ayddors Subdivision Number 2 26 _ 5rN9AvElvu - A�lllelllv Aorpllv. 60 60 /33.99 rl /33.9 133. 9 � 14 m (6 I 1 134.0 .o /34.0 ti 15' /34.o 2 /34.01 13401 ti 134 0l n� /34.0/ 2 la 14I 3 b x !34.02 /34,02 ny 14 /34 02 p a 134.42 n 12 \ ' 5 h 134.03 � 134.03 12 5 134.03 134.04 134.04 10 i 7 O n 12 �IQ ^i 5 n 134.04 134.05 !34.05 ►�. h 10 1 7 r Il4.o6 5.� /34.06 h g I 8 h /34,06 /9.605 /3.�0G /3.x.05 10 bI A�lllelllv Aorpllv. 60 60 Fig j J Q 60 /3399 rl L'�8.99 133. 9 14 1 134.0 /34, o /34.0 ti 15' /34.o 2 /34.01 13401 16 n� 2 la mu. 02 13402 x 13 ny 14 /34 02 p h 134.42 n 12 \ ' 5 h 134.04 �, 134.04 \ 134.03 #34.05 /34.03 10 i 7 O n 12 �IQ ^i 5 n 134.04 /34.04 8 ►�. '5.0• /3406 5.� /9.605 /3.x.05 10 bI ! 7 ►�. 134.01 ( 134.06 13405 MAN Fig j J Q 60 .5vvffi lick of Lot 3/, Avd/tun's Svhofvisari NvinAr- 226 East awe /Nest cen*.,- //ne of sclron 5, T. //B, R. 2! c�H I w I know all men h these resents That Andrary De Tschud and ,Esther Tsehud hie //vie owners sta/n of Mi oh s.s. I hereb Gerd' that I have curve ed acrd lathed the ro ert described on this la ro Y P y y' .f ' Claw! -y of ;�} Y .fY Y P P P Y �° and p pr/etors f the fo!/o`vrny deSGrlbed property .situated in the State of /Ylinrresota acrd Gou>?ty of Hennepin, towit : A// that part f Lal 3/, Auditors 5ubdiYrsian Number 2 26, Hennepin Gvvnfy, A'Anneso1a , /ying north of Ae ,East and !'Yes# center 1117e f .Sect/Orr 5, ToWnshp 119, Range 21; have causeal the same fo be .3urvey- ed and ro/atfed as Murray Lane ?Nd do hereby donate and dedicate /a fi'ie/ovb/ic for pub/ic use forever die Streets, Avenve5 and Roads as shown on the annexed plat. In ` 1h7"s whereof Ne have hereunto set our hands and .sea/s on Phis day f A. 9 I950e In Presence f = (Sea0 (6eal) Sfaxv f Minneso& s s pn this da A -.1950 be ore me a Nofar�/ Pub/ie, within and o/- Gvvnty of Hennepin l f f said Gounty, ,oersor�a//y ap)oeara Andrew D Tschudy and ,Esther Tschudy, his rvr e , to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing ImInuvet# acid they ackhoy✓/edy�d thal they exe&-aAkd Ae .carne as (heir vxn free act acrd deed Naary Pub/ic, HenncPin Caws 1, Mmweso* My �/77/l7%33/D/7 EXP%rC!5 as iVlurr y L acre ; that fh/.s p/a t /s a correct re)0resentation al said surYey; That a// CIAs fances are correct/y shaW17 in fief acrd deciml-i of a foot; fiat thB surveys have beery Gor-/-ect/yp/aced in thegrourrdas shown orr are Go/'reefiy de si9naled o/? *e �D/at; that the Appu ngoh y of >`he land /5 Gorreelly S,bivAw off? the pfd i mat flat #here are no net /ands or pub/ic hiyhmip k be desiymMd aw Ae plat other than as shown thermn 5urveyvr - /Y0m, Rey. No. e29 Above Gertr, li ate trr Aprvre me, this day of A. D. /9�0. The annexed plat e /Ylurra y Lane was approved and accepted M/nnesofa, at a regular meeting thereof held thio day of Nofsry Pub/ie , Hsnaspin Gour�fy, Mir�r�e�ots My Commission fxPiizs by the Vi//age Gounci/ f Grysta /, A, D. /9.50. by 0-7yor by G/erk /3J.99 L'�8.99 134.0 /34, o ti 15' 2 /34.01 13401 la mu. 02 13402 13 p n 12 \ ' 5 h 134.04 �, 134.04 It #34.05 134.05 10 i 7 1J4.06 194.06 9 � 8 ►�. 13406 /3406 .5vvffi lick of Lot 3/, Avd/tun's Svhofvisari NvinAr- 226 East awe /Nest cen*.,- //ne of sclron 5, T. //B, R. 2! c�H I w I know all men h these resents That Andrary De Tschud and ,Esther Tsehud hie //vie owners sta/n of Mi oh s.s. I hereb Gerd' that I have curve ed acrd lathed the ro ert described on this la ro Y P y y' .f ' Claw! -y of ;�} Y .fY Y P P P Y �° and p pr/etors f the fo!/o`vrny deSGrlbed property .situated in the State of /Ylinrresota acrd Gou>?ty of Hennepin, towit : A// that part f Lal 3/, Auditors 5ubdiYrsian Number 2 26, Hennepin Gvvnfy, A'Anneso1a , /ying north of Ae ,East and !'Yes# center 1117e f .Sect/Orr 5, ToWnshp 119, Range 21; have causeal the same fo be .3urvey- ed and ro/atfed as Murray Lane ?Nd do hereby donate and dedicate /a fi'ie/ovb/ic for pub/ic use forever die Streets, Avenve5 and Roads as shown on the annexed plat. In ` 1h7"s whereof Ne have hereunto set our hands and .sea/s on Phis day f A. 9 I950e In Presence f = (Sea0 (6eal) Sfaxv f Minneso& s s pn this da A -.1950 be ore me a Nofar�/ Pub/ie, within and o/- Gvvnty of Hennepin l f f said Gounty, ,oersor�a//y ap)oeara Andrew D Tschudy and ,Esther Tschudy, his rvr e , to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing ImInuvet# acid they ackhoy✓/edy�d thal they exe&-aAkd Ae .carne as (heir vxn free act acrd deed Naary Pub/ic, HenncPin Caws 1, Mmweso* My �/77/l7%33/D/7 EXP%rC!5 as iVlurr y L acre ; that fh/.s p/a t /s a correct re)0resentation al said surYey; That a// CIAs fances are correct/y shaW17 in fief acrd deciml-i of a foot; fiat thB surveys have beery Gor-/-ect/yp/aced in thegrourrdas shown orr are Go/'reefiy de si9naled o/? *e �D/at; that the Appu ngoh y of >`he land /5 Gorreelly S,bivAw off? the pfd i mat flat #here are no net /ands or pub/ic hiyhmip k be desiymMd aw Ae plat other than as shown thermn 5urveyvr - /Y0m, Rey. No. e29 Above Gertr, li ate trr Aprvre me, this day of A. D. /9�0. The annexed plat e /Ylurra y Lane was approved and accepted M/nnesofa, at a regular meeting thereof held thio day of Nofsry Pub/ie , Hsnaspin Gour�fy, Mir�r�e�ots My Commission fxPiizs by the Vi//age Gounci/ f Grysta /, A, D. /9.50. by 0-7yor by G/erk