LOU-ANNLOUANN CITY OF CRYSTAL- HENNEPIN ADDITION COUNTY, MINNESOTA �� t .9 I Z �. I I v o GTE/VOTES /RAN mavelMENT .0 ; - I? r j ; ,� •' BE.IR/N6S .ARE �ISSUMEO t �/ - - - - - '�� / SC,•ILE.' /-INCE /00 FEET I r- I� �� r• ;i I I � I I --------- O ~,*OFSEC.-PO,7-'Ily e -J1 652. /D - - S. B9 p39 :'lo .,w - -- - - _ t.PriY CCAewe - Qfe- ?.q Tiri/ AYE/YY/E /V1ARTi�s� M r 33 �- 1 State o6 'i.innesota SM I Count Herne to Cori tliib da o 1969 A.D. be ,one me a Notan Pubfic within and on said Cauntt and S-ta.te �� ;' � � I I '1 ' A p y S a� y A y o W� I I r , pensonatty appeared John EcUfaAd Hopko and Greta Adet.ine Hopko, husband and wiAe, to me known to be the peuons desmibed -.in and who �ok3 1 �� $ �T i J r�. executed the Aoregoinq instrument and acknowledged .the same as theit own Sree act and deed. a LOT -1, BLOCK -1 `y I NotaAy Pubtic, Hennepin County, nrtt-nota I My Commission Expi4es LL:�� � M v l .;,�• I I v I I I State o6 Minnesota V L _ _ _ _I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ County oA Hennepin On this day o6 1969 A.D., be6o4e me a Notary Pubtie within and 6o4 said Coturtty and State, SB3.93-- --- � 33 peuonaUq appeared Edwin E. Kau66mann and Pa,tAici.a J. Kau66mann, husband and wise, and R.iehoAd C. Kau66mann and Janet C . Kau66mann, eXW SL/.✓E,OFN. / oFivE� WA-AYE44 W,/ .We: T//BSP. 2/ I r I ---F husband and wia to me known to be the peAAonA desehcbed in and who executed the 6onegoing ind.thc,menx and acknowledged the same as the A own Anee act and deed. I I o aAy PubZic, Hennepin County, M inn "o a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that John Ediwdnd Hopko and Greta Adetine. Hapko, husband and cviAe, Aee owner6, and Edwin E. Kaus4mann and Patricia J. Kau6Amann, husband and w.iAe, and Richard C. Kau66mann and Janet C. KauAAmann, husband and wiAe, contract Son deed purchaser oA .the Sottowing de6cxi.bed property situated .in the County os Henne-pin, State oA Minnesota, to wit: The. North 112 06 the Northeast 1/4 oA the Northeast 1/4 oA the .Northwest 1/4 oA Section 20, Township 118, Range 21, aceond.ing to .the Government. Survey thereo6. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as LOU -ANN ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to .the pubt.i r- Son the pubt.ic Son ,the public use Aorever the avenues as shown on the annexed ptat. In witness whereo6, said John Edward Hopko and Greta Adeline Hopko, have heAeunto set thei t hands and seat this day oA 1969,A.D., and said Eckvin E. KauA Amann and Path i.c.ia J. Kau66mann and R.ichaAd C. KauA 6mann and Janet C. Kau66mann, have hereunto set theiA hands and s eaZ6 this day oA IN PRESENCE OF 1969, A.D. SIGNED John Edward Hopko Geeta Adetine Hopko Edwin E. Kau66mann Patricia J. Kau66mann R.ichaAd C. Kau66mann Janet C. Kau66mann My Commission Expires I hereby cent.isy that I have surveyed and ptatted .the property described and shown on this ptat as LOU -ANN ADDITION, that thi.6 ptat iA a co -meet representation oA said survey, that att distaneez ane eoAAectty shown on said plat in Aeet and deeimat6 o6 a Soot, that. all monuments have been co4Aeetty placed in .the ground as 6hoevn on said ptat, that the outside boundary tines ane eortreet_Zy designated on said ptat, and that theAe ane no wettand6 on puboc highways to be designated on said ptat other .than as shown .theAeon v.en H. Hedtund,an uAveyor M.i.nne6o.ta RegistAat.ion No. 5942 State oA Minnesota County o6 Hennepin The above eertijieate was subscxibe.d and shorn to be6o4e me, a Notary Pubt.ie, within and Aon sai-d Cot -Linty and State, on this day os 1969 A.D. otaAy Pubtic, Hennepin County, Wnn"ota My Commission Expite.6 The ptat o6 LOU-ANN DDITION was approved and accepted by .the City Councit o6 Crystat, Ai.nnesota at a regutar Meeting t:he�ceos hetd on this /� - day o6 1969 A.D. ry CITY COUNCIL, CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA by6?N- �aayon The boundaries oA this ptat and the bounda- i.es oA the block they in have been mathemati.catty checked and approved. has been made to a6certain that the tegat desctiptc:on agrees with said ptat. Dated thi's day o6 No de-teAm.inati.on 1969 A.D. by EtmeA J. Peteuon, Hennepin County SuAveyot SHEET / of /