Enyinssrs 6i 5urvsyors
; o%* line o S,E 4 io N4 a 1 .
on 5 - iv le 2l
�-y A VEN!/e N,
Know all men by these preeenfs that Leon D. Kennard and Sena Kennard, his wife, and JNi//iam A. Hinsey and Mabel P.
Hinssy, hio rvi e, owners oAa l prvpietor:f Of the f0/10rrin,4y deecribed property si/vate rn the 56ate of Alinnesofa and
=of ennepin,fnnwit = Thaf pa of lie ,5oulheast carter (5E i) o the Norfhea,5f carter N.0 1ofnTo`vnship AR, Ran 2/, /ylh Aeafer/ 1N Q o the ri hf o r yva c e r C
9e 9 )' ,y} f g y f fh eat Norfherrr Rai ?iva
Gom�oany; have caused the sarme fo to sur✓eyBd and platted as "Kinsey Manor Second Addition "and do hereby
donate and ded 'cafe fn Ae pvblic for Pub/ic use forzver the strzets and avenues as shown on the a�nexedP/at. Irr y
`witnesswhere f rvB have her-erJr�r� set our /�a�ds ar�d sea/s Phis day of A. D. /950
In '01-eI7sence of
Sea/) (seal)
Stale of W717e-Oa all .s.
Gouhfy of heetwepin On Phis_. day ° A, D. /950, before me, a nobry pvb/ic, persona//y appeared
op Leon D Kennard and Sena locnmrd, his `vffe, xnd Ai//iam A. Hinsey .2� Mabel P. Hinsey} his rri e, to Ine kr7ei m to
be the persons described in and `who eAkcvbed the or- vim iPOh-V OWW and the ackr�ow/eo'f d tha f Ahe
exeGvfed fine same as their- o�rn free act and o'eaf '9 Y y
Notaryy pub/ic, ifehnePin Gour�, /Ylinnasa>`a.
� Y zxpirgs
state f /t�Ilahesofa
Gounfyvf f/enneoin s s• Ido herebyy certif' y bhaf I 17.20e svrveyad and,o/atfed the abovedescribed Property a3
y Manor secar �Iddifion ; t�iat P/at is a eorrecf represer�txfior� of said .aur-Vsy; that a// disfa�ces
are correct/y.shown ih Bef aid declvalo of a foot; *W -l' die )noM~71-0far yvidahce of fvfrJre surtleys Kaye
Mer correctly P/;,fcod in the 4tWAi as s170PV7 4r7 fig �nr�exed,o%z t; That tha outside boundary /ir�Gs are correct/y
desiyrrated o� ,said P/af aad >Yaf berg are ria ave} /ands or Public des yrvIkd on said Plat oder
than as .0170V•v4 thereon
sarveyor- iYlinrr �PB9. No.929.
Aboveserf ficate subeoribed and sworn fv before me zw Phis day of
4.. D. /950.
N�aryPu6/ic, Hanrtepih Counfjy, Nlinneso�a,
My Gormniss/on ,Expires
The annexed plat/le�sey Manor Second 4dditiorr "`vas-rOmvved ar�d accepted by the Vi//aye of GrySta/
Minnesor`a at a regv/sr- meefiny }hereof held th/s day of A D, /950.
Y/LLA6.e 6owwIL of GR ygTAL , M11vN$SOTA.
by Mayor
by G/irk
H h
e � 2
BD 80 /2 2.45
O 4225
Know all men by these preeenfs that Leon D. Kennard and Sena Kennard, his wife, and JNi//iam A. Hinsey and Mabel P.
Hinssy, hio rvi e, owners oAa l prvpietor:f Of the f0/10rrin,4y deecribed property si/vate rn the 56ate of Alinnesofa and
=of ennepin,fnnwit = Thaf pa of lie ,5oulheast carter (5E i) o the Norfhea,5f carter N.0 1ofnTo`vnship AR, Ran 2/, /ylh Aeafer/ 1N Q o the ri hf o r yva c e r C
9e 9 )' ,y} f g y f fh eat Norfherrr Rai ?iva
Gom�oany; have caused the sarme fo to sur✓eyBd and platted as "Kinsey Manor Second Addition "and do hereby
donate and ded 'cafe fn Ae pvblic for Pub/ic use forzver the strzets and avenues as shown on the a�nexedP/at. Irr y
`witnesswhere f rvB have her-erJr�r� set our /�a�ds ar�d sea/s Phis day of A. D. /950
In '01-eI7sence of
Sea/) (seal)
Stale of W717e-Oa all .s.
Gouhfy of heetwepin On Phis_. day ° A, D. /950, before me, a nobry pvb/ic, persona//y appeared
op Leon D Kennard and Sena locnmrd, his `vffe, xnd Ai//iam A. Hinsey .2� Mabel P. Hinsey} his rri e, to Ine kr7ei m to
be the persons described in and `who eAkcvbed the or- vim iPOh-V OWW and the ackr�ow/eo'f d tha f Ahe
exeGvfed fine same as their- o�rn free act and o'eaf '9 Y y
Notaryy pub/ic, ifehnePin Gour�, /Ylinnasa>`a.
� Y zxpirgs
state f /t�Ilahesofa
Gounfyvf f/enneoin s s• Ido herebyy certif' y bhaf I 17.20e svrveyad and,o/atfed the abovedescribed Property a3
y Manor secar �Iddifion ; t�iat P/at is a eorrecf represer�txfior� of said .aur-Vsy; that a// disfa�ces
are correct/y.shown ih Bef aid declvalo of a foot; *W -l' die )noM~71-0far yvidahce of fvfrJre surtleys Kaye
Mer correctly P/;,fcod in the 4tWAi as s170PV7 4r7 fig �nr�exed,o%z t; That tha outside boundary /ir�Gs are correct/y
desiyrrated o� ,said P/af aad >Yaf berg are ria ave} /ands or Public des yrvIkd on said Plat oder
than as .0170V•v4 thereon
sarveyor- iYlinrr �PB9. No.929.
Aboveserf ficate subeoribed and sworn fv before me zw Phis day of
4.. D. /950.
N�aryPu6/ic, Hanrtepih Counfjy, Nlinneso�a,
My Gormniss/on ,Expires
The annexed plat/le�sey Manor Second 4dditiorr "`vas-rOmvved ar�d accepted by the Vi//aye of GrySta/
Minnesor`a at a regv/sr- meefiny }hereof held th/s day of A D, /950.
Y/LLA6.e 6owwIL of GR ygTAL , M11vN$SOTA.
by Mayor
by G/irk