1963 PC Meeting Minutes121
JANUARY 1l., 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the follow-
ing members present: Garbarini, Meisner, Martin, Plasencia, Remus, Gabbert, Johnson,
Elsen, Neubarth and Lysdahl; the following were absent: Bownik, Eckberg, and Juday;
also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to approve minutes of
the December 10, 1962 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant final approval of
KEELLR .ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia seconded by Commissioner Johnson to grant final approval
of ZIENS ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus seconded by Commissioner Johnson togrant final approval
of DOUGLAS COURT ADDITION, subject to deeding the North 30 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block
1 for Street purposes. Motion carried
It being 8:00 P.M. chairman declared this was the time and place for the hearing for
consideration of rezoning from R-1 residential to R-4 multiple, the following de-
scribed parcel:
The W 203 feet of the E 363 feet of the S 10 acres of the
NEI of the S`vo of Sec. 4, T-118, R-21, except road.
The following appeared in favor.: Mr. Lester Brown, owner; Mr. Mork, builder; Mr.
Corrick, attorney; Frank Sprague;- 5517 56th Ave. No. and Lowell Farnum, 5721 56th
avenue North; and a petition presented with 21 names.
The following appeared against:
Davit Tessman, 5619 Vera Cruz
T. R. Haff ie, 5630 Welcome
Paul Rosenthal, 560 Vera Cruz
J. B. Norris; 5637 Xenia
L. M. Steuck, 5660 Vera Cruz
Lorranine Klaeppner, 5612 Welcome
L. S. Vannenden, 5637 Vera Cruz
L. R. Hughes, 5612 Vera Cruz
James Pahos, 5625 Vera Cruz
J. B. Kroger, 5600 Vera Cruz
Jack Dedbts, 56bb. Vera Cruz
V. D. Knutson, 5648 Welcome
All Kloppner, 5642 Welcome
Mr. Rosenthal was the spokesman and presented a petition with 52 names opposing the
Moved by Commissioner Meisner seconded by Commissioner Remus to DENY the rezoning
The W 203 feet of the E 383 feet of the S 10 acres of the
NE' of the SWI of Sec. h, T-118, R-21, except road. Motion carried
Request of Wallace P Kenneth for rezoning at 27th and Douglas Drive.
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia seconded by Commissioner Remus to hold public hear-
ing for consideration of rezoning from C-1 commercial to R-1 multiple the following:
The S 133 feet of the E 183 feet of the SZL of the SE; of Sec. 20,
T-118, R-21 thereof, subject to easements for road purposes over
the S 33 feet thereof and over the E 33 feet thereof, also rezonigg
JANUARY 14, 1963
from R-1 residential to R-!. multiple the N 60 feet of that part
of the SE -L- of the SEL- of Sec. 20, T-113, R-21 described as followt:
Commencing at the SE corner of the SE,,; thence N 28 4/7ths
rods.; thehce W.'623; 5 feet; .Wh ncb/s -,28 4/1tbs'_ rods; thence East
623.5 feet to the point of beginning, except S 183 feet of the
E 183 feet of the SE¢ of the SE; of Sec. 20, T-118, R-21 thereof;
subject to easements for street purposes over S 33 feet thereof
and over E 33 feet thereof, and the W 30 feet thereof.
at 8:00 P.M. on January 28, 1963.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl that Mr. Gabbert
be nominated for chairman. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia seconded by Commissioner Meisner that Nominations
be closed. Motion carried
The secretary was instructed to cast a unaminous ballot for Gabbert as Chairman.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl that Mr. Elsen be
nominated for vice-chairman. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Meisner seconded by Commissioner Martin that the nominations
be closed and the secretary be instructed to cast a unaminous ballot for Mr. Elsen
as Vice -Chairman. Motion carried
The officers elected for the year 1963 as follows:
Eugene Gabbert, Chairman
Herman Elsen, Vice -Chairman
J. J. Garbarini, Secretary
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl seconded by Commissioner Johnson to adjourn.
Secretary, Remus
Chairman, Gabbert
JANUATC 28, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.1.1. with the fol-
lowing members present: Plasencia, Neubarth, Johnson, Remus, Juday, Elsen, Nystrom,
Boardman, Meisner, Gabbert, Garbarini, Eckberg; the folling were absent: Martin,
Bownik, Lysdahl; also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner heubarth and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to approve the
minutes of the January 14, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant final ap-
proval of MOHRIS SECOND_ADDITION. Motion carried
Norm Rooney of National Funds, Inc. to appear regarding application for Special Use
Permit for auto wash drive in on Lots 2, 3, G. and 5, Block 1, Becker's Addition.
(53rd Avenue North, Douglas Drive to Edgewood Avenue).
