2016.02.16 Work Session Packet (2nd)4141 Douglas Drive North • Crystal, Minnesota 55422-1696
CITY of Tel: (763) 531-1000 • Fax: (763) 531-1188 • www.crystalmn.gov
Posted: February 12, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
To immediately follow the Regular City Council Meeting
Conference Room A
Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City
Charter, the second work session of the Crystal City Council was held at p.m. on
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 in Conference Room A located at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal,
I. Attendance
Council members Staff
Parsons Therres
Peak Sutter
Adams Revering
Dahl Gilchrist
Deshler Serres
II. Agenda
The purpose of the work session is to discuss the following agenda items:
1. Possible Quiet Zone for Douglas Drive and West Broadway crossings of the CPRR
2. 3500 Regent special assessment amendment update
3. Constituent issues update
4. New business*
5. Announcements*
* Denotes no supporting information included in the packet.
III. Adjournment
The work session adjourned at p.m.
Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling the City Clerk at (763)
531-1145 at least 96 hours in advance. TTY users may call Minnesota Relay at 711 or 1-800-627-3529.
'TCR Douglas Drive & West Broadway
Canadian Pacific Train Horn Quiet Zones
FROM: John Sutter, Community Development Director
DATE: February 12, 2016
TO: Anne Norris, City Manager (for February 16 work session)
SUBJECT: Review and discuss draft report for potential train horn quiet zones
at the Douglas Drive and West Broadway crossings of the Canadian
Pacific Railroad
The Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPRR) runs roughly east -west through Crystal and
carries approximately two dozen trains per day. There are two at -grade crossings in
Crystal: Douglas Drive and West Broadway. The city has received numerous
complaints over many years about the train horns and their impact on adjacent
residential areas, especially the Becker and Forest neighborhoods on the west side of
Douglas Drive.
Federal Rail Administration rules allow the establishment of a quiet zone if certain
requirements are met. Upon establishment of a quiet zone the routine sounding of
horns is prohibited.
New Hope recently established quiet zones at its Boone and Winnetka Avenue CPRR
crossings west of Crystal. Brooklyn Center had previously established one at its
Azelia/50th Avenue CPRR crossing east of Crystal. At this time, apart from Crystal's
two crossings, the nearest non -quiet zone CPRR crossings are Zachary Lane in
Plymouth and Humboldt Avenue in Minneapolis.
After a work session on October 20, staff retained SRF Consulting Group to investigate
the feasibility of establishing a quiet zone at the Douglas Drive and West Broadway
crossings of the CPRR. The draft report is attached.
In summary:
• The appropriate and feasible quiet zone improvements would be non -traversable
medians at both crossings.
• The preliminary estimated construction cost is $40,000 at Douglas Drive and
$35,000 at West Broadway for a total of $75,000.
• At Douglas Drive, the median would extend 84 feet north and 30 feet south of the
crossing (Figure 2).
• At West Broadway, the median would extend 68 feet north and 35 feet south of the
crossing (Figure 3).
• No private driveways would be blocked by the medians.
• All intersections and turn movements would continue to be allowed, with one
exception. Specifically:
- At Douglas Drive and 51st place, all turn movements would continue to be
- At West Broadway and Hanson Court, all turn movements would continue to be
- At West Broadway and 51 st Place, all turn movements would continue to be
allowed EXCEPT the left turn from eastbound 51St Place to northbound Douglas
Drive which would be prohibited.
• To further discourage that prohibited left turn, a "pork chop" median could be added
to 51St Place at West Broadway at an estimated cost of $50,000 (Figure 5).
However, this is not a quiet zone requirement.
