1946 PC Meeting MinutesHARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER lb ry p �p 6 JASON W. BENNETT ��� , 1.7'C J. C. Cox ' LEONARD DUBAY The meeting was ou l le d to order by it re s . rs and ley tit FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON �, Q U. The following members were present; hardley, GEO. KRICKLE FRANcis CH Wm.LIETZKEL� e. # Johnson, Lartah / Kriaklo/ xille.r/ Bomott/ 2otorvom / A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER baeholzer, Mortemts, bahmosk, Koxnakd, and Rennie. Mrs Browtad introduced Mrs Cartwtight who explained P the need of establishing a grade level in the village,. contour snap of the village was reoommexded. Mr. Olson elaborated on the eontour survoy, beach marks and profiles of streets. Be suggested a five foot saxymy eoxtour map, work to be finished in approximately 90 days at a most of 0.Ou per day, labor charge only, and beach mark moxumontu to be the only material necessary. JAr. Leo Cook, represexting his sox Glenn, a returned eer- vioemux, , stated that the building code would not permit him to build a -be.gement and live in it until he would be gable to purchase the materials to finish the house. Motion by Mortensen, seconded by xriekle that the building {lode be charged so that the period of time to complete a horrie be extended from one to two years fzom date of issuanse of building permit. After discussion the motion. was tabled uxti 1 addi.ti owl information, could be obtained. Mr. Broastad introduced xr. McUuliough as a prospective lawyeb for tba village. ra propoi tion to atonetruat double -garages to be used as homes 1n the vicinity of 46th to 44th on b'orest Avenues, HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox Jan. 15, 1946. pont. LEONARD DuBAY y, ,,p(? FLOYD EAGER having Yeti toilet futilities, was re jetted. LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH fir• Barker presented his proposed zoning map,, Members Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIAN of the oommissian are to ohook it and turn it in at the H. B. MILLER next uousail meeting for their approval. Motion by Lartoh, s000nded by gortexsen that yrs ad- journ. Jurried. E. E. Eardley, Yras. iNme S. 1(anxie, bogey HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT LEONARD .DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON J8rIuary 22, 1946 GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE Qrys tal v ill;Vge �;ouiacil A. LUsIAN H. B. MILLER ,;ryetal village, winnesota Gentlemen: ,t the meeting of the elanning Qommission held on ds.nuary 1o, 1946, it was voted unanimously to recommend to the council that the work off' a contour survey, establishing of bench marks and profiles of streets of the village be let to iur. artwright of Anoka, iiim-iesota. xhe work is to start as soon as possible. Yours respectfully; vim. a. Rejanii , 5ec Iy HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION Of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT h 1946 J. C. Cox lV1ax'v , LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON t;ryy stal Village Qoulaci 1 GEO. KRICKLE -� C .. FRANCIS LARTCH \;rystal Village,. .Lilulesota Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIAN r` H. B. MILLER G e nt l e rfi E lel: ..t the meeting of the rlanniug �;ommissiou of tiiarch 6th, 1946, it was unanimously voted: 1. 'To recommend to the uounci 1 that they secure an option on the property at ooualas urivs and the jiockford Roado as soon as possible, this site to be used for the location of a now village hall . 2. ''o recommend to the ijouncil that they secure easements on 44elcome mvcnue from 44th to 46th avenues N. and from 47th avenue N. to the Jefferson Highway. ?. 'That a minimum lot size of 60 Ift. x 100 ft. for a home site be included in our 'building code. 4. That we submit the zoning map to the Jouncil at their next meeting. Respectfully yours, C. 6. Rennie',, ec'y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION ` -of -- CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY ap r i l 8, 1946 FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON Orysta1 village V'ounci1 GEo. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE .;rystal village, iviinn. A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER r Gent 1 e me ns -6.t the April 2, 1946 meeting of the Planning °`rcommission it was voted that we recommend to the council; 1. That the streets in 6chaeffer's Lakeside Grove be bo feet wide to correspond with the streets al- ready established in that area. 2. That due to the increase in the number of new homes to be constructed in the villace, the Council create the offices of blectrical Inspector and Plumb- ing Inspector in addition to the office of building Inspector. 3. That the vouncil contact the zjoo Zine hailroad in regard to installing a flasher signal on uouglas .urive and the )oo Lime tracks. 4. That street lights be installed on 46th and zane, 44th and uouE lae urine, and urand and -)e rvi c* 1toad . Yours sincerely, L. L. 1!;ardley, 2res. vim. :2. hennie, y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION - of -- CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox L LEONARD DUBAY May 13, 1946 FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON Crystal Village Council GEO. KRICKLE Crystal Village, Minnesota FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN G en tleme n: H. B. MILLER At the May 7, 1946 meeting of the Planning Commission the following recommendations were voted to be presented to the Council: 1: That a permit for, a store and two gas pumps to be erected on the east side of Highway 52 and south of the Bass babe Road be issued to Mr. Lawrence Penc;. 