18-02 Approved Commission Minutes
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes
February 7, 2018
Crystal Community Center
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by
Commission Chair Lori Merriam.
Commission members in attendance were: Lynn Haney, Lori Merriam, David Pascoe, Andy
Leipold, and Meredith Torres‐Walsh. Also present were Olga Parsons, Council Liaison; John
Elholm, Brad Fortin and Scott Berggren from the City Staff.
There was no public comment.
Mr. Pascoe made a motion to approve the January Park and Recreation Commission minutes;
Mr. Leipold seconded the motion. The Park and Recreation Commission minutes for January
were approved as written.
Ms. Merriam gave the chairpersons report, requesting that Crystal Frolics be added to the
agenda ‐ to assure the commission receives updates from the Crystal Frolics committee.
Mr. Elholm provided the commission with an update on three on‐going park projects. The MAC
Park boardwalk project has been delayed to accommodate further review. Work is now
scheduled to begin in early March. If the weather is too warm when the project resumes, the
project would be completed in 2019. There will be an open house for the Welcome Park
project on February 27. Invitations will go out to 700+ residents to allow them the opportunity
to be updated on the project. Planning is moving along on Becker Park, with a main focus being
put on funding. A publication has been created that highlights the project in a concise way to
seek grants and make connections to funding sources. Mr. Elholm has been connecting with
other cites to understand how they have gone about funding similar projects.
Mr. Elholm acknowledged outgoing commission member Guy Mueller, who was not at the
meeting. Mr. Mueller will receive a certificate signifying his commitment to the Parks &
Recreation Advisory Commission.
Ms. Parsons presented the council report. The council is looking forward to working on the
2019 budget. They are exploring the option of a bi‐annual budget, to assist in long range
planning. Also, the City’s Finance Department received an award for excellence in financial
reporting. The City continues to try to find ways to build their tax base. They are looking into
allowing permits for accessory dwelling units.
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes – Page 2 February 7, 2018
Mr. Pascoe gave a Crystal Fund report. Mr. Mueller is leading the spring plant sale, which will
be held on May 19. Mr. Pascoe is looking for assistance as the Crystal Fund looks to plan a beer
tasting event ‐ tentatively scheduled for January 18, 2019. Ms. Merriam offered to help in an
advisory role. Both events will help support park projects.
Reports were given by Mr. Fortin for park maintenance and Mr. Berggren for recreation
programming. They both made reference to information presented in the commission packet.
Mr. Elholm gave the Director’s report. The Recreation department has recently gone through a
reorganization and the updated chart was shared with the commission. Primary changes
include Scott Berggren being promoted to Recreation Services Manager and Jason Minnick’s
title being changed to Facilities Manager. He also mentioned the upcoming summer brochure,
in which 6 additional pages were added to fit all that the Parks & Recreation Department offers.
The Crystal Frolics committee will resume meeting in February. There was a discussion with Mr.
Fortin about the availability of electricity on the west side of Welcome Park. The co‐rec softball
tournament may not happen in 2018 due to limited field access at Welcome Park.
Upcoming community events include; the Crystal Ball on March 24.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
John Elholm, Recorder