Staff will use our portable traffic camera to study the turning movements at the
intersection of 51St Place and West Broadway. We will try to determine how frequent
that eastbound -to -northbound left turn movement occurs and where those People go
after making the turn. At this time staff does not support the median in 51S Place at
West Broadway because it would create more problems than it solves by further
skewing the already -bad intersection angle for eastbound 51St Place at West
2. Staff will have SRF prepare a Notice of Intent (NOI) to CPRR, FRA, MnDOT and
Hennepin County. The purpose of the NOI is to start a formal 60 day comment
period so that the involved parties may comment on the potential quiet zone
improvements. Staff would also notify adjacent property owners and the broader
community to seek their comments, although this is not required by FRA. After the
60 -day comment period has passed, the city may submit a Quiet Zone Application
to FRA. However, the submittal of the NOI does not obligate the city to submit an
application. Submittal of the NOI is included in the contract with SRF but it is the
last item in that contract.
3. During the 60 -day NOI comment period staff would gather additional information
■ Turning movements at West Broadway and 51St Place (see #1 above)
■ Non -construction costs, such as preparation of the Quiet Zone Application and
detailed design of the improvements for bidding (if cannot do in-house)
■ Potential funding sources, including other agencies
4. After the 60 -day NOI comment period, staff would bring the comments and
additional information to the Council for a vote on whether to proceed with the Quiet
Zone Application which is estimated to take 6-9 months for FRA approval.
5. The Council would need to approve plans and specifications, determine funding
sources and authorize the project. This could be done during the FRA's review of
the Quiet Zone Application so that the project is ready to go upon approval.
6. It is possible but unlikely that construction of the quiet zone improvements could be
accomplished in 2016. Most likely this would be a 2017 construction project.
Council discussion is requested.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment
Draft Report
City of Crystal, Minnesota
Consulting Group, Inc.
February 4, 2016
SRF No. 9084
The City of Crystal, Minnesota (the City) is investigating options to improve the safety of at -
grade highway -rail crossings and to minimize the impacts of train horn noise throughout the
community. The Federal Railroad Administration's (FBA's) Train Horn Rule, issued in June
2005, offers an opportunity to accomplish this objective. The rule specifies the procedures
and actions necessary to establish a train horn quiet zone for at -grade highway -rail crossings.
The City retained the services of SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to conduct a Quiet Zone
Assessment to identify the crossing improvements required for quiet zone implementation.
This report provides a summary of the assessment and includes a proposed crossing
improvement scenario with planning level layouts and construction cost estimates for each
Two public crossings were included in this study. Both are vehicular at -grade crossings
located along the CP Paynesville subdivision. These include the crossings at Douglas Drive
and West Broadway Avenue. The crossings, including the U.S. Department of
Transportation crossing identification numbers and the most current average daily traffic
volumes, are summarized below in Table 1. The traffic volumes shown were collected in
June 2015. The locations of the proposed quiet zone crossings are shown in Figure 1.
Table 1. Proposed Quiet Zone Crossings
Crossing Name I USDOT Crossing ID I Average Daily Traffic
Douglas Drive I 688953S 8,357
West Broadway Avenue (County Road 8) 1 688952K I 7,268
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 1 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
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Train Horn Rule Background
Minimum Quiet Zone Requirements
At a minimum, each public crossing in a proposed quiet zone must be equipped with entry
gates, flashing lights, and constant warning time (CWT) detectors. It was confirmed by CP
that both of the crossings reviewed in this assessment are equipped with all of these features.
Risk Calculations
The FRA evaluates potential quiet zones using a complex risk prediction and assessment
calculation. The FRA's online Quiet Zone Calculator is used to calculate the risk index at
each crossing. This risk index is based on a number of conditions such as train volumes and
speed, highway traffic volumes, crossing geometry, and crash history.
The FRA determines the viability of quiet zone implementation by comparing three risk
index values:
• QZRI — The Quiet Zone Risk Index is the average of the risk indices for each
crossing in a proposed quiet zone assuming horns are not routinely sounded.
• RIWH — The Risk Index With Horns is the average risk index for each crossing
in a proposed quiet zone assuming no additional safety improvements and the
routine sounding of horns.
