18-04 Approved Commission MinutesCrystal Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes April 4, 2018 Crystal Community Center The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Commission Chair Lori Merriam. Commission members in attendance were: Lynn Haney, Lori Merriam, Patrick Rosenquist, Tiffany Kovaleski, and David Pascoe (via phone). Also present were Anne Norris, John Sutter, John Elholm and Brad Fortin from the City Staff. Commission members absent were: Erin Kolb, Andy Leipold, Meredith Torres-Walsh Public Comment: Brian Darmer, President of the Crystal Lions Club, was present to give the commission an update the Lion’s Club status on funding park and recreation projects. He asked that a presentation on Becker Park be given at their Lions Club meeting on May 8th at the VFW. Ms. Haney made a motion to approve the March Park and Recreation Commission minutes; Mr. Rosenquist seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for March were approved as written. In the chairperson’s report, Ms. Merriam provided information on her efforts to fund a play area piece that looks like a fire truck for the Becker Park Playground. The city’s Community Development Director, John Sutter, provided information on potentially surplus land owned by the City of Crystal, and the possible sale of this land. While the identified parcels are adjacent to existing parks, they are not identified or actively used as park land. Before any land is sold, additional review would need to be done on each parcel to assure there are no issues with a potential sale. If the parcels are eventually sold, the proceeds would help fund needed capital projects in the parks. Ms. Haney made a motion to recommend moving forward with review of potentially surplus land, with funds generated from the sale of property being used for park capital projects; Mr. Rosenquist seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Mr. Elholm provided the commission with an update on three on-going park projects. 1. The MAC park project is progressing well. The helical pilings have been installed and the rest of the boardwalk will begin installation later in April. A grand opening for the park is being planned with Three Rivers Park District the weekend of September 8 and 9. Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 April 4, 2018 2. Final modifications are being made to the bid packet for Welcome Park, and it’s anticipated the project will go out for bid later in April – with bid opening scheduled for May 10. Construction would begin in early June. 3. The latest concept design for Becker Park was presented to the commission, as was a general concept for a new play area. An open house will be held on the project the evening of April 26. Mr. Elholm reminded commission members that the next several meetings of the Park and Recreation Commission will be held outside in a park location. Next month the meeting will follow the city’s Arbor Day event at Kentucky Park. The commission also discussed a summer tour. The commission expressed interest in going outside the boundaries of Crystal to see successful park amenities in other cities. There was no City Council report Mr. Pascoe gave a Crystal Fund report. Crystal Fund volunteers are getting ready for the upcoming plant sale – to be held on May 19 at the Community Center. They are also working on the beer tasting event to be held next winter. One specific item they are still looking for is a sponsor to purchase the glasses for the event. Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation programming. They both made reference to information presented in the commission packet. Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. He mentioned that staff was working with the DNR, Hennepin County and others on grants for the Becker Park Play area; and that the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association will be presenting an Award of Excellence to the City of Crystal for the recently completed Park and Recreation System Master Plan. The Crystal Frolics committee reported that planning for the event continues, and that a table with button contest materials would be available at the Little League Burger Bash. The Park and Recreation Commission will be selecting a final button design at their May 2 meeting. Mr. Rosenquist made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ms. Kovaleski seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 pm. John Elholm, Recorder