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Aeisner to hold a
public hearing for the consideration of a special use permit for auto wash drive in
on Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Becker's Addition at 8:00 P.M., February 25, 1963
at 6421. 5bth Avenue Borth. Motion carried
It being 8:00 P.M. the chairman stated this was'the time and place for the public
hearing for consideration of rezoning from C-1 commercial to R-11 multiple the:
S 183' of the E 183' of the SE1 of the SE1 of Sec. 20, T-118, R-21,
thereof, subject to easements for road purposes over the S 33' there-
of; and over the E 33' thereof; also rezoning from R-1 residential to
R-4 multiple the N 60' of that part of the SE'- of the SE1 of Sec. 20,
T-118, R-21, described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of the
SE1; thence N 28 47th rods; thence W 623.51; thence S 28 V 7th rods;
thence E 623.5' to the point of beginning; except the S 183' of the S&
of the SE -1, of Sec. 20, T-118, R-21 thereof; subject to easement for
street purposes over the S 33' thereof and over the E 33' thereof; and
the W 30' thereof.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Remus to approve request for
rezoning from C-1 commercial to 4-4 multiple the S 183' of the E 1831 of the SEI- of
the SE -1- of Sec. 20, T-118, R-21 thereof, subject to easements for road purposes over
the S 33' thereof; and over the E 33' thereof; also rezoning from R-1 residential to
R-4 multiple the N 60' of that part of the SEI4 of the SE4 of Sec. 20, T-118, R-21;
described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of the SE4 thence AI 28 4/7th rods,
thence W 623.5' thence S 28 V 7th rods- thence E 623.51 to the point of beginning;
except the S 183' of the SE, of the SE of Sec. 20, T-118, R-21 thereof; subject to
easement for street purposes over the S 33' thereof and the E 33' and the W 30,
thereof. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth seconded -oy Commissioner Elsen to approve building
permit for 51 unit apartment building at 600 27th Ave. No., Lot 1, Block 1 of
Douglas Court Addition, subject to standard procedure. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by Commissioner JoI_nson that the meeting
be adjourned. Motion carried
cretary ,� _. Chairman
FEBRUARY 11, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the follow-
ing members present: Boardman, Plasencia, Nystrom, Elsen, Lysdahl, Neubarth, Gabbert,
Garbarini; the following were absent: 3ownik, Eckberg Johnson, Juday, Martin, Meisner
Remus; also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to approve the min-
utes of the January 28, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Garbarini to grant final ap-
proval of LEE ROBERTS ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to approve building
permit No. 13142 for four -unit apartment building at 511i1 Edgewood Avenue North, sub-
ject to standard procedure. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to recommend ex-
tension of the commercial zoning over the balance of Lots 16 and 17, exeept the South-
erly 16 feet to be dedicated for alley in Glenwood Manor; pursuant to Chapter 42.21-B
of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Garbarini to approve build-
ing permit for dairy treat brazier at 6023 42nd Ave. North, subject to standard pro-
cedure, also subject to platting including southerly 16 feet for alley.
Motion carried
Levi Osterhus and John L. Scolte appeared and discussed the possibility of rezoning
Lot 11, Block 1 Twin Lakes Addition and that part of Lot 19, Schaefer's Lakeside Grove
lying Westerly of Great Northern Railway and Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 359, to
multiple dwelling.
Ownership of property must be clarified before any serious discussion of use of land
can be had.
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to adjourn.
FEBRUARY 25, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the
follwoing members present: 1,Ieisner, Neubarth, Boardman, Remus, Johnson, Elsen,
Plasencia, hlystrom, Garbarini; the following were absent: Gabbert, Bownik,
Juday, Lysdahl, Ecki)erg and Martin; also present were planning consultants:
Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner he ubarth and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to approve
minutes of the February 11, 1963 meeting. Notion carried
It being 8:00 P.M. the chairman announced this was the time and place for the
public hearing to consider special use permit for auto wash drive in acid gaso-
line pumps on Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Beckers Addition.
Moved by Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to approve
special use permit for auto wash drive in and gasolin pumps --on Lots 2, 3, G,
and 5, Block 1 Becker's Addition, subject to finishing -exterior of building in
brick veneer or stucco with brick veneer to approximately 4 filets.
Motion carried
Moved b, Commissioner Plasencia seconded b, Commissioner heubarth to adjourn.
MARCH 11, 1963
T.i,_' regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.N. withthe fol-
lowing members present: Nystrom, Elsen, Johnson, Gabbert, Neubarth, Boardman, Gar-
s'Sr'iTai; tl .} i"oll,o,,Tiiq wra ai sent: FiDwnik. L+c i.. rlfT, iu.14iy, 1,yajahl-, Martin, RKaf1as,
Meisner, Plasencia; also present were planning consultants Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to approve minutes
of the February 25, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Dr. Schissel, Pattee & Leighton regarding Crystal Doctors Park and building permit.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant final
approval of CRYSTAL DOCTORS PARK ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved :)y Commissioner Johnson and seconded b.,, Commissioner Elsen to grant approval of
building permit for medical clinic on Lot 2, Block 1, Crystal Doctors Park, suoject
to standard procedure. Motion carried
Tred Company regarding replatting of Lots land 2, Russ Addition.
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded b Commissioner Elsen to grant tentative
approval of TRED MANOR. Motion carried
R. b,. Wile, of Wiley Enterprises Inc. regarding permit for two hangers
Moved oy Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to approve permit
for 32 x 1U.2 (anger on leased lot 126C, Airport toWiley Enterprises, Inc.
iv. otion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to approve bmild
ing permit for 32 x 10 hanger on leased Lot 28, Crystal Airport to Wiley En#erprise,-.
Notion carried
Jack &ppler regarding canopy for pixie drive in at Airport.
Moved oy Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to approve build-
ing permit for 28 x 60 canopy for twelve cars at Pixie Drive-in at 5800 Lakeland
Avenue worth to Quinn Distri-Duting Co. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to adjourn.
MARC] 25, 1963
T :e regular r - :i.rir of the P:Lsrining Commission Convened at h'40 :x,17,. with h t!IO, ink-lofi4
In}_ Itctrl� �a pies=r,:;: 1,;euoart , Remlis, Elsen, IGarnarini, PJu.ia; . �'lasf�ilr<.a. IyFoian, i tho
following were absent: Boardman, Nystrom, Bownik, Eckberg, Johnson, Lysdahl, Martin,
Gabbert; also present were planning consultants Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to approve minutes of
the March 11, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Mr. Carlyle Brandt, business manager of St. James Lutheran Church regarding building
nFirmit. Moved -i'y !4iCrr.Fci9,SL(Ji or IRcmv 3 Soo. -i ded C.I".mrfdisioner 1*14— .sn-3-1- to ar7'?I'r. vr,r
ins, pormit for additinn to St. r arios 'Lut,110-rar. I li'ri".1, subject to standard pi"o,,m' or] '- and
that pursuarit to Chai,lter 62.21, paragrapn a. i ". zonli. f? 'G'egulst!ons that Irol -
'i.cation of the p.,)rkLnL- ar_auiremeri>rs 1_-c alloy iod as par T)]_Db plati siF`jmitte�.
