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1948 PC Meeting Minutes
r'ebruary at, 1948 The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. iAembers present: Bennett, banholzer, Lusian, Kennard, Osterhus, Krickle,, Johnson, uleason, Lartch, reterson, Lardley and Rennie. iuinutes of she A)ecember 1, 1947 meeting were read and app ro v e d . iviotion by usterhus, seconded by Lanholzer, that we recommend to the Uouncil that idirs. Gash be granted permission to operate a beauty parlor at 4610 KdatB civ. Uarried. idtotion by Lartch, seconded by Bennett, that we re•eommend to the Oounci 1 that permission be given ivlr. Walsh to erect a soft drink, sandwich and daf ry bar at 32nd and vera Oruz Aves. Oarried. roti on by Bennett, 19econded by Lartch, that wa recommend to the Oouncil the acceptance of ivlr. Henxy U81em's plat of lots 41 and 42, Auditor's Subdivision No. 324, provided that the property owner of lot 27 in Fairview Acres, 2nd unit, give 30 ft. on the west line of his property. Property owners are to grade and gravel street. Oarrie d . Motion b7 reterson, seconded by Lartch, that we recommend to the Uouneil the acceptance of mr. Ross' plan in regard to the Orystal Airport, provided that it is thoroughly investigated by the village attorney from a legal standpoint, and found to be essentially as represented. Uarried . ,vir. Oste rhus and -air. Gleason. were appointed an the airpat committee. wotion by Lartch, seconded by xennie, that we recommend to the council that action be taken as soon as possible on location, plans, and construction of a new village Rall. Uarried . ivioti on by Beterson , seconded by Osterhus , that we recommend to the Oouncil that 6ec. 14 of the zoning ordinance be changed to read "That the minimum distance of any commercial or industrial bu ild irg from front lot line shall be 5 ft. Oarried. ,Aot16n by Lartch, seconded by reterson, that -we recommend to the Uouncil than acceptance of our. Ostexhus ' plat of west Lilac Terrace, 2nd uivision. Uarried. Motion by Lartch, seconded by reterson, that all present officers of the i'lanning uoinmission be re-elected. uarried motion by Lartch, seconded by retereo n, to adjourn. r'ebruaxy 9, 1948 Uryetal village uouncdl veystal village, Ainn• i .ttenti on Ar. Goo* A • 4eaes Gentlemen: It the Yebruaxy 3. 1948 meeting of the Planning Commission, it was voted to recommend to the Council the following'. 0 A 1. A permit be granted, idre. Gash to ops rote u beauty parlor at 461.0 Adair iLve . mr. walsh be granted pormiseion to erect a soft drink, sandwich and dairy bar at 312,nd and vera 4ruz Avea;o :]. G`}le acceptance of 1uY. Hfiluy li €ti11'k �7� {iOX iots 41 &nd 42, Auditor's 6ub4lvision pyo. , provided that the property ownnor of lot C7 In J'sd rvieW Acres, 2nd unit, g ives 30 ftp: Uri the west line of hie property.I 1�:l'operty owner- are to grade and gravel O-ArGet, 4. That the village carry out the Plan of Mr. r,ti�, in regard to the UrWtal Airport efter it is thorouLahl-y inve`etigated by the village Atto.xney and found to be eseent.ifally :ae represented. :. That action be taaken, tie soon as possible on location, plans, and co nstrac3ti on o;' a now v ilzago Mall. .. ;Chut jec. 14 of tlt; zoniM ordtnanoe to c3hz meed to rest "Thkt the minimum d ik: t,ance of tum cow- merraial or industrdal building from front lot line shall be 5 ft." 7. Lhe acvEp tame .of lir. Osterhus' Plat of W6e� A Lilac ':erraae, 2nd Divi s ion. xo-ars `'very txuly, PLANNING COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY V: February 16, 1948 Secretary of The Planning Commission Village of Crystal Dear Sir: At the January meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission, we were advised of some changes which the Minneapolis Post Office plans to wake in its gut—otty delivery cervico. As you no doubt know, these changes necessitate setting our respective addre'se numbering and street naming systems in order, so that the new type of delivery service will be possible, as well as efficient. As we looked over the naps of the villages of Crystal. and Golden Valley, we noted that in a few instances there is a dioparity of names of streets which continue from community into the anther. The responsibility for this situation, I believe, lies with plat de— veloperB of years past who chose namee fox streets in their projects without due oonsideration for already existing streets. Be that as it may, a fairly intricate problem now pertains within Golden Valley which must be solved if our mail service is to con— tinue. In the few instances where the street names and numbers are of joint interest to Crystal and Golden Valley, we felt that we could arrive at some mutual agreement. Therefore, I have been in— structed to ask your,co—operation in arranging a joint meeting of the two planning commissions in the near future, so that we may settle upon some recommendations which can be presented to our re— spective councils for action. The Golden Valley village council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and our planning commission meets the second Thursday of the month. With these dates, and those of your