• NSRT — The Nationwide Significant Risk Threshold is the average risk level for
all highway -rail crossings in the United States that are equipped with flashing
lights and gates and at which locomotive horns are routinely sounded. The
NSRT is recalculated annually to reflect existing risk trends. The current value of
the NSRT is 14,347.
The QZRI for a proposed quiet zone is reduced through the implementation of FRA -
approved Supplementary Safety measures (SSMs) and/or Alternative Safety Measures
(ASMs). A quiet zone may be implemented when SSMs and/or ASMs have been installed
sufficient to bring the QZRI below either the RIWH or the NSRT.
Reducing Risk below National Average
If the QZRI is reduced below the NSRT alone, the quiet zone may be implemented, but the
FRA will conduct an annual risk review to ensure that the quiet zone improvements still
comply with the Train Horn Rule and that the QZRI is still below the NSRT. If an annual
review finds that the quiet zone no longer qualifies, the public authority is given three years
to install additional improvements to bring the quiet zone back into compliance.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 3 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Reducing Risk below Existing Levels
If the QZRI is reduced below the RIWH using SSMs at every crossing, the quiet zone may
be implemented and the City must provide an update to the FRA every five years stating that
the safety measures implemented to achieve the quiet zone are still in place as proposed. If
the QZRI is reduced below the RIWH without the use of SSMs at every crossing, this
update to the FRA must be provided every three years.
For the crossings in the proposed Crystal Quiet Zone, the RIWH is higher than the NSRT
(17,964 compared to 14,347). Given this, a crossing improvement scenario was developed
sufficient to bring the QZRI below the RIWH threshold.
Types of Crossing Improvements
The FRA has pre -approved a variety of Supplementary Safety Measures (SSMs) to be used to
improve safety at each crossing. These options and their corresponding risk reduction values
are as follows:
• Closure or Grade Separation (100 percent risk reduction)
• Four -Quadrant Gates (77-82 percent risk reduction)
• Channelization Devices (e.g. Tuff Curb, Qwick Kurb) (75 percent risk reduction)
• Non -Traversable Medians (80 percent risk reduction)
• One -Way Street (82 percent risk reduction)
Of these improvements, four -quadrant gates and non -traversable medians are the most
commonly used. Channelization devices are also frequently used in place of non -traversable
medians where cost, narrow roadway width, or other roadway conditions must be
considered. However, the channelization devices can be damaged easily during snow
removal operations, necessitating ongoing monitoring and maintenance. Non -traversable
medians and channelization devices must also meet minimum length requirements in order
to be used for full risk reduction credit.
The FRA mandates that medians must extend a minimum of 100 feet from the crossing gate
arm. However, a 60 -foot median is also acceptable if a longer median would interfere with
either a public roadway or a commercial driveway. Medians that are shorter than these
standards may still be used, but are considered Alternative Safety Measures (ASMs) and
require the submittal of a Quiet Zone Application to the FRA. Risk reduction for reduced
length medians is applied on a prorated basis.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 4 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Quiet Zone Diagnostic Meeting
As required by the Train Horn Rule, this assessment included an on-site diagnostic meeting
with participation by key representatives from the City of Crystal, Hennepin County, the
FRA, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), and Canadian Pacific (CP)
Railway. The Diagnostic meeting was held on January 7, 2016. The diagnostic meeting
minutes are provided in Appendix A.
Proposed Crossing Improvements
Douglas Drive (688953S)
The crossing at Douglas Drive is equipped with the minimum requirements of gates and
flashing lights. It was confirmed at the January 7, 2016 diagnostic meeting that the crossing
is equipped with Constant Warning Time (CWT) detectors.
Based on comments during the diagnostic meeting, the preferred improvement option at this
crossing is reduced length (ASM) non -traversable medians. The proposed median to the
north of the crossing will be 84 feet long. Proximity to a commercial driveway in the
northwest quadrant prevents the use of a longer median.