07th & Hampshire) Motion carried
Donal Builders regarding variance of front lot line set -back on Lot 3, Block 1 of
Donal Addition.
Moved by Commissioner Ivieisner and seconded bT Commissioner Juda.y that pursuant to
Chapter 1.2.21, paragraph A of the zoning regulations that modification of the minimi.m
30 foot front yard requirements shall be described as follows:
Commencing 35 feet E of the SW corner of Lot 3, Block 1 Donal's
, ddition thence ITdly to a point on the NWly lot line of Lot 3, said
point being 16 feet NEly of the 14VI corner of Lot 3, Block 1 Donal's Addition.
(61st & Hampshire) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to grant final
approval of BOUCHARDrS ADDITION. (42nd & Brunswick) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to approve Mosel
Hanger on Lot 11., Crystal Airport. Motion carried
Mike Skelly regarding proposed plat of Lot 3, Block 3 Paradise Park Addition.
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to DENY tentative
approval of proposed SKELLY SECOND, ADDITION, as lots are 10 feet below minimum width.
(G635 Xenia Ave. N.) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to adjourn.
Secretary, Garbarini Vice-chairman, Elsen
APRIL 8, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the
following members present: Meisner, Neubarth, Juday, Nystrom, Johnson, Elsen,
Garbarini; the following were absent: Boardman, Bownik, Eckberg, Gabbert,
Lysdahl, Martin, Remus; Plasencia; also present were consultants Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Juday to approve
minutes of the March 25, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Roved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant ten-
tative approval of DeVALK ADDITION, subject to standard procedure.
Motion carried
Mr. R. Schlesinger application for R-1 zoning on Lots 1, 2, 1 and 15, Block 1 of
Whitehills 5th Addition.
Moved by Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Juday to deny request
for rezoning of Lots 1, 2, 4 and 15, Block 1 Whitehills 5th Addition, from R-1
to R-4. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom that pursuant
to Chapter 42.21, Paragraph A of the zoning regulations that modification of
the minimum 30 feet front yard requirements ofr Lot 6, Block 2 Gaulke's Fifth
&ddition be approved at 17.5 feet from the closest point of the cul-de-sac.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to request the
New Hope Planning Commission to reserve the R/W for the North z (33 feet) of 32nd
.venue North from Rhode Island Avenue North to Winnetka Avenue North.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner 1Ieisner to adjourn.
Motion carried
Secretary, Garbarini
Chairman, Elsen
APRIL 22, 1963
Tha regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the follow-
ing members present:. Neubarth, Plasencia, Elsen, Lysdahl, Gabbert, Nystrom, Boardman;
the following were absent: Martin, Bownik, Johnson, Meisner, Remus, Eckberg, Juday,
Garbarini; also present were planning consultants: Sherburne and Schmocl.
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to approve minutes
of the April 8, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant tentative
approval of WIL - CAST ADDITION, subject to standard procedure_. (Welcome and Wilshire)
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to DENY building
permit for apartment building on Lot 2, Block 1 Douglas Court Addition, because bunk-
ing is three and four stores on the northeast part. (Douglas & Edgewood at 27th)'
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Neuharth to table final
approval of Jayflo Subdivision plat because proposed Lot 6 was not included in the
final draft and the 30 foot street easement across the proposed Lot 6 was not in-
cluded in the dedication. (Jersey and Louisiana at Soo tracks) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to approve
building permit for A B C Builders on Willow Bend Shopping Center, adjacent to
Building Block building. Voting aye: Plasencia, Lysdanl, Gabbert, Elsen, Nystrom
Boardman; voting no: Neuoarth. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant final
approval of DeVA LK ADDITION, subject to standard procedure. (61st, Douglas Drive
to Florida). Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant a variance
in setback regulations, pursuant to Chapter 1.2.21, paragraph (a) of the zoning
regulations. Variance is a 21 foot setback from front property line to the garage.
Motion carried
Moved oy Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to adjourn.
Secretary Elsen s_ Chairman Gabbert
MAY 13, 1963
Tttr! regular rm�eting of Qu Plannipg Commission convened at 7x30 P.M. with We lol-
Inwing members presents Flaawnc;ia, johnson, E:lsen, Nystrgm, Gavert, 015ner,
hounarth, Garoari_k the following were aosert: 3awni ,=i;clkoerg, Martin, Remus;
also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to approve the
minutes of the April 22, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to approve
building permit No. 13267 for addition to telephone building at 5421 Lakeside
Avenue North. Motion carried
Moved _jy Commissioner iyzLrom and uccouied oy Commissivner Garharinl to approve
huilding perli.ts Or 36 x 2i T. 'hangar at Crystal Airport. Motion carriod
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to grant final
approval of COLORADO PARK plat. O.th & Colorado) Motion carried
Mpved by Commisaioi'aer Jotrnson and sec*ovded by Commiesioner heisner to grant final
approval of +SGTaDEN RULE FOURTH WNW. (Idaho I ON Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant final
approval of FRED S. YESNES ADDITION. (Florida & Corvallis) Motion carried
Xbved uy Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Qommisslonnr I�,Asstrom to grant final
approval of WNW TERRACE, suaject to standard procedure. 013rd & Douglas Drive)
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant tenta-
tive approval of proposed RANIK ADDITION. (51st & Quail) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to grant tenta-
tive approval of proposed MARCELLA FIRST ADDITION. (32nd & Hampshire)
Motion carried
dosed Commissioner Lys&R! and seconded by &mm051DOer" Mei. Qr to rr'ant tenta-
tive appraval of Sri ITZ ADDITION, l_t' platted, suDject to latilityr and
easement over t :e rear feet: of oacH lot. (WIT & 56th) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Boardman to TABLE ap-
proval of proposed platting of LAMPHERE ADDITION. (Sumpter & 30th). Chairman
appointed a committee of Meisner, Juday and Elsen to present report at the
June 10, 1)63 meeting. Motion carried
Moved bar Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant tenta-
tive approval, subject to platting, of present division as presented by John Hen-
drickson, subject to utility, storm sewer and street easement in consulation
witn clk,y nnjiyour, (Xmnia, Zone 1 30) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to grant tenta-
tive approval of division of Lot 7, Fairview Acres, subject to platting. (44th and
west of Douglas Drive) Motion carried
Mr. Savitt appeared in behalf of Mr. WAllace Kenneth and discussed possibility of _
three story apartments at 21th and Douglas Drive and informed the Commission that
they would like to have a decision by August, 1963
Moved by Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to table the
proposal for tree story apartments at 27th and Douglas Drive until apartment
building study is completed. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Fleisner and seconded by Commissioner Elsen that the petition
of William NI. Pilgram to rezone from R-1 to C-1 the W1 of the SW1 of the SW-, of
Section 21, Township 118, Range 21 except the South 1130 feet of said W1 and except
the North 99 feet of said W1, including Tract 3, Registered Land Survey No. 20;
and from R-1 to R -b. the South 888.88 feet of the E�ly of the SE,, of the SWC of Sec-
tion 21 To+ !'jsriip 11.3, -Itanve f:i, nxcem trio Soutth -7, feet of the East 155 feet of
said SWi4 of the SWI and except the part of the South 185 feet on the El of said
SW -1 lying West of East 155 feet thereof, he TABLED. The chairman appointed a
committee of Elsen, Nystrom, Neu,mrth, Garbarini, Nleisner and Lysdahl to meet
with representatives of area property owners and IvLr. PIlgram and to present to
the Planning Commission a plan 6or the use of the property as defined.
