1947 PC Meeting MinutesCRYSTAL VIT-T PIAMING COWISSIOR January 7, 1947 The meeting was called to order by President Eardley at Si3O P.M, The following members Frere presents triable, Johaaan, Lurtch, Ranholzer, Pe terson t Eardley, and Rennie. min -aver. of the November 7, 1946 m oeting were read and approved. Mr. Brons6ad stated that the wall map of the village would be oom- plated for our February 4th meeting. lire Onass in to find out what to mcessary to set VP epeoial assess. meats in varioum areas of the village for the prose of improvini8 roads, etc. General discussion on village affairs. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Hanholsex, to_&djo=. L Carried. Wm. S. Bonnie, sect y - CRYSTAL VILLAGE PLANNING 00181ISS1ON FabruAry 4, 1547 Meeting _called to order by President Eardley at 9:25 R.M. Members present were Lartch, Morrison,. grickle, _Banholzer, Bennett, Osterhas,_Eardley and Rennie. Minutes of January 7, 1947 were read and approved. On motion by Lartch , seconded by Morrison, it was voted to recommend to the Council the acceptance of the plat of Mr. H. Hanson if the following changes are made; 1. Provision of sufficient roadway at south end of street _-running- north and south for a turn around for grading -and- snow plowing. 2. A 60 ft. street running along the S. E. side of. lot 1 and 12 of block 3 replace the street designated between bloc s 2 and 3. 3. Easement be obtained by Mr. Hanson on N. E• corner of plat to provide adequate roadway. All Qtreets to be grnned to proper grade levr�. Mr. Howe submitted his plat. -Following discustion, he decide to withhold any action on same. Messrs. Utten anus Smith submitted the new map of the Village. Motion by Yri ckle , seconded by Bennett, to adjourn. Carried. W . S . Rennie, Sect y CRYSTAL VI LIAGE PL4NNI NG COMMISSION Special meeting called to order by President Eardley at 9:20 P.M. Members present were Kennard, Osterhus, Peterson, Lusia,n, Gleason, Eager, Johnson, Morrison, Banholzer, Lartch, Eardley and. Rennie. The following officers were elected for the year 1947: President: E. E. Eardley Dice --President: F. E . Lartch Secre tary: W. S. Rennie The balance __of the meeting ras devoted to che_cldng- the new - map of the Village Motion by Banholzer,_ seconded by Lartch to adjourn, carried. W. S. Rennie, Secty HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DOBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LuSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE march ..4, 1947 Meeting called to order by President Eardley at 5:15 P.M. These members were present: Lartch, Lusian, Prickle, Johnson, Bennett, Peterson, Osterhus, Eardley and Kenn is. Minutes of the February 10th and February 17th, meet- ings were read and approved. motit n by Johnson, seconded by Lartch that Comi.asion recommend to Council acceptance of Henry Hans3n plat with changes submitted by him. Carried. Mr. McClean of the North Hennepin Transit Co. inquired as to what could be done in regard to changing the bus route from 36th Ave. No. to 35th Ave. No. from Perry to Noble Avenues. Mr. Oeass is to contact Thorpe Bros, and the owner of the property from Orchard to Perry Avenues. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Rennie, that the mini— size of dwellings be left at 400 square feet. Carried. Motion by Kennard, seconded by Bennett to adjourn. Carried. Wm. S. Ronnie, Seely HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION of - CRYSTAL VILLAGE April 1, 19+7 Meeting called to order by President Eardley. The followitg members were present: Heger, Bennett, Johnson, Pe rson, Osterhvs, Morrison, Danard, Eardley, and Lartch. The Planning Commission was asked to assist the Council in the numbering of all houses', basements, etc., in the Village. A Northern States Power representative explained new rates and suggested additional lights for the Village. The plan- ning Commission is to recommend to the Council that they accept same. Residents in the area of Zags and 44th to 46th Avenues No. discussed the water situation on a municipal basis. On motion by Bennett, seconded by Peterson, it was voted to recommend to the Council the acceptance of the Twin Lakes Second Addition, with the elimination of Noble Ave mas and that part of the property lying in Brooklyn Center. On motion by Morrison, seconded by Peterson, it was voted to recommend to the Council the acceptance of the Frank Gaulke plat tth 301 road on Forest Avenue and 1001 radius turn -around. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Morrison, to adjourn. Carried. Francis Lartch, Acting Secretary HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice•President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. .BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DuBAY r'LOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LuSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE WAY b, 194 The meeting was called to order by Vice—President Lartch at 8:30 P.M. The members present were: Eager, Miller, Bennett, Johnson, Lusian, Peterson, Osterhus, Lartch, and Rennie. Henry Hanson presented plat pith chagges. it was found acceptable to the Commission. The secretary was directed to write to the Division of Licenses, State Office Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota, for informatidn on the State Codes regarding all phases of construction plumbing, sewer, water, electricity, etc. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Eager, to adjourn. W. S. Rennie, Secs y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYB EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION of CRYSTAL VILLAGE May 16, 194T Special meeting cal ]e d to order by Pres, Eardley at 8:20 P.M. Members present were: I,artch, Johnson, Banholzer, Bennett, Lusian, Eager, Miller, Peterson. Osterhus, Morrison, Eardley, Gleason, and Bennie. Mr. Walter Sipe requested permission to erect two oil storage tanks on the Soo Line right-of-way east of the present tanks. Motion by Morrison, seconded by Miller that we recom.- mend to the Council that permission be granted. Carried. Mr. Tom Clark inquired about the Ethel Place Boed.. This was referred to the Council. Mr. Don Qogs% proposed race track was thoroughly discussed. An opinion on the Zoning Ordinance by Mr. McCullagh was read. Mr..Illtman submitted a petition. Motion by Gleason, seconded by Lusian, that we recommend to the Coancil that no change be be made in the Zoning Ordinance. Carried. Motion by Eager, seconded by Bangolzer, to adjourn. Carried. W. S. Rennie, Sect y PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Free. Eardly at 9:10 P .M . Members present were: Lartch, Peterson, Johnson, Srickle, Lusian, Osterhus, Eardly and Rennie. Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Motion by Lartch, seconded by Peterson, that the building permit of Mr. Roy Ahrens be confirmed. Carried. Motion by Os to rhos , seconded by Peter son, that the P Lanni �¢ Commission recoamend to the Council that changes be made in Sec. 14 of the Building Code, the exact nature of which would be decided by the Building Code Committee. Carried. Motion by Lartch, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission recommend to the Council that they instrvat the Village Attorney to investigate the possibilities of opening the present alley of record in West Lilac Terrace between Vera Crus Ave. and Welcome Ave. to 44th Ave. No. Carried. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Lartch, to adjourn. Carried. W. S. Rennie, Sec l y HARLAN MORTENSEN Vice - President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION of — CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DURAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER Meeting call%d to order by President Bardley at 8:40 P.M. Augas t 5. 