HWEBBH. WEBB�-SCHAEFER ADDITION VILLAGE OF CRYSTAL J -- North lino Lot /6, Scb0ef4-r•,5 Luka SieleNEAS Grove � ---�973�- _-- _ AIIE.N. 00 �JJ f-11 Lof /8 cand {Nest /inr �I ii .3 4�; V La 3 t, so b Lof / 7, Schczofer's L c7ke Side I � l� •- C o \ Grove d• l �0 Lo \ I //8.3 �i c c • fl \ Lino porn/lel with the North) /int of jcy� m Lot / 7 Qr7d /a, %FchocACr's Le��c Sides Gror 1 b a _ _ -436.4- QN 6 y $_76.4_ _ 90 � 114" t- � Ufi/i � �4: w o b !J ji'� 3 N O 3¢ _ 78.3 0 1 ;,� •��9-j Yt ,�' R.•2/6. p/ r C'a-- � /ROH MONUMLNT 41 / $�j 05, yA vE. SCA L C'. X'- 100' CARTWR I GH T & OLSON LAND SURVEYORS ,KNO1N ALL MEN 5Y 7'NES�E PRESENTS : That vve, Agnes Schaefer, a widow , Roger P. Mohrbcache►- czr7d Mohrbacher, his vv/'fe, Gordon S'chrnielt c�ncl lval 3chmlcl f', his wife, owners and propriefor-s of fhc fo1101-V1'ncq described properfy si fcaate in the 0oc../r7ty of HCr7r7c-pir7. Sfca fe of Minneso fa, to- rvi t= A11 that parf of Lots /7 and I8� Schaefer's La/c� Side Grove , described cas follo.�vs : C10mr7-?er7c jng cit the point- of irn t-er sec Pion of the North l/ne of soid Lot l8 and the Nort/7easterly right-of-rvac� /it -7(= of' Highway Number 52; thence Easf along the /Vorth lir)e of ,s,,n d Lots /e c7nd /7 ci c14stc7r7c<-- of - 97.3 fief, which point is the point of begi/-7fing of the /c?nd to be cJescribcd; thenCe South p1c7rc2//e/ With the /int dividing staid Lots l7 and /8 ca djstzanea of /36.4 foot; ther7ce )Wiest pore//e/ W;Ah the North line of'sctid Lofs 17 cgnd le a d%S'fQnce of 44/. / tett, mere or fess, fo 7�f'ie �crsf" right -of- vvL7c� /jne of scald U. S. cglor-7c3 the North<21C?si-C=r1y ric3ht-of=way /ire of staid U. S. .3 49 to its inteJ-section with the Southerly line of said Laf /B; thcr7ce Erast- ca/ong fhc- Soc...lth /ine of Lots to the Ecast line of t/ -7e WC--sf F -6S of said Loi- 17; thence North pard//<--/ w;fh fhc /Nest line of staid L.ot l7 to the North lips t/7e*rsof ; f/er-7ce West' along the North //'ne of Lot- /7 n disfdrrco of 168.3 fejt, rr7orC-- or to the point of &=ginning; ci/so all that part of Lofs /9 car70l 20 lying E-casfer/c3 of the lire of the c1bov4= menl/or7ed U. S. Hicghv%",Qt-h Numb (-:I er- 52 ��rec-pfinc3 erd;-orrf the fa l lo.-vir?c� dc-scrlb�'d tread; beginning cf the /voi/•-d- c, inferseefion of the Soul)-► lir7<-- of Lot- /9 vvi th fhc East�=rkj lir-7C- of thaw right --of'- vvay of U. S. Highway Number 52; thence east o10r7g t -he South line' of Lots 13 and EO ca distance' of 200 f'cet; thence Northwesterly pear- allcl vvi fh fl -i,= Ec .5h 'r /y lir-» of 6caie/ U. S. HighrvAy 1\1clrr7ber 52 a distance of 95 feet; tl-acr>ee lN�st /o ra/lel with the South line ofscaid Lots /9 and 20 to the Easterly lines of th(= right-Of'-k-vay of said U.S. Highway Nurnbcr 5z; th�nc� Soc.ifh�ast�rlc� a/ong staid East�rlc� lines of.said right -of' way 95 fc'--c=f to the' point of beginning; ca/so ir7g ca// that part of Lof 20 /cd/ng East- of' West 606.06- feet /-here©f, hove caused the sc?rne to be .se.lrveycd card plc7tted as H. WE-0B5-SCHAErEF3 ADDITION, an� do he by don t and cdcdiccife to fhc public for public use Fore✓er the Avenues as shown on tf-� ,�/s�o ub�cclo �afc n� pOr Utl1; /y PurposPs 4r� shown on t P a nixed /v/Qf /9.D.1950 onrreXcd plof.Tn w/mess w iereo we heave rjer�clnTo sot our %ands and sea/s on this day of /n the p rcScr7cc-- of Signed -South line L.ot /7, Schcacfcr's Loke side Gr„prC and As to A.S. -341_0' o b- /30 _ Z Ver o i 6-0 0: I� 3 and As to R. P. M. 1 10 /z6.7 c b and As fo 1. M. 2 z to ` CO 5 and N ( Iro Qnd N L OyE4Jt�i►I Af�� � `Z�/ Vf/!liH #,-„ - o°g" g - .