(27th to 30th and Douglas to Zane) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to DENT request
for double bunalow of that part of the South 65 feet of Lot 15, Sunnybrook Acres,
lying East of the West 225 feet thereof, as it is fin direct violation of our City
ordinances. (Zane north of 3Lth) Motion carried
The Chairman appointed a committee composed of Plasencia, Gabbert and Boardman to
study the 2? story limitation height on apartment buildings and report at the
July 8, 1963 meeting.
Secretary Chairman
MAY 27, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the fol-
lowing members present: Elsen, Gabbert, Neubarth, Remus, Garbarini, Plasencia,
Boardman, Lysdahl, Meisner; the following were absent: Bownik, Eck Berg, Johnson, Judal
Martin, Nystrom; also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Neuoarth and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to approve the min-
utes of the May 13, 1963 meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Neuoarth and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant,4ihal
approval of BROKERS FIRST ADDITION. (Wilshire & Vera Cruz) Motion carried
Moved ,y Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant final
approval of PIAT OF JAYFLO SUBDIVISION. (Idahl & Soo tracks) Motion carried
Moved b, Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant tentative
approval of FOSS ADDITION, subject to moving dividing lot line so that the frontage
of Lot 1 is 75 feet and the 10 feet deducted from Lot 1 be added to the rear of Lot
Z. (Florida & 34th), Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to grant tentative
approval of proposed McALLISTER ADDITION, subject to establishing dividing lot line
equidistant between Hampshire and Georgia Avenues. (and 35th) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded. by Commissioner Elsen to DENY proposed FRANZ
ADDITION. The chairman called for roll call vote. Commissioners Meisner, Neubarth,
Remus, Gabbert, Elsen, and Plasencia voted aye to the motion. Commissioners Garbarini,
Lysda l and Boardman voted nay to the motion. (Hampshire & 35th Pl) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant final
approval of MARCELLA ADDITION. (Hampshire & 32) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant building
permit for 90 x 30 addition for Time Savers, Inc., subject to standard procedure.
(Handon Court) Motion carried
Moved ;>y Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissionerr-Remus to grant approval
of building permit at 5652 West Broadway for Ted Miksza office building, subject tb
standard procedure. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissioner L.y-sdahl to adjourn.
Secretary, Garbarini Chairman
juNz 10, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the
following members present: Nystrom, Johnson, Elsen, Garbarini, Juday, Remus; the
following were absent: Bownik, Boardman, Eckberg, Gabbert, Lysdahl, Plartin,
Meisner, Neubarth and Plasencia; also present were planning consultants Schmodk
and S1ierburne .
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Garbarini to approve
the minutes of Play 27, 1963. IJlotion carried
Moved oy Commissioner �ohneen and seconded ry Commissioner Nystrom to grant
final approval of RANIK ADDITION. (51 &Quail) Motion carried
Moved y Commissioner Juday and seconded .�y Commissioner Johnson that pursuant
to Chapter G.2.21, Paragraph A of the zoning regulations that modification of
front -,lard setback be approved at 30 feet on Lot 2, Block 1 of Rani k Addition.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by Commissioner Garbarini to approve
proposed BARBARA ADDITION. (Cloverdale & Jersey) Motion carried
The committee reported that in order to plat and develop proposed Lamphere
Addition that storm sewer must be installed or area filled to provide proper
drainage. (30th & Winnetka)
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to approve
i building permit #13U18 for a 40 x 50 hangar on Lot 5-2H at Crystal Airport.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by Commissioner Juday to adjourn.
Secretary Vice Chairman
JUNE 2G, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.I. with the
following members present: Lysdahl, Johnson, Gabbert, Elsen, Nystrom, Juday,
Plasencia; the following were absent: Martin, Bownik, Johnson, Meisner, Remus,
Eckoerg, Gabarini, Boardman, Neubarth; also present were planning consultants:
Schmock and Berg.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to approve
the minutes of the June 10, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Wallace Kenneth appeared regarding replat of Douglas Court Addition in three
lots; one -'for apartment }wilding under construction; one for a 51 -unit apart-
ment building and the third for a nursing home. This was tabled until the July
8th meeting, pending committee report on three story apartments and consider-
ation of street on north end of property. Parking ofr the projected apartment
building is short the required spaces.
Richard Sandblade appeared regarding zoning application request to rezone from
R-1 to R-11 the W2 of Lots 11, 12 and 13 Sunnybrook Acres 2nd Addition, lying W
of E 30 feet thereof.
