CRYIND1T A L U TR AL ADDITION IND 5 1 HENNEPINCOUNTY,MINN. ...5C ALE :-1"R 100' VILLAGE OF CRYSTAL. CARTW I GHT & OLSON SITTEMBER71953 _ L -Surveyors North line of NYVI of Sec.9, Twp. n onum 1 Know all min +hese presents that (r sial lumber & Millwork Co., a Minnesota con anon owners and proprietors, of the followin described o ere situate in the State of Minnesota and Iron Monwnerr♦ Z .2 l Iron Monunwnt by Pr Y Inc., �' Pr Pr g pr p y \ 183.9 se.3 1so.ea ;county of ilannepin tow4'.- That part of the North? of Itie NorfhwesfL 4.of Section 9, Township 118, Range ZI, lyinj Westerly of a line run parallel with and dis�an+ 1Z5 feaf Wesferly of, measured \\ a� of riQhf agles, fo the center line, of Trunk Ni5¢hway Number 3 and now marked Trunk ? i�hway Number 52, Northerly of file Northerly riQh} of way line of the Minneapolis, S+.Paul and Saul} SEs. Marie Railroad, and Easterly of the Easterly rfQhf of wad line,_ of _tile' Gnat Northern Railroad, accordrn� to the United Sfafes Government Survey thereof; Has caused the same to \ be surveyed and platted as CRYSTAL WOUSTRiAL ADOITiON; and does hereby donate and dedicate fo the public for the public use,forever, the road as shown on the annexed plat. In witness, 30 whereof said Crystal lumber $ Millwork Cc,, Inc. has caused {hese presents to be si ned by its proper AWS and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of \ N \ r A.O. ►953. a `\ In Presence of : — 51, Ped �\ CRYSTAL LUMBER & MILLWORK CO., INC., As io UL.Carlson and by its (resident Ada L. Carlson L.z.culson W E by its wee, - presider7t i ` 0°► •ge• 4� �� e>` // Ada L. Colson 6\ y Mate of Minnesota s,S, �� c aA\ County of Hennepin On chis day of A.Q•1953 before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State) personally appearred L.Z. Carlson and Ada L. Carlson, �o ��` �� ' �-- fo me personally known, who being by me, each duly sworn, did say that they are the President and Vice -President, respectively, of Crysf al lumber & Millwork Co. Inc., the corporation named p .tile. fora�oln5 instrument; that the corporate seal affixed to said insfrumenf is ale corporafe seal of said corporation; and fhat said ins+rumen} was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authori y of its (hoard of DireGtors,and said L. Z. Carlson and Ada L. Carlson acknowledge said in4rume,4 to be the free act and deet of said corpora}ion. 1 � V R reg. V r v 1P \\ \ \ `�' y Nol'ary Public, Hennepin Cou,4y, Minn. v MY Commission Expires y State of Minnesota 5.5. \ _ Iounty of Hennepin I do hereby cerfify that I have surveyed and platted #le property described on this plat e,5 CRYSTAL INDUSTRIAL A00iT1ON; that this plat is a correct representation moo. of said survey; chat all distances are correctly shown on the plat in fee+ and decimals of a foot; thaf the monuments for guidance of ful•ure surveys have been correc�ly placed in the oround as shown � b on the plat; that h outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the. plat; #laf Etat fopgraphy of the land is correctly shown on the plat; and that there are no wet lands or public highways to bG demnafed on said plat other Phan as shown thereon. Surveyor - .Minn. Rei. No. 19a; \\ J- .9 --' � Vii• "i'y' 71.63 _--� - dlonum �bove, cwfificafe, subscribed and sworn to before mea Notary Public within and for said Cour} and State on this day of A.O. 1953 \\ �� 318.32. , y Y � von Menuffen}j ��► ri h}o{waY ung cf Mand St.L• R•R. _ Nor Y Q & SAUI.T STE- MARE RAILROAD 111WMINNEAPOl15, 57. pAU _ Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn• MY Cam's;on Ex pines The, fore3004 plat of CRYSTAL INr-)usTR1AL ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Village Council of Crystal, Minnesota at a rqular meefinp thereof held }his day of A. D. 1953, VILLAGE COUNCIL OF CRYSTAL, MINNESOTA by its Mayor by its Clerk