council and commission mettings in mind, we should be able to find a date satisfactory to all concerned. Hoping to hear from you in the near futures I air+ CER: Is Very truly yours, C.E.Rudolph, Jr., Secy. March 2, 1948 Meeting called to ordex by vice -President Y. h. Lartch at 9:15 2 M. Members present: Johnson, pager, Kri ckle, Gleason, Peterson, Kennard, Lartch, Oster - hue, and Icennie . Oommunication from Golden Valley Planning Oommission, requesting a meeting of both Uommissions at a future date, was readp 6ecretary instructed to contact secretary of Golden Valley Oommission to ascertain if March 11th would be satiefactcry. Members Peterson and Kennard were appointed as rlanning Ordinance committee to woxk in conjunction with Village attorney, ivir. Mc- Uullagh. Mr. Kema.rd is to act as chairman. Uniform curbing in the Village was discussed. ivir. Osterhus is to submit plans of various curb Ings . motion by Peterem, seconded by Krickle, to adjourn. --e h. L. ward ey, res.�.ei e, pec Y April 6, 1948 Meeting called to order by rresi dent tardley at 8:00 P.M. (embers present : Larteh, meager, Krickle, ban.holzer, Lusian, Bennett, Kenrard, Ueterhus, Peterson, hardley, and Eennnie. minutes of the March. 2, 1948 meeting were read and approved. motion by Lartch, seconded by xriokle, that we recommend to the Uouncil, the acceptance of idr. Currie , e plan of barber - beauty shop to be erected on the bass Lake road ani r`orest Ave., subject to the provisions of the .wilding. Uode and 4on-ink; ordinance. The set -back of the build ink f2nm Forest Ave. is to be determined by the Uouncil . Uarri ed . Motion by lartch, seconded by banholzer, that we recommend to the Uouneil the acceptance of mr. Baler's plans for a building on the Lass Lake. road between Worest .Ave. and uous- las urive, subject to the provisions of the .wilding Uode and Loning Ordinance. Uarried. sir. L. Pence requested permission to change their grocery store to a sandwich shop and ice cream store. building to be erected in the rear to be used for keeping bait . 6ecretary to make recommendation to the Oouncil. otion by Lartch, seconded by Bennett, that we recommend to the Uounci 1 the approval of the plare of mr.- Joe Louden for a combination home and barber shop to be erected on .Forest Ave. and bass Lake road, subject to the provisions of the building Uode and Zoning Ordinance. Uarried . motion by L4rtda, eec:onded by b4nhoizer, that we recommend to the Uounci 1 t tit iae issi n be granted pare. zurke to heave a beauty shop in her home at Uloverdale and j'orest Aves. tame restrictions to be applied as on the beauty shop at 46th and Rane -ves. Carried. iuotion by Oste2hus, seconded by liager, that we recommend to the Uounci 1 that they take preparatory steps in acq_uirirg the pzope rty, for the purpose of putting in streets, onth ave. frau Belmont to .uoug las vrive, and on 44th Ave. frau La.re to Long la s Lrive . Oarrie d . idotion by Krickle, seconded by tiager, to adjourn. Uarrled . �. Eardley, fres. enrzie , ec y April 12, 1948 veyetal VillaE.e council c;ryatal Villaae, Minn s.tten'�ion Ar. Geo. K. Geasa Ge ntlem6n: At the April 6, 1948 mceting of the Planning Oammiesion, it was voted to recommend the following to the Louncil: A 1s the acceptance of jir. Gurrie's plan of Barber -Beauty shop to be erected on the Baes Lake 1�oad and 1'oreet Avenue-, subject to the provie4one of the building �;odc and the zoni- R Urd inance. 1`he set -back of the building from Forest avenue is to be determined 'by the Uounci 1. 2. The accep Canoe of the plans of ,fir. Pa ie r fo r building on :da.se Lake Ro :d betwoon Forest avenue and Douglas-urive, eub ject to the prove ei one of the building node and thezoning Boning urd inance . 0 A 1 3. rermieeion be grFanLed ILLr. L. renco to chelige hie gro eery atowe to a eandwicb, ;-3oft drink and ied cream store. building in ithe roar of the etore is to be used for fi ebing bait. J J 4. The acceptance of the plans of qtr. doe Louden for a combination home.and barber shop to be erected on Forest avenue and Uou a lae Drive, subject to the provisions of Lhe-iui'.)..dire, Gode and the Zoning Ordinance. �. That permission be granted Ars. Burke to operate a beauty parlor in her borne at I`oreat and Gloverdsle avcntaess rhe same restriatione are to, apply ae on the beauty parlor at 46th and ,ane avenues. i 6., shat the _ouncil take steps prepNratory to ac- quiring property for the purpose of putting in etreets on 44th Ave. from belmort to vouglas .Drive and on 47th .ave. from Aane to vouglaa urives Yours truly, � a _ Wn. � . ennie, Seo y april 2i, 1948 aw Palma We xwin lake 6horce nobbin ddl.e 12, airm. wear WS3 Howe: 4s ti-io +%gyro cul village munci 1 and �K�ilr laid' ";[-'-orj ioc inn ,# Sh to joubA the zouA r zchySffcr'w1,kaside Urovo addition tq moot with W, ql.of j[gDDP6Tjy of the vid Itirt"n, thgy uck t&!?t you bo i rcw5toU at the i 101wils j0MUNSW MMoth on !WON,vt 8.00 POA. in Acs V1.:1.:U r . "il we feel that; thio is important to you as a. pro exty owner and sincerely hope that you will be present. Yours vo y truly, j 4 Sm. S. Rennie, Neely April 24, 194U r xre. iignes aciiseffer