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to table the
rezoning from R-1 to R-11 the W1 of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Sunnybrook Acres 2nd Ad-
dition, lying West of the E 30' thereof until the master plan of the area to the
south is decided upon. Motion carried
No action was taken on the Richard Sandblade proposed Crystal Terrace, replat of
Lots 11, 12 and 13 Sunnybrook Acres 2nd Addition because of tabling the request
for rezoning from R-1 to R-4.
Moved uy Commissioner Plaseniia and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to recommend
to the Council to place a moratorium on requests for rezoning to R-3 br R -h for
four months, to allow time to study multiple dwelling regulations.
Motion carried
Moved oy Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to adjourn.
Secretary Elsen �� Chairman Gab:-)ert
JULY 8, 1963 -- NO MEETING
July 22, 196
The regular meeting of tie Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the follow-
ing members present: Neubarth, Remus, Garbarini, Gabbert, Elsen, Lysdahl, Johnson,
Meisner, Plasencia, Juday; the following were absent: Boardman, Bownik, Eckberg, Martin,
Nystrom; also present were planning consultants: Sherburne and Schmock.
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia and seconded by Commissioner Gabbert to approve the
minutes of the June 24, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Ploved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Remus to approve building
permit No. 13524 for 4 -unit apartment building at 5126 Edgewood Ave. North, subject
to standard procedure. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neuoarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to approve building
permit hTo. 13549 for It -unit apartment building at 5146 Edgewood Ave. North, subject
to standard procedure. Motion carried
Harold Wedman regarding application for variance of set -back on Lot 1, Block 1
Ranik (addition - 5108 Quail Ave. North. This lot is immediately north of the lot
that variance was granted to WalterRanik at 5100 Quail Ave. North. In his appli-
cation for variance he stressed the point of view of the lake for the lot to the
north, as his reason for setting the house at 5100 Quail closer to the street would
provide a view of the lake for the lot immediately to the north at the required set
back. Now Mr. Wedman who has purchased Lot 1, Block 1, Ranik Addition from Mr. Ranik
request a set -back of 30 feet to stay in line with house built by Mr. Ranik at 5100
Quail and to better correspond with the house two lots north at the corner which has
a side street set -back of approximately 25 feet, and feels that it would look funny
and be detrimental to the value of his property -to have a sbt-back farther than the
newly constructed house and it will obstruct the front view and the back will stick
out like a sore thumb.
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Misner to deny request of
Harold Wedman for variance of front yard set -back an Lot 1, Block 1 Ranik Addition.
Commissioner Johnson voted no. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant final ap-
proval of BARBARA ADDITION. Motion carried
Oral. report wa s submitted by the committee on height of apartment buildings. A
lengthy discussion followed and was continued until the August 12, 1963 meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to adjourn.
Secretary, Garbarini i Chairman
August 1�, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.I. with the fol-
lowing members present: Remus, Neubarth, Garbarini, Gaubert, Nystrom, Elsen, John-
son and Boardman; the following were absent: Eckberg, Bownik, Juda.y, Lysdahl,
Martin, Meisner and Plasencia; also present were planning consultants: Schmock and
Moved oy Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissionery Neubarth to approve min-
utes of the July 22, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant final
approval of HOFF A;.DDITION. (Edgewood & 15th Place) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Garbarini and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant final
approval of FOSS ADDITION. (Hampshire & 32nd) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant final
approval of McALLISTER ADDITION. (Douglas Drive & 35) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant final
approval of CARTER TERRACE. (28th & Idaho) Motion carried
?•Ira3Perd �:,,� C neri3 ss a:�er la,, tr m a,::t s�= s�r�d d ! Comrrdissie)ner Iae-,,,oartki to iE f xin; i
approval off, Franz Aiditicln. ('i tlj .y. Goorgia) Aot,:i.on carried
Moved 'Dy Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant tentative
approval of Lakeland Manor Third Addition, subject to standard procedure.
(62nd and Lakeland) Motion carried
Nmrm Ganz regarding special use permit for open storage of vehicles, cement, mixer,
trailers and relating materials on Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 762.
(5501 Yates Ave. E.)
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to hold
public hearing at 8:00 P.M., September 9, 1963 to consider special use permit on
Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 762. Motion carried
Commissioner Remus vote to`.oppose public hearing and to deny request.
Idally Johnson regarding -building permit for enclosrxe of sanitary sewer easement
at Timesavers, Inc.
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant
permit for enclosure of sanitary sewer easement at Timesavers, Inc. Voting aye:
I�QTr3 r 3oardmf ir,.. ky trrm,; vc)tinC; nf-): iJehaiiar't;l: Ijir;.:arinit !ns li C"t, I'Joen. 41rjd
Johnson. Motion WAS NOT carried
Committee report on Eutates Inc. request for commercial and multiple zoning in the
general area of Zane to Douglas Drive and 27th to 30th Avenues Norbh.
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissioner Remus that the
committee report be accepted by the Planning Commission and included in the min-
utes of this meeting. Motion carried
Report on petition by Estates, Inc. for rezoning residential property from
27th Avenue to 30th Avenue between Douglas Drive and Zane Avenue.
Because the City is in the process of buying park property located within
the area covered by the petition (approximately from 28th to 32nd between Bruns-
wick and Weslcome Avenues) the committee decided to consider a larger area in
its report.
Our recommendation is to permit multiple dwellings only on Douglas Drive
south of 36th to a point halfway between 31st and 32nd Avenues with the zoning
extending halfway back to allow residettial development on Dolorado and Edgewood
Avenues and to maintain the present zoning in the balance of the area.
We feel that the interdsts of the City would be best served by dncouraging
residential development in the area adjacent to the park land.
Therefore, it is the recommendation of this committee that the Commission
DENY the petition of Estates, Inc. for rezoning. H. Elsen (chairman), W. Nystrom;
E. Neubarth; J. Garbarini; D. Meisner; M. Lysdal.
The Planning Commission recommends that the City /Council amend the present zoning'
ordinance to permit construction of full three story apartment buildings with re-
quirement that such buildings conform to Type 3 construction of Uniform Building
Code, Volume I, 1961 Edition.
