1949 PC Meeting MinutesHARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION d - CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox * LEONARD DUBAY January 4. 1949 FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE I FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LuSIAN H. B. MILLER Use fiiag callod to order by Pro*. 1. 2 . lardley at 8#30 P.M. Umbers pro11e04 lar#ah, Qbaaplains Asn�plsor, Tyler, Peters=, Wolds, XNAUSVd. Jabn$On, Wdley, sad ROMA*. i"w:tes of the D000*or 9, 19W meeting were read sad approved. Notion by Peterson, s000nded by lartoh, that we recommend to tbo Covmoil that a licanso be , afa►ted Mr. Artbw Dolior to operate a trailer from &X y , 1949 to December 31, 1949 on the Property at the "mal Copstrootioa Co.. Higbwaq #52 and 94th Av. N., subjw4 to tbo trailer ordlumnoe. Carried. Consideration was given sad mommendations were made oa a plat Of the W est feet of Lot 43, Auditorlo Sub-divisios No. 226, submitted by Miss Dorothy Merritt. Z. Z. lsrdley, President, y. g. I^r%oh, Vias president, lmd W. 0. Sonnies Secretary wore to-oleotrd for tier year 1949. Wastes by Tyler, 0000nlded by lartah, to adjovm. Carried. Wm. S. Soxmii, Sealy Z. Z. iardley, ProsiWout Febrissry 1, 1949 Meeting called to order by Pres. E. E. Eardley at 9:10 P,U . Members present: Miller, Champlian, Johnson, Banholser, Peterson; Tyler, Radley. and Rennie. Minutes Of the January 4, 1949 meeting were read and approved. Motion by Banbolzer, seconded by Johnson, that we recommend to the Council that permission be granted Currier of Minnesota, Inc. tp erect an addition to their present building to be used as a curing room for conorete products. "Carried" Motion by Rennie, seconded by Banholser, that five members constitute a quorum of the Planning Commission. "Carried" Motion by Johnson, seconded by Cb%Ml&in, that we recommend to the Council the vacating of the alleys in welcome Park at 45th Ave. No. and Welcome Ave. No. "Carried" The Plat committee is to contact Otto Hendrickson in reprds to his deeding the S. One—half Of 32nd Ave. No. from Brunswick Ave. to ?ane l've. "tarried" Motion by Rennie, seconded by Tyler, that we recommend 'to the Gouncil the reappointment of V. N. Iartcb, Bernie Miller, and L. F. Banholser for four year terms on the Planning Comnisgion. "Carried" Motion by Champlain, seconded by Banholser, that we recommend to the Co1m— oil that applications for Building permits and certificates of occupancy be received at the Village office, referred to the Building Inspector for investigation, approval and signature, and than be toned from the Village office. "Carried" Motion by Tyler, seconded by Miller, that we recommend to +tha Council that the Damity Clerk sot up a tickler system for all buildi tie, permits whicil will "require a certificate of occupancy prior to occupancy and that .such permits be checked periodically. "Carried" Lotion by Unholzer, seconded by Cbamplain, that we reoonmoend to the Council tb&t at the time Of issuing building permits which will require a certificate Of oacuPmOY, the same to be stamped with c rubber stamp to ne o f fac+, thrxt the building eannot be occupied until a certificate if; ivxgjVdl for &ams. "Carried" Motion by Tyler, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn. "Carried" pVm. S. Rennie, Secey N.Earnay. : re„idemt HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION .f CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY March .. FLOYD EAGER March 1, 1949 LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER Meeting called to order by Pres. E. E. Eardley at S&W P.M. Members present: Peterson, Eager, Champlain, Bsnholzer, Wilson, Lartch, Johnson, Miller, Krickle, Lusian, jyler, Kennard, Eardley, Rennie, and our newly appointed member, Clifford St. Cyr, Jr. It was a 100% attendance. Minutes of the February 1, 1949 meeting were read aid approved. Minutes of the February 14, 1949 and February 28, 1949 meetings of the Village Council were read. The new map, of Golden Valley was inspected and discussed. Motion by Iarth, seconded by Tyler, to adjourn. "Carried" E. X. Eardley, P