19+7 Members press t: Lartch, Banholzer, Lastan, Peterson, Miller, grickle, Osterhus, Eardley, and Re anie Mr. Wanles8 a4vocated the issuance of a permit to Mr. Don Voge to operate his race track. Motion by 3+e_trb9nWeseio6ndeiiyby Lartch, that we recommend to the Council that inasmuch as It is the opinion of the Planning Commission that Mr. Voge had started construction of his race traLQt sufficiently in advance of the passage of the Zoning Ordinance that he be granted a pe keit to operate said track the balance of the year 1947 and throw the year 194 .Motion corried . Mr. Pa'al 4001i1er inquired of restrictions on basement homes. Advised to build structure above grow Mr, Wmeort ]DoWrty aubmitted petition with sipatures of persons adjacent to contemplated stor -home b*lding, north of Question Mark Cafe on highway 52. Motion by U& 11er• saconded by Lartch, that we recommend to the Council that the Commercial Zone be exte riled to the North Village Limit on the east side of Eighway no. 52. Carried. Mr. Botner a -mi tted plot. No action talmn . Motion by X-iickle, saconded by Lartch, to adjourn. Motion carried. . S7. R nni a ,Sec' y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary L. F. BAN80LZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE September 2, 1947 The meeting was called to order by Pres. Eakley at 9:25 P.M - Members present were: Lartch, Krickle, Peterson, Banholser, MorrieQ n, Miller, Lusian, Kennard, Eardley, and Bennis. Minutes of the Augvst 5, 1947 meeting were read and approved. Members ch e c le d the new Village map. A motion by Lartch, seconded by Peterson, that we recommend to the Council that the map be sent to the engineers as Q.S. if all recorded plats are put in. Carried. A motion to adjourn by Peterson, seconded by Morrison. Carried. N. S. Rennie, Secly HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox Septembar 15, 1947 LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE ,may 1� y,�, y, �y/� k� FRANCIS LARTCH hmoo ting w" cavilled. to order by Pri a. kar&jel jt:, at 53-o ��P..M . WM. LIETZKE H B. MI The follow marptar& were resent: lartoh, ifill�ler, J'obaiasou H. B. MILLER � p' i Banholzer, Luaslug, Kennard, ifr#,elde, Peterson. Eardlyr, and Renini:e . 6!r. ut s�^ vt f t teal a VI:at of 3ufty, View 'gallas . Ma�°x OU by Lartch, seconded by 5�4t ,,, that wo 'rIoc rad baa` `Opum l'acace.rr tance of eao . rrio d. mr. Walter Sips regweted pe scion to erect two more c11 tankx newt to tbo on®e bo al,rea4y hada on tba Ifiri& aside of tom'. Soo LirA tracks. Motion by 90-nholser, by-9iIIler, ale rect e:nd to the. Ccuwfl that permission be, granted. 0*rried. Mr. ngzry Schmidt v*a,tted plgm of eta rago bui,l4 ng"he in?- tend retend to. -erect. 'No gation takda. . RoIP 11 MO E-A rllbmittid a Plast off` B010 dale Aare:*. R Motion by Baftolser., ire aondad. by Uwtch, th&t ;ice rseemand to the C mail that tbs villaglo grade the a trsete* Vr.' f iaesn Is to fill the low spot On 37th mzA 404a Avuvoo. Carried. Mr. C#artare l le irubm tte d pl&A# of . �bu .l:dinga to be tris aced At tbo hew 0ryst&1. AikPQr A mPtion.,bgr U*toh, .seconded by 'Miller, that we rs*o=en& to the. Counei l thr4t they a oj� ovo of the pia and the moving of present buii:l4t:r z to ,,* rrear aits. 2 BvIlding 11isTyrprtor is to crba ,ok tins plane. Carried. Mrs, Ra ott zubwl . d a petition ragAwst i ngirg of tbs NQUiU9 of the V. W. for r of 32nd Ave. Nc. and Z640 Ave. Ka., 150 ft. N. abd 150 ft. from the 'Rest limp frown Raddbntial to.Corw- meroial. A motion. by jobson, 9940404. by go d',; tom— mend aMug+e to *i:l. Parried. ',Mar. Pau! ?aL,rgean v *nz- ted plune Of a 00mbimtiOn store—biome to be erected on Highway > and Baas lake Rid• A motion by Millor, eecanded by �Rewde, to re�omend to the 06iz ll acgeptaws, of same. t�axri� d. Mr. M. K. Walker ioizbmitted pLjup of a Mare 'b IdI be erected at tba viitecf hir present store. & motion" b .Wt * s; oonded by Miller, that we r4vomvaind to the Cognei l &0a t+B a t of *am Qsr9s3�s d. Mr. Oriffia iuquirod as to ehaWing the 5=149 of S. W. corner of Vw'ra Cruz and 32nd Ave . '96. Re waB +sadvi sod to obU"in a petition from adjoining pro$*rty:cnsa*r>s desiring Svkch a change. HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wu. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION — of --- CRYSTAL _.CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER September 15, 19+7 LEON JOHNSON Continued GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER Mr. Kennard inquired as to naming of streets. A motion by Lartch, seconded by Miller, that we ask the Council to have Mr. McCullagh check on whe the r or not Forest Ave. East of Cloverdale Ave. has been deeded the Village. Carried. A joint discussion with the Council followed. A motion by Peterson to adjourn, seconded by Lartch. Carried. Wm- S. Rennie, Secly Cetober 7, 1947 ljreaident 1�vrdleY at lihe *, ting wka s o"ke d to or re by hart oh, RrI Qkl.e , b:20 °. Vieu)Laro pre®er�t v�ere: driller, , raley and L4en�air. ,� �c�hnso�, Laex, luoia�, 1'e, d, kinutaa of the September 2, 1047meetix were read and appro�red u �x permao� eat Improvemexit ter, ohay. yoallaiue spoke orx sett letexaon, eoond+sd Zt evo iV i 1 �d u11rl for tyre d to t a lotionu zai l that they take what ever by zee ard, to reacom to thOuGh a i'arad. stapo are neeea®ary to sat up fir/ .4�m. 114, submit- ed ;Maass for a c ombixlation store-hom$ ��:�r ek f rr d RID ad . L i,kdi to be 3strucated on Lrlai r � to reacmmeiad to the iuo l rtch, deeouded Y i ,teras i , tion by . QoUnall approvrll of Bamb •'u�xrrie d. 1r. BoetQher submitted rough plane of a eombination stareodthe viation by larteh, se�nded by gennard, that we reeomme'Ld Qa �ai1 thtLV he br ttill0w6d to go ahead uildi uinvl'r atoetiOR ifm e ^�� ro v�:l o f blue-u*'meet with the app �;axri0d seoonded by L�rtc:h, that we resommend to t}ae .otio by k�e�7ie, Lill 0.()unail the aaoeptanee of tbee placut through- BJurried- addition without pane �Ye� being Frank �.s�e. hutg' s Plat- fir. smith lir Phil ;with discuseed Piro Plat more Is to rontaet a ineers in ala effort to make this workable l ' rt eh, that we raeommexd to tle Ljotion by JohusoR, seeonded by atal i�i�ort be Qouneil that the zoning of the d to of the Gry es, 1 aay changed from Kesideutial to Industrial. Carried• 7 ay . �;u+�penbaeher asked to hav�z���i �axtehded in tbs c�Cullr}x ace x' of ]pie i,roparty. ■ w€�a adv,ead to �ont�*et bir. u nixed abut UW tin c� b'ixst BELptiat Charoh of Itis b ve o. Ye wa iter. s vouetruetiA a e is oeOnfoxm�to zoning of that ar+ear 1_nfoxmed that it to the o+�ao�ded b �,.x'iokl.a, tha,'t we rae�+�i�ed ed from ,,,o tlo-a by 1,usit n, , look 1p1a r, be Qhs l �:owpil th;t iota l and , ieaiex�tial to Co rr!aroial. �:urxied. Llotion by 1a:rtsh, sesonded by Kriekle, to adjourn* C:�rried. S e o HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President WM. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION -- of CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. COX November 4, 1947 LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGERorder+ , - t°+l .- 7 �� � tin. apr u 11 a tl � +� °L7 J �� i � Ci -� :� - z-. � ��.,1 LEON JOHNSON 9:U0 L .rivio �AombEirsq _-)raea'a�t were: .+�Qjjnett, Eager, GEO. KRICKLE at '� �, ��-� � f,,, ��Iry: �� Y'.1 k ''^ :� � lei." ' Y � • Zrijkla 4J ohia..'n r l' 1.U' FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE 19 4 LY L� Ie F ' � l'� a+) )rovod . �I.� I,..� � of �:��' i �J-�+i. _, I� '4 i 1'i + - �. s A. LUSIAN H. B. MILLER {{ } .:+�'�11 ^_3 11 o�)^f r' y. w 6 i.., r�i�ro7li9d by atare ox ar a cep t 15V ft. on youglas 'Urive and down to within 15v ft. of 47th Av. N. and mast to "ane rive. be ah;�znged from neeidential to vommeraial. uaotiom lost. Ayes - usterhus, eetersox, Johnson Nays - bennett, v;ager, Lartah, xennie. Kriekle no vote. fir. Ultm€x asked if sates Ave. was to be out through from 46th to 47th Avoe/ No. I4o definite inform�itiox was available. sir. RoWfi Lud Lr. Qoulter at -id tl_LL if Toads in 0270tal Manor were aut to estallished grt+.des it would rztiur devaluation of property. uroup of 21L unixg (;Ommissio# to most with Sisrs. Yowe, Joulter, Uttex, t5mith, and Sahmo@k, November '5th, at 5 o'clock. kry Boettcher presented plUns of eombinatiox store -home. kotiox by Peterson, seconded by Bennett, we reoommand &eseptanee of Sime to 00uxeil. Carried. Vic.