MAHLKESCa swell Er�yi1-7eer1;i9 Co.
11e)vmER11v COUNTY, M11v1v6-.sor,4
Z;79i�7eers 4ndZ421761 Sviveyors
fCNO/1/ HLL 441 BY Thal tll-ab/ke 0.70, ��r/A/J C' /1/%Dh/�Qorvr�Q✓s dr�dP,-pP,-�Q /prS o/ //ie A //0 W//37
de5cribQdProoerfy s/ ir4�cd in the Sfctf2 0�' Mir/r/Qso/Q, G'our»ry o�' f�drJr7ePI fo `vim/.-
L'o 9 B/oc,(� Z, �osEoA�E AefzEs, �seeoro%�y /o /fie /�/4f /hQregl' vn /c aril 1-.0 .i7 7"' ¢o��'ce o//fid
v� Oeeds• in nnd�'or sa%d fi/er�n¢,oii7 c'ou��y
Hava cousQd /he sa/ne fo be sarveyed or�v/,o/q//co/ as And do hereby o%r�4/c Argo' e edlcale lo /he
Wr pub/ie for ,avb/ie use fortv¢r fhe Avenues Orainoge qU/i/i EastmQn�s as shown on the p /Q t
/n wi>`i7ess wh¢reo/' soid ,Q//'red E. /Vl4h/ke qr�d !/'v�ar� C. /I�JAh/.fie hQv¢ h¢reu�fo s'¢ff/¢ir• hoes a�dse4/s phis doy o�
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/r7 presence of Syr�ed
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Ono' 41Aao,`I Mahlke
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v 3 v v o On /his day o/' , /<% , /Y• �./ befire yrie� a r7o/ary /O -V wi/hin 4/7,01'r said Gin y S/4/e„otrsona//y
'` J I QP,v¢grcd !�/>�'rGd E/liJah/,fie and Vlelal? C. A4.517/ke, W11e, A0 me 001-sonall Ao be fhe,oarsor�s
s ;�; descr.6¢d i.� o�d wha e,reevfid /he �oregoir� ins/ramerl>` ono/ oCknosv/adjed fho/ fhoy B.reevfto� the s4rnt a s Their
/45.50 ;: /30. bo i own 7rQa ae/ 0/1 deed
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30 /l/o7`ary les 6A f hienneoii� Covr� /l/l i�.�e6;-O a
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/hereby eer y /ha/ / haVe surveyede /he ,Draper/ �a�c.-ibQd ori �� la la s M<I.yZ ,KW 4 oo/ 7i on/ ,• 4a/ 14is
is a Correc/ r¢,oras¢nfc� /ion or said s�rvty; 7`h47 -/A// disf4�cas arQ corr¢cf/y Jii4W.17 ir7 74"7" c0nd 0,'e a/s or a
ihal ha v¢ be, e,17 corr�c,//y P/ocQd iri 1hG 9rour�d cls showri; fhcl� the o�cfsi4'�
bou/�dnry /ir,¢s are eorrec//y d2si9r/c�f�d,• aric� /ha>< fher� Lt/-� r�o wed /ar�ds /o be �esi��n�d o� scs.�P/a�
/ .Qui ere Lgnd S'arv¢yor
1'7iaTe 01-11, A--11;,I-Co><a /1/0.
�L, Covnry o/' //ennePii7 /
71/d .�` I?id!/D�'S C¢r �C4r2 was Svf�scr� SHARbN I'. DA
/ ><'�' tato/ ai7o/ sworn fo, be�ore me o it/o �o r Pub /ic fh s�� d q o y LL UGE
Y ' Y dry Public, Hennepin Expires JanCountyMm
/ Commission Exp,
25, 197
No/wy f/e17n1 ovn><v,• i��soiQ
This ,v/a>` o� MANL,�E'S ly comir7ission ¢xPires
A voiT/o was a rov¢d onzl acc¢,ole,71I,the C� Coanci/ o/' lh r yoAe S -b/ i»esOfa ala regv/or ma`�ing ffi�er�rore Delo,
><h s Qy o� , /9 , A- D. Cif Coclnc:/0/ /h¢ C'i/ o/' Ci s/4/40 X170 o
IF .r y y �
-kj&6 Mayor
The boandar/es o/' /his ,0/4/ a,*d fhe bovAdaries o/ the f>/ock 1170,1 i� h4Ye be¢n rr�q�hema�c4//y chescked 0r1goorr�veo!
A10 de1ermi,7a11. /7 has hee4 made fa asC¢,--lal 7 Mal 117e ye94/ 4grVxs- -01 soioi,o/arl A7106,1 /fits
day o10- 119 / !-O
E/mer c% �e><¢rson
Covn�y Surveyor, f/gi7r7Q,c�.i� Covn>/y, �i7�e51