sident Wm. S. Rennie, s7ecTi HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION .1 CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT April 5, 1949 J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY Meeting called to order by President E. E. Eardley at 8:15 P.M. FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE Members present: Champlain, Iartch, St. Cyr, Tyler, Lusian, Banholzer, FRANCIS LARTCH Wilson, Miller$ Peterson, Johnson, Kennard, Krickle, Eardley and Rennie. WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN T}ze minutes of the Larch 1, 1949 meeting were read and approved. H. B. MILLER The minutes of the Council meetings of March 14 and March 28, 1949 were read. A letter commending the Planning Commission on their attendance at the March 1, 1949 meeting and co—operation with the Village Council was read. Motion -by Lartch, seconded by Tyler, that we recommend to the Council that the plat of Iarson's Twin Iake Park be accepted, subject to the approval of the engineer on grade level and gravelling on North 331 of 58th Ave. No. "Carried" Motion by Peterson, seconded by Banholzer, that we recommend to the Council approval of 601 front lots in the area between 34th and 36th Aves. No., and between Noble and Orchard Aves., if a proper plat is submitted. "Carried" Mr. 0. N. Johnson was given various sites where it would be permissible to erect an 9 -flat apartment building. Dr. SpakB was given various sites where it would be permiesible to operate an Animal Hospital. Motion by Wilson, seconded by Peterson, that we recommend to the Council that a permit be granted Mr. Bistodeau.to operate a fruit and vegetable stand, housed in a tent on Highway #52 and 54th Ave. No., the permit to extend from May 15, 1949 to October 31, 1949- "Carried" Motion by Tyler, seconded by Lartch, that we recommend to the Council that all enclosed tents used for commercial purposes be fire—proofed. "Carried" The Building Inspector and the Deputy Clerk are asked to check the combination warehouse and dwelling being erected by Mr. Henry Schmidt in the rear of 5559 56th Ave. No. "Carried" Motion by Lartch, seconded by Johnson, that we recommend to the Council that the Industrial area be extended to cover that part of the S. W. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/4, Sec. 9, Township 118, Range 21 line South Westerly of Jefferson Highway. "Carried" Motion by Tyler, seconded by Krickle, that we recommend to the Council that a Sanitary Sewer Survey be made of the Village. "Carried" Motion by Tyler, seconded by St. Cyr, that we recommend to the Council that the area between Regentand Scott Aves., extending southerly from 35th to 36th Aves. No. be re—zoned from commercial to residential, provided that Mr. Clem Jaunich has dropped option on same. "Carried" o IT seconded by Lartch to adjourn. "Carried" HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDL£Y, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION 01 .. CRYSTAL VILLAGE Apri 1 ' 7 , 1949 Crystal Village Council crystal Village, Usim. — — Attnx Mr. George R. Cease — — Year Mr. Ceaesz The Planning Commission wishes to thank you for your most complimentary letter of Uaurch 25, 1949. We shall ever strive to be verthyr of such praise. We also wish to thank you for the agenda and the .pertinent information contained in the article on Zoning and Planning which you furnished for us. These were verywellreceived by all the members. We hope that if any tdormation of a like nage comae to your attention that you rill make it available to tse. Yours very truly, CRYSTAL PUSHING CoMmISSICS Wm. S. Rennie, sooty HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE April lj , 1949 A special joint meeting of the village Council and the Planning Commission was called to order by President E. E. Eardley at 8:15 P.M. Members present: Kennard, Cbamplain, Krickle, Tyler, Peterson, Wilson, Lusian, Johnson, St. Cyr, Eardley, lartch, and Rennie. A letter from the Planning Commission of the Council requesting this joint meeting was read. A discussion of the matter of extending the industrial