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissiozier Elsen to approve build-
ing permit for a three story, 51 unit apartment building on Lot 2, Block 1 Douglas
Court; subject to building a Type III building as defined in the building code,
subject to standard procedure. (Hampshire & 28th) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Garbarini to adjourn.
Motion carried
Chairman, Elsen
Secretary, Garbarini
13 8
AUGUST 26, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M.
with the following members present: Gabbert, Neubarth, Boardman, Nystrom,
Lysdahl, Meisner; the following were absent: Remus, Garbarini, Else, Juday,
Johnson, Eckberg, Bownik, Martin, Plasenceia; also present were planning
consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant
approval of the minutes of the August 12, 1963. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant
final approval of FRED S. YESNES SECOND ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved By commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant
final approval of DOUG OSTMAN ADDITION. Motion carried
Diacussion was held on proposed change in the Zoning Ordinance by establishing
a P-1 and F-2 cla,aaificatiDn.
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to adjourn.
Chairman, Gabbert
Acting secretary, Lysdahl
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M.awith the fol-
lowing members present: Elsen, Plasencia, Johnson, Nystrom, Gabbert, Garbarini,
Neubarth, Remus, Boardman; the following were absent: Juday, Eckberg, Bownik, Martin,
Meisner, Lysdahl; also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to approve the
minutes of August 26, 1963. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to grant tenta-
tive approval of proposed Danielson's Addition, subject to standard procedure.
(5516 Xenia Ave. N) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant tentative
approval of proposed Julian Addition, subject to standard procedure. (32nd and
Edgewood to Florida). Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia and seconded by Commissioner Remus to approve build-
ing permit for a 40 x 32 hangar on Lot 9A at Crystal Airport for Gerald Gottlieb.
Motion carried
It being 8:00 P.M. Chairman Gabbert declared this was the time and place to consider
the application of Norman A. Ganz for special use permit for open storage of vehicles,
fencing, cement mixers, trailers and related material for the contracting of instal-
lation of fences, at the following description:
Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 762. The above
legal description is 5501 Yates Avenue North.
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Remus to DENY special use
permit for Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 762. Motion carried
Thomas A. Gwynn of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints appeared regard -in
ing proposed church, platting, parking, etc., on the Munn property at Douglas Drive.
Discussion was held and the church will submit new parking layout. It was agreed by
the representatives of the church of the Latter Day Saints and Mr. Wallace Kenneth
that 28th Avenue North should not be dedicated and the Planning Commission so approv-
ed the views of said property owners. (29th, Douglas Drive to Florida)
Zoning application of Anna E. Dooher regarding rezoning request to reinstate the
zoning that prevailed at the time applicant purchased the property described as:
All that part of Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 328, Hennepin County
Plinnesota, described as follows: %gianlxig at the SE ci-)rner of Lot 20,
Auditor's Subdivision No. 328; l hence dly along the 5 line Df said LDt
20 a distance of 227.96 feet more or less to a point 187.7 feet Ely from
the SW corner of said Lot 20; thence Sly 423.4 feet more or less, tc a
point in the center line of County Road No. 10 as now laid out and con-
structed, distant 210 feet Ely of the SE corner of Lot 19, Auditor's Sub-
division 328; thence Ely along said centerline 126.4 feet; bho noe contin-
uing along said center line on a curve to the left (radius -122.8) a dis-
tance of 200.52 feet, thence continuing on tangent along said centerline
Nly a distance 290.5 feet more or less to point of beginning; excluding
33 feet along S and E lines of tract herein described for public purposes.
September 9, 1963
The zoning at that time was the southerly 150 feet of the above described
property. She claims as a result of the rezoning of her property there has
been a severe and substantial reduction in the value of her property which con-
stitutes the taking without compensation. Upon checking the date the applicant
acquired the property, I find that it was filed July 2, 195 wit�f,$1.65 Deed Stamps
attzched, which ondicates a sale price of $1,500; and that the deed itself was
made out on February 13, 1952 and so notarized on that date.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to DENY
rezoning request on the following described property:
All that part of Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 328, Hennepin
County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner
of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 328; thence Wly along the S
line of said Lot 20 a distance of 227.96 feet more or less to a point
187.7 feet Ely from the SW corner of said Lot 20; thence Sly 123.4 feet
more or less, to a point in the center line of County Road No. 10 as
now laid out and constructed distance 210 feet Ely of the SE corner of
Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 328; thence Ely along said center line
126.4 feet; thence continuing along said center line on a curve to the
left (Radius -122.8).a distance of 200.52 feet, thence continuing on a
tangent along said centerline NLy a distance of 290.5 feet more or less
to a point of beginning, excluding 33 feet along S and E lines of tract
herein described for public road purposes.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Garbaiini and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to adjourn.
Chairman, Gabber.
Secretary, Gar arini
OCTOBER 14, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the fol-
lowing members presetn: Elsen, Plasencia, Johnson, Neubarth, Lysdahl, Remus; the
following were absent: Martin, Bownil, Meisner, Eckberg, Gabbert, Juday, Boardman,
Nystrom; also present were planning consultants Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to'approve the
minutes of the September 9, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant final
approval of DANIELSON ADDITION, (55th & Xenia) subject to standard procedure.
Motion carried
William Loftgren regarding variance of front yard set back on Lot 17, Block 4
Westvrook Addition, and that part of Lot 18, Block 4 Westbrook Addition lying Sally
of a line drawn parallel and a distance 5 feet NEly from the SWly line of Lot 18.