b12ffalo, .inn• As the ►drys tal Village Uounci l and i'lanning Qommi.eslon witih to locate the roads in ochaeffer's Lakeside L4rove Addition to Meat with the approval of all. property owners OIL the addition, they ask that you be Nrecoiit tt the-LIrxnnin,L, QiorTuntusAcn mcoting cry -i4cdiiVf �'LU + 4v 1VQ0 fit 8-,00 P.ii. IJI i w lulu,, e ltLcl:L. we feel that this is important to you as a property inner and sincerely hope that you will be present. x O x 'N? very t zu ly, rim. 5. Ren e, EePy April 24, 1948 Are. roger aohxba& or 2942 aorgan ay. no. .jinx *polis, xinn. .uear Xadm: AQ the veys tal village uounoi 1 and t'lannir,F vonmieeion wish to locate the roads in octhaeff'Frle u'-ikesida vrove Addition to meet with the approval of all property owners of the addition, they ask that you be preeunt at the l.anning �;=mieston meeting on a.ae ednjr, nay 4, 1943 at 8:00 P-1. in the v illhge iinil. no feel that this ie important to You ae .a property owner and sincerely hope thrat you will be present. xoure ver; truly, April. 24, 1948 .P w1r. . 1 tav .yiil le r 3968 So JaroGdvvvv rco LLAnnedale , 4inn. .near z)ir: As the uryet&l village Uouncil and r'lurjnin6 Uommiesi on wish to locate the roads in achaeffer' s Lukee id a Gmve LAd ition to meet with the approval of all property owners of the addition, they ask that you be present at the w larxraing Uorumtesd.on meetimS on 'Tuesday, zxy 4, 1946 at 8:00 'P.M. in t? -a Village II&II . ri e feel that th iki is importrint to you as a propyrty owner and s in4erely hope that you will be present. �Qril 24, 19$8 .ore. uordoD-)ohLnidt R8mel' . 1rn. a near :tar. e. ochmid t; 40 the ur;ye tal village uounci l and -vlanninje commission wish to locate the roads in odhaeffor'- Lake -side strove nddition to moot with the alproval of all property orncre of the €addition, they akk that you be i,xc ,.:ETlt fat: the r.lannin8 �;ommias4on moeting on sue i7ay, jnay 40 1948 at 8z UU in the villa e R&II. we feel that this is important to you ae a property owner taid e lricerely hope tkzat you will be prevent. x.oure very truly, id &y 4, 19 48 Meeting called to order by Pres. E. E. Eardley at 8:15 P.M. Members presemt : Banholz_er, 1bennatt, Peterson, Krickle, Lartch Osterhus, Eager, Johnson, Llardloy ait Rennie. Minutes of April 6, 1948 meeting were read and approved. A motion by Osterhus, secomded by Krickle, that we recommend to the CoIncil, that permission be granted Mrs. Peter Beekos to operate a popcorn and icecream stand on the Rockford Road between Adair aryl Belmont ave s . Carried. A motion by Lartch, seconded by Bennett, that we rel-xmmend to, the Council the acceptance of the easemen-Ls as tendered by Mr. 11 Ray Miller in the survey of Lot 21 in Schaeffer's lakeside Grove, showing the proyosed streets. Carried. A motion by Lartch, seconded by Krickle, the t we recommend to the Council the acceptance of the plans of Mr. Ed. Ladw% of a bui ldi ng to be constructed on the Bass La)2 Road between DoiElas Drive and Vorest Ave., sub-ject to the provisions of the Building Code aryl Zoning Ordinance. Carried. A motion by Osterhus, seconded by Ronnie, that we recommend to the Council the acceptance of the plat of Mr. Skelly of lot 24, .auditor's Subdivision 32$. Carried. A motion by 4sterhus, seconded by Peterson, that we recommend °lc the Council the acceptance of the plat of Mr. Frank Gaulke . Carrie. d. A motion by Johnson, seconded by Rennie, that we recommend to the Council that the designation of lot 1, Block 6, Rosedale Acres be changed from ttesideatial to Commercial as requested by Mrp Chas. Griffin. Carri ed . A motion by Krickle, seconded by bennett, that we recommend to the Council that Miss Margaret Baggett be allowed to :erect an -� ft. addition to the building at 3603 Vera Cruz Ave; Carried. Motion by Dennatt, seoo .7ded by kri ckle , to adjourn. Carrie d . r Wm . . i ennis , 77-o y- Lily 10, 1948 uryE tal V i l lag a Cou. nci l uxystal V ill€ s6, ,Aitlxjn �. ota Ar' � � - - Attention Ar'* 13. ,4;. 600t t - - UentItwon: At the ,1r,:,7 40 194.8 meeting of LkX U am"lie si Mx, it wc+.B vntod to re corwria d the following to the Village 0-ouncil t a I 1. i armission 'be granted Mrs. Peter ii,c*ekoe to ol.)erate a popcorn and is ooream stand on the rockford hoad between Ada.fr and Delfxiotat vof! . 2. That theA Cnunc l acce.f)t thea sasoments ae tenderod by sir. ij.-j Jai llsr in thei survey of lot 21 in aahaeffer'u L k eside Grove, showing iht propoeod stroete. 3. `.'hat the Gounail accept thb plan of .gid Ludwig of buildirg ons fess Lake load between JJoug lac give and Forest ave., subject to the pror- visions of the Buil0ing code and Zoning Ordinance. d l 4. That the Qounail accept the plat of, .,ar. Skelly of .Got 24, Auditor's Sub -division 32f3 • 5. 'Tbfxt the va' icil accept the plat of ,sir. Frank Gaulke. 6. That the desienati on of Lot 1, Block 6, liosedale acres be changed Xrom lWa id enti&a to Com- mercial as regueeted by .Ar. 0hae.' Griffin. 0 7. That idise idarga.ret Baggett be allowee to erect a 116 foot addition to build ire at 3603 Veru Ora z ave. j tai .