area in the voge property resulted in a vote being taken, with the following result: Seven nays, five ayes. Al motion by Lartch, seconded by Johnson, that the motion of the Planning Commission on April 5, 1919, extending the industrial area in the voge property,be rescinded. "Carried" Mr. H. K. Walker appeared before the meeting concerning the sign- board of Mr. Prather on Lakeland Ave. at Wilshire Blvd. The village attorney is to check on the legality of the location of the signboard, and the building inspector is to take whatever steps are necessary if the structure is in violation. A motion by Peterson, seconded by Kennard, that Don voge be granted a license to operate a race track on his property. Seven ayes, no negative vote taken. "Carried" A motion by Lartch, seconded by Rennie, to adjourn. "Carried" m• S. Renn4e,.Sec--Vy E. E Eardley, Pres: t r- HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. FAWLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. COX May 3, 19+9 LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER Meeting calle d to order by President E. E. Eardley at 8:15 P.M. The LEON JOHNSON following members were present: Ch Blain, lartch, Wileon, Biller, Johnsoa, GEO. KRICKLE Kennard, Peterson, Tyler, Srickl,e, Eager, Eardley, and ltennia. FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE Minutes of the April 1 � meeting were read and a A. LUSIAN V p 5> 9 9 g approved, H. B. MILLER Minutes of the Council meeting of April 25+ 19+9 were read. Mr. Zahl and Bir. Valerius were present to ask if something could be done to eliminate the dust on Vera Cruz Ave. from Highway #52 to West Broadway. A motion by Champlain, seconded by Wilson, that we recommend to the Council that the Deputy Clerk contact the County Commissioner in regard to having the County take over said piece of road. "Carried" A motion by Lartch, seconded by Peterson, that we recommend to the Council the accept— ance of the plat of Bodemts Addition (Lot 24, Auditorts Sub -Division #328), Subject to the approval of the Village engineer. "Carried" A motion by Rennie, seconded by Miller, that we recommend to the Council that Mr. Dooley be granted a permit to erect a gas station and pumps between Adair and Belmont Aves, on Highway #55. "Carried" After discussion on the billboard erected by Mr. Prather on Highw4Ly #52 and Wilshire Boulevard, a motion by Tyler, seconded by Miller, that we recommend to the Council that they tape immediate action to make said billboard comply with the Billboard Ordinance was made and "Carried" Councilman Ezra Osterhus discussed the set -back of commercial buildings, and the set— back of homes on corner lots, in residential areas. The secretary was instructed to make a note of Sec„ , Par. and Sec 14 o �i 5 3• f the Zoning Ordinance in regard to making changes at a future printing. A motion by lartch, seconded .byIClh 3&in, that there being no further business, we ad— journ. subject to the call of the Chair. Mr. McCullagh having arrived, the billboard discussion was reopened. Lartch and Champlain rescinded their motion to Adjourn. A motion by Peterson, seconded by Johnson, that the billboard matter be tabled until a survey is made showing location of billboard on the property and that the previous motion on this subject be rescinded. "Carried" A Billboard Ordinance committee consisting of Peterson, Kennakg and Krickle was appointed. Mott n bar rich; ecionded by Wilson, that we a4joijrn.,�,., "Carried" ft S. Rennie, 8ecty E. E. Eardley, PresKnt HARLAN. MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION n( CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT June 7, 1949 J. C. Cox f LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by President E. E. LEON JOHNSON Eardley, with the following members present: Champlain, St. Cyr, GEO. KRICKLE Wilson, Miller, Lusian, Peterson, Kennard,Lartch, Krickle, Eard— FRANCIS LARTCH ley and Rennie. WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER Theminutes of the May 3, 1949 meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the Council meetings of May 9, 1949 and May 23, 