BECKER2BECKER'S SECOND ADDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. SCALE:- INGO" ME ml �YorJh /tee of,£�cfion B T wnship //B, -••?an 2/ 30b9�� 30 /33.06 I /33.06 60 1 � II n a k /33.0 /5/,07 2 /33.09 Avff-j- N. . /33.06 I /33.06 11 14� i 1 xxifid 13 12 �1 � /33. /0 I 133.40 �t /33./0 1 I I I oei � i *Nt C 133.!0 133.13 I I /33. J3 I' /33. r3 _ _6_0 _ Lime Para//e/ wifi�i Worth /ine of Section B a/so vYorfh 11i7e of /Y1117-EFiE40 sx3j-w AVS. 0 t /33.12 /33. /Z �t i 3 /33.09 4 133.!0 133.13 I I /33. J3 I' /33. r3 _ _6_0 _ Lime Para//e/ wifi�i Worth /ine of Section B a/so vYorfh 11i7e of /Y1117-EFiE40 sx3j-w AVS. 90 /33.07 MARCH, 1952 � 60 60 North APO 2 At; oB 3 /33.09 4 133.!0 M N. l Am co r EG AN FIELD & NOWAK �n ineers and Surveyors Know a//mer7 by thesepr-esmis fhaf�/b"r� L. Becker- and Oe%a H. Becker; his wrfe, owners andaroJvriefofs, ar�o� `tea/few- f. Deny and Wylh7ia A. Aenny,his wrier,purcfwsens ur7der Irl- deeo; of tf� .�/Jo�vin9 described o�oper^fy srfuafe ire fide State of illinnesota and bounty of /%nnepin towit: -That Part of . cfion B Twnsh p //8 Pa e 2; descrifed as f//ows loIVinencirJp of the north west corner of Beckers Addition; thence South a/or79 t% dYesf /ri/e ofsaid 4ddifrvn SV 7 het to the Soath`vesf cor'ner- ofsaid Adoifior�; thence !!/est ,c�ar'a//e/ n,,fh hie �onfh /iae ofsaid .Vection to a ,00inf 30 feet `Yesf of, rneasur-ed of riyhf ,-717, /he fast /he of the 401'th`vesf7 of the rYorf/ieast¢ of said Section,• thence V,01 -1h para//e/ with said Easy /rne 9,-;�7 feet hl f� moo/- /ine of said Section, 0her ce rRSt a/orny said *ol th/ie. t» the o' Ie: Have caused hf e same + Ae veyed And o/atfedas BEct-Eas SEcowo AooiTioni and do hereby donate and dedicate + the publzc for 11m alb/rc use f lever the avenues as shown on hhe annexed phot /n `vhereol- we have hereunto set our handsa17d sea/s this day of comer' �a5 � /n presence of •- Si9neo!'- • 6 cB and x f pm (5 AL) D. AB Y.A..o Ae4l.) (SEAL) �. _:� state of��r/esofa ISS nyofi%tidyapi 4--0 19SZ, L>efore lire a Notary Aib/ic, wilhin and fty- said Coen, �; y �r-sona//y appeared 6�%fart C. decker and De/ia />! 6tecke, his w1k; and Awhir- f. Denny W7d Yr91171a 4 Denny, his w.fe h,/M " l xona� known & he hepersons dcst.,eiAa'rn arz( who eXeurted Ae lmeyoli:9 instrurraent Aao' //,' y ackr7ow/edge that fhcy e"caled lie saline as their- own free?,-/ arad deed. *O/A y P0.6/w, f/en Caur�fy, �Jri�n. �tly edirtm�ss�on ExQ.i-es .ffa1� of ss Coarr r ofh%iine,�,vn / de hereby certify that /have serveyed and p/a/ted the propery descrlf ed on this p/at ss ,� BECKER S SEGOJVO �DD�T/O/V; h5at Phis P/af rs a cor�r-ect of .mid survey; AW/ a// distarxes are correct/y shown on �+ the p/a/ rig feet aid dec1ma/s of a foot, fha/ the maiamer7fs *r9&Idwwe of future fa.-veys have be&? correct/y,o/aced in the bounday Imes are correcy . h /afthat the fopo9 apyof e�ounodas shown on > v' ouside /and Is correctly shown on fine p/at and f/iaf ,5here are no wet /arx�'.s or-roub/�c h9hways + Aw desiynafed on said phot olf�er t ; than as shown #Vr-ecn. Surveyor' - Mien. Reg, No. 9Z9 �f�ve certificate Subscribed arAd SWGr'17 to before rr a Aofary Aib/re Phis day of A. F corner �o�'ar `tib/rc, //e��epri� Lawn y �+�lnn. �vly Gc�r�inission f-,zpii�s ER S N fOr'eyoir�iaf was approved by ttv/aw,7ri, y of the Yi//age of Crysfa/, rYlinnesofa at a reyu/ar rneefin9 0fKeeof held f/iis day by ifs �harr�an The 1br�e�Oin9 /af was approved ono' acce ofed by tie y/,&fj? Gouncr/ of Grjista/, �i�nesota, at a re V/ar rnreefria9 1hereot' hold t�`i�s da of A.O. /9-6Z. y yL [ AGE CoutIci[- OF CRYSTAL, IVIAIMESVrA bY its �►layor by ifs C/er-k