• nn e , e '�"— June 1, 1948 M@Gting called to order by Vies Pres. Lartch at 9:00 P.M. Members present: Kriekle, Beenett, Waterson, Lartch, Rennie, B Eager, and Ke ntard . iviotion by 7'etersox, seconded by Kriekle, that we recommend to the Council the acceptance of the plat presented by Mr. Gordox Olson of Lots 9 and 10 of Sehaeffer's Lakeside Grove. Carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Kriekle, that we recommend to the Council the exceptanee of the plan of a building to be oo•astruoted. by Mr. Richard YourQg on the Bass Lake Road, Lot 4, Block 1, bicOardle' s Crystal Mawr, subject to the Zoning Ordinance and. 13ui ldi yg Code. Carrie d . Motion by Yeterson., seconded by Rensie, that we rezommend to the Couactl .the acceptance of the plat of Mr. V. C. Jack- son sof the B. 9tU of the, N. 24 rods of, the 8. 1/2 of the S. E. 1/4 in Sec. 17, Twp. 118, Rge. 21. Carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Rex n.ie , that ww recommend to the Council the acceptance of the plat of W. Lilac Terrace, 4th Unit, as presented by Mr. Levi Osterhus. Carried . Motion by Peterson, seconded by Renede, that we recommend to the Council that Crystal Village use the same names of avenues north axd south as Robbijdale up to aid itcluding Adair Avenue, and West from there to the West Village limits follow the names of the St. Louis. Park avenges with the exception that :Douglas Drive remain unchanged. Carried. Motion. by Bagor, seconded by Kriekle , to adjourn. Carried. . is. Bard a W y, r as. m. 3. E ems. •, 6601Y Juno 14, 1948 Uryetal Vi11c.go Gounodl Cryatal V il.lR f e, lixan. _4; A A AttentioY aLryfBt it. Scott Gentlemew At the Juno 1. 1948 rye e t i og of the Planning 4omnieaion it ,Was voted to rocommon.4 the following tt, the Vi4,1686 vounail: 1. The acoeptance r)f ta.a plat of lots 9 and 10 of Sdhaoff;;x's Lakesid* Grove ae presented by Mr. Gordon Olson. 2. The acceptance of the pclst of Mr. Vo 0. Jac7k- a0r. of the 4. 9/16 of the N. 24 xods of thik So 1/2 of trheS. . d%,i iIQ Seo. 1'7, Tn. 116, lige. a.1 + 3. 1jj.e a,�C*pt,,-A&ae of the plan of. Xr. Eldi,rd Young of a bu9.,.dt.rp, to bc, ccan�tructed ori the 3dusi 100 Bo€gid, lot 4. block 1, XaUardlolu Oryetul eixb- jeat to the Zo Qrditaneo and buil.tti uoae. 4. Zhe ajecoptance of th4 plat L f ,4r. Lavi Usterhus of ..'+. Lilac: Terrace, 4th Unit. A j b. That we use the same names of eves. North veld outh as Robbinsdrile up to and ixoludixiS iWair Aviv and from there ,on to Brest: Villag* limits follow thi names of the St. .Louie 'axk dv68* wdth the Q,%C(&j?t iojQ that Douglas Drive remain. unchanged. `four E7 VOW truly$ HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 410 COURT HOUSE 1. P.7JMMEF2MAN ENGINEER 4 June 25, 1948 TO ALL VILLAGES OF HENNEPIN COUNTY: We are enclosing herewith a recitation of the policy of the Board of County Commissioners in regard to the requirements for the preparation and submittal of sub -division plats. S Esayy; 49-11 -4942 In the interest of uniformity, it is our suggestion that you incorporate these requirements as minimum require- ments in your Village policy. L. P an gineer LPZ:ek JUN - -1948 PROCE'�TRli; FOR THE SUBNLCSSIOPt Gt0 SUB -DIVISION PLATS TO THE BOARD OF C011,1IISSIONCRS OF HENNEPIN COUNTY AND RE,:]UIRI;T•IENTS NEECESSARY FOR APPROVAL The preliminary lay -out of the proposed sub -division shall be submitted showing the proposed streets, lot arrangement, etc. together with a topographical map of the area showing the contours of the proposed plat at two foot intervals. The preliminary plat mentioned above may be submitted superimposed upon the contour map. The requirements of the sub -division lay -out shall be as follows: A. Minim= street width shall be 50 feet except in very rare cases. B. If the plat includes dead-end streets, a minimum 50 foot radius turn around shall be provided. C. The plat shall show all public streets and roads abutting or intersecting the boundaries, and must provide for a common intersection wherever 1;ossible. D. All lots shall_ have a i in�,rm�m. area of 6500 square feet t•rith the provision that in cases of rough topography the minimum will be necessarily increased. E. In lots that appear to have �nsufficient drainage outlet, provision for drainage must be made if possible. F. All lots bordering,' on lakes or ponds shall have access to the shorcline u-1thout trespassing. G. All low areas included in the sub -division shall be indicated on the plat as "wet" or "dry", and marsh land shall be indicated by symbol. H. All streams and existing drainage ditches shall be shown on the plat. In addition to the above requrements for the preliminary plat, the follow- ing may be shown on thc° pl'olilA i 7)E an' must �3e sl.ojjn on the fiin` 1 plat. ( it is suggested to the sub -divider that most of these be shown on the preliminary plat jUN - 1943 Page 2. PROCEDURE FOR TIE SUB -f[SSION OF SUB• -•DIVISION PLATS TO Tiff BOARD OF C0114ISS10NERS OF HE,ENNEPI ? COUNTY AND REQUIRI1V21TS I,MCESSARY FOR APPROVAL ( continued) for the purpose of eliminating costly changes, in case of error, on the final plat.) A. All sub --division lines within the area shall be shown and tied to the plat. If there are no quarter -quarter lines within the platted area, reference shall be made to at least one outsiO.o the plat by distances and angles. B. All lot dimensions shall be shotim. C. All curve functions shall be shown on the plat. D. All base line angles shall be shoim on the plat. E. The sub -divider shall show all distances inclu.ded in the dedication and all monuments, angles, curve functions, etc. necessary for checking the entire description. F. All angles and distances necessary for closure of outside boundaries of the sub -division by latitude and departure shall be shown. G. Upon the submission of a final plat, the sub -divider must submit proof of ownership. The procedure of a sub -divider shall be as follows: First the preliminary plat of the sub -division together with the contour :nap shall be presented to the County Surveyor and County Engineer for preliminary checking of the requirements as herein above indicated. Secondly, when the above is done the final plat shall be prepared in accordance with the legal requirements in duplicate originals and shall be submitted to the County Surveyor's office, County 1-hgineer's office, and the County Attorney's office, for recommendation of approval. The duplicate originals shall then be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for their final approval. July 6, 1948 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 9:30 P- M. July 6, 19+8 by President E. E. Eardley and the following members were present: Krickle, Peterson, Kennard, Bennett, Lartc h and Eardley. The minutes of the June 1, were read and approved . Walter Sipe was present and requested permission to erect two more 30,000 gal. storage tanks. after due consideration the following action was taken: A motion by Peterson, seconded by Kennard, that we recommend the Council approve the application of Walter Sipe for permit to erect two more 30,000 gal. storage tanks. "Carried" Wal6er Sipe also requested that we give some consideration to his plan to - erect a storage warehouse on.his tank site. He was asked to present the plans. Sadie Schaefer presented her proposed plat for approval. She wants a 25 ft. road around lots 5 and 6 except on the North line of the Harvey Petersen and Lee. Kelsey Lots. A motion by Lartch, seconded. by Bennett, that we recommend the Council ap- prove or accept the roads as indicated on the plat subject to posting of bond for completion of roads for presentation to the Village. "Carried" Mr. Thompson presented the proposed Botner and Thompson Plat. It was pointed out that the fact that is house has already been built on the section line between Crystal and New Hope would make proper platting difficult. It was suggested that lots run East and West instead of North and South, North of 60th. Ave. West to the New Hope Line. The Chair named Kennard, Peterson, and Krickle, Mr. Osterhus to tag along, as a committee to offer advice on the plat. Mr. Levi Osterhus presented a plat to cover the area from 45th. Ave. No to 46th. Ave. No. from Vera Crus to Zane. Cutting through Welcome, Xenia and Yates with alleys in between. A motion by Peterson, seconded by Geo. Krickle, that we accept the plat as presented, ngmely the Levi Osterhus plat described above. "Carried" A motion by Peterson, seconded by Bennett, that the secretary write a letter to the Council emphasizing the necessity for immediate appointments to fill vacancies on the Planning Commission. "Carried" Suggestions for new Planning Co►mrission Members: Wesley Beach, Cliff St. Cyr, Ed. Nachtheim, Swanson, 3+38 Zane. Suggested that Schmock look up some one in his neighborhood. Motion by Lartch, seconded by Peterson, that Bowman Ave. be changed to Brunswick Ave. and Golden Valley be Advised. A motion by Peterson, seconded by Kennard, that there being no further business, we adjourn. aug us t 3, 19,&B The, meatilg was called to order by Pres. Bardl©y at 8:20 1? -M embers presext: T,artCh, dill*r Johneox, Lusiax, krickle, l'etereox, Hardley, Wad The followixgf newly appointed members of the klaaning Comnissiox were irat.roduoed: Harold Z. Champlain, Johan H. Tyler, amd Roy H. ytiilsox. ivllxutes of the July 6, 1948 meetivg were read aed approved. mr. 2tixtox <pre.se,nted . the plan of a gre.aehouas to .be coxotruct- ed on Corvallis avd Garfield .gives. iviotiox by Lartch, sscou&ed by Kri ck le , that we recommend salve to the Village Jounci 1, sub- ject to the provisions of the Buildixg Code aid Zoxixg Grdivaxce. Carried . r. Frank Mahutga presout ed a plat of Huaauy2id a Hills . -10ti OR by Miller, seeoxded by Tyler, that we recommexd aeceptaxee of same to the Village 0o unci 1. Carri ed . v,ir. . buss pr*manted a plat of Russ °'2h-ird udditiox. ,-e0ti0X by letersox, seeonded L7 lartoh, that wl r0coat'10aUd 400ebntux0e of saiia plat to the Vintage COuxCil with the follnWirP ohaxges: Gmissioia of 7' alley; that b' u� jjjV jasajD4jtw be a igen ix rear of each lot; 'Ghat uL�ljt a ave. L6 QhWejad tO 50th zxVi., ai5d tha str o tin iY side of jj:lat be dh ed to rarvkj)Iis vC# ja:aa°ied . Doti ox 'bj Remit e, vecoxded by Tyler, thM t we recommend to the Village Council that they obtaix 30' easements for tht "st 1p of .,1z "vc . riot sir. U. 4. -uo�lle 4 -ad Delores )Odds', aW 30' oaca the South side of the :)elorea -Dodds axd the H. B. Lischefskij property, and , that Llm- .ve . be ixcreases to 30' 1/2 street. Carri e d . j,jjO by Lartch, seconded bu Yetersox, tYa t we recommemd to t villa8e Council that ea°semeaats be obtaixed for, am additional 10 on each side of Hlm Ave. from 60th to 51st Ave. tarried . i4oti ox by Lartch, seconded by Lusi�-:Y, that we recommeaad to the Village Joui.cil the acceptance of the plan o f the HArcules bleach Mfg. rlaxt to be constructed ox 34th and Vsra Druz- kves . Carrie d. iAotioaz by Petersox, seconded by 'Tyler, that we recommend to the vi(Ilage Couaaeil that they take the necessary stepw to obtain easemexts of the Id. 30' of lots 43, 45, 46-H. 30' of lot 44 and 33' along N. edge of lots 43 61d 44, a Nd the W. 30' of the N. 30' of lot 47 . Carried. Motiox by Lartch, soac� xded by vhamplaiA, that we reeommexd to the Iau c��l thRstr easaotaa�ts bd c1 -&iiaed o� 9.dair eve. of lots 2, 31 41 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, block 1, Wagner's Garden. Tract .:'E rni ed . i11r. .6zra Gratorhus presented a drawing of various types of street curbing s and gutters. 4 motion wag made by Remi*, seconded by Lartch, that we recommexd to the Village Council the rolled type of eurbiaa and gutter as showx Ju the drawiag. carried . Motion by Zartch, seeoaaded by prickle , that we recommend Lo the iiug us t 20, 19 4S bpecial Ideetixg called to order by krek:. Eardley -"at 7150 1' M. Memberi, -)resemt: �vils�aa, baniaett, Jhamplaix, Miller, l.usa�a.x, Tyler, Xerm rd , _ Hager, Lart ch , Johxsox., Nardloy, alud Ronnie. 11dr. Olem Jaux.ich promat ed plale of a T)rive-Ix Theater to be crux✓ structed at 36th Ave. and the Bolt lime. appoxerLts to the erection of such a structure at that location, headed by i�x. Duarae Horton, were gives ax opportunity to voice their opixioms. . After a thor- ough discussiox the followiiC motion w€R made by idr. WilwCat, secoxd- ed by-6eamett: That we, recommemd. to the Village Oouxcil that the area between Regent live. and the reit fixe -este ading South fwm 36th Ave. to an eatemsioe of the coiter lime of 35th Ave,,, Wont to the. -Bolt lime, be rezoned as comma rc i€l prcoe rty . Elevex. Ayesx, one xay. iyiotiox. by Tyler, secomded by Lartch, that we rQcomia*x.d to the Villagr& Joukuil, that ivir. Clem JaLvaich bq- graxted a license to o;e ra.te a i)rive-Im Theater. _ ix the area. described above. Elevex ayes , oile nay. idoti on b,; L�rtch, sraao xded by ihamplaiii, that we recornanexd to the Village �Jouiaeil,, that eas oments be obtained oaa 36th Lve., westerly from Re8&It the . t o tlls iselt .Line. tarried uxamimous ly . Motion by 'Tyler, saeco,nded by lartch, that we ad jourm. Jarried . . r; . Bardley, W August 21, 1948 Orystal viUags Couxotl Orysi tea. Village, Miss. - - Attx• xr. B. L. 3oott - -- Gea.tleme x: At a special meeting of the Blalsiag uommissiox held ox August 2C, 1948# it was voted to ricoanur:asd the follcwiK9 to the Village 4oulacil: 16 j 1, That the area. between Rogext an] the B* It Liao oxteadixg South from 36th Ave to eat •:xtox- sion of the oexter liar of 35th Av west to the Belt Lim be reso xed as oom= roi sl prop erty.` h h 410vs x ayes, one may. 2. That Mr, Mem Jauxioh be granted a 130exa* to operate x Drive -ix Theater in the above described property, El*vex ecyes, ore may. A Z. That essemeaet a obta imd ox 3b h Ave. wester- ly from Regoat Avw-4w to the Bolt 4to. � Twelve ay**, no mays. Yours very traly, WM. e—Mai!, S _60'y — Sept. 7, 1948 Meeting called to order by Pres. 'E. E . Eardley at 8:00 P.M. Members present were: Iaer tch, Champlain, Banholzer, Krickle, Tyler, Peterson, Miller, Eardley and Rennie. Minutes of the regular meeting of Aug. 3, 1948, and the special meeting of Aug. 20, 1948 were read and approved. Mr. Frank Howe presented plans of a Derry Bar, Garage, and Vegetable Marimt to be constructed on the S. W. corner of the junction of Highways 10 and 52. Motion by Banholzer, seconded by lartch, that we recommend to the Council approval of same, subject to the provisions of the Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Carried. Mr. Frank Mahutge• presented a plat of Sunnyview Hills, 2nd A ddition. Motion by Lartc h, seconded by Krickle, that we recommend acceptance of the Plat to the Council, subject to the approval of the Village Engineer. Carried. Mr. Frank Gfroerer presented plans of a foundry to be constructed on W est Broadway, North of the Soo Line Tracks. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Rennie, that we recommend acceptance of same to the Village Council, subject to the provisions of the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance. Carried. Mr. Clevinger and Mr. Ruff presented a plat of Ruff Bros. Co. Addition. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Banholzer, that we recommend acceptance of same to the Village Council, provided that easements on the rear of each lot be given; that the streets be graded to Village specifications.; and that a 331 easement be obtained on 36th Av. N. Carried. Mr. Arvid Johnson requested permission -to operate a cement block plant at 34th and Vera Cruz Aves. Pres. Eardley appointed members Krickle, ,Miller, and Taylor to inryvestigpte ti:e property. Motion by Lartch, seconded by Krickle, to adjourn. Carried. 