1949 were read. Mr. Joe Burns presented plans of a building to be erected on his property just north of his present Dairy Bar at 5602 Lakeland Ave. A motion by Peterson, seconded by Kennard, that we recommend to the Council that Mr. burns ':e issued a building permit subject to the Zoning Ordinande and the aprroval of the Building Inspector. "Carried" Mr. Joe Willett requested permission to operate a pony ride in the Village. A motion by Peterson, seconded by Krick -le, that he be granted a license to operate said pony ride inany suitable location properly zoned for it. "Carried" Mr. 0. N. Johnson presented plans of multiple dwelling to be erected on West Broadway at 47th Ave. No. A motion by Rennie, seconded by Lartch, that rezoning of the 130f abutting on West Broadway and extending northwesterly of the south line of lot 19, Schaeferts Lakeside Grove, and eTtending for approximately 1451 east of West Broadway, be approved. "Carried" A letter from Mr. L. F. Banholzer requesting the acceptance of his resignation from the Planning Commission was read. A motion by Rennie, seconded by Lartch, that we recommend to the,'Council that said resignation be accepted. "Carried" A motion by Lartch, seconded by Wilson, that we recommend to the Council that the Village attorney investigate the legal angle of some control of the height of shrubs, bushes, fences, etc., on corner lots to eliminate traffic hazards. "9.rried" A motion by 'Nilson, seconded by St. Cyr, that we recommend to the Council that stop signs be erected on Welcome Ave. at 44th Ave. No. "Carried" A motion by Lartch that the commercial building line be established at 5f from the front lot line. After discussion, he rescinded big motion, and_ moved that the Council provide us with adequate information regarding setbacks of buildings in commercial areas and the earl-dng problems/thereto. Seconded by Rennie and incident "Carried" HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY June 7, 194Q� 9, continued FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER A discussion on the 20t setback of houses on corner lots resulted in no action being taken. A motion by 'Nilson, seconded by Champlain, that there being no further business, we adjourn. Sec l y President HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EAWLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION ` � of - e CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox July,' 5t 1949 LEONARD DOBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON The re GEO. KRICKLE p { meetingof�`,tbo Planning Qommiseion was called to order by FRANCIS LARTCH Vice -President . B. tob at Wo P.M. WM. LIETZKE A. Lu,IAN members prosents Srioklet Kenuj�rdp CbwVlain., 1[iller,: Peterson, I&rtoh, H. B. MILLER and Rennie. . The minutes of the June 7, 1949 -=otiiac were read and appro"4,, The minutes of the Council meetings of June 13, 1949 and Jame 27, 1949 were road . A committee from the Free.8voWlica Qbauroh..Pre'esatted skstobss of a dhurah they wish to ereat on the oormor of 31m and 145th Amor. No. A motion by Champlain, seconded by Krickle, that gra recommend to tba Cavo,ei 1 that approval of svmh a struntrxS after the proper plbns b%To been presented. "Carried" Dt was suggested to tbis grow that they obtain the sentiment of the people in the arsa of the Proposed chvrch,. President Hard oy arrived at this point. Mr. Leo Townsend re9vastsdthe aresonin of tbs following m6 prwperty from rssdaatial to oommeraial> Sf ,of the N. W. 1/14 of the N. w. 1/14 'Of Sed, 7, T. 29 N/, g,' 214 W. (West side of the Highway #100 at 314th Ave. No.) Mr. Townsend wishes to erect a restaurant on this sits. A motion by Petersont seconded by Srickle, that we raoonmend to the Council that said.resoning be g=t#4,, subject to the granting of aeass � a►gwanents four treete• "�arrieds Y011 rwiAS diectuasi,orn of the proposed obese in the bLndling of reoommsndati ons from Us Planning Comission to tbs Council on at licaa4tiorxe for commercial l ingot the resulting ac tion was talaeaa l A motion by lartch, bodonded by Rvnnis., that we recom=nd to the pounci,l that