Moved by Commissioner Plasencia and seconded by Commissioner Johnson that pur-
suant to Section 42.21 of Chapter 42 Zoning Regulations that a variance be granted
on set back from front property line of garage, (27 4 Westbrook) of off -set at
27.55 feet. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to grant approval
of proposed Embretson Addition. This is a replat of the W 20 feet of Lot 6 and Lots
7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Whitehills Third Addition. (33rd & Nevada) Motion carried
Gene Benias to appear regarding building permit for display structure on the East 41
feet of Lot 15, Block 5 Kensey Manor.
Moved by Commissoner Neuvarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant
building permit for voat display structure enclosure on the E 41 feet of Lot 15,
Block 5 Xensey Manor, subject to standard procedure and subject to having a metal
roof. (6500 block on 56th Ave. N.) Motion carried
Mike Skelly regarding final approval of plat of Lot 3, Block 3 Paradise Park Ad-
dition as Skelly's Second Addition, as tentatively approved by the Council; denied
by the Planning Commission. Plat shows two lots, 1 and 2, each 50 x 215.5 feet.
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to DENY
final approal of Skelly Second Addition, as lots are under minimum standard width.
(1635 Xenia Ave. North) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth not to hold a
meeting on Monday, November 11, 1963 (Legal holiday) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to adjourn.
Acting secretary, Remus
Chaibfman, Elsen
OCTOBER 28, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the follow-
ing members present: Boardman, Meisner, Remus, Elsen, Nystrom, Lysdahl, Johnson, Juday;
the following were absent: Plasencia, Neubarth, Martin, Bownik, Eckberg, Gabbert; also
present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to appove minutes
of the October 14, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissiooner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant final
approval of EMBRETSON ADDITION, subject to standard procedure. Motion carried
Albert Nelson regarding replat of Lot 9, Block 1 Sunnybrook Acres Second Addition
into Nelson Terrace.
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant
tentative approval of Nelson Terrace. 02nd and Adair) Motion carried
Phelps Drake Co. regarding 14 x 20 office addition.
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded By Commissioner Nystrom to approve build-
ing permit #13757 at 5440 Douglas Drive to Phelps Drake, subject to standard procedure.
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Meisner to grant final ap-
proval of BROKER"S SECOND ADDITION, subject to standard procedure. (This plat received
tentative approval under the proposed name of Lakeland Manor Third Addition - 61st
and Elmhurst). Motion carried
William E.'Jensen to appear regarding request for variance platting of minimum lots of
Tracts C and D, Registered Land Survey No. 468.
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Boardman to adopt the
resolution to grant tentative approval of the proposed plat of Jensen's Addition of
Tract D and C of Registered Land Survey No. 468. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant final ap-
proval of JULIAN ADDITION subject to standard procedure. Motion carried
Robert Triwieler regarding variance for building permit to allow a 12 x 16 family room
addition to his house in commercial zoning at 5739 West Broadway.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Meisner that pursuant
to Section 42.21 of Chapter 42, Zoning Regulations that a variance be granted on build-
ing permit to allow a 12 x 16 family room addition to existing house in commercial
zoning at 5739 West Broadway. Motion carried
Commissioner Neubarth nominated by Commissioner Meisner for position of Secretary.
The nomination seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl. Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl that
nominations be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Nystrom and that the acting secretary
cast a unanimous ballot for Commissioner Neubarth. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Meisner and seconded by Commissioner Juday that the Planning Com-
mission recommend to the Council to amend section 42.17 (d) of Chapter 42, Zoning
Regulations of City Code that R-3 and R-4 classfication be not less than 75 feet
frontage and that the land area under R-4 classification a over 8 units be 2,000
square feet per unit. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Juday to adjourn.
c ing secre ary, Remus Chairman, Elsen
NOVEMDER 25, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning.Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the following
members present: Peters, Juday, Elsen, Neubarth, Gabbert, Lysda hl, Nystrom, Johnson,
Boardman. The following were absent: Bownik, Eckberg, Meisner, Martin, Plasencia,
Remus; also present were planning consultants: Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Juday to approve minutes of
the October 28, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant final ap-
proval of NELSON TERRACE. (32nd & Fane) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant final ap-
proval of HENDRICKSON ADDITION. (29th & Brookridge) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Juday to grant tentative ap-
proval of proposed Desner Addition. (62nd & Florida)
Movdd by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to grant final ap-
proval of KENNETH NELSON ADDITION subject to dedication of ten foot alley.
(W. Broadway & Hanson Ct.) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Neubarth to grant approval
of building permit for Mr. Big Restaurant at 5212 W. Broadway, qubject to standard
procedure. Motion carried
9 Arvid Carlson & Sons, Inc., request for rezoning from C-1 (Commercial) to R-4 (multiple)
h parcels ,x`4210, ##9712 and #9732, Sec. 5, Twp. 18, R.21. (59th & W. Broadway).
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissioner Peters to hold public
hearing for consideration of rezoning from C-1 (Commercial) to R-4 (multiple dwelling)
at 8:00 P.M. January 13, 1964 at '6424 54th Ave. North the following:
That part of the N� of the SE -1 4 of the NW -14 of Sec. 5, T-1181 R-21, Hennepin
County, Minn. described as follows: Beginning at a point in the E line of
said SE-;'; of the NW -14 distant 1025 feet N of the SE corner of said SE4 of the
NW41-, thence W parallel with the S line of said SE-14ofthe NWI, 78.2 feet to
the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described, thence continu-
ing W parallel with the S line of said SE4 of the NW4-1, 305.72 feet to the
NEly right of way line of the Old Jefferson Hmy., thence Nally along said NEly
right of way line 365.67 feet more or less to the N line of said SE -If of the
NW_ , thence E along said N line, 516.07 feet more or ].est to a polrt which is
78.2 feet W of the NE corner of said SE -14 of the NW -14 thence S parallel with
the E line of said SE -1 of the NW -41, 297.28 feet more or less to the actual
point of beginning, except the N 33 feet dedicated for street.