2: That a permit for a Sheet Metal Fabricating Shop on Jefferson Highway and Soo Line tracks be issued to R. B - Dunn. 3: That the plat of Crystal Labe Park Addition, submi toed by Mr. Kennard, be accepted, and that Mr. McCullough secure proper ease— ments for roads in said plat. Yours sincere�y, Wi. S Bennie, SecIy HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER t� JASON W. BENNETT June lo, 1946 J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEo. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER Crystal village Council Crystal village, iviinne s of a gentlemen: tit the June 4th meeting of the P la nninp, commission., it was voted to recommend to the Village Council the following: 1. fare acceptance of the village Zoning viae. 2: The issuance of a building permit to i�jr. Richard Broberg for a basement to be constructed in ,crystal Take Park jiddition., said basement to be used as living quarters until materials can be pro- cured to finish the house. Construction on the bal- ance of the hous • is to be started within two years of issuance of permit. Respectfully yours, 7o —5,. , 7 WIZ3 it, -ad HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of�-- CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD liugu s t 12, 1946 AY FLOYD EAGER GER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER crystal Village Uouncil crystal Village, Dlin1t rota G&ntlemen: At the &ugust 6, 1946 meeting of the Planning commission it was voted to recommend the following to the council members: 1. That permission, be granted the m & x Cement .dock co. to operate their business at their preeent location at 43rd and Vera Cruz Avec. until Nov. 1, 1946. i ! 2. That iv r. Tessem be granted a permit to construct a buildiri on Jefferson Highway, 'Tract No. 2. 3. That the Council authorize the Health forming to the Buildizk Jodi, and to tribe legal act io3a. on violations. That the provisions of the Building Uode of the Vil]a'ge of Crystal which require the submission of building plans or blue prints withe the application of building permit be enforced. Yours very truly, Wm. S. Rennie , 18'ec'y f August 26. 1946 Crystal Villav Planning Comission Crystal Vi l lie , lei nne s o to Gentlemoac The Council l a t its August 13# 1946 meeting has taken the following action disposing of items set forth in your letter of August 12, 1946. 1. Permission was granted the M g M Blook Co. to operate their business wo their present lo"Uoi at 43rd and Vora Oxus Aves. until Nov. 1. 1946. 2, permission, was granted to constr=t a build, - Ing on Jefferson Highway, Tract. No. 2. 3. In the matter of autbori zing the Health Officer to inspect basement dwellings, this has been hold over for further consideration. 4. Mr. Kricklo has boon instructed to Insist that plants be ssbmittod when building permits aro applied for. Yours very truly. VI LIACN QP CRYSTAL Goo . R. Csass, F000rdo>r HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION o, _ CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. cox LEONARD DURAY 4aptemb.0r 10, 1946 FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER Qrw t: � 1 V i. 1 16' t}u o. 1 - - Lttont ion Mr. Goo. B. yQasiq :)ear Mr. ueass; ."t the Elep temb*r 3,1946 mtf,6tiDi 01 the klaralairg iMmwjeeion it was voted; 1. That we aaak tUe Vill &* JOuud. 1 tO suet a date that we oan meet with them to d isuuss var- i0 as policd es of the Villa8e government. 2. That due to the ehort�jg.e of build - in& materials, Mr. K. K. walker be allowed to eaceat a pre-faibrieato,d baildilw 3 • Witrahowe, provided he subraits plf,ns for a aomplete home and agrtaLr- to aoxetrraat etime as soon as bu.i1.21ir$ water- ials are available. Yours very truly, That F. C. :Davis be vl lowed to zori- struFt rwnd live im a basement at the roar of the Village Witrahowe, provided he subraits plf,ns for a aomplete home and agrtaLr- to aoxetrraat etime as soon as bu.i1.21ir$ water- ials are available. Yours very truly, HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUIIAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION --=— —ol— CRYSTAL VILLAGE Sept . 24, 19 46 Crystal Village Council Crystal Village, dinr*2ot4 G ent Is me n: -- - attention mr. 0eass - At a speoia.l meeting of the Ylaianirg commission, held wept. 23 with thirteen members . present, it was unanimously voted gnat the Plan - ring Commission recommea d to the Village Council that they adopt the zoning ordinance as published with the exception that the area from 34th to 36th venues North on Vera Ur -az .venue be classified as Commeroial instead of KesTidential. Sincerely YourE, ti's n7 . I * L ti @ , S 0 Cr' y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LuSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION of�—' CRYSTAL VILLAGE October 8, 1946 Cryata.l Village Oounci 1 Cryssttrl Villa gd, Thune sot a - Attention Mr. Geo. R. Ceass -- - Gentlemen: -,t tl* Oat oberl, 1946 meetii�L of the Plannixg Uorrmiswion it was voted to recommend to the Village Uouucil: 1. The aeQeptauee of the proposed plat of the tl 1,. E. 1/1'=" +oma tip ". _�. 1/.=' C "-"eelriou 8, Tovat- iil 118, l u,n 1, if the ktreat h(AL + to +10400t is elite-- in€ted. 2. That the Village attorney checl= on the 1gh L., jwy UUd Of fi;ta :1 iOdL,& WL. fa ar 1i4-ta-ic4L i s ups i11 i n q 3. yI �. a :a.11 1'u u iiz u j, l" t s submitted r'o a np 'L_ al �xr'euo `:ilaceroly yours, y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION of - CRYSTAL VILLAGE November 12, 1946 Crystal Village Council Crystal Village, Minnesota .. »m Attention Mr. Geo. R. Cease — .. G entlemen: At the November 7th meeting of the Planning Commission, it was voted to recommend to the Village Council the following: 1. That a permit be granted Mr. Blackbonough to erect a building on the Bass Lake road and Highway #52 to house a farm machinery business. 2. That Mr. Utten and Mr. Smith proceed with making a wall map of the village, 3. That an ordinance establishing the minimum width of 60f t. streets to be 30 ft. and streets of 50ft. and less, 27 ft. be adopted. Yours very truly, y Wm. S. Rennie, Secy.