tiro 10remident Of the Planning rnnieeion alrp+oimt • co=ittee from the mllmborsb2p of the Clommisel.oaa to jot on all building msttoare which in the past bave b"a referred to U4 iplmnni,;ag Commission, as smatter �of Imlioy, I which action is deezed neasssary pri #r to tbs next r@&U1&rMootjnS of the Commission. "Cararied" Motion by Wnsard, ssooaadOd by Peterson, to adjou . ,yam "Carried" lfm, S. genbij, Sealy N • N . Nardley, Pre sl,dsat HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY July 9, 1949 FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE 'r FRANCIS LARTCH A epecial mectine of the i'lanninE uommie c ion vias called Wm.A. L LIEN to order tPres-ident L • A. LUSIAN � E . Lai'dl Ey at 6-.,,',5 4,111. H. B. MILLER iae rat, erQ a F i " F i on Kri c kle , Kennard, Lartch, bardley, , and rcE21111:e . BTU lletkid 4,EIVE Ur r:c:[o nEF *.� � t --,Al t'tanspire"l in the :fi,_,zo t i.:-i�+:_'�: �r%r� firs �1'. JJ�il � �� � � and the glen haven Memorial 1-v the Vole property.Liardcns -association in regard;' 1110tion 1.7 T.-11, ceoo ided Ly Uhj-"[aiialajr tl40.#$ r;it n �L' tho lirnvFri Eider+)orjul Gerd t�-[vi iL oecn --et '# :t rl nthi u0Wioeion fCW a sp6 14. 1, 11A. lae..Iii.t to Lit iE vi -L c J. ;iia "gni oemetGry pwrposoe, ty the village uciur7c41; be. it naaoivea that the Eeuretary bars i rA t r 110 t "id, to prepsro and post niotdzee of u pabl.ia hearii:c� tr- br- hod! in th e u 11a Se H X11 Lit H:00 i' -tJ • On Wednesday, )Uly 20, 194 9 fca QO r'eideration n the uee of eaid, 1plop e ty fo r cea --t 'ay u11,o8ee: i d heard rg t4, bi, i,i�k,c�ed [,.y �a r�e�+c�c��r�enda Ck t(' th0 z � ,.� Ii it- iii. e action t4 It, 0,11 enid Petitions o-'` sr1 f1*- i� i.[ 1� `top s 10 1I. z'r)L' iltIJ.'ilivan 0'z - Ll ' 'ry7.er, eeoo wed by hianrde , that use r000mmend to the 111rige Vounci1 tlat -ion vo 1, ��erit'kea to operate a rage dmy 24 and July, 31, 19'9 Ord€r t'^,e hardehip krpvieiou of t'he /-jonirg ordinance. ''Carried" A motion by Lartch, eecond e,d btiy uhamplain, that we recommend to the Vill&P-e Council that fir. 0. N. Johnson be allowed to eha e 1,116 se Lig from the of (-'Lia j 1.a ich will sdequatGl'y fit ]'tie 11113dinj requ 1 rein& nte, sub jeot Ojo th e 4 i3 fravnl c f the I uild! : i ¢�s�•ec,tr�a , "Carrie d " Motion by uhmplain, eeconded by r. ktexlie�'y , .La rt ch, to adj ourn. ''Carried" HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. COX LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE Suly 20, 1949 A Public Hearing on the issuance of a special use permit to the Glen Haven Memorial Gardens Association for the purpose of conducting and maintaining a cemetery was called to order by President E. E. Eardley at 8;15 P.M., with the following members answering rollcall: Tyler, Champlain, Peterson, Lusian, Krickle, Eardley, Banholzer, Eager, and Bennie. Explanatory talks were given by Messrs. Bronstad, Ebbert, Bone, and Speeter. The meeting was then opened for public discussion. A fter a lengthy discussion, it was found that there were four objectors and twenty who spore in favor of the granting of the permit. Motion by Tyler, seconded by Banholzer, that the Planning Com— mission recommend to the Village Council that a special use permtt be issued to Glen Haven Memorial Gardens Association covering the Voge property and the school board property, pro— viding that the Association enter into agreement to purchase same on or before August 11, 1949• "Unanimously Carried" Motion by Banholzer, seconded by Tyler, that the Planning Com— mission recommend to the Village Council that a special use permit be issued to Glen Haven Memorial Gardens Association covering the Wanless property and the Osterhus property located within the area described'in the petition, providing that agreement is entered into on or before August 11, 1949• "Unanimously Carried" Motion by Kric kle, seconded by Eager, to adjourn. "Carried" 'WM. S. Bennie, Secretary E. E. Eardley, President HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION 0 CRYSTAL VILLAGE d my 2.d., 1949 crystal v illage council urys tal v illape , minne so to j 1 0 Attn: iV1r. n. t�. 