That part of the Nz of the 941 of the NE4 of Sec. 5, T-1181 R-21, Hennepin
Couhty, Minn., descriiaed as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of said N
of the SW41 of the NE -1 4 thence N along the W line thereof 278.95 feet more or
less to a point which is 940 feet N of the SW corner of said SWI, of the NEI
thence E at right angles 155 feet, thence S parallel with the W line of Said
SW -41 of the NEI 278.86 feet more or less to the S line of said -Nz of the SW4
of the NE4, thence W along said S line to the point of beginning, except the
S 30 feet dedicated for street.
That part of the N2 of the SE -1 of the NW -41 of Sec. 51 T-118, R-21, Hennepin
County, Minn. gescribed as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of said N2
November 25, 1963 (cont.)
of the SE4 of the NTnF thence N along the E line thereof 278.95 feet
more or less to a point which is 940 feet N of the SE corner of said
SE of the NTS thence W parallel with the S line of said SE -1 4 of the
?4��4 325.05 feet more or less to the NEly right of way line of the Old
Jefferson Highway thence SEly along said NEly right of way line 339.53
feet more or less to the S line of said N' of the SE -1 of the NW4 thence
E along said S line, 131.54 feet more or less to the p9int of beginning,
except the S 30 feet dedicated for street.
(59th & W. Broadway) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to DENY the request
for rezoning Plat 54109 Parcel ##321 from M-1 to R-4. (vera Cruz & Rr. Tracks)
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant final ap-
proval of SPILLANE ADDITION. (W. Broadway about 57th) Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Gabbert and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant building
permit for Jackie Ann Beauty Shop at 5663 W. Broadway, subject to standard procedure.
Motion carried
Norman Ganz regarding building permit for 24x48 garage at 5501 Yates Ave. North.
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to table re-
quest for building permit for a garage at 5501 Yates Ave. North for lack of information
on plans and specs. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Gabbert and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom that pursuant to
Section 42.21, Chapter 42 of the Zoning regulations of the City Code approval be grant-
ed for set back from the north lot line of Lot 1, Block 1 Spears Addition at 29 feet.
(Charles Wilson of Supreme Builders) (56th & Twin Lake Ter.) Motion carried
Abe Toles request for rezoning from R-1 to R-3 the N 180 feet of that part of the NE4
of the Sl-� of Sed;. 9, T-116, ?1- '1 lyJ—ng i; of railway right of way and W cif F: ?f�[? Peet
thereof (rarcal 1725). Thio is the aam� Property that, NDrtherrt ,and and Realty applied
for R-3 zoning in 1961 and denied at that time. Mr. Toles states that he would like to
build two double bungalows, or as an alternate, one double bungalow and one single dwel-
ling. It appears that to comply with the zoning ordinance the land area would allow two
single family dwellings, or one double bungalow under the R-2 zoning.
Moved by Commissioner Juday and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to DENY Mr. Toles
request for rezoning Parcel 1725, as follows: Motion carried
The N 180 feet of that part of the NE,'--- of the SW4 of Sec. 9, T-1181 R-21
lying E of railway right of way and W of E 200 feet thereof.)
Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Juday to adjourn.
Secretary, Neubarth _ Chairman, Gabbert
145 -
DECEMBER. 9, 1963
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission convened at 7:30 P.M. with the following
members present: Remus, Gabber-, Lysdahl, Peters, Johnson, Elsen, Plasencia, Neubarth,
Boardman; the following were absent: Bownik, Juday, Eckberg, Meisner, Martin, Nystrom;
also present were planning consultants Schmock and Sherburne.
Moved by Commissioner Lysdahl and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve minutes of
the November 25, 1963 meeting. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant final approval of
JENSEN TERRACE. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Neubarth and seconded by C omnissioner Lysdahl to grant final ap-
proval of DEMER ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Peters to graht final approval
of BENSON ADDITION. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl to grant final approval
Moved by Conunissioner Neubarth and seconded by Commissioner Remus to grant final approv$1
of KAUFFMAN ADDITION. lotion carried
Moved by Commissioner Peters and seconded by Commissioner Elsen to grant tentative ap-
proval of Mars Addition, subject to 20 foot easement on Lot 2. Motion carried
Dick Hipp appeared regarding request for rezoning Lots 16 and 17, Block 1 Rosedale
Acres, lying W of E 150 feet, except street from R -1 -residential to R-49multiple.
Moved by Commissioner Elsen and seconded by Commissioner Plasencia to DENY request
for rezoning Lots 16 and 17, Block 1 Rosedale Acres, lying West of Lust 150 feet, except
street from R-1-residental to R -It -multiple. Motion carried
Ernie Wille's petition for rezoning from iI-1 (industrial) to R-4 (multiple), plat
54109, Parcel 321 which was denied at the last Plannigg Commission meeting and appeared
on the council agenda with that recommendation. The council, after considering request
frori the petitioner, has referred this item back to the Planning Commission for further
studir and asked them to especially consider the feasibility of rezoning only that por-
tion that will be presently built on and to give every consideration to the traffic
problems that the over all development will create.
Moved by Commissioner Remus and seconded by -crimissioner Boardman that the request
for the above rezoning be tabled for further study, until January 13, 1964.
Chairman Gabbert announced that inasmuch as this is possibly the last meeting in 1963
that the Commission should hold election of officers for the coming year.
Commissioner Johnson moved to nominate Herman Elsen for Chairman and this was seconded
by Commissioner Lysdahl. Motion carried
Commissioner Boardman moved, seconded by Commissioner Remus that the nominations be
closed and the secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot f6r Herman Elsen
as Chairman. Motion carried
Commissioner Elsen moved to nominate Larry Boardman as Vice-chairman. This was second-
ed by Commissioner Johnson. Motion carried
Moved by Commissioner Aemus and seconded by Commissioner Lysdahl that the nominates be
closed and that the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Larry
Boardman as Vice-chairman. Motion carried
Chairman Elsen appointed Commissioner Neubarth as secretary for 1964.
Moved by Commissioner Boardman and seconded by Commissioner Remus to adjourn.
Motion carried
Secretary, Ideubarth ,
Chairman, Gabbert