-1essem presexited pl.aie of 't;uilding on jeffarson Ri tfw-Y, I:101-th of +joo Mlle tn'juks. Lotion by ueterhue, esoonded t;y 16r Kriokle, we recommend acceptance of plans if cesspool is moved 50 ft. from well. Carried. jar. troy phrens presented plt.ns of stone building. riot ion by 'keterson, seconded by bennett, we recommend aaeeptanoe of same, subject to approval of Building Inspector, to Council. Uarried. Motion by Usterhus, seeonded by Kriekle, that we recommend to the Qouneil the installation of street lights on the corners of 46th and welcome eves, 46th and nage Aves., 45th and adai r Aves., 45th and Delmont & vee. carried. kiotion by aennett, seeomded by Johnson, to adjourn. tarried. -i.. E. Eardley, Yrei. '! +gym. S. Rennie, 6ea'y HARLAN MORTENSEN, Vice -President E. E. EARDLEY, President Wm. RENNIE, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION CRYSTAL VILLAGE L. F. BANHOLZER JASON W. BENNETT J. C. Cox Tdovember 10, 1947 LEONARD DUBAY FLOYD EAGER LEON JOHNSON GEO. KRICKLE FRANCIS LARTCH WM. LIETZKE A. LusIAN H. B. MILLER Justal Village 'ouno�1 Grystral Village, hinn .k.ttention lux'. Geo. E. Ocase Gentlemen: ::he following actions were cCukeii at tha -I, 1947 meeting of the I'l.annii ; Jommission. I YOM residential to oomi:iero t,1 <.11 oi` 'U116 Voge property aouth of the Industrial area .youth of the coo Line a tracks, except lbv ft. on Vouglas urive and down to within 15v ft. of 47th nv. N. and xia-st to ,&rye ..v., was defeated. 3 ayes, 4 nays. 2. rhe plan of a combination store --home building to be eonstruated on the uass rake "oad wgs aaaeptdd. 3. the aaeeptanoo of iar. lessemts plan of his proposed building on the Jefferson Highway north of the coo Line tracks is reeommeuded to tko village Lounail if the cesspool is loeated at least 5u ft. from the well. 4. she aeceptanee of the playas of Muir. noy ahrens for a store to be eo nstruated on the Lass rake noad. voted to recommend same to the vounail. 5. voted to re eomm*nd to the Lounail the install- ation of street lights on the sorn.ers of 46th and Yreloome, 46th and "arse, 45th and &dair, and 45th and Delmont. uineerely yours, um. a. Rennie, beely .uecember 1, 1947 iyieeting called to order by L res . Eardley at 8:10 P .id. Members present: Lartch, Krickle, nanholzer, Miller, Lusian, Kennard, Peterson, oennett, Johnson, Lager, usterhus, Lardley and hennie. The minutes of the Lvov. 8, 1947 meeting were read and approved. ivlr. 6tanley, and Mr. hollsten requested the cutting through of 32nd ave. N. from iYorest Kve. to hidgewood ave. They were advised to contact the village Council. Mr. Cassidy presented plans of warehouse to be constructed in rear of present building on Soo Line property west of Douglas urive. Motion by Lartch, seconded by Johnson, that plans be accepted subject to the appeoval of the building inspector. Uarried. Geo. xrickle and Ezra usterhue were appointed aa a committee to work on proposed building code. :Motion by Lartch, seconded by .banholzer, that we recommend to the Oouneil the preparation and flooding of .the property at 46th and welcome ave. to 'be used for skating. Carried. Wotion by Lartch, seconded by ietereon, that the secretary contact the hobbinsdale Planning Commission asking them to meet with us to discuss the traneportation situation, uni- formity of house numbering and other matters of mutual civic importance at their earliest convenience. Carried. i,iotion by keterson, seconded by Lartch, to adjourn. Carried . � . Eardley, Gi-resi dent ism. 6.- hennie, pec y ,us somber B. 1947 uryetal Villas* Uouaell uryetal Villas*t miaaee to - dttaati oa Jiro 00 0- x. vsaNO U8nt'.temex: .&t the ueeember 1, 1947 meeting of thia rlanxiNS uommisaion, it was voted to reeommeud to the vousail that ax area a,t 46th and vieleons Avae. be flooded for shatirg. it is susseCted that the VUL. ,66 prepare for flooding and that idobbiasdale ba eont4tated to supply the water. imserely yours, 4a n. ri. :nennie, beery r voeenber 8, 1947 x►obbinsdale elaguiag uowmissiox uobbijisdals, zinmeota ,. .. btten.tiox Jar. r;. A* Jaexiseh - - kfaxtleme x: The vrystal k1unning %;orzia s ion would like to meet with the nobbineda.la Rlaz- xixg 4ommissiox to discuss the transportation situ.atiox, uniformity of strut mumbasiug, and other matters of mutual eivis importance. If thisa proposal moots with your approval, would you suggest a time and plo.ee e4xv"iext Vo you? If you wish, we may uee our v i l lei g e Auld.. whankiNg you, for your attentiox In this matter, we are uixsercly yours,