1945 PC Meeting MinutesA ) HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY�+ FLOYD EAGER ��'� G.o .1946 LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Tho 7lctlnr Yloilveof t.�' 4v toil wap Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIA.:`. Ni10d 1i5 nr0*1 H. B. MILLER _ rinrtonvon, ,r rd fiy, rind Now "cabers , bhmoood', .v&te rpnn: v; era 3vtl'0duQ4d. .: rmfPbtr ailln v.sx, l 1rj! ia,lTht 41, the. Pubjeet nx the ai.'rFaM'l', of the vlagmer �'t.rctamq 1')lct. I-fter tho" ?b di&UtXR9l lA, OJJ M1,1 011 b;V lz._rt'?l rlls L,l l entat #I rtq V,4u�;, u.t��J.f.:^.r�c yy;].�r voted hut�y she a��tnJrr�.��, �.yt�i�l���{U p rovs f+r{.e plat If vkl4f )4r'r V1 ! VN1 t- Ila 'Ir C,t 011 410'7, _VF 1� ii.�k,,',4"�a i#y3. 1� �rq' Sr p1� F� i +1 �Lpr. -- vti nme 1,irm) j i " �J9�L� y r. � o�1t n �F. .Fr'Y'1 'k1 . ��,� ,� 11' WI .. .' P. �' �. ��Stl� �i Ji��Fl1W� � of T,h12 dttalvi4qtr1. littridbrAt at, ei .eterrolft "nd I'fa V`;#'lvv.y Inquired iiYI tri v*,'I t .40uld be d"Ut 00W nQt In fTtink, -)I' -0wir horr:v,v, re'jolmt,julau the oJoi:1f m*r r*; I ,,.Jth t'qv vi.t.jrlj4q j:-qzaltrtl on thin miAtce. Ti, was clow ded tin aeVote our next } nioeting, imra.l .i, to y Gfl i- %'�.: � �� rif z. ..{i111 Ctrl vlo aW lorl by L -oar) wd64A j:W U*rtrttttt t'teQ r.;e+tst tiw. was ad Journed. .. Ij EYS.il aF �w �l j i4�1 -Gut HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. COX LEONARD DOBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH Wm. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER n PLANNING COMMISSION ar - CRYSTAL VILLAGE march 1.2, 1946 QTY'Strli V ills g& U04nOil Gentlemen: At the rogulcar Meeting of the Vlanaima Jommiooior. held 01 -a►uroh 6, ;94b, it W&S UnUAimoug-li Vot#d to &'.pprov e the viagner Graard'enu plot ua . submittede pro- videl 11r. waSner obtalne 30 foot on 47th hvenue No. nud 50 :deet on iseln ont j,venue fxow A1r, J. C. Cox to to ueed for rood . We ho -p* that this meets with the &PPr.oval of the wou�oil,�: r�er�►l�ore. Reupectfull , i�. Ronnie, Mealy ARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION — of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH mro George u*asa. Wm. LIETZKE Village hecorder A. LusIAN crystal V illnee, 1,Ann. H. B. MILLER Dear lir; A lottoir dfi.tod ipri.l. loth, 1945 vitas Baht to the village Council expreosiiV the wishes off' the Planning Oommisoion that the onuncil take emit action on the pur3ah,,i9a of the site at unuglve yrivo and the .x(nokford Ko&d as the louat ion of a Tow" 15111. We also Vint In a ma -p of tho uor:miauionla proposed zoning of the Vil.lago. To dfxto nothi% has been heard from eithor of theve )d"OP08,_12. tie feel that Imiamituh ap at)nsidorable t1m6 Wes sprat In di.scuselozv on both propouals and in the drnwing of the roup of the proposed zoning, come written acknorlode-ement shoald be forthsomi from the Uounell.. The Planning Uomrriesion is willinZZ to h€avo a joint meGtinewith than %jounad.l if this woulcl bo of tkn,7 as aista.nc o to them. haspe at f U13w, 11 HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BAN14OLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox nov. 194b "+* LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER y,, ,p y,,�,.� ,1 �} , # ,q LEON JOHNSON The regular meet -IAS: o1 he .1unalag 4ommlestax was Qa1l*d GBO. KRICKLE n G` FRANCIS LARTCH } Yo ardor by tree • .E * %! zur4ler at Os lb .e. a. Wm. LIETZKE A. LuMILLER H. u MILLER The foilowi liiembery were ,preuisit bobwook', zagor, Johmw s, buaholser, reteroou, lurtch, mortomwen, ,susiux, xona td, aurdlsy, gaud a*XMIO. The mixutts of Us uvt.: 3rd meeting Fere read and approved. mr. maxley ju akaou made applioatioiA for a permit to con struat a motor vourt at u1si may 62 and vorvallis Ave.. me aubmittid plans that eall for a nw in house uud teu anbl". eUch catutiu to have heat rand cold runnIng Fater, shower, I toil*t, &ad to have so fu.oilities for cooking. i� petition signed by residents nalghbortup the proposdi Bite of ouid 1.,otor vourt, requoutIng that parmIt he denied. wus preseaated to the vorrmaissi,on. rollorlug a Sexeral disauselon, it was u m1mourlp voted ty by the vovaission to deny the permit. Zhe applioutloh of urr. winsou for a perralt for €, eew)nd- hund tiuto parts establishment at this alto of the old auto junk"yard crus disouseed. on motion by xort*us*x, w000nd+od by iurtoh, it W"a UM. nimoUs .y >rEcatod thut the up,pliouti on be de.niad* vounall i-ree.-zleet zronstad 'twaught up the u,utter of estuhlishing, a village grud• .level. Re is to 4outoot HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION - --.f -- CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY NOV* lfR 1945, oon't o FLOYD EAGER 2.� LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH y�,� y + + # j Wm. LIETZKE ue"J,t7imsev to [1t"Im Hoarse for t7aiia �Sx'Q��' ut. A. LUSIAN '"G' H. B. MILLER was ourrisd o HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT Jif tD VV 1 J. C. Cox ■L +l .J LEONARD DUBAY d +� ,�y, +� t {Ka q FLOYD EAGER �. ip eoiul weeting of he x1tinni uomilesion woe attlled LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE '�` 4 eel ,tgy �qf FRANCIS LARTCH to ordey�rq by '� rota * n o G o Aa�.r. R ley t p0- o u r� • ,it I. Wm. LIETZKE The following mombors were presesty Xriakle, 4,uelun.• A. LuSIAN may, Johnson, H. B. MILLER ixiAholzer, ohnson, reter»on+ hrahnook, mortesoon, zAalydley, lartoh, x6nmrd wind imentile. this meeting was e>alled In order to reuah g flahl de- utelon on the uppliastiou of & porinit i'or u motor vourt by the Jackson brothers. A, large delegation of ruvidents neighboring tho dis- t Wood r�lte we preeeut. ,pealficatl oras of the motor Uourt vrere read by the secretary. to;l.lowing u general dis- auvelom. or. Leslie x elste moved that the property in die. gucaoion be olussified as residential. �f'ter =tl*aar1i the hall of all but the viembors of the vom iuslon umd ia1r. vases uY4 a#ro zroustEad of the vill. e ununoil, a motion by morteaaseu* s000mded b7 ur. retereon, that the property be abumged from open development to reoal.dentiul wus curried. xomberoe "rteh. aortenson and zoboWc were uppoluted us eommittoe to accompany vounail gree. brmstad to look over the Golden tallay motor patrol.. motl ex by iArtaho esao waded by zaaahol ser to adjourn, was ourried. 1