� Y iQ o � ;-I " 5-rA TE OF MINNESOTA s%ss •-- COUNT Y OF" t-/E'NNCRIN� South lino Lot 20, SchoeFcr r On this do cd of A. ,D. /950 bcfor,= r7 -7e , a Nott-ar-y Public vvi thin and for LQke sides Grore scud County and .State persorxa/ly ap/oe'cared Agr7es 5c/-7aefer2 0 widow, Roger P. Mohrbaeh7er car7d /r7os Mohrboceher, his wife, Gorddr-7 9ck7midf caryd /vc►/ Schmidt, his wife, to rr7e personca/Icy known to be the p(1-rsor7s described in and rvhQ execufed fhc for-cs-cgoing instrurner711 cand they caf'firn-r cand cackr7o,-v/edge executed the same cls their own free oaf card domed. Notchy Public, / lennepin County, MinneSoi-c� /Vl y Cor7-7miSs ion jff�X p i rC�5 l hereby cart; fcy tha f / hove surveyed and plaited the land described in the dedication on this sheet ?��� ADD/TION; that t-hiS plat is a Carred repreSen- totion of staid .Survey; that ca// dist-cances care shown on said plat ir7 Figures denoting feet or -7c/ decimca/s of a fool; thcaf the n7or7umC--nts for the gu/dOncc of future sur -vet's have bee/ -7 correct -/y p1caca'd in th(= ground as shown on staid p/caf; that the topogl-czphy of the /car -7d is correctly shown on said P/cal-; tf-74f fhc outside boundaries of the land are correctly designated on TJ�Lp6 or p"blie highvvcays to be desigr7c7ted on staid plat other thcar7 circ showr7 thereor7, N 0 V Z c 1; f I� . � ( ��6 QO 1) 200 �� •-' /a0./S I Not included �1 9S '� '0 u 126' ^� �► u to 0 -'Osf fine Lot /9 cind !'Yost line Lot 20 i Y'70UM 5 hcaeter;s Loke Side Gro✓v line Lot /9, NSc%Qefer'.s Loke Side Grove SCA L C'. X'- 100' CARTWR I GH T & OLSON LAND SURVEYORS ,KNO1N ALL MEN 5Y 7'NES�E PRESENTS : That vve, Agnes Schaefer, a widow , Roger P. Mohrbcache►- czr7d Mohrbacher, his vv/'fe, Gordon S'chrnielt c�ncl lval 3chmlcl f', his wife, owners and propriefor-s of fhc fo1101-V1'ncq described properfy si fcaate in the 0oc../r7ty of HCr7r7c-pir7. Sfca fe of Minneso fa, to- rvi t= A11 that parf of Lots /7 and I8� Schaefer's La/c� Side Grove , described cas follo.�vs : C10mr7-?er7c jng cit the point- of irn t-er sec Pion of the North l/ne of soid Lot l8 and the Nort/7easterly right-of-rvac� /it -7(= of' Highway Number 52; thence Easf along the /Vorth lir)e of ,s,,n d Lots /e c7nd /7 ci c14stc7r7c<-- of - 97.3 fief, which point is the point of begi/-7fing of the /c?nd to be cJescribcd; thenCe South p1c7rc2//e/ With the /int dividing staid Lots l7 and /8 ca djstzanea of /36.4 foot; ther7ce )Wiest pore//e/ W;Ah the North line of'sctid Lofs 17 cgnd le a d%S'fQnce of 44/. / tett, mere or fess, fo 7�f'ie �crsf" right -of- vvL7c� /jne of scald U. S. cglor-7c3 the North<21C?si-C=r1y ric3ht-of=way /ire of staid U. S. .3 49 to its inteJ-section with the Southerly line of said Laf /B; thcr7ce Erast- ca/ong fhc- Soc...lth /ine of Lots to the Ecast line of t/ -7e WC--sf F -6S of said Loi- 17; thence North pard//<--/ w;fh fhc /Nest line of staid L.ot l7 to the North lips t/7e*rsof ; f/er-7ce West' along the North //'ne of Lot- /7 n disfdrrco of 168.3 fejt, rr7orC-- or to the point of &=ginning; ci/so all that part of Lofs /9 car70l 20 lying E-casfer/c3 of the lire of the c1bov4= menl/or7ed U. S. Hicghv%",Qt-h Numb (-:I er- 52 ��rec-pfinc3 erd;-orrf the fa l lo.