'gym. S. Rennie, Se ly E. E. Eardley,Prs. Sept. V, 1948 Crym tal Village Uouncd.l Lays tal Village, imam. x a _- Attx: mr. Be L. voott (feat lemoaes J At the Sept. 7. 1948 meeting of the plassimS Uommission, it was voted to reaomm id to the Village Council the following,. A 1. The a ooept axon of the plane for a Dairy -bar, Garage and Vegatazble Market, to be aoustructed at Highway fL2 and the Bars Lake Road as pro- o*zted by Are Frataaik Howe, sat joct to the provi-, sions of the Building God* and Zosixg Ord ixaNct. 2. The aoosptaaeoe of the plat presented by Are Frank &&Utga of Suayside Hills, 2nd Additto x,A r ub foot to the zWproval of the Ville go Eng iateerv' 3. The a000ptexco of the plamh prosented by .sir. Frank 4frooror of r foundry to be constructed oxt West Broadwaay and the Soo Liao traoku, subject to the provimiozo of the Buildixg Oode and Zoning drdi name . .j 4. Tho aoaeptUmao of the plat of Huff Bros. Co. Addition, provided tb&t the roads are graded to village specifl.oaat lol)s; that a 5' utility *ase- moat bo given ox the rear of each lot, and that a 33' easemeat be obtained on 36th �v. No. Yours truly, . m . Be Remniol, Soo' y S ept. 27, 1945 S Pecia l meeting called to order by Pres. Eardley at 7:45 P.M. Members present were: Eardley, Peterson, W ilson, Bennett, Lartch, Miller, Krickle, Tyler, Banholzer, Lusian, Johnson and Rennie. Mr. Wallace MacClean requested permission to erect four oil and gas storage tanks and a pumphouse on the Soo Line right-of-way, east of the present tanks of the Sipe and Gray Oil Go. Motion by Iartch, seconded by Peterson, that we recommend to the Village Council that permission be granted Ziebarth Bros. for the erection of the same, subject to the regulations of the Village. Carried. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Milson, to adjourn. Carried. Wm. S. Rennie, Secly E • E. Eardley, Pres HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LuSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE Sept. 27. 1%S orysial vile council ©ryetai village, Minn. .. - Atia: Mr. I. X. Scott - - G entlemea: At a special eaeeting of the Plawdog Oom- mi,eaion hold an Sept. 2T, 1949, it VAX ►oto to !g. oommead to th9 F111480 ftumil t1Aat } r®aisdon he 9"Ated 21e'Wth NPva, io eree$ a bulk Oil aad Ual011ne, Plmmt,b as AlUtly Of f0w taWw hied a puWbDw a an tie 500 Lino right-of-w,r, east of the preeent tames of tbm Sipe and grey Oil oe. , subjest to the "&44tlqm of the village. ?ours tmlyt M. 3. TOM*. deaar HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. K EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION .r - CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT , 1Q, V Q J. C. Cox Oct. 5iJ .7S LEONARD DOBAY FLOYD EAGER L T LEON JOHNSON mieeting �ycalae d to order by v ice—ares . k o L . Lartch GEO. KRICKLE at 8:10 2 .1'r FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN Members present were: Wilson, Danholz6r, Qhampla in, H. B. MILLER zen nett , xri ckle , .i ohnso n, tyle', Y e t e rso n, hart ch , and Ken nia . Mr. vi. k. keit schuh, in behalf of Ars. Warhol, in- quired if the rlanning vommission could suggest any- thing that could be doin with Lot 39, Auditor's Sub- divisi,on)F324, which is in the middle of a propceed street* tie was advised to wait until the vommiss-ion could obtain a decision from- the Village attorney. A motion. by •Tyle r, seconded by banholzer, that we recommend to the council that the :plat of Best Lilac terrace, 2nd unit, presented 17 tsar. Levi osteih.us be accepted with, this change, that Pages Ave. from 44th to 46th Ave. iv. is to replace the present allay. "Carrie d I' A motion IV Tyler, seconded ty Peterson, that we re- commend the acceptance of the pkat of gest ui3a c Terrace, 5th Unit. "Carried11 Mr. acCul3agh, v il3age attorney, having arrived, advised the commission that there was, nothirg it could do in the matter of tars.. narhol. The secre- tary was instructed -.to call tar. leit echuh to inform him of this decision. Mr. Hemmer requested the changing of zoning of prop- erty on +lest broa dway, north of 47th Ave. from resid- ential to commercial, in order to erect a roller Skating rink. tie was told to obtain signatures on a petition of people in that area favoring such a change, and there were suggested to him other more suitable locations . tar, uraig having purchased N-1/2 Lot 3, wagner's Gardens, mhi ch is in the middle of proposed 4$t1 Ave. .N., inquired what could be done with the property. xe was told that tbc- uommission could do nothirg in the matter, and it was suggested that he attempt to collect his purchase price from the sel3e r. -a motion by Axickle , seconded Eardley, ' es . by Uhamplain, to adjourn. "Carried" 'm. S• Rennie; Secy QatobaPr 9, 1 Jrystal V113a ,) 4ounol1 �xyital Vi lagw, GLiAA. A a a - dtta.. ;dr. B. E. Scott - Go At Isms a: At the Octob*r L, 19A.8 41goting of tb6 1'1.a*a.iag COMInlsosioa it was voted