2014.08.06 PRC Minutes Minutes: August 2014 [1] Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission August 6, 2014 North Bass Lake Park The Parks and Recreation Commission regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairperson Jennifer Sodd. Commission members in attendance were: Lori Merriam, Lynn Haney, Tom Jungroth, Steve Hildre, Nancy LaRoche, and Erin Kolb. Also present were Julie Deshler, City Council; Anne Norris, City Manager, Police Chief Stephanie Revering; Mark Gaulke, Tom Mathisen and Gene Hackett from the city staff; and residents from the North Bass Lake Park neighborhood. Ms. Sodd welcomed everyone and gave the background of the outdoor meetings. Introductions were made. Mr. Mathisen reviewed city projects in progress and in planning including the new Public Works building, various street and alley projects, solar project and the emergency water supply. Police Chief Revering updated the residents on crime prevention and safety. Residents were asked to call 911 if they see suspicious behavior in the park or in their neighborhood. Residents made the following comments on the park/programs:  The playground is well used – neighbor volunteers spread the woodchips for the playground.  Concern about the tree health – one park tree overhangs into a neighbor’s yard and needs trimming. It will be done in the winter.  Concern over water not draining properly at the intersection by the park. The City Engineer will look into it. The door prize was awarded and residents were thanked for their comments. The neighborhood portion of the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm. The Commission business meeting was called to order at 7:45pm. Ms. Hackett informed the Commission that the CCC Little Library is now installed. Members are asked to drop off books. Commission members reviewed the Crystal Frolics events. All Commission involved events went well. It was suggested to start the events for Splash Bash a bit later as people trickled in to the event and some missed the start of the games. The Scavenger Hunt was successful. Ms. Haney is looking for ideas for the pathway parade as there was minimal participation. The Commission reviewed the July Pool Concession Report. Minutes: August 2014 [2] There was no update on Lions Soo Line Park as staff has not had the opportunity to work on plans for a community garden. Ms. Sodd asked about pool closing for severe weather. The pool closed early one evening and it was questionable whether weather was a factor. Ms. Hackett reported that the pool safety policy states that if lighting is seen or the lightning detector goes off, the pool must close as lightning can travel up to 10 miles in front of a storm. Pool staff would rather err on the side of safety. Mr. Hildre asked about the deep water test. The Crystal test seems more difficult than the test at New Hope. Crystal’s test may be harder to ensure more confident swimmers in the deeper water. Mr. Hildre asked about installing a community bulletin board at Yunkers Park. Ms. Hackett and Mr. Gaulke will look into it. Mr. Jungroth asked about an outdoor bathroom for Cavanagh. There is not one currently budgeted. Ms. Hackett will look into it for the future. Mr. Mathisen reported that the application process for Park Superintendent will start over as a suitable candidate was not found. There was not a City Council report. Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report earlier in the meeting. Ms. Norris reminded Commission members of the next Crystal Business Association meeting on August 20 at Go Chiropractic in Robbinsdale. Staff gave the monthly reports, highlighting major activities. The minutes were approved as sent. The next Commission meeting is September 3 at Lions Valley Place Park. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Gene Hackett Recorder