The proposed median to the south of the crossing will be 30 feet long. A longer median is
not possible due to the proximity of 5151 Place. The southern median is less than the 60 feet
required for consideration as an SSM improvement. The medians at this crossing will
therefore be considered ASM improvements and require an application to the FRA.
A layout of the crossing and the proposed improvements is shown in Figure 2. The planning
level construction costs for the improvements at this crossing are estimated at approximately
$40,000. This was calculated using a unit cost of $350 per LF based on previous experience.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 5 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
►NI Douglas Drive -Proposed Improvements
t:s,,,:��.,�:.•.,�, ,,� Figure 2
G�-jstal: hv1N Quiet ZoneAssessment
t youi Cr¢ --a7, Minne-s-ma
West Broadway Avenue (688952K)
The crossing at West Broadway Avenue is equipped with the minimum requirements of
gates and flashing lights. It was confirmed at the January 7, 2016 diagnostic meeting that the
crossing is equipped with Constant Warning Time (CWT) detectors.
Based on comments during the diagnostic meeting, the preferred improvement option at this
crossing is reduced length (ASM) non -traversable medians. The proposed median to the
north of the crossing will be 68 feet long. Due to the skewed crossing angle at this location,
an 18 -foot portion of the median will extend between the gate arm and the railroad tracks.
Under the requirements of the Train Horn Rule, this segment cannot be used for risk
reduction. Instead, the remaining 50 -foot portion of median will be used as the effective
length of this median for the quiet zone risk calculations. A longer median is not possible
due to the proximity of Hanson Court in the northeastern quadrant of the crossing.
The proposed median to the south of the crossing will be 35 feet long. Due to the close
proximity of 51" Place in the southwest quadrant of the intersection, it will be assumed that
no risk reduction credit can be claimed for this median. With the placement of this median,
the eastbound to northbound left -turn movement will no longer be allowed at this
intersection. All other turning movements will remain open. Both medians are less than the
60 feet required for consideration as an SSM improvement and will therefore considered
ASM improvements and require an application to the FRA.
A layout of the crossing and the proposed improvements is shown in Figure 3. The planning
level construction costs for the improvements at this crossing are estimated at approximately
$35,000, based on a unit cost of $350 per LF.
51st Place Pork Chop
The diagnostic team recommended the installation of a pork chop median on 51" Place to
help prevent eastbound traffic from making a left turn onto West Broadway Avenue. Given
that a number of tractor -trailers use this intersection, it is also important that the turning
movements of these heavy vehicles not be negatively impacted by the addition of this
median. Figure 4 displays the geometric extents required to allow tractor trailers to make
both a northbound left turn and an eastbound right turn at this intersection. Under the
current configuration, it will not be possible to install a median that will direct eastbound
traffic into a right -turn while also maintaining the ability of tractor -trailers to make this turn.
The truck turning simulations were completed using a WB -62 design vehicle.
To allow for the pork chop median, it will be necessary to relocate and reconstruct a portion
of the sidewalk, roadway, and curb and gutter in the southwest quadrant of this intersection.
Figure 5 displays a potential layout that incorporates a reconstruction of this corner. The
preliminary cost estimate for this reconstruction work is $50,000, which does not include any
potential right-of-way acquisition costs.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 7 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
X11West Broadway Avenue- Proposed Improvements
C:cm;llirti 4:n:1),.nL Figure 3
Cr,jStal: MN Quiet Zone Assessment
Cityof Cr}s a1, Minnescm
2 F,
0 25
Consulting Group, Inc
Job #9084
L . ......... l ...1 1 J
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment
City of Crystal, Minnesota
Figure 4
0 25
Consulting Group, Inc
Job #9084
L . ......... l ...1 1 J
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment
City of Crystal, Minnesota
Figure 4
&19 1 WB -62 Turning Movements (with Pork Chop and Additional ROW)
Figure 5
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment
Consulting Group, Inc. City of Crystal, Minnesota
Job # 9084
Summary of Proposed Improvements
A summary of the proposed improvements is displayed in Table 2 below. The combined
estimated cost of the proposed improvements (excluding potential right-of-way acquisition
costs) is $125,000.