6cott, tcecorder uentleme n: Yollowing the public hearing on the issuance of a special use permit for the Glen Haven Memorial Gardens kesoci ation., this action took place: A motion ly xyl6r, seconded 17 r�anholzer, that the r lannin g Commis a io n recomme rd to the v illag e council that a special use permit be issued to ulen Haven tuemorial uardea s asso ciation coveritag the v og e property a i11 the school board property, providing that the -,seociation enter into agree- ment -to purchase same on or before august 11, 1949. '`Unanimouely Carried" A motion by Banholz er, se co rd ed by Tyler, t4at the .elanning commission recommend to the village council that a special use hermit be issued to ulen Haven memorial gardens Association covering the wanleps property and the veterhus property located within the area described in the petition, providing that an a6r6emerit is entered into on or before aueuet 11, (1949. "Unanimo ue ly sar ri e d " Yours very traly, d 4_ _ HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of � -- CRYSTAL CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY y�p^��� FLOYD EAGER August 2, 1549 LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH The meeting was called to order by President E. E. Eardley at 8:20 WM. LIETZKE P.M. Members present were: Lartch, Champlain, Lusian, $tickle, A. LUSIAN Tyler, Banholzer, Peterson St. Cyr, Eardley and Rennie. H. B. MILLER The gd.nutes of the regular meeting of July 5, 19+9 and the special meeting of July 9, 1949 were read and approved. A request from Mr. Iaitenin to erect a building on the N. E. corner of Douglas Drive and. Rockford Road for the purpose of selling coal, ice, beer, etc, was tabled. A request from Mr. Gallagher to change the name of Garfield Ave. to Georgia Ave. No. and 4 Ave. No. to Lombardy Lane was tabled. The Planning Commission felt that a petition should be presented on these changes. A request from H. B. Walker to zone all of his property at Wilshire Boulevard and Lakeland Aves. lying between Zane and Yates Aves. to commercial was tabled. A motion by Lartch, seconded by Rennie, that we recommend to the Council that the Village Attorney immediately take such steps as are necessary to secure the property east of Hiway #52 and north of the Soo Line tracks known as the gun club property to be used as park property. "Carried" Mr. Levi Osterhus presented blue prihts of the belt line area. As the Park Board is to make recommendations on the area, no action was taken. A motion by Lartch, seconded by Lusian, that there being no further business, we adjourn, subject to the call of the Chair, �` S t Rennie . sect y E. E. Eardley, President HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice•President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION ox CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON September 6, v -Ag GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by acting President Td. M. Peterson at 8:10 P.M. Members present were Krickle, Miller, Champldn, Banholzer, Peterson, and Bennie. The minutes of the August 2, 1949 meeting were read and approved. Mr. frank A. Warner requested permission to erect a bangar at the Crystal Airport, resulting in a motion by Miller, seconded by Krickle, th4t we recommend to the Council that said request be granted. "Carrie d" A motion by Miller, seconded by Krickle, that we recommend to the Council the approval of the Botner-Thompson plat, with the following exceptions: that a jot easement be giten on the lots north of the Botner property; we also suggest that the long lots running east aid west be split, and that easements be given for the 69th Ave. No. road although the road need not necessarily be completed at this time. "Carried" A motion by Krickle, seconded by Miller, that we recommend to the Council the approval of the plans of a motel, submitted by Mr. Eagberg for Miss Edith Lindquist, subject to the coning ordinance and the building code. "Carried" A motion by Rennie, seconded by CYamplain, that there being no further business, we adjourn, subject to the call of the Chair. "Carried" a