-vir?c� dc-scrlb�'d tread; beginning cf the /voi/•-d- c, inferseefion of the Soul)-► lir7<-- of Lot- /9 vvi th fhc East�=rkj lir-7C- of thaw right --of'- vvay of U. S. Highway Number 52; thence east o10r7g t -he South line' of Lots 13 and EO ca distance' of 200 f'cet; thence Northwesterly pear- allcl vvi fh fl -i,= Ec .5h 'r /y lir-» of 6caie/ U. S. HighrvAy 1\1clrr7ber 52 a distance of 95 feet; tl-acr>ee lN�st /o ra/lel with the South line ofscaid Lots /9 and 20 to the Easterly lines of th(= right-Of'-k-vay of said U.S. Highway Nurnbcr 5z; th�nc� Soc.ifh�ast�rlc� a/ong staid East�rlc� lines of.said right -of' way 95 fc'--c=f to the' point of beginning; ca/so ir7g ca// that part of Lof 20 /cd/ng East- of' West 606.06- feet /-here©f, hove caused the sc?rne to be .se.lrveycd card plc7tted as H. WE-0B5-SCHAErEF3 ADDITION, an� do he by don t and cdcdiccife to fhc public for public use Fore✓er the Avenues as shown on tf-� ,�/s�o ub�cclo �afc n� pOr Utl1; /y PurposPs 4r� shown on t P a nixed /v/Qf /9.D.1950 onrreXcd plof.Tn w/mess w iereo we heave rjer�clnTo sot our %ands and sea/s on this day of /n the p rcScr7cc-- of Signed -South line L.ot /7, Schcacfcr's Loke side Gr„prC and As to A.S. -341_0' o b- /30 _ Z Ver o i 6-0 0: I� 3 and As to R. P. M. 1 10 /z6.7 c b and As fo 1. M. 2 z to ` CO 5 and N ( Iro Qnd N L OyE4Jt�i►I Af�� � `Z�/ Vf/!liH #,-„ - o°g" g - .� Y iQ o � ;-I " 5-rA TE OF MINNESOTA s%ss •-- COUNT Y OF" t-/E'NNCRIN� South lino Lot 20, SchoeFcr r On this do cd of A. ,D. /950 bcfor,= r7 -7e , a Nott-ar-y Public vvi thin and for LQke sides Grore scud County and .State persorxa/ly ap/oe'cared Agr7es 5c/-7aefer2 0 widow, Roger P. Mohrbaeh7er car7d /r7os Mohrboceher, his wife, Gorddr-7 9ck7midf caryd /vc►/ Schmidt, his wife, to rr7e personca/Icy known to be the p(1-rsor7s described in and rvhQ execufed fhc for-cs-cgoing instrurner711 cand they caf'firn-r cand cackr7o,-v/edge executed the same cls their own free oaf card domed. Notchy Public, / lennepin County, MinneSoi-c� /Vl y Cor7-7miSs ion jff�X p i rC�5 Registered Lc7nd Surveyor COUNSTATE OF MINNESOTi9�S.S. TY OF MEWNEPIN Above cortiFicatc subscribed and sworr7 to before rr7c,, a Notary Pub/ic within and for staid County and Stcate on this day of - A.D. /950 El No far y Pub/k., Hennepin County , M/nneso fa Med Cornfnission Expires We hereby certify thcit the I/illcige Cour7c// of the I/illcxge Of' /%ennepin Counfy, MinnesatQ, duly Geeepted and czloprovo•d the annexed plat of H. ADD/TION, cif ca regulQr rncet;nc3 thereof held Phis d4 y of A. D. 1950 President Clerk l hereby cart; fcy tha f / hove surveyed and plaited the land described in the dedication on this sheet as H. Wr15B-SC1yAE"FER ADD/TION; that t-hiS plat is a Carred repreSen- totion of staid .Survey; that ca// dist-cances care shown on said plat ir7 Figures denoting feet or -7c/ decimca/s of a fool; thcaf the n7or7umC--nts for the gu/dOncc of future sur -vet's have bee/ -7 correct -/y p1caca'd in th(= ground as shown on staid p/caf; that the topogl-czphy of the /car -7d is correctly shown on said P/cal-; tf-74f fhc outside boundaries of the land are correctly designated on said plat; and that fherc= care no w< --f IQndS or p"blie highvvcays to be desigr7c7ted on staid plat other thcar7 circ showr7 thereor7, Registered Lc7nd Surveyor COUNSTATE OF MINNESOTi9�S.S. TY OF MEWNEPIN Above cortiFicatc subscribed and sworr7 to before rr7c,, a Notary Pub/ic within and for staid County and Stcate on this day of - A.D. /950 El No far y Pub/k., Hennepin County , M/nneso fa Med Cornfnission Expires We hereby certify thcit the I/illcige Cour7c// of the I/illcxge Of' /%ennepin Counfy, MinnesatQ, duly Geeepted and czloprovo•d the annexed plat of H. ADD/TION, cif ca regulQr rncet;nc3 thereof held Phis d4 y of A. D. 1950 President Clerk