Table 2. Proposed Crystal Quiet Zone Improvements
Crossing Name
Proposed Improvement
Cost Estimate
Douglas Drive
84' Non -traversable median north of crossing
30' Non -traversable median south of crossing
68' Non -traversable median north of crossing
35' Non -traversable median south of crossing
West Broadway Avenue
Pork chop median
(County Road 8)
Reconstruction of roadway, sidewalk, curb and
Quiet Zone Risk Calculations
The existing Quiet Zone Risk Index (QZRI) for the Douglas Drive and West Broadway
Avenue crossings is 35,170, compared to a Risk Index With Horns (RIWH) of 21,085. The
implementation of the improvements for each crossing noted above will reduce the QZRI to
18,743, allowing the implementation of a quiet zone. The FRA risk calculation inputs and
worksheets are provided in Appendix B.
Next Steps and Implementation Timeline
The first step in the quiet zone implementation process is the submittal of a Quiet Zone
Notice of Intent (NOI) to the FRA, CP, MnDOT, Hennepin County, and any other
applicable stakeholders. All recipients of the NOI are allowed 60 days to provide comments.
The proposed improvements described above include the use of ASM improvements. When
ASM improvements are used, a Quiet Zone Application must be submitted to the FRA
following the NOI 60 -day comment period. The Application is subject to a 60 -day comment
period for all stakeholders and must then be approved by the FRA. Based on prior
experience, it is estimated that this process will take six to nine months to complete.
Once the Quiet Zone Application has been approved, the City may begin construction of
the proposed crossing improvements. The City must also install advance warning signs and
pavement markings conforming to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD) standards, including the installation of "No Train Horn" signs to notify the
public that train horns will no longer routinely sound at these crossings.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 11 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Once these improvements have been constructed, the City must then submit a Quiet Zone
Notice of Establishment (NOE) to the FRA and all applicable stakeholders. The railroad
must cease the routine sounding of horns 21 days after the submittal of the NOE. The City
will be required to provide an update to the FRA every three years confirming that the
improvements proposed in the Notice of Establishment are still in place and functional. The
FRA will inform the City when these updates are required.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Assessment 12 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Appendix A: Diagnostic Meeting Minutes
_ L_. i♦rel if."
John Sutter, City of Crystal
Mark Ray, City of Crystal
Joe Gladke, Hennepin County
Jim Weatherhead, MnDOT
Tom Domres, FRA
January 7, 2015
Tammy Wagner, FRA
Jim H. Krieger, CP
Chris Ryan, SRF Consulting
Michael Palermo, SRF Consulting
The diagnostic meeting participants, including representatives from the City of Crystal, the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA), Hennepin County, Canadian Pacific (CP), and the Minnesota
Department of Transportation (MnDOT), met at City of Crystal Public Works Building to discuss
the steps necessary to implement a quiet zone in the City of Crystal under the FRA's Train Horn
Rule. A copy of the sign -in sheet with contact information is provided as an attachment.
The meeting began with introductions and a brief project overview. The purpose of the meeting
was to investigate and gather input on the various Supplemental Safety Measure (SSM) and
Alternative Safety Measure (ASM) options available at each crossing in the proposed quiet zone.
The quiet zone diagnostic meeting is also an opportunity to identify any other concerns or issues
related to the crossings such as safety, traffic operations, etc.
