MALWOOD=of Cr'ysle/ , Counfy o yenne)%
O D&+oles /ion Munumen - Scale /:,90' 6ear'in9s are assumed
PdiV Aiiny 797.22 ' /Apr//7 opr1he you#7 /iM aZ SJ,Tl cV'.S-,c. 20
I `" en �^
I�Yca-raer g�'.feE¢ 2o
—� ��:�•,� ' - 328.x.
(AITO kivwn of Akdicrne Lake Abad R
500* 1.,e WsEi 4��. zo
kNOW ALL MEN DY THESE PRESENTS : Ma/ Drvc/%n9s Inc., a Minneso/a Ca-porahion , purchasers tn&r can/rad Por deed, a7d 406erl 1Yti10scr and Tek/a A.
Mas, -,r, h1.s wi,4, owners and p-oprielors o,�' fide 13/1bwliy de5-crl6e+d pro/oer/ 51/ual e In Ae Shale e "innesola and C uY7 of f/ennepin IoNil l � RW par/ o1' fhe Wesl
o�/he if/es#- o�'/he SE- o!'Sec�►on 20, Townshi //8 /�lor#li, e 2/, h/es �he S Pnne�' /Meridian , descri�aed as o/%ws = �e �nr�in a/ a in/ 797.22c/ Nardi
2 4 P °� Pa �
op a )own f /Ci7 �el Eas /he Sou lfi wes # corner o�'said SE—' ; l/ience Eas/ fii a P°Ar' l an /fie Eas / /inoe o� (fie /Yell z o�' die 1t�es# o /fie /f�esl i oysaid SE¢ , 798. /2 �e
Alorfh o/ //ie Soulh /ne said SES , NAich /as descr%bed �nf is AC oxA aV orPbe5lnniny a�'�ie /6-v( /o � &scribed I. (hence ccr�linu�► Eas�er'/r on 11ie ex-
%nsion o�'{he /as/ described /ne fo /he Eas� line a�'lhe /Yesl2 a�'/he `Mcsl! o�'Pi�ie SE i ; /hence Sou#h on sato/ Easy /.iac bac .Saulh /ix of SE /hence AYesl /b 1/e
Easl %ne o�/he Nies/ 2 0(' (lie /'1�es/ i o�' die /1%s/ i a}l'/fie SE¢ ; fence Nor/h �v �eyi min ,according �o Governrnenl Survey; have caused /fae s�arn�e /0 6e surveyed
and a//ea( as MALWDOD /-/EIGHTS; and do herebylona/e and dedica/e 6 Xhe uhlice fir- ub/ic use �rever /he Avenues and Road as shown on fhe annexed
/ /h U/i/i / rain Ea ern / ow o /h n x /a u in ni i / r or r- b i � Uf /i 1i s . In wilnes said
/ai'; sub ec/ o e y and D a e s ens as h n n e an e ed � se o�' c a the /c i e s rrl�xrec�'
Dwe//in J Inc.has caused these re n/s /o be si ned 6 i /s pro r icer a V ils ccr rale sea/ k he lemon k fixed /his _de A. D /957
9 P 9 _ Pe �� Pe ' I' �'
and a.(so in *v�fness rvfiereo�'said �Po6�er� N. Moser and They/a A. Maser, his rv� , Piave hereonfo se� heir- hands and mea/s fhlso"aY 0/1
A D. /957
/n Presence o{'- SS fined: - /n Pr-esence oP: - PNELL /NGS INC.
k i, RWad N. Mau/'
,.rd rftk6,A-**wr
As ib G. M�fin%a►f
sf,d 60fwa-df E. Abod/r
yc� - ftrs�o(eni
-5/ale WMinnesola S 5 On /his daK I A.D. /957, klore me, a No/ary Pub/�c, wilh%n aid lor saf? Ca"ly arx/.Sfa/e, 06rs0173//y ayoared Lawlwce
Ca un�yor4nnePin 6. Ma/an/,'qn/ ar7d Edward E. Moody, /o mle personally ,mown , who k -Ing 6yme each duly sworn, did saY Thal /hey a "/, ve/r Arsiden�
and Vlce-Pres%o6n/ &1?Owe111;9.5 Inc,., line corporalion named in l%e )ore9oin9 ins rumen#, /hal Phe sea/ q1P!ed /n sa& ,'751rufnenl is f/ie corporale sea/o�'
said car• radon ; 161said inslrurnenl was signed and .sea/ed 1n 6eha/�' �'saio� carporalion by aulhorily e fP ils Board o1'D1fw1ors ; and sad Lawrence G.
Ma/an anh aid Edjvard E. J'Yood ac�now/ed ed said ins�rurr�enl be life �r'ee ail arm deed o�'saio� cor oration.
r y P
S/a/L o�rMinncsola S.5- / /
Co un y ol'//ennepin on /ifs dar oI' A. D. /957, &-�wre me a Alolarr No ar y Pub6G, f/ennep%n Coun ft' , Minneso/a
Pub/iG rvl/filn and Pr said Counly orad S/ale persona//y appeared 12-berf w Moser aid MY GomImssion Expires
Thick/a A. Mo—ser, h6 yvife , fo me /nown /o be Me )cxersons described ;nand who executed
/Pic f'wr-e9oin� inslr-um�cnf ,and //fey ac�nory/edged Thal /heY execu�ed f/�e same as (lief;• own Free act and deed
/ hereby cer/iry As/ / have surveyed and palled (fie ior-o er'ly' described on A/_S Nolary Pub/ic, Ilennepin 0oun1r, �t/linnesofa
P191 as MAL WOOD HEIGNT,5, Thal #his /al
orf ie resen la lion o{'said iVl y Commission Ex�oires
f1P . P
survey; Thal a// dlslances are correcf/ shown ar said io/af /n Feel and o%ima/s oI'a lol;
lhal Phe monunxnls /r yufdance iP inure surveys have 6�een correcHy P/aced //'7 the ground as shown on said plat; /ha/ Phe oulside bouno�ary
/i7cs are correc l/y des9n a led on said Io/a l ; ilial /he lopo� -a/o%r y oIP Ae /ano' is correct/y ,shown on Phe io/a l ; and fka f Aere are no eve l lands a'
pv6/ic 179hrva y -s on sato/ /p/a / oAer than as shown lhereon.
Sale Inneso la
Coun 4K � e nep%n s. s_ Above cerlir'cale su6scri,bed and
J A. D. /957.
Sur ve yor - VIi meso fa 2e9is lra lion A/° 3795
sworn k 6elo�'e me, a No fart' Public , wi lhin and: -�-67r sa, d Coun>�y, #liis bar
.` Cfl
Alolvr y Pub 2 , llennePin County, Minneso fa
My Commission Expires 11
The above ar7d �w,-eyoin9 /o/al c�- MAL WOOD HE/G/-I TS was ap�or-o wed and accepted by Phe ✓i//age Council o�'CrYs�a/ al a regular- meeling
lher'eal' held lhi9 doy- o� A. D. /957,
by M, ayo�
by Clerk -
Approved and Chec%d //ifs ar or
A D. 057.
genne`oin Coun 1t' SurYe yor