M. LSJ/-'RV8nn* asely Ed, M. Peterson, Acting President O. J. BRONSTAD PRESIDENT B. E. SCOTT COUNCILMEN VILLAGE OF CRYSTAL 5352 WEST BROADWAY ROBBINSDALE 22, MINNESOTA DEPUTY CLERK GEORGE R. CEASE ALDRICH 0131 PIASNING COMMISSION MINU`FES The meeting was called to order by President E. E. Eardley at 9:15 P.M, Members present were: Larthc, Eager, Champlain! Johnson, Hrickle, Peterson, gennards Tyler$ Eardley, and Rennie . J. W. BENNETT Emu OSTERHUS ROLLIN JACKSON The minutes of the September 6, 1949 meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the Council meetings of September 6, 1949 and September 12, 1949 were read . A motion by Champlain, seanded by St. Cyr, that the minimam area of living quarters be increased to 5504 sq. ft. "Carried" Mr. McCullagh was asked to check on what can be done about the height of fences and hedges on private property at street intersections. There being no further business, a motion by Champlain, seconded by Johnson, that we ad0ourn, subject to the call of the Chairg lCarriedu M. S. Ronnie, Seery E. E. Eardley, Pro si nt HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEo. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE November 1, 1949 Meeting called to order by President E . E . Eardley at 9:30 P.M. 4 th the follidng members answering rollcall: St. Cyr, Champlain, Krickle, Peterson, Tyler, Kennard, Lusian, Johnson, Eardley, and Lartch. The minutes of the October 4, 1919 meeting were read and approved. The minim= area for living quarters was discussed. A committee consisting of members St. Cyr, Champlain, Krickle, and Kennard was appointed to meet with the Village Council at their meeting on November 7, 19+9 to discuss this question. Mr. McCullagh reported on fences and hedges creating a traffic hazard at street intersections. He cited the Moorhead opinion that no public official has the right to dictate how trees, shrubs, hedges, etc. should be planted on private property; but provided trees, shrubs, hedges, etc. are planted on public thoroughfares or in limits, tenant is given ten days to remove same. At the end of the ten day period, the municipality can remove them as a traffic hazard. Motion by Tyler, seconded by Iartch, that we recommend to the Village Council that lights be installed on 32nd and Douglas Dive, Brunswi ck between 43rd and 44th Avenues North, Bass Lalm Road and Highway +52 (large amber), 41st and Forest Avenues. "Carried" Motion by Peterson, seconded by Champlain, to adjourn. "Carried" F . E. L,artch. Acting Secretary E. Z. Eardley, Pr#sident HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION O, CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH December 13, 194 WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER The meeting was called to order by President 2, E. Eardley at 9:15 P.MM Members present were: Peterson, Champlain* Krickles Johnsons Kennards Lartch, Eardley, and Rennie, The minutes of the November 1, 19+9 meeting were read and approved, A motion'by Krickle, seconded by Champlaine that we recommend to the Council that street lights be erected on 30th and 32nd Aves, No,, aid Douglas Drive, "Carried" Mr, Lyle Murray presented plane of a supermarket and a motel to be erected on 56th Ave. No, between Amhurst and Forest Avss,, A motion by Champlain$ seconded by Kricklee that we recommend to the Council tha acceptance of the plans of a supermarket to be erected on 56th Ave, No. between Amhurst ad Forest Avos.s subject to the building code and zoning ordinance* "Carried" A motion by Peterson, seconded by Lartchs that we recommend to the Council the accfptance of the plans of a motel to be erected on 56th Ave, No. between Elmhurst and Forest Aveg„ subject to the building code and zoning ordinance, "Carried" A moticaby Lartch, secondedby Krickles that we recommend to the Council the acceptance of the plat of West Lilac Terrace# 4th Units with the recommended changes, "Carried" A motion by Champlain# seconded by Lartchs that there being no further business, we adjourn* subject to the call of toe Chaim "Carried" E, E. Eardley, Pres ide . - Rennie, Se ly 3