Two public crossings, located along the Canadian National Railroad at West Broadway Avenue
and Douglas Drive were identified for review. Meeting packets were distributed to the diagnostic
team. The packets included the following materials:
1. 8.5x11 aerial map showing the locations of the railroad and proposed quiet zone crossings
2. 8.5x11 aerial maps showing the layout of each crossing
3. United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) grade crossing inventory forms for
each of the crossings
4. A blank evaluation sheet for the diagnostic team members to document their preferred
SSM/ASM improvement options and other field notes
FRA crash reports for both of the crossings were also collected. The FBA's risk calculation
formulas consider only crashes occurring within a five-year timeframe. SRF explained that each
crossing meets the minimum quiet zone requirements of gates, lights, and constant warning time
(CWT) detection. The FRA Inventory Form indicated motion detector circuitry. However, CWT
was confirmed on site to be installed at both crossings.
Consulting Group, Inc.
_ L_. i♦rel if."
John Sutter, City of Crystal
Mark Ray, City of Crystal
Joe Gladke, Hennepin County
Jim Weatherhead, MnDOT
Tom Domres, FRA
January 7, 2015
Tammy Wagner, FRA
Jim H. Krieger, CP
Chris Ryan, SRF Consulting
Michael Palermo, SRF Consulting
The diagnostic meeting participants, including representatives from the City of Crystal, the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA), Hennepin County, Canadian Pacific (CP), and the Minnesota
Department of Transportation (MnDOT), met at City of Crystal Public Works Building to discuss
the steps necessary to implement a quiet zone in the City of Crystal under the FRA's Train Horn
Rule. A copy of the sign -in sheet with contact information is provided as an attachment.
The meeting began with introductions and a brief project overview. The purpose of the meeting
was to investigate and gather input on the various Supplemental Safety Measure (SSM) and
Alternative Safety Measure (ASM) options available at each crossing in the proposed quiet zone.
The quiet zone diagnostic meeting is also an opportunity to identify any other concerns or issues
related to the crossings such as safety, traffic operations, etc.
Two public crossings, located along the Canadian National Railroad at West Broadway Avenue
and Douglas Drive were identified for review. Meeting packets were distributed to the diagnostic
team. The packets included the following materials:
1. 8.5x11 aerial map showing the locations of the railroad and proposed quiet zone crossings
2. 8.5x11 aerial maps showing the layout of each crossing
3. United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) grade crossing inventory forms for
each of the crossings
4. A blank evaluation sheet for the diagnostic team members to document their preferred
SSM/ASM improvement options and other field notes
FRA crash reports for both of the crossings were also collected. The FBA's risk calculation
formulas consider only crashes occurring within a five-year timeframe. SRF explained that each
crossing meets the minimum quiet zone requirements of gates, lights, and constant warning time
(CWT) detection. The FRA Inventory Form indicated motion detector circuitry. However, CWT
was confirmed on site to be installed at both crossings.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone Page 2
Diagnostic Team Meeting Minutes
A summary of the notes, discussion items, and recommended improvements for each crossing is
provided in the tables on the following pages. General comments from the meeting that apply to
all crossings are as follows:
1. The U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form was corrected. The maximum time table speed is
25 MPH not 15 MPH. There are 24 trains running on the line with 12 during the day and
12 at night.
2. The City of Crystal asked if the rear train speed was an issue as opposed to the head of the
train. It was clarified that the current standards for the area do not allow an increase of
speed until the rear of the train crosses the switch. From a quiet zone perspective only the
head speed is important.
3. Either channelization devices or non -traversable medians were identified as the preferred
crossing improvement type for these crossing. Other improvement options were discussed
but determined to be unsuitable or undesirable.
a. In the case of non -traversable medians, the diagnostic team recommended a height
of eight to ten inches rather than the required six. If any portion of the median is
found to be less than six inches, the median will not be compliant with the Train
Horn Rule. The extra height allows for some degree of contractor error and provides
space for a roadway overlay without affecting the effectiveness of the medians.
The next steps of the quiet zone implementation process were also reviewed. Following the
diagnostic meeting, CN and the City will work to identify the appropriate crossing improvements
at each crossing necessary to qualify for a quiet zone. If the quiet zone moves forward, a Notice of
Intent will be submitted to all stakeholders providing an overview of the proposed improvements.