to reean- tn6ed to the VIIIF,,,ce Ooatei.l tIa fol:lowixg: I. �:hs acugite000 oi" t.?ae plat of Ar, Levi v,itorhus for Viowt 111.ac Tarracs, tad Uidt, chFaagiag than KaIey baTmeaa X*mJ a ax Daae ttvpF.,i* to a Rill Width street whidh will be Yatry uvt. + 0 accept &xce of the slat of tAr. Levo Owtarhuu for 'asst Lilao Terrace, 5th Ual t. Yo -urs txuly, Tim .9 O-1, • , ;pec y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT l� J. C. COX ovember 4, 1948 LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE jhe Ieetimg, was called to order by Tres. -mardley A. LusIAN at 8:15 r .si. The following members were present: H. B. MILLER Wilson, Johnson, 'Tyler, Lartch, Peterson, Lennard, Banholzer, :&rickle, mardley and tcennie . -ainutes of the uctober 5, 1948 meeting were read and approved. A plat committee composed of, xrickle, 'Tyler, and Lartch was appointed by Tres. mardley, trickle to serve as chairman. .& motion by banholzer, seconded by Peterson, that we recommend to the council the acceptance of the plans submitted by iar. bieners of a store -building to be erected on the bass Lake Koad, between jAgh- way 1f62 and west Broadway, subject to the, provisione of the building code and zoning urdinanceo carrieds t, motion by dohneon, seconded by reterson, that we recommend to the council that the alley from 44th to 46th eve. A. vd th the exception of lots 3 & 4, block 3, west Lilac Terrace, and lot lying south of lot 3, be widened and known as Yates -ave. carried. d. motion by uartah, seconded by reterson, that we recommend to the council the approval of the drawing of plat 44, pub -division #:324 with the lots, running east and west, as submitted by sur. usterhus . Oarried. e motion by banholzer, seconded by Wilson, that we adjourn. parried. e'1�4,00 ,r+m. 3. nnie, ec y b. B. Dard ey, ri s. HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON November B, 1948 GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER Jrystal village Qou.na4l yrywtal Village. nimn. , - - Atta: Gentlemen.: ikr. b. E. 600tt - ,6t the Bovember 4, 1948 meeting of the i''lanning OomLaiesion, it was voted to recommend the following to the Village 0ou.ncil: 0 1. The accsptt�:nae of the plans of a store building to be erected on, the bass lake load, between Righway ; 62 and west Broadway, subject to the provdsions of the building iod4 rand the, zoning urd inance . -Tans presented by Ar. Bieners. + a J Z. That the alley from 44th to 45th Ave. No. with tai® exception of lots 3 & 4, blook 3, most Lila o Terrace, and lot lying, youth of lot 3, be widened t:nd kin. as Yates Ave. 3. ' That the drawing of Plat of Lot 44, sub -division q 3240 with the lots running bract and West as present - /'ed by Ar. lsterhue be approved. Yours truly, k w'm. 5 . hennie. Feely isovewber ".3, 1940 A speufal meeting of tho elanalm Jc+mmissiou wase 6 oulled to order by ares, JS, R. "rdluy at 6:30 2,,A. Umbere prosort : lart&, Johnso a, k,'hamplala, gen- narpl, "ori ©k1e, lyler, .eotexame hus lan, 41.114r, Isardloy, and he=ie . A& motion by Petorson, seconded b7 JAartdh, tit rye recommend to the vounai 1 the up provea of tire/ draw- ing of un outdoor sign shop, preeentod 1W nro rrather, su2;jcot to the approval of the build IrS Inepeator ::end Full oomplit,nee with the bu ildi rE ands and zonlM ord tanae . h8 to ll dir4 3e to be loontsd cit "ilahl ro zoulevard ;.nd kilwtq 7b2. 1f'Jarried" A motion Ly "rtiah, s000ndod by vhea plain, t9AaA via reooLamend to the Uounoll the upproval of ."he itrawings of the L46tal ai1luge ahopping center and xhee.ter as prec+entod If Ar. ulem jauniah, -ito be oomvtxv.1;sd Tie- tve(t iiiway rlQO and Regent Ivo. and from 3! h to 36th ..vev . .vo ., a ut joot to tho approval of tin to -,-;.a Ing i xWootar and full complianoo with the buil6 tr.,-? ood e and coni rg or d tnanoo . "+ :rrt od" ithh ten EVe"s �jrxl one memter not voting , XrG.0•, L" . Ali. "ardw aji, YttB. ►7. 4 n e Lecember 9, 194a Meeting called to order by fres. Lardley at 8:15 k. Id. Members present: Krickle, Lusian, Bennett, ;filler, Tyler, reterson, kenmrd, Lardley and Rennie. Minutee of the Nov. 4 and ilovr 23, 1948 meetings were read and approved. K committee composed of Kennard, Krickle, Tyler, Peterson, Kardley and Kennie was appointed to check over street names and numbers with Kobbinsdale, Golden Valley and St. Louis Park. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Krickle, that we recommend to the Council that permission be granted Mr. ivillard blakeborough to erect two gasoline pumpe at the Crystal Farm supply, Bass Lake Koad and Highway ;P 52. quarried Mr. Hoy Khrem headed a committee inquiring as to the possibillty of establishing a volunteer fire department in the village. They were advised to appear before the Council on Dec. 13. Motion by krickle, seconded by Ken29ie, that we recommend to the Council the approval of the plans of an addition to the Oil . Station at Bass Lake Koad and Highway ,#52 as presented by Ir. Leon Kennard. building to be subject to building code ,and zoning ordinance -P Uarrie d. Motion by Iienmrd, seconded by Krickle, to adjourn. Carried. :-a ,. r:. Kard ey, Yr vim. s. Bennie, Seely