This notice is subject to a 60 -day review period. Due to the close proximity of public roadways at
some of the crossings, it is anticipated that ASM crossing improvements will be used, requiring
the submittal of a Quiet Zone Application to the FRA. This application must be reviewed by the
FRA's Railroad Safety Board and the processing time is currently estimated at six to nine months.
Construction of the improvements typically occurs following FRA approval of this application.
Construction may occur prior to approval, but any modifications required by the FRA would need
to be incorporated. Once the Quiet Zone Application is approved and the crossing improvements
are installed, a Notice of Quiet Zone Establishment will be submitted to all stakeholders. The quiet
zone will go into effect 21 days after this notice.
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone
Diagnostic Team Meeting Minutes
Page 3
West Broadway Avenue FRA Crossing ID: 688952K
Crossing Improvement Options (Rank Top 3):
2 4 -Quadrant Gate
_ 3 -Quadrant Gate
_ Non -Traversable Medians
1 Reduced Length Non -Traversable Medians
_ Channelized Delineators
_ Reduced Length Channelized Delineators
_ No
Wayside Horns
_ Other (Describe):
_ Closure
_ One -Way Streets
• Crossing was confirmed to have CWT.
• North side of the crossing would allow for 68' median before a commercial access.
• A left -in, right -in -right -out is suggested for 511t Place due to the skewed crossing. This will
prevent drivers from turning from 51St Place (EB to NB) to circumvent the gates.
• A median is proposed south of the crossing to provide additional safety benefits while
still providing westbound access to 51St Place.
• If left turn mitigation cannot be achieved with a % median restriction, MnDOT
recommends that 4 -Quadrant gates be installed at the West Broadway Crossing.
Douglas Drive FRA Crossing ID: 688953S
Crossing Improvement Options (RankTop 3):
_ 4 -Quadrant Gate
_ 3 -Quadrant Gate
Non -Traversable Medians
1 Reduced Length Non -Traversable Medians
_ Channelized Delineators
_ Reduced Length Channelized Delineators
_ No
_ Wayside Horns
_ Other (Describe):
_ Closure
_ One -Way Streets
• Crossing was confirmed to have CWT.
• North side of the crossing would allow for 84' median before a commercial access.
• South side of the crossing would allow for 31' median/channelized device due to the
proximity of 511t Place. This length qualifies only as an ASM, requiring a Quiet Zone
• MnDOT noted that they will be reconstructing the crossing in 2017. It will follow the
current layout.
Appendix B: Risk Calculation Worksheets
Present warn device: Gates
=='•__ •
Number of highway
vehicles per day: 008000
Total trains: 20
Day through trains : 10
Total Switching
Trains: 0
Number of main
tracks: 1
Number of other
tracks: 0
Urban(U.);'Rural(R.): Arterial
Highways paved: Yes
== i
Maximum timetable
speed mph: 15
Number of highway
Number of years
accident data: 5
Number of accidents in
accident data years: 0
Wayside horn:
a=' •
Pre -Existing SSM:
`'a= T
Present warn device: Gates
=='•__ •
Number of highway
vehicles per day: 009100
Total trains: 26
Day through trains : 10
Total Switching
Trains : 6
Number of main
tracks: 1
Number of other
tra cks: 0
Urban(U.)/Rural(R.): Arterial
Highways paved: Yes
== T
Maximum timetable
speed mph: 15
Number of highway
Number of years
accident data: 5
Number of accidents in
accident data }rears: 0
Wayside horn:
`'a= T
Pre -Existing SSM:
''a= •
FRA -Quiet Zone Calculator
Print This Page
Home i Help I Contact I logoff cryan@srfconsulting.com
Cancel Change Scenario: CRYSTAL_ M_47206 T Continue I
Crossing fstreet Traffic Warning Device Pre -SSM SSM'.. Risk
Create New Zone 688952K W BROADWAY AVE 7268 Gates 0 0 35,056.01. MODIFY
688953S DOUGLAS DRIVE 8357 Gates 0 0 35,283.95. MODIFY
Manage Existing Zones
Log Off
* Only Public At Grade Crossings are listed.
Click for Supplementary Safety Measures
Sf SMl
Step by Step Instructions:
Click for ASM spreadsheet: ASM * Note:The use of
ASMs requires an application to and approval from the FRA.
Step L To specify New Warning
Device (For Pre -Rule Quiet Zone Only)
and/or SSM, click the MODIFY Button
Step 2: Select proposed warning
device or SSM. Then click the UPDATE
button.To generate a spreadsheet of
the values on this page, click on ASM
button—This spreadsheet can then be
used for ASM calculations.
Step 3: Repeat Step (2) until the
SELECT button is shown at the
bottom right side of this page. Note
that the SELECT button is shown
ONLY when the Quiet Zone Risk Index
falls below the NSRT or the Risk Index
with Horn.
Step 4: To save the scenario and
Continue, click the SELECT button
Proposed Quiet Zone:
Estimated Total Cost:
Nationwide Significant Risk
Risk Index with Homs:
Quiet Zone Risk Index:
New 24-hour QZ
CRYSTAL_ M_47206
14347 .00
https://safetydata.fra.dot.gov/quieUmyzone_2.aspx?zoneid=37699 1/1
Crystal, MN Quiet Zone
ASM Risk Calculation Worksheet
ASM Median Improvements
ZonelD ISenarioll) Crossing Street
SSM lPreSSM Rlsklndex
37665 47172 6889521 W BROADWAY AVE
0 35,056
37665 47172 6889535 DOUGLAS DRIVE
0 0 35,284
Eff. of Eff. of Eff. of
Pre- new RIWH w/Pre- RIWH w/Pre- New Final Risk
21,017 21,017 0 21,017 0.333 23,371
21,153 21,153 0 21,153 0.600 14,114
Average 21,085 21,085 21,085 18,743
Crossing Improvements Effectiveness Calculation NSRT 13,347
W BROADWAY AVE 50' median north; 0' median south 0.8 • AVERAGE(50160, 0/60) RIWH 21,085
DOUGLAS DRIVE 84' median north; 30' median south 0.8 `AVERAGE(84/84, 30/60) OZRI 18,743
4141 Douglas Drive North, Crystal, MN 55422
Telephone: (763) 531-1000 Facsimile: (763) 531-1188
Website: www.crystalmn.gov
John Sutter, Community Development Director
DATE: February 12, 2016
TO: Mayor and Council
Anne Norris, City Manager
SUBJECT: 3500 Regent - Proposed Amendment of Special Assessment
At the February 11 work session, Councilmembers had several questions.
As of this morning, staff has the following additional information to offer in response to some of
the questions:
• 3500 Regent has not been the subject of any police calls.
• Hennepin County will give the city more time to decide whether to amend the special
assessment. The Council would take action on February 29 which means the discussion
can continue at the February 16 work session.
Staff is currently gathering additional information and will have more to report at the work
session on February 16.
Open Issues (JIRA)
Displaying 3 issues at 02/10/16 4:32 PM.
Issue Type
29XX Edgewood - Police call - rental
Anne Norris
Anne Norris
In Progress
1/14/2016 17:03
2/10/2016 16:15
60XX Rockford Road
Anne Norris
Anne Norris
In Progress
9/10/2015 21:51
2/10/2016 16:17
ADA Accessibility of Council meetings
Anne Norris
Anne Norris
In Progress
7/1/2015 15:21
2/10/2016 16:32
Generated at Wed Feb 10 16:32:56 CST 2016 by Anne Norris using JIRA 7.1.0-OD-06-005#71002-shat:1d15c989f1db2b53a95ce9e7066f4bb16c8773ac.